The Unsung Hero《Sequel》

Od Arrancar_

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It has been six years since that day. "The Unsung Hero? He wasn't just a Hero...He would have made the world... Více

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Book 2 Chapter 1
Book 2 Chapter 2
Book 2 Chapter 3
Book 2 Chapter 4
Book 2 Chapter 5
Book 2 Chapter 6
Book 2 Chapter 7
Book 2 Chapter 8
Book 2 Chapter 9

Chapter 13

1.7K 100 105
Od Arrancar_

Making up for the slacks, here's another one.

Dedicated to the hole puncher.


"You're free to go,"

The rays of sunlight pierce through the opening doors, a wave of fresh air filled the opening of the dungeon.

There it was, freedom.

"Your belongings will be Konoha's law enforcement, we're watching you," said the guard.

As expected, no directions.

I walk out of the dungeon for this first time in that past two days. My "paperwork" was apparently lost, in which I had to stay longer than I should. However, these guards wouldn't dare mock a prestigious clan like the Hyuga clan.

Now here I was, standing in the middle of nowhere, far from the rural places of Konoha, but I knew my way, I did roam a lot as a kid.

I wore beat up shorts, no- more like rags, and a ripped up dirty shirt with some low-end sandals.

Fuck, I thought to myself, I run my hand through my dirty locks and sigh. That's when I took notice and looked down at both of my hands, it finally hit me.

Kurama, are you responsible for my right hand? I mentally ask receiving no response.


I begin walking towards the middle of the city, I had to retrieve everything I had no matter how I looked like. I asked Hinata to bring everyone to her home days prior.


"Bring those who want to know... just not my family"


"I'll deal with it myself..."


"Boruto why does your room stink?" exclaimed a certain Uchiha girl.

"W-What?!" Boruto outrageously shouted sticking his tongue out "My room does not smell baka"

"What did you call me..."

"Ugh! I don't wanna hear it" said Boruto lifting his hands in the air, he didn't know why he even bothered inviting Sarada into his room. They both were bored out there anyways. .

He stepped outside his room shutting the door muddling all her remarks. He walked the long hallway that led to the stairs to hear the small chatter coming from downstairs. He peeked through the wooden rails from up top and was amazed by the number of people in his home.

Many people varying from Kiba, Shino, Ino, Sakura, Sai, Lee, Tenten Shikamaru, Choji and even Neji.

They all had small chatter here and there with a little bit banter from an all to boisterous Inuzuka.

They were all gathered here today for the arrival of Naruto Uzumaki. Boruto couldn't wait for his father to come home.

He trailed his eyes away from the group and set his blue sapphire orbs on his mother. She quietly sat on the couch farthest from the room and looked lost in thought. He remembered how many times she cried these past days for the mistreating of his father. But it's all paying off soon.

Sasuke was the only person missing, he told everyone he would wait for Naruto in the law enforcement building. However, that was hours ago.

Where are you dad?


There was a silence between the Uchiha and Uzumaki, they walked among the masses, receiving many nasty looks. Now they both shared the same pain.

"Ok Sasuke, you have a bandage?"

"Hn" Sasuke replied back handing him a roll of bandages "Law enforcement perks right there"

Naruto was impressed, he thought he would have to stray course to find a bandage, his left arm wouldn't look friendly in front of everyone.

Sasuke then took note of Naruto's left arm, how he cautiously made sure every square inch was covered.

"Naruto, how did you get your arm back?"

"Long story, might be able to fix yours too"

"Is that so?"

"Demon container perks right there" Naruto casually said holding a smirk back.


Naruto finished the last bits of his bandage and was unimpressed, this was a sloppy done job. Shion could've done a be- Shion....

Naruto faced turned into a cold sinister one, he lightly tilted his head down clenching his fists.

Sasuke felt the change in the blond man's demeanor and looked over to find his fists clenched.

"Everything okay?" Sasuke asked placing left hand in his shoulder, Naruto then looked up and turned his head facing his friend. Sasuke saw it right there, the malicious intent is his eyes instantly left, he was now worried.

"Everything's fine, let's hurry please"

Shion, I'm going to kill you...


Finally, the two arrived.

Naruto sighed as he approached the black tall patterned gates, he smiled taking a look of the crest, Naruto grazed his fingers over his clan's insignia felt some sort of pride.

"This is Hinata's home, she worked hard for this" Sasuke reminded Naruto, they stepped inside, sounds of the creaking gate could be heard signaling their arrival.

Naruto stepped in the small stone pathway that led to the door. He noticed the beautiful flowers of all colors and the well maintained grass, he looked at the big house that shadowed his figure and felt content.

You really did something didn't you...

Naruto then faced the door, emotions ran rampant in his mind as his hand hesitated to knock. Many scenarios played through his.mind, he was to face those people he once called friends, they're here to learn the truth.

"Naruto... it's going to be fine" reassured Sasuke. But before Naruto could respond, the Uchiha knocked on the door, the chatter over at the other side stopped, he could make out the silhouettes from the window curtains, there was a number of people.

Then the soft clicks of the locks could be heard, and the wooden door parted ways open to reveal a pair of familiar onyx orbs.

"" said the small girl, Naruto kept his straight face as he took notice of the girl "Uh-Oh come inside!"

Naruto stepped in and walked the small hallway, he could hear the whispers behind him as Sasuke talked with his daughter. Naruto kept moving forward, he could feel the warmth radiating from these walls, how every step felt like unknown territory and finally he was here.

He turned around the corridor and met the same faces of the fateful night along with new ones. Naruto stood still in front of everyone and remained silent.

This was all to surreal to the others, this was Naruto Uzumaki, the notorious last of his kind, Master Thief Akuma. A man capable of bringing a nation down to its knees.

"W-Welcome home, Naruto-kun"

"Hey, it's been a while"

Then Kiba was the first to speak up "Where have you been for these past six years?!" then he did something every one would expect, he ran up to Naruto grabbing him from his collar and pushing him against the wall making everyone gasp.

"You left Hinata all alone! Where the fuck have you been?" continued Kiba.


The Inuzuka's eyes widened with the sudden bombshell, he stared into Naruto's dead cold blue ones and didn't see the slightest hint of a lie. He gently set Naruto down and stepped back as everyone remained silent.

Boruto stood up top of the stairs hidden from everyone, he too was stunned.

"You came here because you want to know..." Naruto paused looking into each and everyone of their faces, forever burning the emotions they displayed " story... and for those that already know, this is the complete story"


My name is Naruto Uzumaki, son of Minato Uzumaki and Kushina Uzumaki.

I was born into a prestigious clan along with my twin sister Sara Uzumaki, due to her being born thirteen minutes before I, she obtained the birthright of the next heir to the Uzumaki clan.

I was always shadowed over my sister, but I didn't mind, I was glad. Her smiles strived me to become the best supportive brother. However, I've failed at that too.

You see, the nine tailed demon fox once attacked this very village, a being of legend turned real. My father was the Hokage, the leader and face of Konoha.

With all hope lost, he performed an ancient ritual. The ritual required a sacrifice. Who else could he pick but his two kids?

But I had no future in this clan, I was chosen.


I experienced my first death at age six. I was hated and resented for what I held, I'm sure you all knew how much I was shunned. Yea, I still remember each and everyone one of you, how you would tell me to leave, disappear, die...

And I did, but my demon brought me back with one condition. Bring Konoha to its knees.

I hated you all...


Boruto trembled holding onto the rail of the stairs for dear life as he heard his father's story, he couldn't hold the tears back, the feeling of hatred. It was overwhelming, how could they treat you like this?

He looked over at his mother and saw her tearful eyes along with everyone's regret filled faces.

"Then I found you, Hinata..." Boruto lifted his head up hearing his mother's name, he always asked how they met but she refused to tell him, he listened with intrigued eyes.

"You brought me back, you reminded me of who I once was, Naruto Uzumaki. A name I thought I've forgotten, and so I promised her I would return her home, you all know the rest..."


"I killed my master that day..." Naruto stopped collecting his thoughts together, he gritted his teeth as everyone gave him time to continue "...the only person who always knew me, he was my father... he taught me everything I k-know..." Naruto began letting the tears fall, he could no longer suppress these emotions.

"I was killed that same day..."

Many solemn faces looked towards the ground, Sasuke had the worst one. Memories of that day haunted his mind for months and sometimes to this day. How could a man be cut down like that.

"After that day, I spent the last years inside my mind, all I remember was endless darkness without a trace of a sound... until I woke, here I am"


A couple of hours passed since Naruto first began his story, some were moved and some held tears back while others just simply cried. They couldn't possibly imagine a life like that.

They all gave their deep condolences and asked for forgiveness, however Naruto too asked for their forgiveness, for his crimes and past self. Everyone made up and smiled at the end, they embraced Naruto like a friend once again. It was now past nine at night since there was obviously no sun. Many of the guests returned to their homes with their respective others and that was it.


Naruto sat in the couch in silence as the last couple, Tenten and Neji, took their leave.

"Good luck Hinata!" Tenten whispered winking at the ex heiress.


"Hinata-sama! You let me know if he tries anything!"

"Oh shush Neji-kun, Hinata is now a responsible woman, she's not a teenager anymore" exclaimed Tenten as she dragged Neji.


"Goodnight Hina!" smiled Tenten before ultimately pulling the Hyuga away from the door.

"Goodnight!" Hinata called out as the two waved their hand back, Hinata then softly shut the door and looked towards the living room. She walked softly to the main room and spotted a spot of blond hair on top of the stairs, Boruto how long are you planning to hide?, thought Hinata.

Naruto then stood up and met Hinata eyes, his heart began to beat erratically, after all this time, she was still beautiful, but there was already another person...

"I should get going too..." Naruto spoke trying his best to pry his eyes away from her lavender ones.

Hinata's lips quivered and brow furrowed, she could tell how difficult this was for him, he didn't know what to do, but she couldn't afford for him to leave once again. It's time to be bold.

"W-Where will you go?" asked Hinata with a worried-like tone.

"Don't worry about me, I don't want to get in the way of you two"

This addled Hinata, was he worried about him being a bad influence to Boruto?

"No Naruto, he's been wanting you here as much as I" Hinata replied back cupping her hands together near her bosom.

"Really? That's weird... I don't want to anger your husband" Naruto sheepishly said.

Now she was totally baffled, she couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"You're married aren't you?"

Hinata felt a turmoil of anger deep in her pit, she lowered her head as she released her hands from her chest and laid them at her sides balling her fists. How could he?

Naruto felt the sudden change in the air, he must've triggered something, what the hell did I say?!

Suddenly, Hinata raised her head to reveal her puffy red eyes, she bit her lips while she stared intensely at Naruto.

"How could you ever think that!?" shouted Hinata which in turn shocked Naruto, the blond man's mind went into a wild overdrive of scenarios, he was sure she was married. That what he had been told.

"I was told you were married..." said Naruto flinching his eyes ever so carefully like a scared stray dog.

Hinata then softly placed her hand on his cheek, grazing it softly with her fingertips, she stared into his sapphire pools, pools that she could be lost in forever, carefully tracing his whiskers, she couldnt see his eyes as good, his blond long locks swayed ever so gently. His surprised emotion captured on his face.

"Naruto-kun, I still love you... you were my first, and you will be my last"


This is it. Time to be bold.

Hinata gently leaned forward, closing her eyes softly until she tiptoed, her heart yearned for this moment, her lips quivered, this was all to surreal, inches turned into centimeters, she was so close.

"Please stay!" shouted another voice destroying the trance that they were both in.


Naruto quickly looked up to see Boruto's smile of victory, this little...

However, the woman right before him turned for the worst, Naruto could see how rigidly she turned, there it was. The smile that would forever haunt me. How could your sweet smile he do scary?

"Boruto sweet heart, go to bed..." whispered Hinata loud enough for both to hear. A chill ran up the blonds spines simultaneously, Boruto quickly dashed away towards his room while Naruto just froze in place.

Once the heavy tension in the air was gone Naruto walked towards the couch.

"Fine. I'll stay, but it would be better if I sleep here" said Naruto smiling while he pointed at the couch.


"Well for starters, I'm leaving real early tomorrow morning, have to talk with my clan" Naruto reasoned while he laid in the ever so comfortable couch.

"Why? Where would you like me to sleep?" Naruto asked teasingly, he could see her face turn into a tomato instantly, and her body quiver as she tapped her fingers together. Your cute habits didn't change I see"

Hinata struggled with her next words, she didn't know she could feel this helpless again, she didn't know she could feel this again. She looked up to see his ever so smirking face of victory, how she wanted to wipe it right off.

"N-Nothing! I'm g-going to bed!" Hinata finally announced shocking the poor Uzumaki. His mouth gaped and the face of defeat was written.

Nice Hinata! Like Ino says, drag him by the balls!

"Well that's a relief..." Naruto's words froze the indigo haired beauty at the stairs, then his next words brought her right back in defeat.

"...I wasn't sure I could control myself with you..." Naruto face was plastered with a smug smirk, he could see the small silky skin of her neck turn even redder, he won this battle.

"I'm going to shower, goodnight" said Hinata, she stopped on top of the stairs and did something so erotic, she stripped her pants down right before him showing off her well toned silky slender legs, her shirt was long enough to cover her behind just slightly, but she made sure that he would catch of glimpse of her lingerie and sensually walked off swaying her hips in utter pure victory.

Naruto regretted everything right there and there, I regretted dying, he regretted being Akuma. He could've just been a good boy and receive his rewards day in and out. His mind ran rampant, his hands trembled, his throat instantly dried up.

Hahaha! That's a nice vixen! Hahahaha!

Kurama's booming laughter filled the thoughts of the angry blond. Naruto just sat in the couch like a dunce. He wanted to go play her games, but he would wait patiently.

You should do what you humans call "Feeding the geese" Hahahahaha!

Kurama, I'm about to go and beat your ass.

HOOH?! Is that a threat, first win your battle before you can even challenge me. HAHAHAHA!

Naruto then drowned the demon inside him in the back of his mind, he's never felt this cornered and frustrated. Naruto stood up rigidly and walked towards the open curtains and shut them roughly, he limped forward towards the couch and simply fell face first.

You will all pay tomorrow, specially you Hinata.

"Goodnight Naruto~kun!"

"Shut it!" shouted Naruto back through the house, the sounds of giggles could be heard echoing from her room.

After a couple of quiet seconds, Naruto could no longer contain himself. He stood up in pent up anger and undid his shirt. Now shirtless, he marched upstairs turning to the left in the direction of the giggles.

Hinata instantly stopped her giggles when she saw a shadow over her door, then his cobalt eyes could be seen in the dark. Full of anger and lust.

"Hinata... I hope you learn your lesson for backing me into a corner..." Naruto softly spoke in his low sexy voice. The pale lavender woman saw him walk forth to the moonlight rays, she caught of glimpse of his shirtless body. A glimpse of his toned chest with minor scars.

He crawled up to the bed she laid in as she yelped nervously, now he hovered over her body and breathed in her scent. He lowered his head into the crook of her neck making sure he wouldn't touch a hair, he could hear her sharp breaths hitch in her throat as he descended ever so closely to her ear. He blew gently in her ear making sure his body didn't touch hers, he could see how tightly she shut her eyes, how her hands tightly gripped her sheets, how her full lips were slightly pursed. He gently breathe heavy in her ear making her mewl, she felt so dominated under his powerful gaze.

Naruto now felt satisfied, they were now even, he gently went next to her ear to gently whispered two beautiful words.

"I win..."

"Huh?" Hinata's eyes open instantly, he could see his smirking face walking away from the room until he softly shut her door, she couldn't believe how easily she got played.

She was so ready.

She rolled back into her sheets roughly and grabbed a pillow shouting her frustration into it.



Thank you for the comments and likes of last chapter, I think that was the most voted chapter of mine in my life! Thank you lots, there will be some more fluff next chappy. Then ill get back to the action. Thank you!

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