Chapter 54

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Taylor checks herself over in the mirror, scrutinizing every inch of her for any imperfections; easily finding a million things she can nit pick with her outfit. It's actually the 8th time she's done this now, making her borderline rushed to get out the door in time to make it to Karlie's.

She was supposed to get out of work early today, but her meeting ran late and she didn't end up leaving until much later than she had anticipated. When she texted her girlfriend to let her know, the model had offered to come get her, but the blonde insisted she'd be fine. Luckily she didn't drive to work, because traffic was a mess and it took her longer than usual to walk home because of it.

After she got home, the songwriter was rushing around to get everything ready when she heard a crashing sound from her kitchen. She flew down the stairs to find glass shards scattered across her kitchen floor. She found Meredith watching the whole thing, completely unamused, from her favorite ottoman. It didn't take her long to realize Olivia had probably been the culprit behind the mess, since she was currently missing. Once she had the glass all cleaned up, she tried calling for her youngest, but she couldn't seem to find her anywhere. She spent a solid 20 minutes looking for her and found her hiding under the flap of the couch; the cat obviously traumatized by the ordeal. She finally managed to coax the snowball out by bribing her with treats.

Then she couldn't decide on an outfit, or how she wanted to do her makeup, and had gone back and forth and changed her mind several times. Everything she tried on just didn't look right and she ended up going through practically every outfit she owned.  The songwriter glances at the clock again, sighing in frustration when she sees she should have left 10 minutes ago and now she would most definitely be late. She gives herself one last glance over, deciding this would have to do and flicks the switch on her way out the bathroom.

Her eyes scan the room to make sure she didn't leave anything out the girls could get into. "You two behave yourselves." She warns the cats that were lounging on the bed. "Olivia, no more knocking things over. And Mere, please don't eat all of your sister's food." The cats pay their owner no mind, rolling over and returning to their napping positions. The blonde grabs her phone and the package off her bed and hurries down the stairs. After tossing her phone in her purse, she swipes her keys off the counter and locks the door behind her; hoping she can make it to Karlie's in decent time.


Taylor finally makes it to her girlfriend's apartment, mildly relieved she was only running about 20 minutes late. On the way over, she had texted the model to apologize for running late. Of course Karlie was understanding and told her not to worry about it and told her to just come right in when she gets there. The songwriter knocks on the door before pushing it open, not wanting to just walk in un-announced. "Kar?" She calls out, slipping into the apartment and shutting the door behind her.

When she doesn't get a response, the blonde moves further into the apartment. Taylor sets her things down on the coffee table, catching a whiff of something that smells incredible that has her moving towards the kitchen where she now can hear the clanking of utensils and cookware. She rounds the corner of the entry way and folds her arms in front of her, grinning at the sight of her insanely gorgeous girlfriend stirring a pot that she assumes is responsible for whatever smells so good.

The songwriter leans against the frame, content to sit there for a moment to simply observe. Her girlfriend looks absolutely amazing with her heels and shorter dress putting those mile long legs on full display. The beautiful blue shade of the dress shows off her tan she's acquired throughout the summer. The material fits her perfectly, showing off her lean but muscular frame. And of course, her favorite part of the Karlie's outfit is the gold necklace clasped around the model's neck; the one the songwriter got her for her birthday.

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