The Baby Project. C.H. (A.U.)

Foreverattached द्वारा

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"This is no ordinary thing, our love." -SEQUEL TO THE BOYFRIEND PROJECT.- अधिक

The Baby Project.
One // Home.
Two // Unexpected Surprises.
Three // Reunions.
Four // Intoxicated.
Five // Old and New.
Six // Truth.
Seven // Unanswered.
Eight // Christmas Eve.
Nine // Home Truths.
Ten // Heart to Heart.
Eleven // Positive.
Twelve // New Life
Thirteen // Reflect.
Fourteen // Luck.
Fifteen // Secrets.
Sixteen // Grudges.
Seventeen // Reality.
Eighteen // Bliss.
Nineteen // Decsions.
Twenty // Starting over.
Twenty One // Paint.
Twenty Two // Revelations.
Twenty Three // Ache.
Twenty Four // Struggle.
Twenty Five // Engagement.
Twenty Six // A little bit of normal.
Twenty Seven // Dangerous Territory.
Twenty Eight // Break Down.
Twenty Nine // Reunited.
Thirty // Better late than never.
Thirty One // Toothy Grins.
Thirty Two // Ours.
Official Playlist (Plus More!)
Thirty Three // Confession.
Thirty-Four // Communication.
Thirty Five // Breakups.
Thirty Six // Family Dinners.
Thirty Seven // Connected.
Who's who.
Thirty Eight // Ghosts.
Thirty Nine // Homecoming.
Forty // Taking Sides.
Forty One // Youth.
Forty Two // Making Plans.
Forty Three // Meetings.
Forty Four // Reveals.
Forty Five // Gifts.
-Let me know-
Forty Six // Birthdays.
Forty Seven // Details.
Forty Eight // Bachelor. (Calum)
Forty Nine // Before we say I do.
Fifty // I Do (Genie)
Fifty // I Do (Calum)
Fifty One // Honeymoon.
Fifty Two // Birdie.
Fifty Three // Rapture.
Fifty Four // Family Blowout.
Fifty Five // Apple Seed.
Important authors note!
Fifty Six // Across the world and back.
Fifty Seven // Dirty Laundry.
Fifty Eight // First Birthdays.
Fifty Nine // Pleasure.
Sixty // Mended.
Sixty One // Bubble.
Sixty Two // Baby Blues.
Update on updates.
Sixty Three // Olive Branches.
Sixty four // Chocolate Chip.

Forty Eight // Bachelorette. (Genie)

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Foreverattached द्वारा

"On a scale of one to ten how worried are you about what the boys have planned for you tonight?" I question Calum as he joins me in the kitchen. We knew next to nothing about what would be happening tonight at our bachelor and bachelorette parties and I wasn't at all worried about what the girls may have planned for me, I wasn't sure, however If Calum felt the same when it came to the boys. 

"I don't know." Calum chuckles. "Maybe a six." 

"That's lower than I thought." I smile at him and he shrugs. "They will have to face you if they do anything too bad." 

"You're on your own buddy." I laugh at him and he shoots me a frown. I knew that the boys would definitely be putting him through the ringer tonight but I wasn't worried about what they had planned for him.

"We need to show them a united front Genie!" Calum urges me dramatically as I grin at him in amusement. 

"Sure we do." I roll my eyes playfully at him as a smirk finds it's way to his lips. "So just out of curiosity are you  going to a strip club tonight?" I really didn't care if the boys did take Calum to a strip club tonight, I knew it was what boys did and at the end of the day I trusted Calum and knew that nothing would happen. 

"I honestly don't know." Calum admits to me truthfully. "The boys have told me basically nothing about what we're doing tonight, I'm pretty sure I know even less than you." 

"Well that doesn't surprise me." I grin at him. "You know who you are friends with right?" Those boys could definitely get in to some mischief when they wanted to and I knew that better than anybody. 

"So what about you huh?" Calum asks. "Are you going to any 'male' shows tonight?" 

"I don't know." I answer because I really didn't. "'We did for Aria's bachelorette party and it was hilarious." I tell him thinking back to the look on Aria's face as she was given a very very interesting lap dance.  

"Oh really?" Calum raises his eyebrows up at me. To this day the guys still had no idea what actually happened at Aria's bachelorette party and we all knew how much they wanted to know all the gory details but unfortunately for them we weren't planning on sharing any of that information. Some things just needed to stay between the girls. 

"Uh huh and there were so many hot guys around." I tease and Calum scoffs at my comment as he walks towards me, placing his hands on either sides of the bench, giving me no where to go. 

"You know the idea of you being surrounded by 'hot' guys doesn't bother me one bit."

"And why not?" I question him with raised eyebrows. 

"Because you're mine." Calum answer is simple and sweet and I can't help but smile at him. I know that his answer could be considered possessive but I knew that he didn't mean it in the possessive way at all, it was really the complete opposite. We had been through so much together over the last couple of years and there was so much love and trust between the two of us and I knew that was why he had no worries about me with other guys because I felt the same way. 

I may not trust other girls around Calum just because I knew how sneaky woman could be, but I did trust Calum. 

"And I even have the ring to prove it." I smirk at him as I wiggle my left finger at him, I don't think it mattered whether you had been engaged for two hours or two years, showing off your ring would never get old. 

"The exact reason why I proposed." Calum jokes as his hands move to rest on my lower back. 

"I knew it." I say and reach up to cup Calum's cheeks before bringing his face closer to mine only to press my lips to his. Calum pulls my body closer to his as his lips works against mine effortlessly, his hands slipping from my lower back down to my ass, giving it a brief cheeky squeeze before lifting me up and propping me on to the bench. His lips leave mine only to start pressing hot wet kisses down my neck.  

"Don't start something you can't finish." I remind him as I wrap my legs around his waist. I knew that eventually we would be taken away by our friends to celebrate our last nights of freedom, I just did not know when and I didn't exactly want anybody to walk in on us having sex in the kitchen.  

"When have I ever?" Calum replies pulling back from his current attack on my neck to meet my eyes. 

"Well-" I'm say but don't get a chance to respond because the sound of the front door opening only to be followed by a chorus of voices and footsteps stops me. 

"We need to change where we keep that spare key." Calum groans dropping his face in to my neck as I unwrap my legs from his waist.

"I knew they would be coming for us." I say letting out a laugh as Michael enters the kitchen. His eyes look over Calum and I before a smirk finds it's way to his lips. 

"Sorry to interrupt but it's time for us to take him away." 

"No." Calum says but it comes out muffled since his face is still very much buried in the crook of my neck. 

"Don't be a party pooper Cal." Ashton yells as he appears behind Michael. Calum lets out an annoyed groan as he lifts his head up and turns to look at his friends. 

"Why don't you come back in like twenty minutes?" Calum bargains and Michael crosses his arms over his chest and shakes his head. "Not going to happen." 

"I heard you only need five." I hear Luke before I see him and he has a very amused look on his face as he appears next to Ashton. 

"Doubt it." Calum snorts as he looks back at me. I roll my eyes at him playfully before hoping down off the bench. 

"Please Luke, he lasts at least ten." I tease and the boys all let out laughs while Calum narrows his eyes at me. We both know that Calum had great stamina. 

"Move." I hear the all too familiar voice of Claudia yell and within seconds she's pushed through the boys and is in the kitchen too. 

"You're late." Michael points out and Claudia rolls her eyes at him. "Well you can blame your wife's bladder." Michael's mouth drops open in offence and Claudia lets out a snort. "Don't talk about my daughter like that." 

"Oh relax." Aria says coming in a few seconds later with Sam and Emma following after her. "She has been putting more and more pressure on my bladder though babe." 

"Still." Michael frowns before reaching over to rub Aria's very cute baby bump. Protective daddy was already in full swing. 

"We're getting off track here people." Sam speaks up getting everyone's attention. 

"Sam's right." Luke nods in agreement. "Calum come with us and Genie go with the them." Luke instructs. 

"Yeah say your goodbyes." Michael says looking at Calum who was looking at our group of wonderful friends like they were crazy.  

"Did you really all have to come to get us?" I ask no one in particular. 

"We agreed it would be the easiest way to do things." Ashton answers for everyone and I nod at his response before looking at Calum who looks very annoyed. 

"You are all lame." Calum tells them in a matter of fact tone as he folds his arms across his chest and lets out a small huff. 

"Can you not be difficult Calum?" Claudia snorts shaking her head at him. "Us girls are all booked in for massages in an hour so we need to get a move on." 

"And paws and claws." Aria adds excitedly, Well I guess I knew how the day would be starting out and I was honestly look very forward to it, I mean who doesn't love a spa day? 

"What the hell does paws and claws mean?" Luke asks looking utterly confused. Sometimes boys could be so stupid. 

"Mani and pedi's Luke, Jeez get with it." Michael replies to him and Aria looks more than impressed with her husband, who she had obviously educated very well. 

"Am I suppose to know what that means Michael?" Luke scoffs at his friend. 

"They are going to get their nails done Luke." Ashton speaks out clarifying things for Luke and Luke pulls a funny face at all of the boys but doesn't say anything else. 

"We also have to be somewhere soon Calum so can you just say your goodbye now?" Michael says looking at his watch with a frown. I couldn't help but wonder what the boys had planned and I definitely couldn't wait until  tomorrow to get the full run down on what they got up to both during today and tonight. 

"Fine." Calum lets out an over dramatic sigh before reaching for my hands, only to pull me closer to him. 

"Thank god." Luke says. "I'll be in the car." He announces before making his way out of the kitchen. 

"That's a good idea actually." Ashton says looking around at us all. "Lets give them five minutes." Ashton smiles at both Calum and I before leaving us, Aria, Emma, Sam and Claudia follow suit and exit the kitchen a few seconds after but Michael stays sternly in his spot. 

"Are you really going to stand there the whole time?" Calum questions him. 

"I'm thinking about it." Michael replies with a shrug just as Aria appears behind him. 

"Come on Michael, leave them be." Aria tugs at her husbands hand and begins to pull him out the door. "Five minutes!" Michael yells to Calum before completely disappearing. 

"Tonight is going to be hell." Calum huffs looking directly at me. I knew Calum was very much excited about tonight and I also knew that he was going to have one of the best nights of his life. There is no way he could have a bad time when he was with his best friends and he was after all celebrating his last night of 'freedom'. 

"You're going to have a great night." I assure him and watch the smile light up his beautiful face. 

"I'm gonna miss you." 

"I think you can survive." I bring my arms up and wrap them around his neck as his hands finds their way to my waist. "You know I trust you and I'm not worried about anything going wrong tonight but I do want you to be safe okay?" 

"I'll be fine." Calum promises. "Nothing would ever keep me from coming home to you at the end of the night." 

"Good to know." I smile at him. "I love you Hood." 

"And I love you Scott." Calum smirks and I raise my eyebrows at him. "You know soon I'm not going to be able to call you scott anymore." 

"I know and I can't wait." 

"Genie Penelope hood does have a good ring to it." 

"It does." I agree before pulling a face. "I'm still so mad at my parents for picking penelope." I say and Calum lets out a laugh before pulling me in for a hug. Before Calum I never knew that being in somebody's arms could be so extraordinary , he made me feel like I was the most special person in the world, like no harm could ever come to me when I was in his arms, it was most definitely my favourite place in this world and he was my favourite person to ever exist. 

"Don't let Claudia lead you astray tonight." Calum mutters to me and I snort because I could say the exact same thing to him about Luke. It was such a shame that Luke and Claudia couldn't make things work because they would of made such an amazing couple, I guess sometimes things were just not meant to be though. 

"So i'll see you later." I say being the one to pull away from the hug first. 

"I'll see you later." Calum nods in confirmation before leaning in and pressing his lips to mine ever so sweetly, as ridiculous as it sounds, sometimes I didn't know how I managed to go hours on end without kissing those lips. 

"Times up!" We hear Michael yell which makes us break the kiss and both let out laughs, clearly Michael did not want them to be late for whatever he had planned. 

"Love you." Calum presses a final peck to my lips then hesitantly begins to walk towards Michael who was once again standing in the kitchen doorway. 

"Love you too." 


The next to two hours for me consisted of an array of spa treatments and one beyond incredible full body massage. My body felt so soothed and I was probably feeling more relaxed than I ever had been in my entire life, In fact I felt like I was ready for absolutely anything that life could throw me and that would probably be a good thing because I still had no idea what the girls had planned for me later tonight but at least I knew I would be ready for whatever they did have planned. 

"You know what I love the most about the fact that Alyx is in a sleeping routine?" Emma asks no one in particular. Sam, Aria, Emma and I were currently getting our nails done while Claudia and Mali were still getting their massages. Mali had met up with us when we got to the spa and I was really happy that she was going to be spending the day with us, as well as tonight. I was expecting Kirsty to join us too but she had deal with a sick Tommy, so she would just be meeting up with us a little later. 

"I could probably guess but I'll let you tell us." Aria replies giving Emma a smirk, I think we all knew what her answer was going to be.  "So what is it that you love the most about Alyx's sleeping routine?" 

"That Ashton and I can finally have a sex life again." Emma answers with a very dreamy looking grin. "I swear it is like we're back in the honeymoon stage." 

"Really?" I ask her in amusement. I was honestly so happy for Ashton and Emma because I knew that had a hard time with Alyx and her sleeping patterns but now they had her in a set routine and things were obviously going  very well for them. 

"Oh yea." Emma nods. "I don't even know where we are finding the energy but every time Alyx is asleep we just can't help ourselves." 

"If you aren't careful you'll be pregnant at your wedding." Sam muses and Emma's eyes widen as she begins furiously shaking her head. 

"There is no way that is happening." Emma announces. "I've made that super clear to Ashton too." 

"More babies after the wedding then?" I ask with a smirk and Emma looks between the three of us before nodding her head. 

"If Ashton could have his way we would have a football team." Emma laughs and I can't help but smile because I knew just how much Ashton loved being a dad and I knew that he couldn't wait for him and Emma to have more babies. "I'm not really sure how many more I want but I know I want a boy so they'll definitely be another one at least."

"I could totally see you and ash having a boy and him being Ashton's little's twin, that would be adorable."Sam gushes happily. I was sure that there was a part of Sam that got upset whenever the topic of babies came up but she never let that show. I think it definitely showed how selfless Sam could be, I mean to be able to be happy for your friends when you're heartbroken was pretty incredible on her part.

"I haven't even had this one and Michael is already planning the next one." Aria admits. "I swear he is more baby crazy than I am."

"Michael is such a cutie like that." Emma says and she was right. Ashton loved being a dad, we all knew that and we all saw that but I think Michael surprised everyone when Aria got pregnant with his excitement and enthusiasm about becoming a dad. 

"I hope I'm not being pushy or insensitive by asking this but have you and Cal thought about when you two might wanna have babies?" Sam asks and by the look on her face I know she's nervous at what my response is going to be. 

"You're not being pushy or insensitive Sam." I tell her and she instantly looks relieved. "And I mean we've talked about having kids eventually but we haven't exactly decided on when." I answer and I feel bad lying to them because Calum and I were actively trying to get pregnant again but like I said I just didn't want to deal with that pressure. Whenever I did get pregnant again, I planned on waiting for as long as possible before letting anyone know, just so if I was to miscarry again then I wouldn't have to deal with letting everyone know. 

"I'm sure it will happen when it happens." Emma says positively and she's right. "Until then you have the wedding to focus on and then the honeymoon." Emma wiggles her eyebrows at me and I can't help but let out a laugh. 

"Jesus I can only imagine the amount of sex you and Calum are going to have." Sam grins at me and I instantly flush at her words. Just like Sam, I could only imagine but what did come to mind made me very very happy. 

"I bet you won't leave bed for the first few days." Aria smirks. "I know Michael and I didn't." 

"Wow." Emma lets out a laugh. "Am I the only one who remembers just how innocent Aria use to be? She would never ever share her sexual experiences with us and now she's the first one to share when the opportunity presents itself." 

"Well what can I say?" Aria shrugs casually. "Once you've been with Michael there's no going back." We all burst out laughing at Aria's statement while she smirks at us all. Michael had definitely taken away Aria's innocence but in the best way possible. 

"And can we talk about how Emma was so serious about waiting to sleep with Ashton but then went ahead and woke him up with a blow job?" I point out and Emma hides her face behind her hands as her cheeks go red. 

"Classic." Aria smirks and I can tell just by the look on her face that she's reminiscing to that moment when Emma found out that we all knew about Ashton's private birthday present. 

"In my defense I had no idea what to get him for his birthday." Emma adds a few seconds later after she's stopped hiding behind her hands. 

"I'm sure Ashton was more than happy with what you gave him." I assure her. 

"I'm still so bummed that I missed out on that weekend." Sam speaks up. "I feel like so much happened with everyone and I wasn't there to be apart of it." 

"We can always do another trip Sam, an even better one." Emma tells her reassuringly. I could only imagine how great it would be for us all to go away together again and I make a mental note to talk about it with Calum. 

"I would love that." Sam beams happily. I know that in the past Sam missed a lot of things because she was with Andrew and I think there was a part of her now that somehow regretted that, even if at the time she was more than happy to miss out. I don't think that she really realized how much she was giving up for Andrew back then but now she was more than aware of it. 

"So am I allowed to know what the rest of the plan is for today?" I question looking between the three of them as they all share knowing smiles. I may of loved surprises but that didn't mean that I wasn't curious as hell to know what was installed for me tonight, unlike Calum though I wasn't worried about what the girls may of have planned for me. 

"All we will tell you is that after this we are planning on grabbing some food and then we'll go back to yours and get all dolled up before going somewhere." Aria informs me. 

"And I guess I don't get to know where that 'somewhere' is?"

"No you do not." I let out an over the top sigh which gets smirks from the three woman that we're sitting around me. "So have any of you heard from the guys?" I dare to ask. One rule that both and Calum had been given for the night was that we weren't allowed to communicate with each other which totally sucked and was very unnecessary if you asked me but everyone seemed very adamant that we were not allowed to communicate and so we hadn't. 

I could easily go without speaking to Calum but that didn't stop me from thinking about him and what he had been doing with the boys for the last couple of hours and surely I could get updates on him without having to speak to him. 

"Maybe." Emma answers. 

"Do you know what they have been doing?" I ask and Emma looks at Aria who gives her a small shrug. 

"All I know is that they just finished go karting or something." Well that sounded like fun.

"Anyway Genie you don't need to be concerned with what Claum is doing." Sam says. "You should be more concerned with what we have planned for you tonight." I trusted my friends with my life and I knew that whatever they did have planned surely wouldn't be too bad but now I was a little worried. 

-Four hours later-

"Is the blindfold really necessary?" I question pulling at the piece of black fabric that was currently tied around my head. After our little day spa we went back to my place so I could change for the night, the girls had chosen a very tight fitted red cocktail dress for to me which of course was accessorized with a personalized wedding sash which had 'Future Mrs Hood' sprawled across it. The girls had matching sashes except theirs all had 'Bridesmaid' written across theirs, apart from Sam who's sash had 'Maid of Honour' on it. To top of the outfit was a simple but sparkly tiara that had 'Bride to be' neatly on top of it.  

After we had finished getting ready we went to one of my favourite thai restaurants for a small dinner and then before I knew it I was being blindfolded and put in the back of some van. 

"Yes." Mali tells me and from the sound of her voice, I know that she is sitting somewhere in front of me. 

"Where are we going?" I ask though I'm sure I'm not going to get a real answer but I figured it wouldn't hurt to try. 

"You'll see when we get there." Sam answers and I let out an annoyed huff before leaning my head back, being careful to not knock off my tiara at the same time. I guess I would just have to sit back and enjoy the ride before we arrived at our location. I still hadn't had an communication with Calum which was bothering me a little more than I thought it would, especially because the girls would not give me any updates on what the boys may of been doing. I just hoped that he was having fun and was safe and hopefully he wasn't too drunk right now. 

The girls and I had had a couple of drinks with dinner but not too much because we knew it was always best to pace ourselves and since it seemed like the night was only just beginning I knew that it was a good choice. 

"Okay we're here." Sam announces cheerfully and I feel instant relief at the fact that I'll finally be able to take off the stupid blindfold. I hear the van door open beside me and I go to reach for the blindfold but my hands are hit at quickly making sure I don't even have the chance to take it off. 

"Not yet Genie." I hear Claudia tell me and I roll my eyes even though I know she can't see me. "Come on time to get out." Claudia undoes my seat belt before I feel her hands on my own and she's guiding me out of the van. 

"Can I take this off yet?" I ask when I feel the ground underneath my feet. 

"In two minutes." Claudia informs me before directing me to wherever it was we were going, I would assume to a door first of all. 

"Are you ready Genie?!" Emma asks me excitedly and I can only assume that means we are very close to where we are going. 

"You bet." I reply as I hear the sound of a door opening. Claudia seems to stop guiding me pretty abruptly which makes me a little confused. "Can I take off the blindfold now?"

"Yes." Aria finally gives me permission and I untie the blindfold as quickly as possible, My eyes take a few seconds to adjust as I hear a chorus of surprise being shouted. 

"Oh my god!" In front of me was a group of probably the best women I knew. My eyes flicker around the room we were in and I'm in awe at the people that were here. The room was filled with some old friends of mine from school and work,family friends, aunties and cousins who I had not seen a long time,Kirsty, Joy and of course my mother. "I can't believe you guys did this!" I say turning to the five girls who were behind me.  

"We wanted you to be able to celebrate with all of the wonderful women who are apart of your life." Sam tells me with a happy smile, the same smile that Emma, Mali, Aria and Claudia all had on their faces. God I really had the best friends. 

"Thank you." I tell them sincerely before giving them each a hug. 

"Go greet your all guests!" Aria tells me cutely and I look at all of the familiar faces in the room and feel an immense sense of warmth that they were all here today. 

After saying my hello's to everyone and having a series of mini catch ups I was now sitting with my mother and Joy. I was almost surprised to see them both here but then I knew that the two of them never liked to miss a party. 

"I'm so glad that you two are here." I tell them both once again. 

"We wouldn't be anywhere else sweetheart." Joy says sweetly reaching over and giving one of my hands a light squeeze. 

"Exactly." My mum says in agreement. "Though we may leave before you all get too wild." Mum winks at me and I let out a small laugh. I had no idea why she would think that, my friends and I were not at all capable of getting wild. 

"And probably before Genie's grilled about what happens in the bedroom!" Mali adds as she takes a seat next to Joy. My face instantly flushes at what's she's just said, the only downside to having your mother and future mother-in-law at your bachelorette party was probably what they would hear. 

"We definitely plan on leaving before that." Joy jokes though there is a hint of seriousness to her tone which was understandable since I'm sure no mother wants to hear about what her son is like in the bedroom. 

"We can have some wines at my place Joy, our own mother party." My mum says and I can't help but smile. I never doubted that they wouldn't get along but I was glad that my mum and Joy did get along as well as they did. The same went for my father and David who got along like a house on fire, it was truly one of the coolest things to watch. 

"Sounds like a plan Jenny." Joy claps happily and Mali raises her eyebrows at her. 

"How many drinks have you already had?" Mali interrogates and Joy gives her a stern look which makes us all laugh. "You just don't have the tolerance you use to mum, that is all." 

"You know nothing about my tolerance." Joy assures her cooly and my mind instantly drifts to Calum. He really was so much like both of his parents and being around them only made me think of him, god I hated that we had that stupid no communicating rule for the night. 

"Genie! Why is your glass empty?!" Claudia scolds as she approaches our table. I had honestly not even noticed that I had finished my drink which was obviously going to be a big deal tonight. "Listen up ladies! One rule for the night is that if you spot Genie with an empty glass then you have to get her a refill but not before she has to do a shot." 

"Seriously?" I whine as Claudia pulls me up from my chair. 

"Seriously." Claudia smirks at me as she leads me over to the food and drink tables. "Now take your shot." 

"Fine." I shake my head at her as I reach for the shot that was in her hands and down it. "Okay those are actually really good!" I say in appreciation. I was going to have no problem doing shots tonight if they all tasted like that. 

"Strawberry margarita jello shots." Claudia smirks. "You can thank Michael for those actually, he gave us the recipe. 

"I'll be sure to." A sure talent of Michael's was the drinks that he could concoct, they were way too good and usually fill of plenty of alcohol. "So am I right to assume that the finger food was your idea?" 

Claudia looks down at the table in front of her which is filled of mainly penis shaped finger food. "Oh you know it." Claudia states proudly. 

"Now how did I know that?" 

"You know me too well." Claudia shrugs as Sam comes hurrying over to us. "Time for our first game of the night!." 

"What are we playing?" I ask her looking around the room which was filled with what looked like an array of different bachelorette themed party games. "Pin the kiss on Ryan Gosling." 

"Another blindfold." I say with fake excitement as Sam grabs my hand. "Oh come on it is going to be fun." 

About an hour later we were seated for our next game which was The Mr & Mrs quiz. Basically I was asked a series of questions and so was Calum and then at our parties we would be asked those questions and see how many answers we got right or the same.

"Now since the mamas have now left, we figured it would be the perfect time to bring out The Mr & and Mrs quiz. So Genie are you ready?" Emma asks me as she holds a couple of sheets of paper in her hands. 

"Sure am." I tell her as I take a sip of my drink. I wouldn't say that I was drunk just yet but I was definitely buzzed and within the next hour or so I would definitely be drunk. 

"Okay first question!" Emma yells making sure that everybody is listening. "Where did you two first meet?" 

"Oh that's easy." I wave her off. "School." 

"What was your first official date?" Emma asks next and pull a face when I realize that Calum and I technically never had a 'first' date. 

"Uh we never really went on one." I admit sheepishly and getting a series of laugh in response. 

"To be fair Luke and I never really went on any dates either." Claudia says with a small smirk on her face, I wouldn't say that wasn't true, most of their dates just happened to take place in the bedroom.

"Neither did Michael and I." Aria states proudly and oddly enough it makes me feel a little bit better about Calum and I not going on one. 

"Moving on." Emma sniggers looking back down at the piece of paper in front of her. "What is Calum's biggest pet peeve?" 

"Uhm probably....loud eating." Calum didn't seem to have many pet peeves or at least he didn't really mention them. "Right and what is one thing that Calum cared about the most in terms of the wedding?" 

"Music." I say straight away. "We had a very long discussion about music and then he took even longer when we made a playlist."

"Can't say I'm surprised." Mali says with a shrug, she clearly knew exactly what her brother was like. 

"And he does own a record label." Kelly, an old work friend of mine points out. 

"Question number five." Emma starts. "Does Calum think you're the sexiest in a sundress, jeans and a tank top, lingerie or pajamas?" 

"Pajamas." I answer simply and everyone looks almost surprised at my answer. 

"Not lingerie?" Claudia asks me and I shake my head. "I basically sleep in his shirts." I explain and that seems to make sense to everyone. The questions carry on and there pretty tame which surprises me but there is one that makes me feel just that little bit uncomfortable to answer, mostly because Mali was sitting right across from me. 

"Where is the wildest place you've ever had sex?" Emma asks and I feel myself instantly flush. 

"Well..." I start as Mali downs her drink which makes me snort. "A rooftop." I answer and everyone seems very very surprised, even my best friends which makes sense considering none of them knew about that one time on the rooftop. 

"Okay. Hold up." Claudia yells. "When and where did this happen? And why have we not heard about it before??!" 

"It happened when we went to New York for new years eve..." I tell them and by the look on Claudia's face I can tell she isn't pleased by my answer or lack of answer. 

"And?" Claudia encourages while Mali cringes in her seat.

"And where we were staying you could go up to the roof and for some reason we seemed to be the only people who were up there and it just kind of happened." I explain not really wanting to share all the details. Some things were meant to just stay between Calum and I, and that was one of those nights.

"I didn't know you had it in ya." Claudia laughs though she looks almost proud. 

"So next question?" I say looking towards Emma who still looked like she was in shock at my last answer. 

"Right." Emma smirks. "What's Calum's favourite sexual position?" 

"You know." Mali says as she stands from her seat. "I need to go to the bathroom." Everyone looks more than amused as she leaves us to it and I'll admit that I felt just a little bad but then again, she had to know that questions like this were bound to be asked at my bachelorette party. 

"Maybe why Mali isn't here we should do the naughtier questions?" Aria suggests and I nod in agreement. "Sounds like a plan."

"So Calum's favourite position is?" Emma repeats and I think about it for a few seconds. "I'm going to say cowgirl." 

"Cowgirl it is." Emma eyes look to the piece of paper in front of her and I can see her scanning through the questions, obviously looking for the more sexual ones. "Who is noisier in bed?"


"Who orgasms quickest." Emma asks next. "Depends but usually Calum." 

"Who gives the best oral?" 

"Calum." I answer honestly because that boy sure was talented with his mouth. 

"How many sexual partners has Calum had?" Emma asks and I feel my stomach drop at the question. I had gotten over Calum's past a long time ago but that didn't mean I wanted to talk about it or hear about it. 

"I honestly have no idea and I don't plan on finding out." I answer and everybody seems to know that there's no need to dwell on it. 

"And last but not least, who is the most adventurous in bed?" 


"And that is all of those questions done so whenever Mali comes back, she'll be safe." Emma sniggers in amusement. 


"Oh Genie." Aria sing-songs as she takes a seat across from me, a mischievous look playing on her face. 

"Ari! Are you having a good night?" I ask her excitedly. I'll admit that I was quite drunk at the moment. My whole body felt like it was buzzing but it was a happy buzzing. A very happy buzzing. 

"You know considering I couldn't drink with you all tonight and I'm about ten times bigger than every person here, I am actually having an awesome time." Aria expresses to me and I grin at her response. I was a little worried that she wasn't going to have fun tonight because of baby girl clifford so to know that she had been having a good night was such a relief. 

"I'm so glad Ari, really." 

"Anyway I have more little surprise for you tonight." Aria informs me and I instantly perk at the sound of surprise. I really really loved surprises. 

"Another one? What is it?" I ask standing abruptly as Aria watches me in amusement. 

"Well Michael and I spoke..." 

"Okay and?" I raise my eyebrows at her. Was she planning on finishing that sentence or?

"Turn around." Aria tells me letting out a laugh. I turn my around just as I see my gorgeously gorgeous fiancee walk in to the room with a whole lot of guys piling in after him. 

"No  freaking way!" I squeal happily turning back to look at Aria. 

"Michael and I had this planned from the beginning." Aria muses and I can't help but beam at her. This night had been so incredible already but this really was the cherry on top. 

"Thank you." 

"Eh I did for me just as much as I did it for you." Aria slyly smiles at me before standing from her seat as well. "Come on lets go see our boys." 

It only take us a few minutes to get to where the boys currently were and I can't shake the beyond stupid smile that spread across my face. I guess I really didn't expect to see Calum until much later tonight at home so the fact that he was here right now was just perfect. 

  "Hi baby." Michael greets happily and Aria gives him a smile.

"Hey babe."

"I wasn't talking to you Aria." Michael smirks as he presses a quick peck to her stomach. "Hello love of my life." Michael says to Aria. "Now I'm talking to you." He pulls her in for a hug and says something else to her which I don't even hear because I'm looking straight at Calum.

He was wearing a simple black button up shirt and as usual a pair of black skinny jeans but he looked so damn good. How could he look that good when he was wearing something so simple?
His hair looked a little messy and I knew that would be down to him running his fingers through it like he always does when he drinks.

"Scott." Calum shoots me a very goofy smile as he reaches for one of my hands.

"Hood." I simper before wrapping my arms around his waist in a hug. Being back in his arms felt absolutely delightful and I was so glad that he was here. Michael and Aria sure had a great plan to end the night. 

"How's your night been going babe?" Calum asks me as we pull apart. I note that he seems a little drunk but nowhere as drunk as I thought he was going to be.

"Great but even greater now that you're here."   

"Well I aim to please." Calum says cheekily before pressing his lips to mine swiftly. The kiss was only short but sweet and it was honestly just what I needed. Plus I didn't exactly think that everyone here wanted to see us make out. 

"Oh there's Luke" I chuckle to myself spotting blondie by the food table. "You should go find Sam and we can totally hook them up tonight." I suggest to Calum. 

"You know I may actually be able to make that happen." Calum smirks at me. "Where's Sam?" My eyes take a lap around the room before landing on my beautiful blonde best friend. "There." I point out to Calum. 

"Hey Sam?!" Calum shouts getting her attention almost instantly. 

"Hey Calum?!" Sam shouts back and Calum lets out a snort before motioning her over with his hands. We watch as she excuses herself away from her current conversation and makes her way over to us. 

"What's up?" Sam asks looking at Calum in curiosity.

"I need you help with something okay?"

"Okay." Sam shrugs obviously happy to help with whatever it is that Calum needed. I was sure that if she wasn't as buzzed as she was that she would of asked exactly what it was that he needed help with but she didn't.

"Luke." Calum calls out simply and within a few seconds Luke is walking our way with a very distasteful look on his face. What in the world was his problem? My eyes soon look to Calum who had a very mischievous look on his face. I so desperately wished that I could look inside that head of his and see what he had planned for Luke and Sam. How exactly was he going to aide in hooking them up tonight?

"What the hell is up with all this penis shaped food?" Luke demands as reaches us. He was currently holding a skewered chocolate dipped banana in his hands and looking very grossed out at the obvious shape of it.

"It's a bachelorette party Luke." I tell him and he shrugs at me, clearly that answer made all the sense in the world. 

"You have it." Luke passes the banana to me and I accept it happily enough, though I chose to not eat it just yet. "It's kind of weirding me out." 

"So what am I helping with?" Sam asks looking impatient. I would assume that that was down to Luke being so close to her, from the time I had known Sam she would always be a lot more in to guys when she had alcohol in her system and I'm sure she would be worried about what she may find herself doing or wanting to do. 

"One second." Calum tells her before turning to Luke. "I have another dare for you." Luke's eyes widen at Calum's words as he lets out an annoyed groan. 

"This is the last one right? And then we're even?" Luke questions him and Calum nods furiously. Sam and I look between the two in pure confusion because we were clearly missing something. 

"I dare you to kiss Sam." 

"What?" Sam and Luke yell in unison looking shocked at Calum's dare, However I was more than impressed with Calum's tactics, that was certainly one way to get Sam and Luke to hook up. 

"You heard Luke." Calum says casually and Luke nervously looks at Sam. "Well...I mean if Sam doesn't mind?" 

"I'm sure she won't." I answer for Sam, not giving her a chance to make an excuse. This kiss was only going to be innocent and it might even help her get over whatever it was that she currently had for Luke. Sam shoots me a glare and looks more than nervous. 

Luke looks at Sam questionably before she gives him a little smile, obviously telling him that it was fine. Luke doesn't hesitate and takes a step forward, he cups her face ever so cutely then presses his lips to hers. 

"Now who's the matchmaker." Calum whispers to me sounding almost victorious. We both knew that between the two of us, I was most definitely the matchmaker and not him but I would let him think that in this moment he was. 

Calum and I both are little surprised to find that neither Luke or Sam had pulled away from the kiss yet, in fact I'm pretty sure I could see some tongue action going on between the two. 

"Why are Luke and Sam playing tonsil hockey?" Ashton asks appearing from nowhere. He looked very confused at the scene that was currently happening in front of him. 

"My last dare for Luke." Calum tells Ashton but that doesn't seem to answer Ashton's question. Sam is the one breaks the kiss and pulls away looking more than a little flushed and also embarrassed. I'm sure she did not think that at anytime tonight she would basically be making out with Luke. 

Luke looks quite frazzled as he takes a step back and looks at us all. "I need another drink." He announces before scurrying off in the other direction. My eyes instantly dart to Sam who now looks like she wants to be anywhere but here.

"I'm going to the bathroom." Sam excuses herself before rushing off. 

"Maybe we should go after them?" I say to Calum who looks completely neutral at what we had just witnessed. 

"I don't know." Calum blinks as he looks down at the chocolate covered banana I was still holding in my hand. "Are you going to eat that?" I'm shake my head before passing it to him and watch him eat it within seconds, obviously it didn't weird him out like it did Luke.

"I'm gonna go talk to Luke because I am honestly so confused right now." Ashton giggles and I have to smile because drunk Ashton giggles were on of my favourite things ever. "But before I go have either of you seen Emma? I can't seem to find her." 

"Uh she should be around here somewhere." I mutter looking around the room for her but not spotting the future Mrs Irwin anywhere. 

"Maybe she's waiting for you in the bathroom." Calum comments shooting Ashton a smirk who shoots Calum a glare.

"That never happened!" Ashton exclaims shaking his head at Calum in pure annoyance. It had been years yet Calum still teased both Ashton and Emma about the whole bathroom thing from when we went on a double date.

"Whatever you say Ashton, whatever you say." Ashton huffs at Calum before going off in the same direction that Luke had only moments before.


"Genie this isn't working." Calum whines hopelessly as he stands at our front door, struggling to get the key in the correct keyhole. We had gotten home about five minutes prior yet Calum still could not unlock the door. "It won't go in."

"Give it here." I laugh taking the key from his hands. I would say that Calum and I were both equally drunk at the moment and they would definitely be Michael's fault for making us play a few rounds of stacks, that had to be one of worst drinking games but it was also one of the best games to play, the amount of fun you could have while playing such a simple game was awesome.  

It takes me only a few seconds to correctly insert the key in to the right keyhole and twist it, unlocking the front door. "Do you always have trouble finding holes?" I ask Calum with a smirk. 

"You know that I don't." Calum replies cockily as he pushes the door open. "Walker! My son!" Calum cheers, kneeling down to greet Walker who was wagging his tail so happily because his parents were finally home. 

"Hi boy." I coo reaching down to rub between his adorable floppy ears. "We missed you." Calum and I both pat him for a few minutes and I'm the one to walk away first, going in to the kitchen on a ice cream hunt. 

"He's coming to the wedding okay?" Calum yells to me, still giving Walker attention.

"Whatever you want." I yell to him as I grab a spoon from the kitchen drawer. I go to the freezer next and grab the tub of chocolate ice cream that was in there. It was probably so boring to have chocolate as your favourite ice cream flavour but I really didn't care. It was the best flavour and I would go to my grave believing that. 

My ears perk at the sound of the front door closing and I knew that Calum had managed to drag himself away from Walker for at least a minute or too. The love that Calum had for Walker, or for any dogs for that matter absolutely warmed my heart. He had so much love for animals and it was one of my favourite things about him, it also made me think about just how great he was going to be with our kids whenever we had them. 

Daddy Calum was going to be such a wonderful thing. 

"Ow." I curse as my feet slip beneath me and I fall on to my ass. Stupid stupid high heels. I pull at the straps of my heels for a few minutes but have no luck on getting them off so I decide to just leave them on and begin to get in to my ice cream, the chocolaty goodness making me beyond happy. Why did some foods just taste so much better when you were drunk? 

"Why are you on the floor?" Calum asks as he walks in to the kitchen a few minutes later, Walker close beyond. 

"I slipped." I answer simply and Calum grins at oddly before sitting down beside me on the floor. 

"Man you're cute." Calum says more to himself than me as he reaches for my feet and drapes them over his lap before undoing my straps with such ease that makes me jealous. Why couldn't I get them off like that? "My specialty is high heels and apparently yours is opening doors." 

"Match made in heaven." 

"Exactly." Calum beams as his eyes drop to the tub of ice cream in front of me before coming back up to meet mine. "Can I have some?" 

"Sure." I scoop a spoonful of ice cream on to the spoon then lean forward and fed it to Calum. I can't help but just watch him as he licks his lips casually, taking the spoon from my hands and placing in the ice cream.

He looked beautiful. 

His hair was perfectly messy, just the way I loved it and he looked so perfect as the moonlight highlighted his features. I still couldn't quite believe that someone like him existed, he was more than anything I could imagine and I still found myself wondering how I was lucky enough to of fallen in love with him. He was beautiful in every single way and I knew that was a rarity. 

"Do I have ice cream on my face or something?" Calum questions me and I shake my head at him. 

"I love you." 

"I love you too." Calum replies and my heart aches. I don't think I would ever ever get sick of hearing him say that and I could only hope that he would never get sick of saying it. 

A/N: And that's a wrap. Honestly I had some trouble with this chapter because I had about half of it written and then hated it so I had to basically start again which is why it took a little longer. Apologies for that as I really wanted to get it out sooner but it's definitely a lot better than the first version, and it's also probably the longest chapter I've ever written. I'm not too sure how long Calum's bachelor party chapter is going to take me, I did want to post it this weekend but I don't know how that will go exactly....Anyway what do you want to see the boys get up to? You would help me massively by letting me know. If I don't get the chapter out this weekend then it will definitely be posted next week some time. 

Also I'm going to post the rest of questions and answers for Genie's Mr & Mrs Quiz below! Hope you enjoy the chapter! Let me know how you like it. Also I can't believe how close we are to the wedding chapter!!! My Galum heart....honestly it's going to be an emotional one to write...

Q1.Where did you two first meet? 
A. Oh that's easy.  School.

Q2.What was your first official date?
A. Uh we never really went on one.

Q3.What is Calum's biggest pet peeve?
A. Uhm probably....loud eating. 

Q4.What is one thing Calum cared about the most in terms of the wedding?
A. Music. We had a very long discussion about music and then he took even longer when we made a playlist. 

5.Does think you're the sexiest in a sundress,Jean and a tank top, lingerie or pajamas? 
A. Pajamas.

Q6.Complete the following sentence: I knew I had found the love of my life when?
A. He made my heart ache in the best possible way. 

Q7. You've gone to pick up milk, on a whim, you decide to get Calum a little surprise treat. What would the treat be?
A. A snickers chocolate bar. 

Q8.What is the wildest place you've ever had sex? 
A. Well.... A rooftoop.

Q9.Who is Calum's celebrity crush? 
A. I feel like it changes all the time but Katy Perry. 

Q10.What is the one song Calum likes but will never admit?
A. Definitely Barbie Girl by Aqua.

Q11.At what time of the day would Calum most likely try to seduce you?
A. Oh god, anytime.

Q12.What is Calum's favourite tv show?
A. Family Guy.

Q13.What is Calum's favourite body part of yours? 
A. My eyes.

Q14.What's the one thing, apart from you, that he'd save in a fire? 
A. Walker, of course! He's like his son. 

Q15.What's his favourite sexual position? 
A. I'm going to say cowgirl.

Q16.What's your favourite body part of his? 
A. His eyes, definitely his eyes. 

Q17.How many children does he want? 
A. He told me he wants four. 

Q18.After how many dates did you sleep together? 
A. We didn't really go on any dates! 

Q19.How do you like to fall asleep? Cuddling or apart? 

A. Cuddling. Where do yo think Calum the cuddle bear came from?

Q20.Would you trust him to pick your wedding dress? 
A. Surprisingly I would

Q21.What's his special name for you? 
A. Scott. 

22.What's the first movie you ever saw together? 
A. Oh wow that's going back....I think it was The amazing spider man and we were at Michael house when we watched it. 

Q23.What were his exact words when he proposed? 
A. Well we were taking a walk on the beach and said a few odd things about us as a couple which I didn't think to much of at the time...and then he said that I was his everything and that he was completely in love with me and that if I give him the chance he'll love me forever and then he asked If I would marry him. There's a little bit more to it but you get the point.  

Q24.What is Calum's favourite thing about your personality?
A. I actually have no idea... My sense of humour maybe? I'm gonna have to ask him.

Q25.What would Calum want to eat as his last meal? 
A. His mum's Spaghetti, without a doubt.

Q26.Who is noisier in bed?
A. Me.

Q27.Who orgasms quickest? 
A. Depends but usually Calum.

Q28.Who gives the best oral sex?  
A. Calum. 

Q29. How many sexual partners has he had?
A. I honestly have no idea and I don't plan on finding out.

Q30.Who is the most sexually adventurous?
A. Calum. 

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