The Love We Share

By MelleD

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When you are running away from something, there is only so much time until it catches up to you. I just hope... More

The Love We Share
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 6

1.3K 23 3
By MelleD

A/N: Some of you may have thought that Tom was her mate. But he isn't. Sorry! lol So here you go new chapter. Meet Vincent! Vote, Comment, Fan! Enjoy :D

Chapter 6 (Vincent POV)

Problems always seem to appear in front of me. I can never get a moment of peace. But this comes with being the Alpha of one of the biggest werewolf packs in the state. There were Rouges to deal with, a neighboring pack that thinks they can overpower me and take over my pack, and the biggest problem of all, I couldn't find my mate.

Every wolf has a mate somewhere in the world. At the age of sixteen every wolf can find its mate. It is the proper age to be able to fall in love and care for one another like the fates have set things to be. At the age of 16 every werewolf is hopeful to find its mate. It is their destiny to find their mate, their soul mate, their other half. It only takes one look to know who your other half was.

I was not so lucky. At twenty four, I had not found the person that completes me. I have my duties as the Alpha of the pack to fulfill. They keep me busy from spending every waking moment thinking of the future with the mate that was waiting for me. However, after so many years of waiting for my mate I had changed from the young boy hoping to find love to a scornful man who only pays attention to the duties of the pack. Some might even say I stopped looking for my mate altogether. I never stopped looking. But spending my time looking for her would be neglecting the pack; it would be showing weakness.

The worst part was that as the Alpha I must provide a Luna for the pack, a female Alpha to lead the pack by my side. The Luna is my mate, since I had not found her; I had also taken on her responsibilities. Tradition states that to be Alpha, a man must be mated. The exception was made for me because my father had just lost his mate, my mother, when I was 18. Losing a mate is the worst thing that can happen to someone. They lose the reason for their existence. My father was no longer fit to lead the pack and the right was passed down to me, and soon after he passed away as well, joining my mother in the afterlife and being together once again. Not only did he leave me with the pack, but also with the responsibility of raising my younger sister, who was twelve at the time. I had been trying to find my mate so that she could take the position of the Luna and rein by my side. However, as the years went on and she was not found, the Elders of the pack wish to assign me a she-wolf to mate and gain the position. If I do not find my mate soon, I will either have to mate the other she-wolf, or pass the Alpha title to my younger sister's mate. How can I mate another woman when my mate is still out there?

I can't mate anyone but my mate. I just can't. I can't claim another when I might find my mate in the future, and though I might be mated to someone else I will always feel the pull towards my mate. I would feel my wolf wanting to claim the she-wolf. I would never want to cause anyone such pain. The other choice would be to give up my position as Alpha and pass it down to my sister's mate, Blake. And though I know he would do a good job, I will not give my position up to anyone but my future children.

My best friend, Raphael, who is also my Beta, or second in command, finally convinced me after years to take a trip around the country to visit other packs and see if I find my mate. I never wanted to go and leave my pack without its Alpha, but Ralph assured me that everything would be okay. So a few months ago I embarked on my journey. It took me four months to get to every pack in the country. I visited every pack, and only stayed long enough to meet every unmated she-wolf. I was on my way back home with disappointing news. I couldn't find her. I was so hopeful that I would finally get to see her, to finally feel complete, and I only managed to get my dreams shattered once again. I was almost home now, just a few miles away. I was running through the woods in my wolf form, letting him take over as I thought things through. Once I got back, I would have to report to the Elders. They would once again try to force me to mate Anya. She's an amazing female, but I can't mate someone that wasn't destined for me.

I was returning unannounced, I didn't want to call and give them a heads up because I would then have to reveal my failure. As I reached the edge of the woods, I shifted back and put on the clothes that I had tied to my ankle so that I wouldn't walk around naked, not that wolves were modest people, nudity was never a problem. I walked up to my home, the pack house. My scent probably already alerting them that I was back. I reached for the door, before I could touch it; it flung open to reveal a smiling Anya. "Baby, your finally back from your silly trip!" She threw her arms around my neck and gave me a bone crushing hug, if I was human I would've died that instant. I stood there and waited for her to remove her arms. When she did, she gave me a disappointed look. I sighed and kept walking. I wasn't in the mood for her tactics or stupidity for that matter. She of course, trailed behind me anyways.

I reached the living room where all the guys were lounged around talking nonsense. They were instantly silenced when they saw me and a few seconds later, their shocked expressions all changed into grins. "He's finally back!" screamed Alexander, or Alex as we all call him.

"We thought we had lost you for forever," said Wyatt, my Omega, or third in command.

"How were the ladies?" asked Adrian with a smirk on his face.

"How was the trip?" asked Damien. Marcus just stayed in the back ground smiling, he was always the quiet one.

A few seconds later, Meredith barged into the room, with Blake, her mate on her tail. "Vin! You're finally back!" she exclaimed flinging herself at me, just as Anya had. This time, however, I hugged her back with everything I had.

"Hey, lil sis," I said.

"Alpha, welcome back," Blake said.

"Blake, stop with the formality," I groaned, "You're my brother now, no need for it." He smiled at me but stayed behind my sister. I didn't get along with him at first, he was after all my little sister's mate. She is all I have left of my family and I was very overprotective of her.

"Did you bring someone with you?" Ralph asked innocently. He had asked the dreaded question. They all looked at me anxiously, they should've already realized it since there was no new scent in the area. Everyone had hopeful expressions, except for Anya who just looked furious.

"No," I sighed. Anya smirked before walking away. Everyone else looked disappointed.

"Sorry man," Ralph said walking up to me and giving me a man hug. As his arms touched me I stiffened. When he pulled away he looked at me curiously. I pulled him closer to me and sniffed him. "Um, I missed you too but you know I don't swing that way man." I ignored his words as I inhaled the most amazing smell. It was a mixture of cherry blossoms and vanilla. It was intoxicating. "Can you let go of me now?" Ralph asked as he started to get a little uncomfortable. I reluctantly let go and gave him a bashful look. "Care to explain?" he asked, as everyone looked upon our encounter with curious eyes.

"Who have you been around?" I asked. I sniffed the air, noticing that the smell was all around the house, though it was faint. "Who have you all been around?"

"What do you mean?" asked Marcus, speaking up for the first time.

As I was about to answer, the smell began to get stronger as someone approached the door. I turned around anticipating who would enter the room. I saw Tom enter the room with a cheesy smile on his face. I caught a whiff of him, he smelled just like everyone in the house did, only stronger, a lot stronger. I ran towards him and stood in front of him. "Hey man! Good to see you back!" he said, the goofy smile still on his face.

I grabbed him and started sniffing him. God, he smelled so good. But it wasn't his scent. It was someone else's. "Where were you?" I demanded.

The smiled was wiped of his face as he stared at me. "On a date," he responded.

"You were on a date," I snarled at him. He cringed away from me. Tom was one of the strongest fighters in the pack and was actually in charge on training our men, but he knew his place and made no move to challenge me.

"Yes," he said, giving me a weird look. Jealously swelled in me, but I didn't understand why. And then it hit me. Now I understood why I thought it was the best damn thing I had ever smelled in my life.

"You were on a date," I started, "With my mate!" I screamed the last part at him. There was a collective gasp all around the room. I then noticed that everyone was still there watching the encounter. I didn't care though, at the moment I just wanted to kill Tom.

"Wh- what?" he stuttered in complete shock.

"You heard me," I growled at him, growing more furious by the second.

"Calm down!" Ralph said as he got in between us, he was after all the bravest of them, or in this case, he could be considered the stupidest. "You just got back, he didn't know. None of us did," he said.

This calmed me down a notch. It made sense, no one knew that she was my mate. Tom wouldn't have gone out with her if he did. I didn't even know who she was. My wolf finally calmed down and accepted this as a reasonable explanation. "Sorry," I muttered.

"So Tory? Tory is you mate?" Wyatt said grinning at me. "Nice!"

"Just my luck," Tom said. "I actually liked her." A felt a growl leave my lips, only getting louder as I looked at him. He held his hands up in surrender. "I know! I know. She's yours. You're one hell of a lucky guy. But I'm warning you, she may be human but if you hurt her, I don't care if you're the Alpha, I will take you down," he promised.

"I would never hurt my mate," I exclaimed as I began to walk towards him to give him a piece of my mind.

"Wait!" Meredith shouted. "Listen Vin. All the guys are protective of her." This only earned her a snarl from me. "Not like that you idiot! I haven't had the honor of meeting her but all of them say she's an amazing woman. She's the only female worker at Burger's and Fries," she explained.

I began to calm down. "She works for you?" I asked Tom. I then caught the words he had previously said, she's human.

"Yea. She just moved into town a few weeks ago."

I smiled. "So you guys like her?"

"She's incredible," Ralph responded as the rest f them nodded. "I actually go everyday just to see her," Ralph continued. I glared at him. "When you meet her you'll know why," he said laughing to himself.

"She won't be an easy one," Damien said.

"But worth it," said Adrian.

"There's actually a game going on to see who can get her to agree to go on a date them. And a bet for the winner," Alexander stated.

For a second I only saw red. Blake saw my eyes turn black as night and quickly said, "But there hasn't been a winner!"

"She says no to everyone," Marcus said laughing.

"But she said yes to Tom," I said giving Tom an accusing glare.

"Because she feels comfortable around me," he responded.

"This game ends now!" I said using my Alpha tone. They all nodded in response. "And you," I said pointing at Tom, "You will not be going on any dates with her, you will break it off with her tomorrow. I don't want anything more than friendship between the two of you. Do you understand?"

"Yes Alpha," he responded, giving me a defeated sigh. A small part of me felt bad because I knew that he had been in the same position as I had been, he couldn't find his mate. But it was a small part, a part that quieted down as soon as I remembered that it was my mate he was interested in.

"Does she work tomorrow?" I asked, the hopefulness evident in my voice.

"Yes," he said smiling. "But come around lunch!" he practically demanded.

"Why?" I wanted to spend as much time with her as I could.

"Trust me," he said as he left the living room and made his way to his own room.

I was overwhelmed with the events that happened in the last few minutes. I quickly said goodnight to everyone and headed to my room as well. I opened the door and locked it behind me. I took off my shirt in the darkness and tossed it. I then heard a giggle coming from my bed.

"God it's been such a long time. Come here baby," Anya said as she sat up in the bed causing the blanket she had been using to cover herself to fall, revealing her perky breast.

"Cover yourself," I said turning away from her, "And get out of my room."

"But Vin, I miss-"

"Now!" I ordered. She gave a small shriek, jumped out my bed and left my room as fast as her feet could take her, leaving in only her birthday suit.

I sighed as I stripped down into my boxers and got into bed. All I could think about was my mate. I couldn't wait to see her, to meet her, to get to know her, to give her all the love I already felt for her without even knowing her. Sleep came to me and all I could dream of was the moment I would finally met the most amazing woman of this earth.

I woke up in the late morning. I slept like a baby for the first time in years. I got up and got ready as quickly as possible and ran out the door. I jumped in my car and made my way to Tom's diner. I parked out front so that I could see inside the diner. My eyes immediately landed on the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. She was a dirty blond with hazel green eyes, about five feet eight inches tall. She was wearing a short black skirt that showed off her perfectly tan legs. My god, she was so beautiful. I stayed in the car watching her for a few more minutes. I could tell by her eyes that she was upset, or worried about something.

I couldn't wait any longer. My wolf was driving me crazy to get over there and comfort her. I got out of the car and made my way inside. She seemed to be on her way to Tom's office when she heard me come in. She sighed and made her way towards me. When she finally looked at me, I was caught in the striking beauty of her eyes. I could look into them for centuries. "Hello," I said. I couldn't think of anything else to say.

"Hi," she said a little breathless. I guess she felt the pull too. She had the most angelic voice I have ever heard. She cleared her throat and said "Welcome to Burger's and Fries. I'm Tory and I'll be your waitress today. Here's the menu. I'll be back in a little bit to take your order." She handed me a menu and turned around running into Tom's office. I could almost see the smoke she left behind her.

I stared down at the menu not knowing what else to do. I had the urge to follow her but I knew that would just scare her away. I sat there waiting as patiently as possible for her to come back. As I waited I saw Ralph come into the diner. He came and sat in front of me. "Hey, how's it going?"

"She just ran away from me," I whispered.

Ralph barked out a laugh but stopped as soon as I glared at him. "We told you she would be a tough one."

I sighed. I looked up to see her walking towards us. "She's coming back," I said smiling at him.

"Hey Ralph," she said, "The usual?"

"Hell yea!" he responded, earning a beautiful laugh from Tory. "By the way," he said looking at me, "Have you met my friend Vincent?"

"Just did a few minutes ago," she said still not looking at me. I cleared my throat making her turn towards me. I was once again captivated by those eyes. "What can I get you?" she asked, though it sounded a little forced.

"A cheeseburger and fries please," I said smiling at her.

"So the usual for you too?"

"Um yea."

She smiled at Ralph as she turned around and left. Not once did she smile at me. "She doesn't like me," I whined like a child.

This earned me another laugh from Ralph. "She just doesn't know you. Once she does, she definitely will," he assured me.

"But how long will that take?" I don't think I have the patience to wait. I've been waiting for the past eight years, I don't know if I can wait any longer.

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