Chapter 26

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Karlie slowly opens her eyes, feeling slightly restless. She attempts to stretch herself out, but can't because Taylor is practically laying on top of her. She smiles at the sight of her adorable girlfriend snuggled into her, breathing soft puffs of air from her nose.

Even though they had only been apart for a few days, it felt like it had been ages since they were together. It's crazy to think they've been dating for almost 2 months. Granted, they became official less than a week ago, but still. It's just crazy how it feels like they've known each other forever. It's something she's never had before.

Olivia suddenly jumps up over the back of the couch, attempting to walk along the back of it, but soon falling on top of Taylor and Karlie. The model watches in amusement, trying her best not to disturb the blonde with her laughter as Olivia tries to steady herself, but after a few wobbly steps, ends up falling again. Taylor begins to stir, blinking her eyes open slowly to see a white ball of fur in her face.

"Morning." Karlie whispers, knowing Taylor wasn't quite awake yet.

"Mermin." The blonde mumbles. Taylor lets out a quiet 'oomph' as Olivia quickly leaps from her chest, apparently deciding she no longer wanted to be on the couch. The model chuckles as she leans down to press a kiss to her girlfriend's temple. The songwriter hums in contentment, pressing her body into Karlie's as she snuggles closer.

Karlie begins running her fingers through Taylor's hair, gently scratching her head as she feels the blonde's breathing even out; having fallen back asleep. The model feels wide awake already, knowing it's probably a side effect of the jet lag. She carefully slips out from under Taylor, the girl groaning slightly at the movement, but otherwise stays asleep. Karlie stands up and smiles at her sleepy girlfriend. She grabs the blanket off the back of the couch and drapes it over the blonde.

The model checks her phone and notices it's only 6:30 a.m.; meaning she got about 4 hours of sleep. She decides to go for a run, hoping to counter the jet lag. She grabs some clean clothes and shoes from her bag and heads to the bathroom to brush her teeth and get dressed. As she exits the bathroom, throwing her hair up in a ponytail, Karlie nears the couch to find Taylor still asleep.

She crouches down at the edge of the couch, lightly stroking Taylor's head; taking in just how beautiful her girlfriend looks in the morning. She quietly stands back up, but not before leaving a lingering kiss to her forehead. The model grabs her phone, headphones, and Taylor's keys so she could lock the door behind her, not wanting to take any risks by leaving the door unlocked.

It was still a little dark, the sun not quite up yet, but Karlie was grateful for that because the intense heat from the summer sun wasn't a factor. She's about half way through her run when her phone starts ringing. She glances down, hoping maybe the blonde had woken up and was calling her but frowns after reading the name flashing on the screen.


"Karlie, I'm sorry to call you so early, but something has been brought to my attention and I felt like I should talk to you about it."

"It's okay. I was up anyway." She replies, trying to control her breathing. "So, what's up?"

"Well, first off, where are you? You sound out of breath and you keep fading in and out."

"I'm in the middle of a run. Is this something important, or can I just call you back later?" Karlie asks, feeling slightly irritated.

"Ah. I see. Well, I guess since you're already out and about, I should probably tell you. You'll find out soon enough."

"That wasn't cryptic or anything." Karlie deadpans.

"I'm sorry." Her publicist chuckles. "I don't mean to be so vague. I'll just get to the point. You were spotted yesterday."

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