The Baby Project. C.H. (A.U.)

By Foreverattached

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"This is no ordinary thing, our love." -SEQUEL TO THE BOYFRIEND PROJECT.- More

The Baby Project.
One // Home.
Two // Unexpected Surprises.
Three // Reunions.
Four // Intoxicated.
Five // Old and New.
Six // Truth.
Seven // Unanswered.
Eight // Christmas Eve.
Nine // Home Truths.
Ten // Heart to Heart.
Eleven // Positive.
Twelve // New Life
Thirteen // Reflect.
Fourteen // Luck.
Fifteen // Secrets.
Sixteen // Grudges.
Seventeen // Reality.
Eighteen // Bliss.
Nineteen // Decsions.
Twenty // Starting over.
Twenty One // Paint.
Twenty Two // Revelations.
Twenty Three // Ache.
Twenty Four // Struggle.
Twenty Five // Engagement.
Twenty Six // A little bit of normal.
Twenty Seven // Dangerous Territory.
Twenty Eight // Break Down.
Twenty Nine // Reunited.
Thirty // Better late than never.
Thirty One // Toothy Grins.
Thirty Two // Ours.
Official Playlist (Plus More!)
Thirty Three // Confession.
Thirty-Four // Communication.
Thirty Five // Breakups.
Thirty Six // Family Dinners.
Thirty Seven // Connected.
Who's who.
Thirty Eight // Ghosts.
Thirty Nine // Homecoming.
Forty // Taking Sides.
Forty One // Youth.
Forty Two // Making Plans.
Forty Three // Meetings.
Forty Four // Reveals.
Forty Five // Gifts.
-Let me know-
Forty Seven // Details.
Forty Eight // Bachelorette. (Genie)
Forty Eight // Bachelor. (Calum)
Forty Nine // Before we say I do.
Fifty // I Do (Genie)
Fifty // I Do (Calum)
Fifty One // Honeymoon.
Fifty Two // Birdie.
Fifty Three // Rapture.
Fifty Four // Family Blowout.
Fifty Five // Apple Seed.
Important authors note!
Fifty Six // Across the world and back.
Fifty Seven // Dirty Laundry.
Fifty Eight // First Birthdays.
Fifty Nine // Pleasure.
Sixty // Mended.
Sixty One // Bubble.
Sixty Two // Baby Blues.
Update on updates.
Sixty Three // Olive Branches.
Sixty four // Chocolate Chip.

Forty Six // Birthdays.

5.1K 105 49
By Foreverattached

A/N: Sorry it's taken so long but here's the update! Hoping to get back in to the swing of weekly updates from now on! Thank you all for your patience xx

"We don't need that many Calum." I snort in amusement as I shake my head at my husband to be. We both had woken up early and decided take a trip to the beach which is where we currently were, walking hand and hand with Walker just in front of us.

"We do Genie." Calum exclaims. "We need to have one for every child we have."

"So you said we need four dogs so does that mean you want to have four kids?" I ask him looking at him in surprise.

"Exactly." Calum grins at me.

"That would be one full house Cal." I point out and Calum shrugs. "Do you really want four kids?" I ask him. I had never really thought about the exact number of children that I wanted but it seemed like Calum had. All I really knew was that I had always wanted to be a mum.

"I think four is a good number, hopefully two boys and two girls." Calum tells me and I can't help but smile. For some reason I just thought it was so adorable that he had actually thought about things like how many children he wanted. I felt like most guys didn't or if they did than they didn't really talk about it.

"Oh really? Do I get a say in this? I am the one who has to carry and push them all out after all." I ask him and get a cheeky smile in response.

"I already know your body can do magical things so I think you'll be perfectly fine."

"You always know how to put a perverted twist on things." I tell him as he stops in his tracks.

"This is a good spot." Calum exclaims before flinging down the blanket he had been holding in his other arm down on to the sand.

"Come here boy." I call Walker who had walked a little more a head of us. He turns around and comes running over to us within seconds though. Walker seemed to love beach picnics just like Calum and I did.

"Good boy." I praise Walker as he plops down next to me. "Sometimes I still can't believe you got me a dog." Literally the last thing I ever expected to wake up to on Christmas morning would be a dog. I still loved that even now, Calum could still manage to surprise me.

"Sometimes I still can't believe that you agreed to marry me." Calum shoots back, a wide grin on his lips.

"I know." I lightly scoff. "What was I thinking." I say in a dramatic tone before letting out a small laugh.

"We've come a long way when you think about it." Calum muses. "From the days of you ignoring me at school to screaming my name out every night in pleasure."

"You wish it was every night." I deadpan. "Also I would like to point out that I did not ignore you in school."

"Sure you didn't." Calum says as a boyish grin finds it's way to his lips.

"If anybody ignored anybody then you ignored me." I say thinking back to the handful of times in school when I tried to converse with him and would just get one worded answers or nothing at all.

"Like I said, we've come a long way." Calum replies and I know he's turning the conversation back to our relationship growth just so he can get out of admitting I'm right.

"We really have." I smile before leaning forward and placing my hands on his shoulders. "I'm really in love with you, you know."

"Feelings mutual Scott." Calum smiles making the brown in his eyes sparkle just that little bit more.

My eyes flicker to his lips then back to his eyes which instantly make me feel warm and gooey on the inside. I really didn't know how he did it but he still made me feel like a giddy teenager who was falling in love for the first time.

Calum's left hand reaches up to my face and he gently runs the pad of his thumb across my cheek bone. An intent look across his beautiful face as he does so.

It was times like this I so desperately wished I could read his mind. I wanted to know exactly what he was thinking and how he was feeling because when he looked at me like that I truly felt like the most important person in the universe.

"I'm so in love with you." Calum says thoughtfully.

He slowly leans forward then chooses to tease me by ghosting his lips ever so softly against mine.

I smile against his lips before kissing him deeply.


"Your apartment is really great Sam." Ashton says as he follows Sam back in to the lounge area, Luke also following close behind. All of us apart from Ashton and Luke had already had the full tour of Sam's apartment.

Tonight was Sam's twenty fourth birthday so we were all currently at her apartment having a few pre-drinks to get the night started.

"Thanks Ash." Sam beams, she definitely had her birthday glow on tonight and I was glad. A part of me was a little worried about how she would handle her first birthday without Andrew but she seemed to be doing just fine. Who knew being single would agree so much with Sam?

"Your bedroom is really cool." Luke tells her and Sam instantly goes red which makes me quietly snort but not quietly enough because Calum gives me an odd look.

"Thanks Luke." Sam says and I can tell she's doing her best to seem completely neutral. She shoots me a nervous smile before hurrying in to her kitchen to grab another drink.

"Is there a reason you found Luke's compliment so funny?" Calum asks me, making sure that I'm the only one who hears which I loved him for. Calum had a great way of knowing when something needed to be keep quiet.

"I'll tell you later." I tell him and he raises his eyebrows at me suspiciously. "Pinky Promise." I say then lift my pinky finger up. Calum smiles in amusement before linking his own pinky finger with mine.

"It really sucks that Aria and Michael couldn't make it tonight." Ashton says a small sigh following his lips after he does. "It's always a party when Michael is around."

"Always." Luke chuckles in agreement as he takes another swig of his beer, he was already on his seventh one of the night and I was a little bit worried about the pace he was going at. I had a small feeling that he was on edge tonight because Claudia was going to be making an appearance tonight with her new boyfriend Elijah who had flown in a couple of days ago now to spend some quality time with Claudia.

I knew things were over between the two of the them but I knew that it was never easy seeing somebody who you once loved with someone new.

"He's being a good husband and daddy to be." Emma gushes and I can't help but smile at her words because she was absolutely right. Aria was obviously invited but she couldn't exactly party like the rest of us so she decided to sit this one out, and Michael surprised us all by choosing to stay home too.

"Exactly." I say proudly. Michael had really grown up so much over the last couple of years and I was really happy for him and Aria, especially when I think back to how things first started between the two of them.

"Okay everyone." Sam yells before coming back to join everyone, a tray of shots in her hand. "I don't even remember the last time I actually partied with you all for a birthday so tonight we are going to have the fucking best night."

"I don't think I've ever heard you swear before." Ashton chuckles looking shocked as he reaches for a shot glass.

"Yeah." Emma agrees. "It's a little odd."

"Well I like single Sam." Luke adds as he takes a shot glass from the tray that was still in Sam's hand. "Here's to tonight!" Luke smirks before downing his shot.

"Tonight!" Calum cheers before following suit and also downing a shot. I knew that Sam had made her own little concoctions for these particular shots and a part of me really did not want any part of it because Sam always seemed to mix very very strong shots but since it was her birthday I was going to go along with everyone else.

"Sometimes I think I'm getting too old for this." I admit as I reach for the last shot glass that was on the tray. I hesitate for a second of two then down it, the contents burning down my throat almost immediately. "Ugh." I mutter scrunching my face up at the taste.

"You're so cute." Calum laughs from beside me. I turn to look at him and smile almost instantly.

"You're the cute one." I tell him leaning over to press my lips to his own in a short but sweet kiss. I think we had made out in front of this lot a few too many times and I wanted to spare them from that tonight.

"Since Michael isn't here, I'll be the one to tell you two how gross you are." Sam sniggers playfully. "That applies to you two over there too." Sam says looking over at Emma and Ashton who were standing close by with their arms wrapped around each other lovingly.

"Agreed." Luke speaks up. "Us single peeps need to stick together Sam."

"You sure do." I nod in agreement shooting Sam a smirk. Tonight was going to be absolutely hilarious if Luke keep coming out with things like that, Sam was just way to easy to tease.

An Hour or so later I found myself in the kitchen with Sam mixing up or last pre-drinks for the night. Afterwards we were going to a new club that had opened called Minx, Sam had gotten us all invited and because it was her birthday and it was her sister's boyfriend who owned the club we were apparently going to be getting the V.I.P. treatment.

"He likes single Sam." I tease nudging Sam with my elbow.

"Shut up." Sam hisses looking behind us to make sure no one was close enough to hear. "You know-" Sam starts when she knows it's safe to talk. "This is all your fault....Emma and Aria too."

"Okay and how did you come to that conclusion?" I ask her before taking a sip of my drink. Tonight's poision was vodka and cranberry juice, one of my favourites.

"You three put the idea of Luke and I in my head and that idea has still not gone anywhere." Sam admits and I can't help but snort in amusement.

"We may of put the idea in your head but it wouldn't of stuck if you weren't attracted to him." I point out and Sam shoots me an annoyed look because she knows I'm right.

It was actually so amusing to me to see her be so on edge about the whole thing. I really didn't see the big deal, I mean she thought Luke was hot and had been having some dreams about him? So what.

I guess maybe it was a big deal to Sam because she hadn't been with anyone or even thought about being with anyone else since Andrew, then you add in the fact that Luke is her friend and has history with Claudia who is also her friend.

I knew Sam would be over thinking the whole thing because that's what Sam did and I'm sure she thought it was a whole lot more complicated than it really was. I was sure that if Sam really did want to get involved with Luke then all she would need to do is talk to Claudia about it and considering Claudia had moved on, I was thinking that she wouldn't have a problem with it.

"Maybe you should ask Luke if he can be your birthday present." I tease and Sam instantly flushes.

"Genie." Sam dismisses me shaking her head at my suggestion.

"I'm just saying that everyone deserves birthday sex." I tell her innocently as she shoots me a glare.

"Well this sounds like an interesting conversation." Ashton speaks up from behind us and I can't help but laugh.

"Genie is just being stupid." Sam tells Ashton who has a smirk on his face.

"Stupid? I don't know I actually agree with her." Ashton quips and I shoot him a grin. "Is that part of the reason we're going out tonight samo? So you can find a guy to unwrap later?" Ashton asks clearly teasing Sam.

"No of course not!" Sam groans looking annoyed. "We're going out to have fun and celebrate."

"Whatever you say." Ashton winks. "I'm just here to ask when we are actually leaving because the boys are starting to get antsy."

"Are they now?" I ask looking around the corner of the kitchen to see Luke and Calum chatting away whilst Emma watched them in amusement. I'm sure they were having a very interesting discussion.

"They'll never admit it but you know how much they feel like dancing once they've had a few." Ashton adds. "So?"

"I'm ready." I shrug then down the last of my drink. "Sam?" I raise my eyebrows at her and she smiles excitedly at me.

"Lets go."


"This place is going off." Sam squeals as we make our way to the V.I.P. section of Minx, the club that Sam's sisters boyfriend had recently opened and Sam wasn't wrong. Like most popular clubs there were people absolutely everywhere, the music was booming and the drinks were flowing.

"You could say that." Ashton says from behind me. He almost looked startled and it was quite cute. Ashton and Emma not been out clubbing since Alyx had been born so I think he was in a little shock at being back in the scene.

"Sammi!" I hear an all too familiar voice yell and I look over to see Sam rushing over to hug her older sister Lisa who was grinning from ear to ear. It was weird to me that Lisa had ended up with a club owner because to be completely honest she was a snob. Sam and I always imagined her ending with some sort of doctor or political figure but she surprised everyone when she fell for David and now here we were.

"Has Sam's sister always been hot?" Luke asks from beside me and I have to roll my eyes. Boys were so predictable.

"She has a boyfriend Luke." Calum snorts shaking his head at Luke who shrugs casually. I couldn't help but wonder if he was feeling nervous about Claudia coming tonight, she was after all bringing her boyfriend with her so that was going to be interesting to see.

"So just out of curiosity Luke do you think Sam's hot?" I question. Lisa and Sam were practically twins except Lisa had taken after their father's side of the family and had a head full of dark brown curls.

"Yeah Luke do you?" Emma asks as her and I share a look. I knew we were both thinking back to our girls movie night where Sam had expressed her interest in Luke.

"I suppose?" Luke awkwardly answers. "I'm going to get a drink." He tells us before wandering away, obviously on his way to the bar.

"Why do I feel like they know something we don't?" Ashton asks looking between Emma and myself and then at Calum who was eyeing me suspiciously.

"Probably because they do Ashton, they always do." Calum replies keeping his eyes on me.

"Pinky." I tell him holding my pinky up and he nods before tangling his hands with my own. Calum knew that whatever I knew he would soon know and I was sure that was just fine with him. If it was really important he would already know but it just wasn't.

An hour or two had passed and I had to admit that I was having a great night. Since we were lucky enough to be able to be in our V.I.P. section we didn't have to worry about randoms trying to come and dance with us, though I think Luke would of liked that. We also didn't have to worry about paying for drinks which may of seemed good for the night but when we woke in the morning with hangovers, I'm sure we would think differently.

"What are you two talking about?" I ask in a confused tone as I stand in front of Calum and Ashton. I was definitely a lot more drunker than Calum and Ashton combined but that was okay because Emma and Sam were keeping up with me quite nicely, Luke on the other hand was drunker then all of us and that was probably down to the fact that Claudia and her new beau were due to arrive any time now. They were suppose to come a lot earlier but their plans changed.

"Nothing you need to know about." Ashton winks at me cheekily before excusing himself to go over to Emma who was talking with Lisa. Sam was currently happily dancing on her own which made me happy. My best friend had had one of the worst years of her life so she deserved to have the best birthday, even if she was going to be going to be alone.

"You two are mean." I pout at Calum and he looks at me in amusement.

"It wasn't anything important babe." Calum tells me as his hands snake there way around my waist.

"You promise?" I ask him as I drape my arms over his shoulders.

"Promise." Calum smiles which makes me smile stupidly back at him. I was clearly on a very happy/lovey drunk buzz which is probably the best one to be on.

"So when are you gonna come dance with me?" I question Calum with a small pout. I had mainly been dancing with the girls all night and oddly enough Calum was yet to get out on the dance floor.

"Whenever you want." Calum tells me before pressing a sweet kiss to my forehead.

"How about now?" I raise my eyebrows at him and watch as an amused smile lights up his face.

"Okay." Calum drops his hands from my waist before holding them out in front of me. "Lead the way."

I reach for his hands a few seconds later then lead him over to where Sam, Luke and Ashton currently were.

"C-dizzle is on the dance floor!" Luke beams happily as he wraps an arm around Calum.

"Oh my god." I laugh as Ashton wraps an arm around Luke, joining in on the fun. The boys were now simultaneously kicking their legs up and down in the air in some sort of dance.

"They are such idiots." Sam snorts from beside me and I instantly look over at Emma who was already looking at me. We share a knowing smile before I turn to look at Sam.

"Maybe." I shrug. "But they're our idiots and we wouldn't have it any other way."

"Exactly." Emma smiles looking more than proud as she looked over at her husband to be. I loved the fact that the boys could still be silly and have fun together, they were all still kids at heart and if you asked me that was a wonderful quality to have.

"Claudia!" Sam squeals excitedly and I turn around to see that Claudia had just entered the V.I.P. area with a tall, dark and handsome man following after her. I'm guessing that would be Elijah.

"Happy Birthday Hun!" Claudia wraps Sam in a tight hug before handing her a bottle of what looks like champagne.

"Thank you and thanks for coming." Sam beams happily, her drunk shining through.

"Sorry we're late, the whole day has just been a blur." Claudia apologies and Sam instantly waves her off, she could care less about Claudia being late, she was just happy that she was here.

I think we all were. Since things have been so tense and awkward with Luke we had barely seen Claudia but ever since they had had their talk things had been a lot easier and we were finally starting to get our group hangouts back again.

"That's my fault actually." Elijah speaks up. "Jet lag is a bitch."

"Right." Claudia chuckles nervously. "Sam this is Elijah, Elijah this is Sam and well.." Claudia stops to smile at us all. "Everyone."

"Hello Everyone." Elijah smiles putting his pearly whites on display. I was with the love of my life and nobody would ever come close to Calum but that didn't mean that I didn't notice just how attractive Elijah was.

(Michael Trevino as Elijah Matthews.)

"Do you think his last name is Mikaelson?" I ask Emma with an amused smirk and she shakes her head at me before letting out a laugh.


Three hours later I found myself slouched on the couch with Luke sitting beside me. Calum had left us to go shower and get ready for bed about fifteen minutes which is probably what I should be doing too but yet here I was.

"So what did you think of Elijah?" I ask Luke out of curiosity. Luke had been strangely neutral at the club when it came to Elijah and Claudia and nobody really knew what to make of it.

"He seems cool." Luke replies nonchalantly. I thought there would of been some tension or awkwardness with the three of them but there was nothing which I thought was good but it was also a little unexpected.

"Was it hard for you to see her with someone else?" I ask next and Luke shrugs before looking at me.

"I guess? But we've both moved on so it's whatever." Luke admits and I'm quietly proud of his answer. We all desperately wanted Luke to find someone to settle down with and we worried at times that he was never going to be able to because of everything that happened with Claudia but I think now that he had closure, he would finally be able to do that and I really couldn't wait for him to find the happiness that he deserved.

"Okay." I let out a sigh as stand from the couch, My heads was spinning just a little and I knew that was down to the alcohol that was still flowing through my veins. "Come on Lukey, Spare room." I instruct him and he pouts at me.

"The couch is comfy."

"The couch will hurt your back, now up." I demand pulling at his hands. Luke grumbles like a toddler but lets me pull him up and I lead him down to the spare room that he had spent the night in plenty of times before.

"Here you go." I lightly chuckle helping him sit on the edge of the bed. I go to pull my hands out of his but he stops me and takes me by complete surprise when he pulls me closer to him and presses his lips to mine.

"Luke, Hey what are you doing?" I mutter pushing him away immediately. The feeling of Luke's lips on mine just felt weird, and not the good weird but the wrong weird. What was he thinking?

"Sorry not sorry." Luke chuckles before a deep sigh follows. "Goodnight Genie." He mutters a few seconds later falling backwards on to the bed, his eyes closed tightly. I guess he was down for the night?

I leave him feeling dazed and confused. Why would Luke think he could kiss me? I knew he was drunk but was he really so drunk that he thought he could make a move on me?? My head is beginning to spin and I don't know if it's because of the alcohol that is flowing through my veins or what had just happened in there.

Maybe it's both?

My feet somehow take me upstairs but I stop dead in my tracks when I reach the doorway of Calum and I's room.

Calum is standing in front of his dresser in nothing but his boxers. His perfectly sculpted back is facing me but I can tell that his gaze is fixed on his phone. How could somebody look so perfect doing nothing? He was literally just standing there and my heart couldn't take how gorgeous he was.

And the best thing is that he is all mine.

"What are you doing?" I wonder as I walk towards him.

"Texting Michael." Calum tells me as I wrap my arms around his waist from behind. "He wants to know all the dirty details from tonight."

"He's probably going to be disappointed then." I mumble against the back of Calum's shoulder before peppering wet kisses across the back of his shoulder blade. The night had been quite uneventful, the only thing that was kind of news worthy was that we met Claudia's boyfriend.

And maybe that Luke had kissed me but that just didn't seem important right now. He was just drunk and it really didn't mean anything....or did it? I shake those thought from my head and decide that there is no point in dwelling on them at the moment. I needed to have a clear head which I currently did not.

"Probably." Calum snorts. "I guess that just proves that Michael really does bring the party with him." Calum locks his phone and places it on top of his dresser before turning to face me, his hands moving to rest on my lower back.

"It was a really a good night though." I admit and Calum nods in agreement.

"It was." Calum smiles cutely at me. "Do you think Sam had a good night?" Calum's eyes were a little red like I'm sure mine were but he wasn't exactly drunk. He may of been a little tipsy and he had stayed on that level for most of the night which was quite surprising but then I knew that he had breakfast with his parents tomorrow and I assumed he didn't want to be sporting a hangover to that. Wasn't he a good son?

"She totally did!" I let out a laugh and think back to the moment when Sam was out dancing on the dance floor all by herself, it made me happy because the look that was spread on her face was just pure joy. I couldn't help but think that for someone who hated to be alone she was adjusting really well, in fact I think she was really beginning to enjoy her newly found independence.

"That good, I think her first birthday post Andrew needed to be a good one." Calum says and I can't help but smile. Calum was literally such a good person, he had such a pure heart and I adored him for that. We know that when Calum and I first got together that Sam was less than supportive but now she was like our biggest supporter.

Calum could of easily held her past actions against her but he didn't. Calum gave Sam a second chance and I was so glad he did because I don't how I would of handled one of my best friends and the love of my life not getting along.

"And it was." I was worried at the beginning of the night that Sam was going to have a hard time and it was because of the fact that it was her first birthday without Andrew. He had been with her on every single one of her birthdays for the past nine years so I had a feeling that the night was going to be hard for her but it didn't seem like it was at all, And if it was difficult for Sam then she sure as hell did a fantastic job of acting like it wasn't.

"What's that smile for?" Calum asks raising his eyebrows at me in curiosity.

"I was just thinking about how lucky I am to be with someone who is so forgiving." I tell him and he gives me a quizzical look. "You and Sam never use to be on the best of terms but look you at two now."

"Oh right." Calum chuckles. "We're like best buds now."

"Maybe not best buds." I frown at him and he lets out one of his wonderful Calum laughs.

"I think you need to get some sleep."

"Maybe." I admit before resting my head against his chest. I could hear his hear beating perfectly and it made me feel warm. How could the sound of someone else's heartbeat make me feel so content? So happy? I knew it was because I loved him and everything but sometimes it just surprised me that one person could make me feel that way.

"Yes." Calum says pulling back from me ever so slightly. "Do you need help taking your dress off?"

"When it comes to you, always." I smirk at him and he shakes his head at me but there's a smile on his face. I couldn't help it if I wanted him a little extra than usual when I was drunk. It seemed perfectly logical didn't it?

"Right." Calum snorts. "Turn around." He instructs and I oblige almost instantly. Calum unzips the back of my dress effortlessly and I let fall to my feet before letting out a content sigh. "Now you need to go get ready for bed."

"What if I am already ready?" I ask as I turn to face Calum. His eyes seem to be extra warm tonight and that makes me feel ridiculously gooey on the inside.

"We both know you're going to want to brush your teeth and wash your face." Calum points out and he's right. There was nothing worse than waking up after a night out and not having brush your teeth or taken off you make-up the night before.

"True." I agree with him before making my way to our bathroom to do just that. It takes me a couple of minutes to do what I needed to but before I knew it I was rummaging around Calum's draws for a t-shirt to sleep in.

"You know you have your own pajamas?" Calum asks me from our bed.

"I know but there are just times when I need to sleep in something of yours." I tell him as I pull a random shirt of his over my head.

"You're cute." Calum chuckles opening his arms to me once I had joined him in bed. I nuzzle my face in to his chest as he wraps his arm around me securely. "How are your feet always so cold?" Calum groans as my feet meet with his.

"How are your feet always so warm?"

"Probably so they can warm up yours." Calum mutters which makes me smile. You know it's true love when even your feet are compatible.


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