Chapter 15

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AN: Hey guys. I just wanted to apologize for how long it took to update. My job doesn't really leave me with much free time these days. But anyway.. I just wanted to let you guys know that even if it takes me awhile in between updates.. I will NEVER just stop writing this story and leave it hanging. It will have a cohesive and conclusive ending. I wouldn't leave it open in the middle of a plot. So.. with that being said.. I'm really hoping you guys like what comes next.. and to those of you that have stuck it out and are still interested in this story.. Thank you. Thank you so much.. you're awesome!


For the entirety of the short cab ride to the bar, Taylor prayed that she would be able to find Karlie. She was doing her best at repressing all her crazy worst case scenario thoughts she had inherited from her mother. Karlie was a beautiful, strong, independent woman. Taylor knew she could take care of herself. But that didn't stop her from worrying about the state she would find Karlie in.

She couldn't believe that Karlie's friends got her drunk and just left her at the bar. The first time they left her was different. Karlie wasn't drunk that night. But this was ridiculous. And after re-reading Karlie's last few messages for the umpteenth time, Taylor couldn't help but be worried about the model.

They finally pulled up to the bar and the cab had barely even slowed to a stop, but Taylor was already opening the door and getting out. She quickly turned and gave the guy more than enough money to cover her fare and practically ran inside the bar. The only thing on her mind right now was finding Karlie.

It took a few seconds for her eyes to adjust to the darkness of the bar. The place was dimly lit but it wasn't very big, and there weren't that many people in the bar. So it really shouldn't be that hard to find a 6 foot tall woman, but so far, Taylor wasn't having any luck.

Her eyes continue scanning the place as fast as possible as fear and panic kicked in. What if Karlie was passed out all alone, or trying to make her own way home, or even worse; what if something bad happened to her? What if she was in trouble?

Trying not to let her mind wander to such dark places, Taylor moved from the door and made her way around the room, looking for any signs of Karlie or any of her friends. A group of gorgeous models would easily stick out like a sore thumb around here. She wondered if maybe Karlie and her friends left together. Maybe they didn't leave Karlie and they took her home. That's what she was honestly hoping for.

Taylor pulled out her phone to give Karlie a call and noticed her battery was almost completely dead. She debated whether to use her remaining battery life calling Karlie and hoping she answered, or texting Lily to get the other girl's numbers to see if any of them were with Karlie.

Karlie seemed to have her phone with her throughout the night, so Taylor figured that would be her best option. Just as she brought her phone up to her ear, her eyes happened to flit to the back corner of the bar.

Tucked away in a corner by itself, her eyes locked onto a tall woman with blonde hair throwing darts. One look at those mile long legs, Taylor knew it had to be Karlie. She slipped her phone back into her pocket, making her way to the back corner.

Taylor was still a solid twenty feet away when she caught a glimpse of those striking emerald green eyes. Even though they weren't directed at her, Taylor admired their intensity, having seen it whenever Karlie was focused on something.

She quietly approached the model, feeling significantly better now that she could see that Karlie was actually okay. Karlie walked over to the dart board to pull out the darts before walking back to her spot. Her eyes widened in shock seeing Taylor standing there.

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