The Baby Project. C.H. (A.U.)

By Foreverattached

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"This is no ordinary thing, our love." -SEQUEL TO THE BOYFRIEND PROJECT.- More

The Baby Project.
One // Home.
Two // Unexpected Surprises.
Three // Reunions.
Four // Intoxicated.
Five // Old and New.
Six // Truth.
Seven // Unanswered.
Eight // Christmas Eve.
Nine // Home Truths.
Ten // Heart to Heart.
Eleven // Positive.
Twelve // New Life
Thirteen // Reflect.
Fourteen // Luck.
Fifteen // Secrets.
Sixteen // Grudges.
Seventeen // Reality.
Eighteen // Bliss.
Nineteen // Decsions.
Twenty // Starting over.
Twenty One // Paint.
Twenty Two // Revelations.
Twenty Three // Ache.
Twenty Four // Struggle.
Twenty Five // Engagement.
Twenty Six // A little bit of normal.
Twenty Seven // Dangerous Territory.
Twenty Eight // Break Down.
Twenty Nine // Reunited.
Thirty // Better late than never.
Thirty One // Toothy Grins.
Thirty Two // Ours.
Official Playlist (Plus More!)
Thirty Three // Confession.
Thirty-Four // Communication.
Thirty Five // Breakups.
Thirty Six // Family Dinners.
Thirty Seven // Connected.
Who's who.
Thirty Eight // Ghosts.
Thirty Nine // Homecoming.
Forty // Taking Sides.
Forty One // Youth.
Forty Two // Making Plans.
Forty Three // Meetings.
Forty Four // Reveals.
Forty Five // Gifts.
-Let me know-
Forty Six // Birthdays.
Forty Seven // Details.
Forty Eight // Bachelorette. (Genie)
Forty Eight // Bachelor. (Calum)
Forty Nine // Before we say I do.
Fifty // I Do (Genie)
Fifty One // Honeymoon.
Fifty Two // Birdie.
Fifty Three // Rapture.
Fifty Four // Family Blowout.
Fifty Five // Apple Seed.
Important authors note!
Fifty Six // Across the world and back.
Fifty Seven // Dirty Laundry.
Fifty Eight // First Birthdays.
Fifty Nine // Pleasure.
Sixty // Mended.
Sixty One // Bubble.
Sixty Two // Baby Blues.
Update on updates.
Sixty Three // Olive Branches.
Sixty four // Chocolate Chip.

Fifty // I Do (Calum)

3.9K 72 27
By Foreverattached

A/N: Apologies for such a long wait! My mum had to have emergency surgery six weeks ago and that kind of knocked me off my writing schedule, also I've had a few personal things going on and apart from not having anytime to write like I normally would, I didn't exactly feel like it either and there is nothing more frustrating then trying to force yourself to write. Life is a lot better now, my mum is back to normal and I although I am still adjusting to some things I am overall doing a lot better. Thank you all so much for being so patient with me and for not giving up on The Baby Project. 

I feel like I have the best readers in the world and I am so grateful for you all <3

Calum's P.O.V.

Today was the day.

The Twenty Fourth of June was the day that I would be marrying the woman of my dreams. Today would go down in history as the best day and night of my life and I couldn't wait for it to finally begin. The morning had been dragging on, the boys had been doing their best to keep me occupied and busy so it wouldn't seem like the day was going slowly but even though they were doing their best, all I could focus on was the fact that in just a few hours I would be getting married.

Every part of me just wanted to be at the venue already, I wanted to be standing at that altar, waiting for Genie to walk down it, to me so we could start our next journey together as husband and wife. Mr and Mrs Hood sure had a ring to it and it was still crazy to me that from this day on that's exactly what Genie and I would go by. 

"So where are you going for your honeymoon again?" Luke asks me, his eyes were solely focused on his phone that he was currently holding his hands, a small frown on his face as he was doing whatever it was on his phone. I assumed that he was talking to someone by the movement of his fingers against the screen. 

"New Zealand." I answer him. A smile finding it's way to my face almost instantly at the thought of Genie and I's honeymoon. We would be spending two weeks away in the awesome city that was Auckland. I couldn't wait for us to have some time to just relax, between the wedding planning and work, things had been hectic and I was looking forward to having some time to decompress. 

New Zealand had a special place in my heart and always would, I had family there and a collection of memories that would always mean so much to me, Being able to take Genie there on our honeymoon and make new memories with her would be beyond incredible and it was something I had been looking forward to for a very long time. I was so thankful that when I suggested New Zealand as our honeymoon destination that Genie was happy with it. I knew that she had never been to good old kiwi land and she would be excited for another one of our adventures, especially to a place that had such a sentimental meaning to me. 

"Are you going to catch up with any of your family while you're there?" Ashton asks looking genuinely interested. 

"I think we were planning on it but nothing is set in stone." I admit to him. Genie and I had not really made any concrete plans for our trip there just yet. We were basically just going to wing it and do our own exploring. 

"If they can drag themselves away from the bedroom for long enough I'm sure they will," Michael snorts before wiggling his eyebrows at me. 

"It's not all about sex Michael," Ashton scoffs as he fiddles with his tie. The boys had just begun to get dressed while I had decided to wait a few more minutes. The boys and I had all been giving multiple warnings by my mother that if we somehow manage to stain these suits before we leave then we would not be making it to the wedding and as much as hated to admit it, my mother could still scare me. 

"Maybe not Ashton, but sex is a big part of the honeymoon and it's a big part of Galum okay?" Michael replies in a matter of fact tone while Ashton rolls his eyes at his answer. 

"Do you really refer to Genie and I as Galum?" I ask in amusement. I knew they girls had the tendency to use the so called 'ship names' but I didn't know the guys had joined in too. I guess it was a good thing that even after all these years, my best friends could still manage to surprise me. 

"Sometimes," Michael shrugs nonchalantly. "That is not the point here Calum." Michael shakes his head at me and now it's my turn to roll my eyes. "Since I am the only one who's actually been on a honeymoon, you need to take my advice okay?" 

"Okay hit me."

"You need to stay hydrated and clean." Michael informs me and I raise my eyebrows up at him. Was that really his award winning honeymoon advice?

"Noted." I stand from my current spot and walk over to the wardrobe where my wedding suit was hanging up, waiting for me to finally change in to it. The boys were all basically changed now so I figured I should follow their lead.  

"That is the most helpful advice Calum has probably ever been given." Ashton sarcastically says and Michael shoots him a deadly glare. 

"Come and talk to me once you and Emma have had a honeymoon." Michael dismisses him. Luke lets out an annoyed huff at the boys, his attention not on his phone for a rare minute. 

"You two are so annoying." 

"Says you." Michael bites back and I all I do is shake my head at my three best friends, I couldn't imagine going through today and not having them with me. They have always had my back and I knew that they always would, They were more than just my friends, they were the brothers that I never had. 

"Sorry, Suit emergency." Bobby's voice booms as he joins us again. Tommy had decided that he need to have some chocolate milk to prepare hims for his ring baring duties and he may of spilled a drop or two on his bow tie. Did he get in trouble from my mother though? No, of course not. 

"You didn't miss much." Luke recalls and I am so glad that Bobby wasn't here to listen to Michael's honeymoon advice. 

"All sorted now?" I ask Bobby and gives me a smile, letting me know that there was nothing to be worried about. "Kirsty is on her way too by the way." A smile instantly finds it's way to my lips at the mention of Kirsty, she was originally going to be coming here to pick up Tommy but I made a slight change to her plans and she would now also be taking Walker with her too, A small surprise for Genie that I made last minute. 

It wouldn't be our wedding if our fur son wasn't there. 


"How you doing Cal?" Luke asks from beside me. We were standing at the altar, a mere minutes away from the ceremony beginning and honestly I was feeling a whirlwind of emotions. I was excited, anxious, calm, eager, content and overwhelmed all at the same time but the one thing I wasn't feeling was nervous. 

The anxiety I was feeling wasn't a bad feeling either, I was just anxious to finally to see Genie after being apart for the night and morning. I was ready to finally marry the woman of my dreams, I was finally ready to be her husband and fortunately for me, I wouldn't have to wait for much longer. 

"I'm doing good," I tell him, giving him a grin. Luke just like the rest of the guys standing behind me all looked ridiculously dapper in their suits, and even better they were all wearing the happiest smiles on their faces. 

My ears instantly perk at the sound of the starting chords of Kelly Clarkson's 'A moment like this'. My stomach instantly flutters as I know exactly what the beginning of that song means, In just a few minutes Genie would be walking down that aisle. This was it. I was about to experience the best day of my life, this just didn't seem real. I still couldn't even believe that I managed to get genie to date me, let alone marry me but yet here we were, moments away from finally becoming husband and wife.

What if I told you it was all meant to be?
Would you believe me?
Would you agree?
It's almost that feeling
We've met before
So tell me that you don't think I'm crazy
When I tell you love has come here and now

I take note of all our guests up on their feet, looking in the same direction as I currently was. All of us eagerly awaiting a peek at a certain bride.My mother was already in tears and she hadn't even seen Genie yet.I could see that Jennifer was on the verge of tears and I knew that as soon as she saw Genie walking down the aisle she would loose it just like my mum already had.

My heart smiles as I spot a little blonde boy in his tux making his way down the aisle, Walker walking beside Tommy ever so happily, A small pillow tied around his stomach. 

Tommy was full of smiles as everyone cooed and gawked at him as he walked his way to me. He was most definitely proud to have a job during the ceremony and I hoped that someone was videoing him as he did because Genie would be wanting to watch this moment later on. 

"Walker and I got the rings Uncle Cal!" Tommy excliams as he reaches me and the guests can't help but let out an array of 'Awws'. I crouch down to Tommy's level and give him a massive grin as I untie the pillow from Walker's stomach, making sure to give him a quick pat whilst doing so. 

"Thank you Tommy, You did a awesome job!" 

"I saw Aunty Genie too and she looks like a real life princess!" Tommy tells me excitedly and I can't help but let out a chuckle. "I'm sure she does buddy and I can't wait to see her." 

"Come on Tom." Kirsty speaks up, standing from her seat to come over to us. Tommy takes her hand happily. "Walker." His little voice calls and Walker follows after him easily enough. They take their seats beside Genie's Mum as I pass Luke the rings, which he safely put in his pocket.  

Mali is the first of the bridesmaids to come down the aisle and I'll admit that seeing the happy smile on my sisters face makes me feel at giddy. I was so happy to have her standing up here with Genie and I, on what would be one of the most important days of our lives. 

"She looks so beautiful Cal," Mali whispers to me as she gives me a quick hug. My stomach seems to tighten at her words and I know that as much as I tried, I would never ever be prepared to see just how beautiful Genie would look today. 

Aria, Emma and Claudia soon follow, all giving me beaming smiles as they do so and I swear I hear Luke awkwardly clear his throat during Claudia's walk, and I make a mental note to ask him about that later.

At the sight of Sam coming down the aisle,  I inhale then exhale deeply as my eyes focus on the aisle before me. In just a few seconds Genie would be walking down and I didn't know how to be ready for that. 

I had thought about this moment so many times in the last couple of years and I didn't quite know how to convince myself that it was actually happening. I instantly feel choked up as my eyes lock on to a figure in white, Genie was walking down the aisle to me, her arm linked with her father as she did. 

There was no way to  describe how I was feeling in this moment but it felt like the world had stopped, like everything in this entire planet was perfect in this moment. Genie looked like an absolute angel as made her way to me and I couldn't help but smile stupidly at her. 

Her smile matched mine and I knew that every single one of guests must of been thinking that we looked like two lunatics in love right now but I could care less, because we most definitely were that. Vincent unhooks their arms as they finally reach me and I feel myself let out another deep breath. I was about to marry my favourite person in the world right now, after today we would officially be husband and wife. 

If I could go back in time right now and tell my fifteen year old self anything it would be 'Don't worry, you get the girl in the end' and I already know that there is no way that my young and stupid self would believe it but it was true. 

"Jen and I really couldn't be happier to have you join our family," Vincent whispers to me as he we share a quick hug. "Look after her." 

"Always," I tell him sincerely as he takes a step back and gives Genie one final kiss on the cheek before taking his seat with everyone else. 

Our hands entwine almost instantly as we look each other, smiles so wide that I was sure both of our cheeks were hurting. "Hi," I first, my voice betraying me and putting my emotions on full display for her. 

"Hi," Genie breathes to me, squeezing my hands against hers as our officiant began speaking. 
We had decided together that our ceremony would be non-denominational as Genie and I didn't really have a religion and before I knew it was time for us to recite our vows.I can tell that by looks in her she's a little nervous, probably worrying that she's going to mess up but I knew that wasn't possible. Genie finished her vows weeks before I did and I knew she had spent more than enough time reciting them to herself. 

"Calum....." Genie's blue eyes lock with my own, and I still feel just as knocked off my feet as I did the first time I had the chance to look in to those beautiful, beautiful eyes.  "There was a time where I couldn't imagine you to be anything more than just a friend and now you're my everything. You're my best friend and soul mate in all in one and I don't know what I ever did to be so lucky to of found you. We haven't by any means had it easy over the last couple of years but one thing that we've always had is a tremendous amount of love both for and with each other. I never knew I could love like the way I love you and I want to thank you for giving me the chance to feel that, for letting me love you. I'm so proud that you're mine, I'm already proud of the father that I know you will be one day, I'm so proud that you are my present and future and I can't wait to start our next journey together as husband and wife. Calum, You're my home. You're my forever."

My entire being felt like it was on fire, all I could feel was warmth and love flowing through my entire body and it was honestly the most overwhelming but best feeling in the world. God, I loved the girl that was standing in front of my so so much, The kind of love that I didn't even know was possible to feel for another person until I met her. 

"Genie, my whole life I always told myself to not want anything because then If I never got what I wanted I wouldn't care but I couldn't do that with you, from the moment I saw the girl with the crazy pigtails on the first day of school I knew I wanted you and lucky for me you eventually wanted me to." I tease and everyone laughs. "I fall deeper and deeper in love with you everyday and I never knew that was possible but you showed me that it was, you've shown me so much that I never thought was possible and I can't thank you enough for that. I never knew what it truly meant to have a soul mate until you, It's always been you Genie and it's always going to be you. Our love is no ordinary thing and I can't to spend the rest of my life with you being everything and anything but ordinary."

"The rings?" Our officiant asks and I turn to look at Luke who's already holding his hand out to me. "Thanks," I grin at my best friend who shoots me the exact same goofy smile.  

I feel my heart rate pick up once again as I slid the delicate rose gold band on toe Genie's finger. I watch intently, As Genie slides my own matching band on to my finger and in that moment that it finally hits me, in just a matter of moments were officially going to be married and these two little bands were the biggest symbol of that. 

"Genie Penelope Scott, do you take Calum Thomas Hood to be your wedded husband to live together in marriage? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health and forsaking all others, be faithful only to him so long as you both shall live?"

"I do," Genie smiles blissfully at me and I feel like I'm about to drown in a pool of happiness, which I would never admit to anybody, ever....or maybe just my wife. 

"Calum Thomas Hood, do you take Genie Penelope Scott to be your wedded wife to live together in marriage? Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health and forsaking all others, be faithful only to her so long as you both shall live?"

"I do," God I do. I can't help but give Genie's hands a tight squeeze. This was it. We were seconds away from being husband and wife, this moment would be something I remembered for the rest of my life, one of the happiest moments I would ever experience in my life and I was experiencing it with Genie. 

"Then by the power vested in me, it is my honor and delight to declare you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride."

"Finally!" I roll my eyes playfully, bringing my hands up to cup her cheeks before I lean in and pressed my lips to hers in what would be our first ever kiss as husband and wife. I can hear everyone around us shouting, whistling and clapping in the background as we did so. "I love you." I murmur against her lips before pulling back.

"I love you too, husband." Genie beams, linking one of my hands with hers. It felt so unbelievably good to hear her call me that. "Friends, family and loved ones, I give to you for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Calum and Genie Hood," the officiant announced as we turned to face our guests. 


"If you get cake on my dress, you might not be making it to the honeymoon," Genie warns, a almost stern look on her face. We were minutes away from our cake cutting and I'll admit a part of me did think about spreading the cake all over her face but I knew that she would most definitely kill me if I even attempted it. 

"Wouldn't dream of it," I smirk at her and she narrows her eyes at me before cracking a smile. Sam seems to appear in front of us out of nowhere and has a very large knife in her hand which I'm both hoping and assuming is so we can get this cake cut. Genie thanks her as she takes the knife from her. 

"Together?" Genie raises her eyebrows at me and I nod at her in response as a smile finds it's way to my face. 

"Together." We were currently almost half way through the night and I could already say that today had single-handedly been the best day of my life. Being able to spend the day surrounded by the people who I loved the most while celebrating Genie and I's love at the same time was literally a dream come true. 

It was scary in a way to think that this was the best it was ever going to get for me and I think that if that was the case, then I would be very happy with that. I had the woman of dreams and I would hopefully spend the rest of my life with her by my side, life really couldn't get any better than that. 

I place my hand over Genie's before we slide the knife through our decadent chocolate wedding cake that we had opted for, I still thought that we should of had the fruit loop flavoured cake but funnily enough, Genie decided against that. Our guests were clapping and cheering for us as we did so, some were snapping away and others, especially one little guy in particular was practically jumping up and down in his spot because we would finally be having cake. 

"On three?" Genie asks me and I nod in confirmation. Genie and I each had a fork in our hands and we would simply and very sweetly feed each other a piece of the wedding cake before letting everyone else get their bit. 

"One," Genie starts the countdown, a wide smile adorning her beautiful face as she did so.


"Three," I say in unison with her before we feed each other. I take extra care, just to make sure that there would not be a single trace of cake on her dress and I'm quite confident that I succeed. My taste buds were practically cheering in my mouth at the taste of the sweet smooth chocolate taste filling them and I'm more than happy with cake choice.

About twenty minutes later I found myself sitting at our bridal table, with only Luke by my side. Everyone was off either dancing, eating , drinking or chatting with people and I was quietly happy to have a moment alone with my best man of the night. 

"I am now on my third piece of cake and I am honestly worried that there is going to be at least two more after this," Luke sheepishly admits as he licks at his fork, making me snort at him. He was even worse than Tommy and he was the child. 

"It is pretty good Cake," I say as a cheesy grin finds it's way to Luke's face. "Just like us," Luke remarks and I let out a laugh before pulling a face at him. "If you repeat that to anyone, I might just have to kill you." 

"Fair enough," Luke shrugs as his eyes seem to zero in on something behind me, his gaze is fixed there for no longer then a minute before he's looking back at me but it's more than enough to raise my suspicion. 

I turn in my chair to follow his gaze from just a few seconds ago and spot Claudia in a corner with Elijah, sharing what looks like heated words. I turn back to Luke a few seconds later because it's kind of awkward to watch two people who may or not be in an argument.

"You know I actually wanted to ask you about something," I mention ever so casually as Luke finishes his piece of cake. "Ask away, though at this point in our friendship I'm not sure what you would possibly need to ask." 

"Now I already know you are going to try and deny what I'm about to say but you need to know that there is absolutely no point in doing that, because I was right there and I know what I heard," I ramble and Luke has a very confused frown on his face. "What was that little moment you had when Claudia was walking down the aisle?" 

"I don't know what you're talking about..." Luke awkwardly chuckles and I let out a sigh at his answer. Didn't I just tell him that there was no way in trying to deny it? Luke was do damn predictable. 

"You cleared your throat," I point out and Luke's pulls a face as if he's trying to think of a way that he can give me an answer without actually answering the question. "So what was that about?" Luke lets out a defeated sigh before shaking his head at me. 

"Fine, I'll answer your stupid and unnecessary question," Luke huffs and I smile in triumph. "It's stupid honestly, but when I saw he coming down that aisle it just kind of hit me that it's only time I'm ever going to see her walking down an aisle to me." 

"It might not be Luke, you never know what could happen in the future," I say trying to give him some kind of hope. I didn't know what Claudia said or didn't say to the girls but I knew that Luke said next to nothing about Claudia and their past to us guys, which was his choice of course but in moments like this, it would be handy to know how he really felt about everything. 

"In the past I wanted nothing more than that fairy tale ending with Claudia, but that moment has passed now Cal, I mean I love the girl but I'm not in love with her anymore." Luke explains. "It's just hard at times because I can look at her and see all the amazing times we had together and miss it," Luke pauses, a shaky breath escaping his mouth. "But then I also see all the bad times and I swear a part of me still hates her for everything that happened and I really don't want to feel that way but I just don't honestly know if that is ever going to go away." 

"I'm sorry Luke, I wish it would of all worked out between you two." I don't think I would ever really understand the dynamic of Luke and Claudia's relationship and that was fine, because I really didn't need to but I just wished it didn't hurt Luke they way it did, I wish didn't hurt either of them.  

"Yeah me too," Luke smiles fondly almost as if he's imaging what could of been. "You know what they say though Cal, What's meant to be will be and I truly believe that." 

"Yeah," I say as my eyes find my wife who was currently dancing around with Tommy in her arms, huge smiles on both of their faces. "I do too." 

"On that note," Luke stands from his chair, plate in his hand. "I am going to get another piece of cake and then take another lap around the room," Luke explains and I shoot him a questionable look. "The last wedding I went to was Michael and Aria's and we all know that night did not end with me having slutty wedding sex, so tonight I am on a mission and this time there is no chance of Alyx ruining it, as much as I love the kid." 

"Oh right," I snort at him. "Stay away from family members okay? I'm sure Genie has some  single friends." 

"Will do," Luke smirks as walks away from our table. 


"Hey," I hear Ashton call, surprise lacing his tone. "What are you doing out here?" He wonders as he joins me outside, two drinks in his hands, one of which I assume is for me. 

"Honestly I just came to get some air," I Admit sheepishly as Ashton hands me one of the glasses of wine. "It's the best day of my life and all but I just needed a breather from all the people for a minute or two." I explain and Ashton gives me an understanding nod. 

"No need to explain," Ashton takes a sip of his drink pulling a small face at the taste, he was not the biggest wine drinker and I knew him and his taste buds were still trying to get use to the taste. "I understand and I'm sure everybody else would too, weddings are pretty intense." 

"Yeah," I chuckle, that was indeed one way to describe them. 

"So how are you feeling now that you are a married man?" Ashton asks from beside me. 

"It feels pretty awesome man, not going to lie," I smile. "Knowing that I get to spend the rest of my life with Genie as my wife is like the biggest cherry on top and I don't even really like cherries." 

"I know you already know but I'm so happy for you two," Ashton says wholeheartedly. "I don't know how we managed to get so lucky, you know?" Ashton turns on his back and looks back in to the venue, his eyes focusing on Emma who was holding a very sleepy Alyx in her arms. 

"I've been trying to figure that out," I admit, a chuckle falling from my lips a few seconds later. I could see Genie inside perfectly from where I was standing, she was sitting with my mum and a few other family members at the moment and from the looks of it they were having one of their typical gossip sessions. 

"Michael is looking for you," Ashton tells me and I raise my eyebrows up at him in curiosity. "He says it's time." 

"I don't know how you guys got me to agree that," I admit, a small groan falling from my lips when I think of what we were planning to do apparently very soon. Somehow the boys had talked me in to doing a small dance routine to bohemian rhapsody by Queen with them as a sort of gift for Genie. I had absolute no problem dancing for Genie but having to dance for at least ninety other people was a little nerve wracking.  

"Genie is going to love it," Ashton points out and I let out a snort. 

"She actually will." Ashton gives me a knowing smile before taking another sip of his drink. 

"I'll go find Michael and hold him for a few more minutes okay?" Ashton raises his eyebrows at me and I nod before thanking him. "You best be back inside in ten minutes Hood, otherwise I'm letting Michael on the loose." 

"Noted," I reply as Ashton begins to make his way back inside, I knew he was definitely not kidding about letting Michael on the loose and that was something I didn't want to deal with.

It was nice to be outside alone for a few minutes, I just wanted and needed a moment to regroup. Today had been everything I had wanted it to be and more but it had also been a very long and tiring day and I think I need just a few minutes to recharge. 

"So I know I witnessed it and all but I still can't believe my brother is a married man," I hear Mali before I see and when I do she's wearing one of her typical big sister smiles. "Who said you could married before me by the way?" 

"I did," I shrug as she stands beside me. "And who knows maybe we'll be at your wedding in a few years."

"Maybe," Mali says coyly, her eyes flickering to Bradley who was inside. Genie decided that it was totally up to her to decide if she wanted him to be here today and he was lucky enough to be invited, which I know for Mali was a very big step considering almost all of family would be here tonight.  

"You really like him?" I ask and she nods her head for a few seconds before answering. "I do and I hope it all works out."

"I can see it happening for you sis." 

"Good," Mali exclaims. "Because I sure hope I can be as happy as you and your wife are one day."  

"My wife," I grin stupidly at the word, I don't think hearing that will ever get old. "I should probably get back in there, I am after all one half of 'Galum' and we are basically the stars of the show." 

"Yeah you two are definitely the it couple of the night," Mali teases as I down he rest of my drink before making my back inside to join everyone. Lets get this bloody dance over and done with. 


The next day I woke up tangled in my wife and every single thing in this world felt right. I didn't know it was ever possible for another person to make someone this happy until I met Genie and it happened for me. I definitely meant what I said in our vows when I said that our love was no ordinary thing because it really wasn't, she really made me the happiest man on this planet and I was going to do my absolute best to never take her or what we have for granted. I intended on spending the rest of my life with her and I wanted the rest of our lives to be as blissful as possible. 

"I can't believe I agreed to wake up to your morning breath for the rest of my life," I tease and Genie fakes offense at my words before a smile graces her lips. Our wedding night had definitely been a night to remember and I knew that when I was wrinkly and old, it was a night I would always look back on. 

"Oh please, you love it," Genie scoffs and all I can do is smile at her. "It's still so surreal that last night actually happened." Genie admits, looking down at her left hand before looking over to mine, our matching bands clear as day. 

"You better believe it," 

"It's kind of depressing that I don't get to wear my dress again." Genie pouts in disappointment. 

"You can wear it at home whenever you want babe, I want tell anyone." It would be a damn shame if she never wore that dress again, even if it was her wedding dress. 

"I may just do that." Genie smiles at my suggestion before letting out a yawn. "We probably need to get up and start getting ready for this breakfast." 

"I wish we could just stay in bed for the rest of the day," I whine as I wriggle closer to her. 

"That's what the honeymoon is for husband," Genie says before slipping from my grip. "I'm going to shower and when I came back, you best be up and out of bed," she warns as I pull myself and lean against the headboard. "Make sure you brush your teeth," I grin and she sticks her tongue out at me as she disappears to the bathroom. 

A content sigh falls from my lips as I close my eyes, thinking back on everything that had happened over the last five years. I was still young and had a lot to learn but one thing I knew for sure was that I was one of the lucky ones because I got to marry the love of my life, and as cheesy as it sounded, I knew that dreams could come true because I was living mine. 

A/N: What do you want to see happen on Galum's honeymoon?? Let me know! A part of me is very excited to finally have the wedding out of the way because things are going to be getting very very juicy ;) 

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