Chapter 20

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Hey guys. Just wanted to give you all a quick update. I know it's been a while since I updated, and for that I apologize. I've been averaging between 70 and 80 hours a week at work for the last few months, so I really haven't had much time to write or do anything. There was also a bit of a family emergency, and I've spent the last two weeks going from work to the hospital and back to work. But anyway, everything's okay now. I just wanted to let you all know I'm not giving up on the story or anything, especially now that it's at the fun part. So, that's all. I just wanted to let you all know how much I appreciate everyone that reads this story, and tell you guys that you're all amazing.

Side note: I feel like I should apologize or warn you in advance for what you're about to read.. but I'm really not even sorry.


"What time is Karlie coming over?"

Taylor brings the wooden spoon to her lips, sampling the sauce she's spent the last half hour working on. "She'll probably be here any minute."

"Why haven't I gotten to meet her yet?"

The blonde rolls her eyes and lets out a sigh, continuing to slowly stir the pot on the stove.

"I've met your other friends. And your brother is completely helpless. Any time I ask him, he just talks about how tall and hot she is."

Taylor can't help but laugh at the idea of her mom trying to get any information out of Austin. He's her brother and she loves him, but he's a guy. She's not about to tell him any of the details her mother would be looking for.

"I know mom. But this isn't the same. Karlie is... I don't know. She's more than a friend. I know you want to meet her, and believe me, I really want that too. But I don't want to freak her out with the whole "meeting the parents" thing too soon. We're taking things slow."

Andrea sighs into the phone. "I know sweetie. I'm glad you guys are going slow and taking your time. I just really want to meet her."

"I want that too mom. I already know you'll love her." She says, setting her call to speaker phone so she could finish prepping her meal. The blonde adjusts the temperature on the stove, placing a lid on the pot of sauce. She starts breaking the noodles, placing them in the pot to boil and then puts the tray of bread in the oven.

"Mmm." Andrea hums. "Have you been writing a lot lately?"

Taylor shakes her head at her mother's abrupt change in topic. "I write pretty much every day mom. It's kind of my job." She replies sarcastically.

"You know that's not what I meant."

The blonde can practically feel her mother's eye roll through the phone.

Before Andrea can say anything else, there's a knock at the door.

"Sorry mom. That's probably her. I gotta go." Taylor glances around, checking to make sure she has everything.

"That's ok. Have fun tonight sweetie, and let me know how everything goes. Your dad and I want to come visit soon. Maybe we'll get to meet Karlie."

"Mom. I don't- I just... I gotta go. I love you mom." She stutters, her mother making her significantly more nervous, and she didn't know that was possible.

Andrea chuckles into the phone, knowing how flustered she just made her daughter. "I love you too. Just breathe sweetie. I'll talk to you later."

"Bye mom." Taylor quickly hangs up and glances at the timer on the stove. She bends down and opens the oven to check on the bread. She straightens up and turns off the oven. She decides to take her mother's advice, taking a few deep breaths to calm herself down as she makes her way to the door and opens it.

Sweeter Than FictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora