Chapter 18

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Luckily for Taylor, she wouldn't have to wait long to find out what those plans were. After spending the morning laughing and reminiscing with Karlie at the restaurant, the model had asked if she was going to be busy the following night. After thinking about it, Taylor said she would be available, causing Karlie to flash a beautiful smile followed by an invitation for a second date.

Now here she was, catching herself smiling in the mirror at the memory as she finished getting ready for her date. Oddly enough, she wasn't nearly as nervous this time around. She felt like she had been growing closer and closer to the model with every day that passed. Karlie just had this way of putting her at ease so that everything felt comfortable and easy.

As she was putting the finishing touches on her makeup and hair, Taylor heard a knock on her door. She pulled back, checking everything over in the mirror, exhaling a deep breath. After shutting off the lights, the blonde grabbed her purse off the dresser and made her way down stairs. She quickly went to the door, her lips already tugging upwards in a smile as she pulled it open, knowing the girl that never seemed to leave her mind was waiting for her.

It never ceased to take her breath away how flawless Karlie Kloss truly was. The girl was just effortlessly beautiful. Everything from her prominent cheekbones, the sharp cut of her angular jawline, those striking green eyes framed with perfectly arched eyebrows, that heart stopping smile, those lean mile long legs, her toned arms, to the well sculpted ab muscles showing through the dress that perfectly accentuated the model's frame; all those features made it hard to believe this woman was actually real.

 Everything from her prominent cheekbones, the sharp cut of her angular jawline, those striking green eyes framed with perfectly arched eyebrows, that heart stopping smile, those lean mile long legs, her toned arms, to the well sculpted ab muscles...

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"Hi." Taylor said quietly, breaking the brief silence she had been using to stare at the model.

"Hi there." Karlie returned softly.

The pair continued to silently admire each other in the doorway, another comfortable silence falling between them. Karlie took in the blonde's straightened hair, the way the light makeup made those blue eyes sparkle like stars in the night sky, the bold red lip that made those lips look incredibly soft and full; her eyes then trailing down the white lace that put the girl's lithe frame on display. Taylor's look is classic. It's minimal, simplistic, almost understated; the epitome of natural beauty.

 It's minimal, simplistic, almost understated; the epitome of natural beauty

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