The Unsung Hero《Sequel》

By Arrancar_

50.7K 2.8K 2.3K

It has been six years since that day. "The Unsung Hero? He wasn't just a Hero...He would have made the world... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Book 2 Chapter 1
Book 2 Chapter 2
Book 2 Chapter 3
Book 2 Chapter 4
Book 2 Chapter 5
Book 2 Chapter 6
Book 2 Chapter 7
Book 2 Chapter 8
Book 2 Chapter 9

Chapter 15

1.6K 84 170
By Arrancar_

Another filler like chapter? I dont know, enjoy!

"Bring her in"

The sounds of a creaking door filled the room turning all the heads that were present. Her ashen eyes looked up from the floor and could see each and everyone of their faces, she noted the disgusting looks she received along with the cocky filled smirks. They wore the highest tailored quality of clothes bearing an ever so famous crest.

She timidly walked towards the desk that stops in the middle of the room where a shaggy white-haired man stood. This room, more like dungeon had a sickening feeling, residual energy from what she could only describe as immense pain.

"This is her, the one who turned in Akuma" spoke Toneri eyeing the girl up and down.

"I see"

The sounds of soft footsteps could be heard, the room fell into a deeper silent with every passing second. Toneri clutched his chair eyeing Momoshiki, he brought his hand forth and grasped the shivering girl's neck making her yelp, tears threatening to spill.

"What's her name" asked Momoshiki as he stared deeply into her ashen fearful orbs.


The elder Otsutsuki let go of the girl making her cough desperately.

"We could use her to get to his family."

"I see..."


It was a quiet afternoon, Naruto was currently alone at the house, Hinata was at work and Boruto was at school. In just a few hours Boruto should be arriving home giving keeping him in silence. Not even his demon as talking to him.

He didn't like this, he didn't like the fact that Hinata worked her ass off to keep this roof, but understood from a parent's perspective.

Naruto stood from the couch once again passing by the small frames of goofy and beautiful paintings, he could already guess who was who's. He traced his fingers to his supposed son's painting a softly smiled. He felt a pang of sadness for this picture had two figures. It was Hinata and Boruto holding hands on a sunny day. His other stock figure hand stuck out in the air as if this person was erased...

You're making it up to them now, don't stay in the past.


The blond man shook his head from some depressing thoughts and made his way to Hinata's huge backyard. He walked past under the stairs of the house that led to another wooden door, he undid the locks with soft clicks and turned the knob to be washed with fresh air and the sounds of chirping birds.


The backyard was breathtaking, it held flowers of all colors like the front of the house; he could see the trees cast such beautiful shadows as the edges were filled with flowers and in the middle was a wooden platform with a bunch of wooden swords and kunai's all scattered.

"This is where they train..."

Naruto slowly walked forth stepping onto the wooden platform and felt a rise of excitement, he bounced around feeling the wood below him and noted how comfortable it felt. Then Naruto was getting into it. He undid his small black sweater that Sasuke let him keep and remained in his black shirt, he began moving side to side getting his heart pumping. Before he knew it, he began doing his forgotten training. He held his hidden stance that no one knew. The stance that only Master Thieves knew, he adapted it and made it his own. He never really came up with a name. He could remember vividly the day he learned it.

"Naruto, now that you've obtained the last rank, I grant you this."

Naruto stepped forth receiving the scroll, every Master Thief stood in the room gawking at the blond teen. He could see all his comrades all smirking proudly at him except for some.

"Rise, Master Thief Akuma, this scroll contains an ancient stance that has been forgotten to this world, learn it then set it in flames for you will be the last to learn from it." said the onyx-haired man.

"I will bring them to their knees..."

His heart began pumping rapidly with every passing second, every passing stance, his forehead and body dripped with sweat and so he swiftly removed his shirt as he moved into another stance.

The memories of all those he killed began to haunt him, he grabbed the wooden kunai on instinct and began slashing away very skillfully, remembering all those he cut down.

Their faces and cries of horror filled his mind, their corpses piling up as Naruto kept going, the voices got louder and louder, the memories of that night returned. Naruto began breathing loudly, his heart beating his sternum, the horror of that night, how he killed those people he called comrades, the thieves that respected him, the children and woman.

Then the sounds of a snapping branch brought him back to reality, he turned his head to the source so fast to the near point of whiplash and stared into the eyes of a sheepishly smiling young blond known as Boruto.

"I-Uh-Sorry!" Boruto quickly exclaimed turning around quickly.

"Wait!" Naruto called out making Boruto then around nervously, Naruto began steadying his rapidly beating heart with soft breaths and looked into the boy's blue ocean pools.

"Welcome home" Naruto finally flashed him an exhausted smile and sat on the platform.

Boruto's eyes widened brimming with tears, how he has longed for this moment, he hung his head down and smiled inwardly while he croaked "Thank you..."

Naruto smiled and turned back towards the platform where his shirt and sweater laid in a bunched up ball.

"T-Tou-chan..." Naruto heard a timid little whisper and instantly turned at those words. How could such a word make his heart ache?

"Yes, Boruto?"

Boruto timidly began shuffling his feet as he tried to avoid eye contact with his father, this spectacle reminded Naruto so much of Hinata to the point of holding back his own chuckle, he could tell whatever plagued his son's mind wasn't easy.

"A-Ano...Ca...Can you train me...?" Boruto managed to spit it out looking at his father with hopeful eyes with a tint of redness covering his child chubby whiskered cheeks.

Naruto thought about his request really hard, he remained silent as Boruto itched for a response.

Naruto didn't have Hinata's permission to train their son, so he sighed in defeat and kneeled down before his son.

"We'll ask your mother when she gets home alright?"

"Okay..." Boruto sadly replied back looking towards the ground, his crestfallen face shattering Naruto's heart.

"I didn't say no Boruto, I would like to train you but your mother has the final say" explained Naruto as he patted his hair softly.

"Yeah... you're right, aunt Karin already got in trouble for teaching me some techniques and I got in trouble too for using them..."

Karin? Haven't spoken to her in a while.

Naruto shook his head softly and walked back inside towards the house with Boruto in tow. Naruto went to the sink and began splashing his face with water and began drinking it too. He ran his left bandage free hand through his long locks and grumbled to himself.

"Hey Boruto, what do you think about my long hair?" Naruto curiously asked looking towards the sitting blond.

"It's badass!" Boruto exclaimed


Naruto smirked at his reply and decided to pass more water through his hair enhancing his devilish looks.

"Thank you Boruto" Naruto smiled back towards the grinning blond. Naruto made his way to him as he put back his shirt and plopped down next to him in silence.

"So... how was school?" asked the ocean blue eyed man.

"Tou-chan..." Boruto turned his whole body to stare into his father's surprised eyes "Do you love mom?"

Naruto was taken back by this, why would he even ask that?, wondered Naruto, he simply smiled and laid back into the comforting fabric of the couch.

"I love everything about Hinata, she was the only thing on my mind for these last couple of years. She changed me Boruto"

Then the sounds of locks clicking interrupted the two blonds from their chat, they turned their heads in sync towards the hall that led to the door outside and patiently waited for their most welcomed and loved one.

"Tadaima!" her angelic voice softly announced, more seconds passed that felt like minutes to Naruto, he waited patiently and finally she showed herself. She wore a simple long sleeved pink sweater with a dark blue long sleeve shirt and finished it off with a cream long skirt that reached her well-toned calves. Her indigo locks looked slightly disheveled from her day's work but in the end she looked stunning.

Naruto heartthrob in his chest, how could she simply do this to him? However, Boruto broke the magic trance between her and himself with a loud "Mom!".

Hinata instantly kneeled down and accepted his running embrace and kissed his forehead.

"Hey sweetheart, did you behave today?" asked Hinata sweetly still embracing her son.

"Of course mom!"

"Hey Hinata" Naruto softly said waving his hand ever so slowly. Hinata looked up from her boy and a daring thought entered her mind. She softly scooted Boruto aside kidding him one last time before walking forth to the blond man.

Naruto was caught in a trance, how she sensually walked ever so slowly with those love struck eyes. He stood frozen as she finally faced the blond, the whiskered man could feel a heat come across his face, something he hated dearly, he could see a smirk forming in the creases of her pink full lushes lips.

I must look really stupid for her to be smirking, thought Naruto to himself, his eyes began closing as she began closing the gap between the two, he could feel her sweet angelic breath hit his mouth, his rapidly beating heart. Inches turned to centimeters and then turned to millimeters. So close...

Knock knock knock

Naruto and Hinata's eyes both widened in shock, pale lavender stared into sapphire. The dream-like bliss they built around themselves completely shattered.

Saved by the bell, not really.

They simultaneously thought, Boruto was caught in the moment and grunted in annoyance, how he wanted his parents to finally connect. He would send this rude person away.

He stomped away from the living room into the short hallway that led to the main door, he could hear his name being shouted by Hinata as the sounds of their footsteps followed in tow, but Boruto would have his way first, he undid the lock and opened the door fast surprising the visitor.

"You better have a goo-eh! Uncle Sasuke!"

Sasuke passively looked down at the small blond and raised an eyebrow, what could have possibly angered this boy to shout at the visitor. But he discovered his answer once Naruto and Hinata walked around the hallway. He could see their blushing faces that resembled a tomato.

"Good afternoon Boruto, May I speak with your parents please?"

Hinata stepped forth while Boruto stepped aside.

"Sasuke! What brings you here, oh! Come in!" Hinata smiled opening the door even wider welcoming the Uchiha. Naruto eyed his very carefully wondering what he could possibly want from his Hinata.

"Hello Naruto"


Sasuke stepped inside the comfy home, he could never get tired of the feeling in here. It was so unique, maybe it was an Uzumaki charm that made this house feel lively. Sasuke could see Boruto head on upstairs as per tradition, leave the grown ups to talk they said.

Sasuke took his seat in the comfortable couch as Naruto sat across from him.

"Would you like some tea?" offered Hinata

"No thank you this is quite quick actually," Sasuke said before setting his sights on the blond man, "Naruto I actually came here for you. My clan has invited you for dinner, it would be an honor if you acc-"

"Can Hinata and Boruto come?" Naruto interrupted Sasuke.

"No, this invite is just for you" Sasuke passively said not showing a hint of emotion.

"Then no, I reject your invitation"

"Naruto-kun!" Hinata in disappointedly said his name, but Naruto was completely unfazed.

He stood up surprising Hinata, she couldn't believe how rude he was being.

"Naruto, my father wants to thank you for saving Sarada" Sasuke trailed off before standing up before bowing his head, "And I want to thank you for saving my daughter... As a father and a friend I am deeply in your debt. Will you please recon-"

"Tch! Fine I'll go, stop bowing your head" Naruto snapped running his hand through his long blond locks.

He could see Hinata smiling proudly while Sasuke looked emotional as ever.

"Shall we go then?"


Sasuke gave his farewells with a wave to the ex heiress and walked towards the exit.

Hinata followed until she felt a strong pull on her waist making her yelp in surprise, she was roughly turned around to face Narutos handsome chisseled features to only meet his lips, they crashed roughly becoming one. However as quickly as the kiss and sensation came, it left, leaving her in a state of pure ecstasy.

"I'll be home soon" Naruto softly whispered in her ear before walking away from the shocked Hyuga, she looked like deer in headlights. She heard the door open and then close, her mind was still trying to process what just happened. She softly pressed her fingertips to her quivering lips.

He kissed me... He kissed me! He kissed me!

Hinata squealed in joy as she jumped onto the couch hugging the pillows like a maniac, she felt like a teenage girl again.

Boruto heard his mother's squeals along with the sounds of her feet stomping on the ground.

Not again old man!

His father would not disrespect his mother again! He quickly jumped out of bed and ran down the stairs only to raise his brows in surprise. His mother sat in the couch with her hair sprawled in every direction, her face lit like a tomato along with her heaving breathing, he was about to snap when he saw her beautiful smile.

Hinata then ran forth and embraced Boruto picking him up.

"Mom! Put me down I'm not a little boy anymore!" Boruto protested as his mother spun him around with her angelic laughs.

"Your father kissed me!" She happily said peppering kisses across her little boys chubby cheeks.

"Ew! No I don't want to know!"


"So I did interrupt something," Sasuke said with a smirk plastered in his face, he could how flustered his friend was turning.

"Shut up...or else..."

"Or else what?" Sasuke challenged

"You want everyone to know how you bowed before me?" Naruto fired back seeing his face fill with worry.

"Fair enough"

A comfortable silence befell the two friends, they felt the cold stares that followed the two. The criminal and the traitor, in that sense, they understood each other, even as kids.

Naruto looked towards the the Uchiha's back, he looked at his proud crest with fear. Despite his clan mistreating him when he was young, he still felt strong ties with it. He felt envy towards the Uchiha. He still stood strong, he remained here and fought his village.

Where as I became a notorious criminal, I wonder what would I have become if our roles were reversed...

"Were here" Sasuke announced.

Naruto looked away from the Uchiha and set his eyes on a compound he has not seen in decades. They neared the entrance and could already tell apart the Uchiha from civilian.

He could feel the intense stares from those onyx eyes, specially from the woman.

Then a bundle of pink hair came from the crowd of Uchiha clan members.

"Naruto! You came!" boomed Sakura's voice making both men flinch subconsciously. She opened her arms wide as she ran towards the two men. Sasuke for once opened his arms to embrace his wife to only be hugged by the empty passing winds of his wife.

Sakura embraced Naruto making the blond eyes fill with equally with shock, the stares intensified with every passing second.

This manly strength, what the hell?!

"Nice to see you too Sakura" Naruto softly said patting her back softly letting her know to let go.

She stepped back and smiled "Come in! Meet my parents!" She exclaimed.

She walked forth dragging Naruto by his hand only to step, she quickly let go and went back to where Sasuke still stood with the biggest betrayed look of his life.

She tip toed and pecked his cheek "I didn't forget you too sweet heart"


"Feels good to be back"

A hooded man walked the streets, he flashed his cocky smile at every person who looked into his sapphire eyes. His dark navy blue hair hung to the sides of his face, he carried a small pouch over his shoulder as he entered the Konoha without any problems.

He returned for a reason, Akuma the Master Thief or should he say Naruto Uzumaki.

I need to see him myself.

The mysterious man walked through the crowd, his trinkets hung under his waist.

And among those trinkets, there hung a crest of the,

Uzumaki Clan.


This chapter wasnt that long, sorry about that. I'll try to cook something real long once the action returns. Thank you for the likes and comments! You guys just brighten my day thank you!

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