Chapter 6

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Taylor is sitting on the floor with her body sandwiched between the couch and the table. Leaning back against the base of the couch, her legs are bent; knees pressing into the coffee table. A note book is propped up on her thighs as she taps the pen against her temple, humming to herself.

She grabbed a few of the papers she had scattered all across her coffee table and scanned though them. Most of the pages had lyrics written down but you could hardly read them since most of the words were scribbled out or squeezed into tiny spaces. After flipping through a few pages, trying to decipher her own short hand code and scribbles, she sighed and put her stuff down next to her.

Groaning, Taylor rubbed her face with her hands; continuing the motion as her hands then threaded through her hair in frustration. She removed her glasses and stuck them on top of her head, rubbing her tired dry eyes.

Olivia meows behind her, demanding her owner's attention. Taylor turns her head and chuckles at the cat practically wrapped around her neck. She pets the cat for a moment, enjoying the break from writing and glances over to the opposite end of the couch and sees Meredith all curled up sleeping in the corner.

She turns her attention back to the white ball of fur purring contentedly behind her. "I think Mer's got the right idea Liv. A nap sounds pretty good right about now." Taylor says to her cat, stifling a yawn as she says it.

Her phone goes off on the floor next to her. It takes a minute for Taylor to realize it's still going off, indicating it was an incoming call, not just a text. She glances over and looks at the phone; the name on the screen making her smile.

"You again." She answers smugly.

A laugh sounds through the phone, making Taylor smile even more; no longer feeling like she needed that nap.

"Yeah, me again." Karlie replies knowingly. "Don't act like you don't love it. You were probably sitting next to your phone waiting for me to call." She says cheekily.

"Mmm." Taylor hums through the phone. "You know me so well Kloss." She smiled to herself, knowing what Karlie said is partially true. They've talked on the phone almost every day since Karlie left and they've texted a lot in between. It had become something that Taylor looked forward to every day, even though she wouldn't admit it to Karlie.

"So what are you up to?" Karlie questions with a laugh, enjoying the usual playful banter she and Taylor seem to have.

"I was trying to finish up this song I've been working on. Then I thought a nap sounded like a better idea."

"Oh." The line goes silent for a moment. Taylor was about to speak when Karlie started talking again.

"Why do I feel like I'm always calling you when you're trying to sleep?" She questions abashedly.

"Because you do." Taylor replies in a deadpan tone, trying to hide a laugh.

"I'm sorry. I know it's weird with the time difference and everything..." Karlie mumbles sheepishly.

Taylor smiles to herself at Karlie's shyness. "It's ok. I'd rather talk to you any day." She says softly, her smile growing as she says it.

The line was quiet for a moment, Karlie blushing at Taylor's admission. She found herself smiling even more because of the way Taylor said it.

"So what are you up to?" Taylor questions, attempting to bridge the lull in conversation.

"Just wrapped up with the last shoot. I just have a meeting in a few hours and one more tomorrow before flying home." Karlie replies.

"That's good. Is everything going ok over there?" Taylor questions, picking up on a slight shift in Karlie's tone.

"Oh yea. The shoots were great. Long and tiring as usual, but the photographers were really pleased and said everything went great. The meetings are just to discuss some new ad campaigns. Actually I was uh," Karlie hesitated a moment. She took a deep breath before continuing. "I was wondering if you would be free to do something the day after tomorrow?" She questions hopefully.

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