Chapter 50

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Taylor rushes down the stairs, hastily fastening her earring as she reaches for the door, knowing exactly who would be on the other side. She runs her hands down the side of her outfit, making sure nothing had ridden up and takes a deep breath before reaching for the handle. She pulls the door open and leans against the wood frame with a smile. "Hi there."

"Hey baby." Karlie grins, pushing off the wall and stepping into the apartment; the songwriter closing the door behind her. "You almost ready?" She asks, knowing she was a little early.

"Mmhmm." The blonde hums, slightly rising up on her toes to peck her girlfriend on the lips. She steps back with a smile; the shoes she chose to wear tonight put her at almost the same height as the model. "I'm just gonna put some lipstick on really quick and then I'll be all set."

Karlie smiles softly at the woman before her. "Okay."

"What?" Taylor asks, blushing under her girlfriend's unwavering stare.

Karlie innocently shrugs, unable to keep herself from smiling. "Nothing."

The blonde eyes her suspiciously for a moment before turning around to head up the stairs, but a gentle hand on her wrist halts her movements. She turns around to see those beautiful green eyes sparkling with that look that steals her breath away.

Karlie takes a step forward, closing the distance between them as she tilts her head down, pulling her girlfriend in for a proper kiss.

"What was that for?" The songwriter asks once they separate.

The model shrugs again, looking at her girlfriend with that same tender stare. "Because you're beautiful."

Taylor's breath hitches, her cheeks flushing at the sweet words and adoring stare being directed at her. She shakes her head and forces herself to look away, her mind at war with itself. She wants to accept the compliment because she knows Karlie is nothing but sincere, but the little dark cloud in her mind is fighting with her, reminding her she's nothing special and telling her she's nothing compared to the gorgeous woman before her.

Taylor's startled out of her thoughts by soft gentle hands cupping the side of her face. She looks up to find a look of concern written all across the model's face. She feels a thumb carefully swipe away a tear she hadn't even realized had formed. Then there are soft lips brushing the same spot the tear had been. Those lips then move to her other cheek, then the tip of her nose, and as they finally reach her forehead, she closes her eyes, setting free a new trail of tears.

Karlie's arm wraps around her upper back while the other cradles the back of her head, the model pulling the songwriter into her chest. She kisses the top of Taylor's head, holding her close as she whispers "So damn beautiful."

It's overwhelming because there's so much she wants to say. She wants to be able to tell Karlie how she feels about her. She would love to shout it from the rooftops and tell every single person she knows that she's absolutely in love with this incredible woman. But for whatever reason, she can't. And it's really starting to mess with her head.

She loves Karlie. That's something she's known for a long time now. And there have been so many moments since she realized it that have made her fall even more in love with the model. It's just that voice in her head; the one telling her she'll never be worth it. The songwriter has gotten so used to believing she doesn't deserve love and happiness. She accepted that it was something that just wasn't going to happen for her.

And then she met Karlie. This incredible woman that seemingly walked into her life out of nowhere. They had mutual friends, and yet they never met. And even once they had met, Taylor never would have thought she'd end up in a relationship with her. How could she have predicted she'd find this woman who treats her better than anyone she's ever been with before? This woman who is so sweet, and caring, and protective of her in a way she's never known. It all just seems too good to be true.

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