The Fire Angel (ATLA Fanfic)

Por Darkninja7

297K 9.8K 2.6K

Water.... Earth... Fire... Air A long time ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. The skies were fi... Más

Book 1 - The Beginning
Training 101
Following Orders
Grandpa Ping
Visited By Royalty
The Prince and Angel
Goodbye or See you Later?
You've still got a friend in me!
General for the Crew?
Shadow Snake
Packing up!
The Open Ocean
Beneath the Scars
Time, friend or foe?
Lillian AN
Shattered Glass
Sibling Salute!
The Thorn in my side
The Avatar
The Harbor
Island of Kyoshi
Blast from the Past.
The Necklace
Winter Solstice Part 1
The Winter Solstice Part 2
The Scroll
Crystal Nightmare Part 1
Crystal Nightmare Part 2
The Storm
The Blue Spirit
Why Me?
Lillian Alone
The Siege of the North
Book 2
The Path of three flames
Royal Pain
The Chase
Bitter Work
The Desert
New Beginning
The Freedom Fighter's
Walls, Walls and Tea!
The tales of Lillian in Ba sing Sai
Authors Note
Lake Laogai Part 1
Lake Laogai Part 2
The Earth King
The Jasmine Dragon
Author Note
The Crossroads of Destiny
Book 3 - Operation "Extinguish Fire"
The Awakening
Arty stuff
The Headband
The Beach Part 1
The Beach - Part 2
I Got Tagged
Lillian's healing.
Rise again
Nightmares & Daydreams
Day of Black sun: Part 1: The Invasion Part 1
Day of black sun: Part 1 The Invasion Part 2
The day of black sun Part 2: The eclipse.
A Crazy Escape
The Western Air Temple
The Firebending Master's Part 1
The Firebending Master's Part 2
The Boiling Rock: Part 1
The Boiling Rock: Part 2
Manly Arts... (Special chapter)
The Southern Raiders
Why didn't We Listen?
The Sky Temple Part 1: You're Dead!
The Sky Temple: Part 2 What you didn't know
Hidden in Plain Sight
The Ember Island Players
Sozin's comet Part 1
Sozins comet Part 2
Sozin's comet Part 3
The Prophecy (Teaser for Part 4)
Sozin's Comet Part 4
Dying in Agony
A Time for Peace
The Sequel is OUT

Iroh & Lilly's Journey

2.2K 87 12
Por Darkninja7

Lillian and Iroh have been separated from Zuko for over a month but they stuck close by unnoticed by the banished Prince. With Zuko away Lillian was able to use many more of her Tenshi abilities to help Iroh and herself survive, "We only have three copper pieces left Uncle. I'll see if I can find a small job in the next village." Lillian said as she jingled the copper pieces in her pocket, "Uncle?" Lillian repeated as she watched Iroh follow Zuko's tracks. Lillian sighed before pulling Kasai to follow her.

Iroh and Lillian found a small village that seemed to accommodate people from all nations. Lillian left Kasai and Iroh to rest as she went to go look for a small job to earn some money. Lillian tried everything but everyone turned up their noses at her, 'Picky much...' Lillian thought to herself as she walked back to Iroh. There was a ring of men and women not too far from where Iroh was sitting cheering and booing at whatever was in the center. Lillian sat beside Iroh, "Nothing... and I don't want to steal.. but if we-" Lillian was interrupted by Iroh as he placed his hand on her shoulder, "Maybe we shouldn't give up just yet." Iroh said softly as a man was thrown over the crowd, "Winner!!!! Place your bets or place your fighter!" Yelled a females voice from behind the crowd. Lillian raised her brow at Iroh as he smiled with mischief. Iroh stood up and walked passed the people in the crowd to the collector, "I Place 3 copper pieces on my fighter to take out the winner!" Iroh announced as he threw the money into the box. Lillian's face fell with shock, "WHAT!!!!" Lillian gasped, "Thank you Sir! Who is your fighter?" Asked the female. Iroh looked over at Lillian who face palmed at the situation, "Kohana dear, would you please come over here?" Iroh asked in a fatherly tone, "Look at her hair!" gasped someone, "never mind the hair! How can he place his daughter in a fight?" yelled an older woman. Lillian stood besides Iroh, "yes father?" Lillian said obediently, "Would you mind fighting a round?" Iroh asked while snickering. Lillian rolled her eyes, "Might as well have some fun on our travels father." Lillian said with a bow, "Very well, Kohana was it?" The woman asked. Lillian nodded with a smile, "Please stand in that corner over there, names Tam. What is your element?" Tam said in a rush, "She's a nonbender" Iroh spoke before Lillian could say anything. Tam raised her brow, "You are aware these are bending battles?" Tam asked Iroh, "Yes! she can handle it!" Iroh said as he felt Lillian's glare on his back, "Very well..." Tam said as she walked to the center of the ring, "Ladies and Gentlemen! It seems we have some underage wine!" Tam yelled as she caught the attention of the crowd, "How is this helping us???" Lillian said through a smile as Iroh stared at Tam, "Shhh, get ready for your oponent." Iroh said calmly, "wish I had gone with Zuko..." Lillian mumbled, "what was that?" Iroh said with a raised brow, "Oh Nothing!" Lillian covered with a smile, "Will this little pebble be able to defeat the inferno???" Tam yelled. The crowd booed at Lillian as a large muscular man circled with his fists in the air, "pebble shall be dust!" Said the man to Tam. Lillian felt her heart race, "pssst, don't forget your a Tenshi my dear.." Iroh whispered with a child like grin at Lillian as she walked to the center of the ring, "Rules are... NO RULES!" Tam yelled, "Fighter's take your mark.... And,,, FIGHT!" at the sound of a whistle the fight had begun. The large man stood laughing at Lillian as she took her stance, "Dust time... pebble..." Said the large man while pounding his fists allow red flames to bounce around. Lillian stood still and waited for him to strike first, the man suddenly striked with full force towards Lillian's face but was shocked as she caught his flaming fist with a single hand, "wha-" before the man could understand what had happened, Lillian had already thrown him out of the ring against a wall. The crowd fell silent as Iroh took his winnings, "Thank you Miss Tam, I believe my daughter and I will be leaving now." Iroh said as he walked towards Kasai, "I-i uh..." Tam stood shocked. Lillian bowed, "Thank you for allowing me to fight in your ring." Lillian said plainly. 

Lillian fell into step beside Iroh, "So now we have two silver pieces only?" Lillian said in confusuion. Iroh held his hand up, "Just wait..." Iroh said soflty and not even 30 seconds Tam ran up behind them, "Hey! Kid and Dadeo! Wait up!" Tam yelled out of breath, "Why Miss Tam, what's the matter?" Iroh asked calmly. Tam straightened herself before taking a deep breath, "Kohana darling... I need you to fight another 5 rounds... I have unhappy clients who now wish to challenge the pebble!" Tam said excitedly, "My apologies Miss Tam, my daughter will no longer be fighting." Iroh said in a firm tone, "Please sir, I will pay you 3 bags of gold for the five rounds!" Tam said. Lillian nodded at Iroh as he smiled at her, "very well... 5 rounds!" Iroh exclaimed excitedly, "Wonderful!" Tam yelled as she pulled Lillian back to the ring, "Round 2 ladies and gentlemen!" Tam yelled as Lillian took her stance.


"Hey Zuko! Watch this!" Lillian yelled as she ran across the the wet path way in the palace. Zuko watched Lillian as she skied across the slippery stones, "Wow Lilly! I want to try!" Zuko said excitedly. Zuko took off running towards Lillian but couldn't stop in time causing them both to fall over into a large puddle. Lillian and Zuko stared at each other before bursting out in laughter, "Zuko! Your suppose to stop." Lillian giggled. Zuko smiled at Lillian before pushing her into a larger puddle, "We might as well swim in the rain!" Zuko laughed as he ran away, "LILLIAN!" General Thorn yelled from his carriage, "Come here immediately!". Lillian's smile disappeared, "Yes Father." Lillian obeyed. Zuko became worried as he watched Lillian walk towards her father with her head down, "See you tomorrow Lilly!" Zuko yelled loud enough so that the General could hear him, "Bye Prince Zuko..." Lillian said softly.

Zuko awoke from his dream with a small breath, "Lilly..." Zuko whispered as he pulled his blanket closer before falling back to sleep.


"Round 35 is over! Our undefeated champion for the day is Kohana the destructive Pebble!" Tam's voice yelled over the crowd. Lillian stood in the ring with her warriors wrap and fighting pants waiting for the next contestant as Iroh collected his gold, "Thanks Kid. You did me a solid! Let me know if you ever want to make life as a famous fighter!" Tam said as she slammed Lillian on her back. Lillian bowed at the crowd and Tam before she and Iroh mounted Kasai and continued tracking Zuko.


Lillian laid on her mat staring at the stars as her sleep escaped her. She knew that Zuko was staying on the farm not too far away from their camp but she couldn't help but feel that something was wrong, 'Just a peek' Lillian thought to herself as she sneaked away from Iroh and Kasai. Lillian made sure that she was a good distance away before the white flames began circling her body and releasing her wings. Lillian took to the sky with great speed and flew as high as her wings would allow her. Once Lillian was above the clouds she began soaring in the direction of the farm where Zuko was staying. As Lillian flew closer she noticed smoke from one of the barns, "What in the name of Agni?" Lillian whispered to herself as she hovered above the smoke, "Gansu! Lee!" Yelled a woman as she ran towards the burning barn. Just before she could rush inside Lillian saw Zuko's figure stop her, "No Sela! Stay here!" Zuko yelled as he rushed into the flames, "SOMEONE! We need water!" Sela yelled. Lillian's stomach turned, "You can't bend in front of them you idiot!" Lillian spoke as she dove down and landed beside Sela, "Ahhh!" Sela screamed as she tried to get away from Lillian, "Shhh, please calm down, I am here to help." Lillian said in a hushed tone. Sela placed her hand over her mouth as she cried, "My husband, Lee and the traveler... their-" Lillian nodded before turning to the flaming building, "Stand back!" Lillian yelled. Lillian pulled her scarf over her hair and mouth and took her mark. She watched the flames carefully as they danced high in the sky, "You are simply it's guide..." Lillian said to herself before she flew into the burning barn. Lillian found Gansu, Lee and Zuko trapped behind a large wall that had collapsed on top of them. Lillian noticed that most of the smoke wasn't around them at all, 'Well played Zuko' Lillian though before she stood by the crack, "I need you to back away from the wall!" Yelled Lillian with a muffled voice, "W-who's out there?" Lillian heard Gansu ask, "Don't worry about that now! Do as I say!" Lillian yelled as she slipped her right wing inside the crack and began moving the wall away slowly, "Father wha-" Lee was interrupted by Zuko shoving him back, "It's a Tenshi! Stand back and do as she says!" Zuko yelled as he stood protectively before Gansu and Lee. Lillian slid her body so that she was partially inside facing them and holding the wall away to create a path way, "MOVE NOW!" Lillian yelled as she pushed the wall over. Gansu, Lee and Zuko ran past Lillian, "The barn!" Lee yelled, "Your Life!" Lillian yelled annoyingly at Lee. Zuko grabbed Lee and began running behind Gansu, "Hurry!" Gansu yelled. Suddenly Lillian heard a crack and watched as the entire roof of the barn began collapsing, 'Their not going to make it!' Lillian yelled in her mind. Lillian dropped the wall and flew after them, "DUCK!" Lillian yelled as she pulled them all close to her body and used her wings to cover them from the falling rubble. Gansu held Zuko and Lee under his arms as Lillian sheltered them with her wings. Once all the rubble had settled Lillian flew her wings open causing all the rubble to fly in different directions, "Gansu! Lee!" Sela yelled as she ran up to her husband and son. Zuko stood on the side and watched the family share their embrace. Lee pulled away and faced Lillian, "Thank you so much!" Lee said as he bowed. Lillian smiled under her mask, "It was my Pleas-ahhh!" Lillian groaned in pain as she tried to return Lee's bow. Zuko stepped closer to the Tenshi and held her arm, "Let me help you." Zuko said as Lillian's rib cracked back to place, "No! I uh- I'm fine!" Lillian stuttered as she stumbled away from Zuko, "Be safe and uh... Eat your vegetables!" Lillian yelled at Lee before she took off into the dark sky. Zuko watched as the white wings of the Tenshi blurred with stars in the sky, 'That sounded a lot like Lilly?' Zuko thought to himself before he went to help Gansu put out the rest of the fire.


Lillian made a crash landing at the camp site causing Kasai to scatter up a tree, "Oh you big kitten!" Lillian spoke as she dusted herself off, "Lillian dear, what in agni's name?" Iroh asked as he stared at the young girl covered in smoke and half her clothes burnt, "I just help put out a fire and might have broken a rib..." Lillian said innocently as she rocked on her heels. Iroh shook his head, "Let me have a look then." Iroh said as he gathered some bandages.

After using her crystal and a few good pops of her bones here and there, thanks to Iroh, Lillian was finnally able to stretch fully except for a small burn mark under her left breast. When the roof fell in, Lillian didn't even realise that she had gotten badly burnt, "How do you feel my dear?" Iroh asked as he handed her a cup of tea, "Like a building fell on top of me" Lillian said with a large grin. Iroh smiled at Lillian, "So? Shall we move on then?" Iroh asked as he finished his tea, "Yes Uncle." Lillian said with a small smile.



Here is just a short chapter for you guys before the weekend.

I will be writing a longer one soon, just been hectic busy.

Thanks to all the comments and votes, I'm laugh myself to tears with some of your comments!

Have an awesome friday!


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