I Just Want You

By ninemangoes

85.3K 2.7K 754

highest rankings: #1 on sasukexsakura, #1 on sasusakufanfiction & #3 on nejiten Sakura Haruno comes back to h... More

37 (Finale)


4.2K 153 77
By ninemangoes


That's when I saw him. My old childhood friend.

"Naruto! It really is you!" I couldn't believe my eyes. That blonde fool grew into a man and I missed it all.

"You caught me off guard when you came in with Principal Tsunade, but wow." Tears started to fall from his eyes. "I'm sorry, it's just....I haven't seen you in forever and I miss you and I...." That's when I realized the many eyes that were staring at us. And that's when our principal coughed awkwardly.

"I think it's better if you talk somewhere else." Tsunade said shooing us away. We both smiled and I followed Naruto as he led me towards his friends. I took off my black hoodie and I waved at the group.

"Um, hi. You might know me as Naruto's old friend. But my name is Sakura Haruno." As I said this, I noticed a girl with a ponytail giving me a shocked look. Was it something I said? I looked at Naruto as he shrugged his shoulders.

"No way. Is it really you, forehead?"

When that girl said that I just wanted to punch her in the face! How dare she call me that! So rude! But then I noticed something. That name. Forehead? Wait, but only one person calls me that and that is....."Ino-pig." I smiled and hugged her tight. How did I not notice her? We were close friends when we were young. Even though she would call me names, she would always help and protect me no matter what the situation is.

"So.....Sakura right?" A girl with sandy blonde hair asked me.

"And you?" I asked politely.

She smiled and said, "Temari."

That's when a guy with a spiky ponytail spoke. "Stop acting so cool, Temari." She scowled as the guy smirked.

"That's Shikamaru." Naruto said introducing him. "He's a lazy fool but one of the most intelligent students here at Konoha."

"He's also a pain in the ass." Temari remarked.

"And a lot of people like calling Temari his girlfriend." Naruto nudged Shikamaru as he said 'shut up.'

"So Sakura." A girl with black hair and grey eyes stared at me in confusion.

"That's Tenten by the way." I heard Naruto whisper.

Tenten gave him a glare as she looked back at me. "Since you've been knowing Naruto almost your whole life. How did you deal with him? The guy is annoying at times."

"I heard that!" Naruto said as he continued to talk to a girl with dark blue hair and beautiful white eyes.

I rubbed my chin trying to remember flashbacks from when we were kids. "Well he was really troublesome. He would always get hurt when he has the chance. He's also very annoying. I hated him, you can say. But that's when I didn't know the true Naruto. After I got to know him more, I realized there's reasons for why he does those things. I got used to it." Tenten covered her mouth in shock as she nodded her head slowly.

"S-Sakura chan? D-do you l-like N-Naruto?" The girl stuttered a lot but I knew from the start that she was nervous and a little shy. It's obvious that she likes Naruto. I could tell she was worried that someone else likes him. So I just giggled away and said a simple 'no'.

"Hinata!" Naruto said in surprise. "Of course she doesn't like me!"

Hinata's eyes grew wide as she stared at the ground sadly. "I-I'm sorry." Naruto hugged her and apologized for yelling at her.

But then I noticed something. All the way at the corner was him. The boy I saw earlier. Sasuyay? Sasuky? Sausage? Well who cares. It was some popular guy that every girl wants. A guy who's irresistible. A guy like no other. So why would a guy like him be sitting here?

It's not like I'm saying Naruto's friends isn't the popular type. All his friends are so friendly and nice. But that guy... he's different. I feel like he doesn't like being around people. I feel like he's....Uh oh. The guy that I was talking about started to stare at me. I looked away acting like I wasn't stalking the guy, but he just kept looking at me. What do I do? Try to start a conversation with Naruto's other friends? But my thoughts were interrupted by a deep voice.


Oh geez. His voice is just so...scary for some reason.

"You're that girl who spoke to that red-head, huh?"

So he did recognize me? But I wore my black hood and my hair was hidden, so how? I nodded my head at his response.

He scoffed. "Stop acting tough to impress other people."

That's when I heard Ino say 'not again.' It really pissed me off when he said that. Who does this guy think he is? How can he be so cruel?

"Well I'm sorry, but you should know that I'm not trying to impress no one." I replied back. I'm not letting him go that easy. "First you should start to know the person, instead of being rude and insulting them."

The black haired teen smirked as he got up and shot his hand out. "Sasuke. Sasuke Uchiha."

I raised an eyebrow at his sudden change of attitude. "I'm Sakura. Now where did that rude spirit of yours go?"

"Now that I know you a little more, I figure I should at least introduce myself. You sure are feisty." He grinned. I grabbed his hand and shook it.

"Why thank you." I replied. What was I thinking. He's not so bad. I was about to ask him something until that red head from earlier came up to me. She crossed her arms with a grin across her face. Who does this girl think she is? That's when she started to speak.

"So you must be the new girl, huh? We heard that you're very 'special'. At least according to Tsunade." All her followers started to laugh. "I honestly don't see anything special about you. All I can see is your huge forehead." Did she just come here to insult me? This girl.....

"Hey Karin, can you just leave her alone? She didn't do anything to you, ok?" Ino defended me.

"You're wasting your time you know?" Temari said.

Tenten spoke. "Your presence is not needed here."

Shikamaru, Naruto, and Neji stepped in. "What's your problem? Is trying to insult girls somehow pleasing to you." Karin just rolled her eyes.

"You don't have to be so mean." Hinata stated. I was glad that these people are defending me. But I stuck up for myself ever since I realized the world isn't' no wonderland. This girl will get what she deserves.

"Oh please, all of you are just jealous of me." Karin said heading her way toward Sasuke.

"What's there to be jealous of?" Naruto said.

She ignored his comment and sat in between Sasuke and me. She shoved me and sparkled her eyes.

"Hi Sasuke-kun! I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me!" She was practically squealing. Geez. I thought. Just leave the guy alone. I could tell he was bothered, instead he just ignored her until she would go away.

"Sorry, but he's not interested." I could tell Sasuke gave me a quick glance. "Can't you tell? He doesn't like you." I could feel his smirk as he started to nod his head. Karin stared at Sasuke's amused face as she gave me a glare.

Her followers started to giggle but her menacing look shushed them. "And who said you could speak?"

I gave her a proud look. "I did."

She got up and walked away as her group followed her. She looked back at me and I waved teasing her. She stuck her tongue out and exit the cafeteria.

"You're not afraid of her." Hinata smiled. "We need people like you."

"That's my Sakura." Ino proudly said.

After that whole incident, I started to learn a lot from the group upon me. They told me a lot about Karin and how she likes to act like she's 'all that.' We shared a few laughs and at that moment I realized something. I haven't found happiness in such a long time. I'm thankful to have met these people. They understand me. The best part is...

....I'm so glad to call them my friends.

MUST READ: When Sakura was young she didn't have many friends. All she had was Naruto and Ino. This is why she was so happy to meet them and call them her friends.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter and pls give me some feedback because I would really appreciate it if you do. Now please resume to your day and...........STAY TUNED!!!!!


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