LGBTQIAP+ Milestones: Book 3

נכתב על ידי lgbtq

81K 6.1K 1.6K

This is where the community can share their own personal LGBTQIAP+ Milestones. עוד

My crushes and what happened.
My story without an end
A Simple Dare
Me, and my many crushes
Sarcastic Angel
The Bisexual Throwback.
Confusion for years
How I came out/got my first girlfriend.
Rainbow Of Gays
Catholic Life
Who am I?
accepting myself
Released the Rainbow
My Path to Happiness
Bisexual Beauty!!!
Not straight
Finding That One Girl
Sixteen Wrecked
Closet With A Glass Door
The Musician
My Guardian Angel.
Grandma, I'm gay
A Learning Experience
Name for Me
Kind of Coming Out
Finding Myself
Ranting On the Stereotypical
It's Just A Prank, Bro!
How I fall in love
What am I called?
it hurts to let go
My first crush/kiss
Anxiety and Acceptance
Discovering and Accepting
Finding Myself
Beating Heart
Closet Doors
Just Hold On, (Simply Myself, Part 2)
Method acting: extreme mode
Maybe I am not straight
Embracing My Sexuality
Let's get one thing straight. I'm not
An inspiration for everyone
why is it that complicated?
An amazing age of Discovering and exploring...
Finding Out and Sticking With It
Sexuality Swap
Choosing a Side To Love
Asexual Acceptance
Who I Am
Questioning...A LOT
My coming out
Updates W/ Ya Girl
Catholic and Pansexual
Just How I Feel (Lesbianism/Gender Confusion)
The Steps Towards Realizing I Was Different
How I found out I was aro ace
More Than Friends
Binary Free
Do It For You
The many feelings of an Bisexual
I'm gay
I am not giving up!
I'm back with some questions
girl crushes turning into girlfriends
Anything But Broken
Perfectly Confused
Roller Coaster of Emotions
The Man I Hope To Be
Figuring things out.
when you give a person a rose
In love with my bi best friend
Mrs. Pan
Acceptance and The First
Demi in need of help - part 2
Yeet, I'm Bi
A or Demi?
Perfectly Confused - Part 2
Slowly but surely
Finding yourself
Asexual and Questioning
I Wrote A Story
umm, gay?
Lesbian or pansexual?
Happiness can be found
No Label
Being Different Is Tough Yet Cool
The Story of Myself ~ Part 2: Months Later
Never ending void: pt. 2 coming out
Young love
How Can You Be Trans AND Gay?
Discovering Who I Am
Ace of spades
Rainbows And Unicorns
I am who I am
My First Girl Crush and Accepting Myself
Realizing I Was Pansexual
My Ace Adventure
Who am I?
The happy part of my love
My life as a bisexual
Thinking of coming out
My Name Is Evan
Like Jack
"She"? More like "He"
Discovering I Was Transgender
The Random all over the place story of bisexuality
Coming out to my cousin who's my best friend
The Ginger Port - A Never-Ending Gay Novella
Discovering a lot
Coming Out to My Best Friends
Discovering Myself
My crushes are my best friends.
Things Change (Gender Focus)
Coming out
Coming out and Crushes
Fresh out of the Closet
Rainbow Is The Best Color
Stay In or Go Out?
That Ace
True Friends Will Always Accept You
Why I hate the name Anna.
Sorry, but I set my own standards
Smiles and Rainbows
My First Crush And Relationship
A letter never to be sent
My Journey
Band Geek
Getting Myself Into A Mess
What Am I?
A Little Awkward
Bi and I Don't Care
Coming Out
Sapphic Goddess
Truth Be Told
Bisexual Beauty: Part 2
Prohibitos Autem Amorem
My First Run-In With the Rainbows
I'm Pretty Sure I've Aced It
More Me
Firstish Girl Crush
Realising Who I Am
How Not To Come Out
My Experience
How I Came Out to a Restaurant...Sort Of
Books Did So Much More Than I Thought
Cinnamon Rolls, Not Gender Roles
Coming Out
The Angel and Her Princess
A Warning - Don't Do This
Help Trans Pan Phan in Need of a Fren Con-fu-sion
Inside Out of the Closet
My Experience With Homo/Trans/Agenderphobia
Coming Out and Getting a Girlfriend
I Am Proud
Proud To Be Unsure
It Is Ok
I'm Here, and I'm Queer
My First Girl Crush
Figuring It Out: Part 2
First Crush, First Heartbreak
You Be You
My Rainbow Experience
The Odd One Out
My Journey To Accepting Myself
Queer (Extremely)
Why I'm Asexual
Thnks fr th mmrs
Following The Rainbow To No End
First Heartbreak
My Past and Future
Finding Out
Excluded From The "Inclusive"
The Breakthrough
Strange Kid
How Wattpad Helped Me Find Out I'm a Lesbian
Raging Bisexual
Two of the Same
A Year of Queer
When Mormonism Ruined Me
Is This Even Real?
Homoflexible and Happy
Handle With Care
Rainbow Bombs
Closeted, Confused, and Incomplete

Ace of Hearts

380 34 8
נכתב על ידי lgbtq

By Em


So ever since I was little, whenever people asked me who my crush was I got angry because I didn't have one. So instead of telling them that and them not believing me, I always just made one up. I thought it was just because all the boys in my classes were jerks, but boy was I wrong.

Time skip to last year, at about this time of year, I didn't even know what LGBT meant and so I was sure I was straight, but then I started spending a lot more time on the internet and learned some valuable information about LGBT+. I still thought I was straight until one of my online friends asked if I would date them (as a rhetorical question) and I thought, 'Hell yeah, totally. But no sex.' I thought maybe it was just because I was so awkward and anxious that I never wanted to have sex, but that wasn't it either.

The friend that had asked me, I'll call her C, told me she was asexual and I started thinking about it. I looked it up and started getting to know everything about the different sexualities and trying to figure out which one I was. At first I thought maybe I was demisexual, but that didn't seem right either.

It took me quite a while but I eventually started to identify as asexual. (Panromantic asexual if you want to be specific)

It was odd, suddenly being something that I hadn't even known about a couple of months before, but it feels right. It's funny, thinking back to when I didn't even know what LGBT meant.

And then the best thing ever happened. My friend, C, told me she loved me. I thought it over and I realized that this thing that I felt for her was love too. We are now dating, though it's long distance, and I can't wait to get to hold her hand one day.

I am out to my friends, my brother, and my mom, though my mom doesn't 'believe' me. Everyone else took it great and I love to brag about my amazing girlfriend!

I'm ace and I love it. Who needs sex to be happy? Not me and my girlfriend!


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This is where the community can share their own personal LGBTQIAP+ Milestones.