The Daughter of Qye

By roxane2361

39K 1.8K 125

"-that's the only thing I could do, because I could never give you more", Rydan continued, low enough to be h... More

Note/Short Reminder
The Engagement Day (1)
The Engagement Day (2)
The Engagement Day (3)
The Contact (1)
The Contact (2)
The Strength (1)
The Strength (2)
The Vision (1)
The Vision (2)
The Wish (1)
The Wish (2)
The History (1)
The History (2)
The Night (1)
The Night (2)
The Day (1)
The Day (2)
The Book (1)
The Book (2)
The Promise (1)
The Promise (2)
The Mate (1)
The Reason (1)
The Reason (2)
The Betrayal (1)
The Betrayal (2)
The Memories (1)
The Memories (2)

The Mate (2)

1.2K 45 5
By roxane2361



 • • ⊱∘────·❅·────∘⊰ • •

A girl around Ezana's age stands in the middle of a field full of flowers, her golden straight hair glowing while her blue serene eyes staring straight at Elleryn's eyes and her tiny lips forming a wide smile easily.

"It must be hard on you," she said, which only confused Elleryn at that time. This voice, she heard it once before, so familiar and powerful that she can't even turn her body around at that time.

Is she the one?

Who warns her and instructs her in her dream, and this time choose to appear once again?

The girl just nods, tracing the white dress she wears and smiles up at Elleryn.

"You wouldn't be able to handle my usual form. Besides, I want to be able to talk to you freely",

She said, and tap the ground right beside her as if instructing Elleryn to sit right by her side.

Elleryn takes a careful step at first, a little flustered at the fact that this girl is the same creature she encounters inside her dream. But at that same time, she believes this creature, even though her form may look a little out of place, but her demeanor and elegance still linger around her.

The girl chuckles, "well, thank you," she said.

Elleryn stared at the girl's eyes, "who are you?", she asked.

Elleryn did guess a few possibilities on what kind of creature the person in front of her, but she couldn't be sure. There are so many hidden things that could turn every creature's life upside down, that is one of the reasons Elleryn never looks down upon another creature, she believes each one has something that perhaps she doesn't and it's not abilities she thinks about.

A girl nods her head, looking at the sky while closing her eyes, feeling the sun touching her skin lightly.

"Like I told you before, I have many names. But perhaps you know the name Cresce? That is the most common name I use," the girl smiled, a small dimple formed on her left cheek.

Elleryn's eyes widened in surprise, she could feel her blood rushing from fear, the thoughts of meeting a goddess one day never occur in her mind. But at this moment, she didn't actually meet her, it's just an illusion or a dream and she could feel it.

The girl nods her head, "you are unconscious at the moment and I was running away from an angry hybrid. You could say Willy was angry at me,"

Elleryn's eyes furrowed in confusion, "Willy?" she asked, hard to believe that the ordinary hybrid actually had formed a little relationship with a goddess. Cresce chuckles, "not relationship, acquaintance perhaps," she said, but there's something inside her eyes, regret.

"I tried to warn him years ago, he ignored me countless times. I told him there's no definite, and he told me there are possibilities. We have different thoughts on a creature, he meddles with something he shouldn't interfere with and I just watch in silence," she takes a deep breath, while her finger tracing the hem of her white dress.

"I want him to realize on his own. But it takes thousands of years for him to finally let go, perhaps now is the time," Cresce said.

Elleryn couldn't figure out what exactly Cresce meant by that, and Cresce just smiled warmly at her, only to confuse her further.

"You should wake up, he is worried and I could feel his wolf howling for you," Cresce said.


Cresce chuckles once again, "Your mate."

• • ⊱∘────·❅·────∘⊰ • •

Elleryn opens her eyes to find herself inside her bedroom, sunlight shining through the open window, while the sound of birds chirping outside the room becomes the sign of morning. A thick warm blanket covers her body but it's something else that makes her struggle for breath, an arm securely wraps her body.

She turns her head to find the most breathtaking face of the person she loves, a smile forms immediately on her face from how happy she felt. It's the first time she saw it, Rydan's sleeping face, his calm breathing and the messy hair that scream to be touched. Elleryn was about to move closer to him, but his sudden voice startled her.

"Sleep more," Rydan said.

Opening his eyes and smile mischievously at her, while she just closes her eyes in shame from getting caught staring at him.

Is this a dream?

Because if it is, she refused to wake up.

"It's not," he said.

Close to her ear, startling her a bit, but his hold around her became tighter and he took a deep breath of her scent, that action fascinated her.

Elleryn used to wonder how it feels to have a mate, records on books said the feeling can't be compared with anything in this world. A single touch will fulfill every single dream, a kiss will complete every single wish, and a mere presence of the other will calm every single situation.

She can't think straight at the moment because the tingles and shivers she felt are surreal. His breath and heart that she could hear, sound so magical, and the way he cares for her, it felt like never before.

Am I really his mate?

Rydan growled lightly, it didn't scare her, just startled her a little bit. As she opened her eyes and found Rydan's magical dark orbs staring intently at hers, his feature hardened and she instinctively touched his forehead, wishing to break the wrinkle that forms, as she smiles at him.

Rydan sigh, defeated.

But he will always be defeated in front of her.

He knows it.

He opened his eyes and smiled at her, wishing to once again make her understand. To put an end to her worries and endless negative thoughts, to finally let her be relieved of those thoughts, he wants her to be happy, so he said it.

"It's you"

Elleryn raises her eyebrow in confusion, as he continues.

"You are my mate, Elleryn".

Her heart flutters at that moment, as she struggles for a breath. How come such words can make her lose her mind, can she truly believe such happiness exists?

"And you have no idea how happy I am"

Elleryn chuckles at that, how strange, that is exactly what she wants to say.

But she just shakes her head in disbelief, as she wraps her hand around his neck and kisses his lips gently.

"My mate," she whispered.

• • ⊱∘────·❅·────∘⊰ • •

Kyzen sigh, the sun has risen above the sky and the event of yesterday has spread throughout the entire country. By this week, every land and Kingdom will hear about this news, people will be flocking the Suttern, demanding an evidence as well as an explanation of this truth.


Because such matters never happened before, and if it did, both creatures wouldn't come to terms.

It's known that werewolves couldn't accept fairy existence, and fairy couldn't understand the way werewolves valued war.

It's past other creatures' understanding as well, they speculated and talked about reasons why the marriage happens in the first place. But, deep down they are aware, that heir isn't the goal of the two relationships. Now, everyone will talk and question the two countries standing of value and belief.

War is expected.

And Qye will not agree.

Nor Suttern will back down.

This is a headache!

Last night though, happened so fast within a blink of an eye. The minute their carriage arrives that night, Kyzen immediately runs through to the forest, aware that his step is more trustworthy than anything else, as he was able to avoid the guards and rush to the right place and time.

To find his sister, standing in the middle of a field, with her hand clutching tightly on a creature's neck.

A vampire.

Lord Valon Grioyt.

The one and only.

He still can't believe how those words came out, as he shouted at his sister and reminded her once again who she truly were, despite everything that she had to put up.

And truly he can't believe she actually listened.

As her hold of the guy immediately faltered, she began to fight with her inner thoughts, struggling to come to terms with herself.

When he came.

And save the night.

Once again that night, he can't believe his own eyes, the sight of a black wolf approaching his sister. The instant thoughts that came up at that time were how to save her sister from that creature when all of a sudden he revealed his true self.

The Crown Prince picks up his sister's body easily, holding her with care and a smile stretched upon his face that Kyzen has never seen before.

It clicks inside Kyzen's head that instance, that they are mates.

Just when Kyzen was about to approach the scene and perhaps calling the guard to help him capture the vampire, he had vanished, perhaps along with that girl.

The girl that Ezana mentions.

'She looks soft, so don't hurt her'

Ezana has reminded him before they arrived that night, he was a little flustered at first but nod anyway.

Besides, he can't hurt her, she had disappeared that night.

But now, why did it take so long for them to come out of their room?

It's been half a day already, and some matters need to be discussed and to talk about as soon as possible, with the presence of everyone, this is the utmost ugent gathering that they must attend.

Can they just come out already?

• • ⊱∘────·❅·────∘⊰ • •

"We have to get up," Elleryn whispered, after spending almost an hour staying inside the bed, staring into each other's eyes. Deep down she wants to spend more time with him and forget the rest of the world. But, she also knows the responsibilities and changes she would have to face after this.

A matter like mating with a fairy isn't something that the Councils will easily accept with a smile, for sure they will fight their values and belief, just like Qye will stand strong with their own.

Rydan grumbles, he doesn't want to leave this room now, especially after he knows that no one will come and plaster doubts in front of Elleryn's face, he just wants to rest assured and start the life of being a happy true mate with Elleryn. The fact that the Council wouldn't let him having that irritate him beyond belief.

"Five minutes," he whispered, once again.

And she could only shake her head in disbelief, soft chuckles let through her lips, as she could only give in and admire his soft features from up close, for hundreds of times.

Once again, he takes in her scent deeply, imprints her beautiful image into his mind, as his eyes would stare into her eyes for a long time before blinking once again, he still finds this situation as a blissful event that somehow will disappear into thin air. He doesn't want that, so he takes in all of her within a limited time. She chuckled at him.


He answered with a hum, wanting her to continue. Eyes staring right at her wonderful orbs, a colorful swirl of beauty. As she flutters her lashes and forms a little smile. Both of their heartbeat sound loud and clear and both find it fascinated, until she uttered.

"Are you going to reject me now?"

Within a second, Rydan feels his heart stop beating, he immediately shifts his body, from the position of laying beside her, to hover above her. Staring right into her eyes, with his eyes furrowed deep with confusion, he looked flustered and baffled at first though he quickly put his hand caging her completely, right by her head.

He is furious, how come such words easily sprout from her delicate lips, without trembling or hesitation.

Couldn't she see it, that he doesn't want anyone else but her?

With difficulty, he asked "what exactly does that mean?"

His voice rough and at the edge of losing it. But he tries hard to control his wolf, that starts circling inside his head, demanding to be let out, so that his wolf can pin her down and secure her within his hold, once again assured her of any and everything she ever doubts.

But that will only scare her.

Elleryn chuckles, Rydan only blink at that, he can't believe his serious expression is being reacted this way, by chuckles. She reaches for his cheek, caressing it lightly, feeling the warmth of her mate, he hum softly as she whispers in a lighter tone.

"Didn't you promise? That you would reject your mate and stay by my side?" she said, eyes twinkling with something, full of mischief.

Those sentences simply calm Rydan, as he lowers his head and purposefully knocks his head to Elleryn's.

"Never scare me like that, ever" he softly growled.

Elleryn shrugs, "I don't know."

Rydan grumbles, he shakes his head and stares at Elleryn's eyes. He smiles down at her and closes the distance between the two, wanting to feel her sweet lips once again.

When a knock was heard from the door.

"I think it's about time you both get out of this so-called room, hmm?" Kyzen's voice faltered a little bit, but he managed to continue, "everyone is waiting if you don't know already? And no one dares to actually inform you guys in fear of interfering with two love birds. I know it's only been..." There's a five-second pause before the voice sounds out a cough and let out a deep breath before continuing, "twenty-hours since you guys are aware of the mate thingy, but don't you think it's enough time already?" Kyzen couldn't hide the faint trace of ridicules in his word, "there's a pressuring matter as of this moment that needs both of your presence, in a room. Not a bedroom. Okay?" Kyzen let out another deep breath, "so could both of you please get out already?" he said, sounding annoyed.

Rydan growls lightly, as he takes a deep breath and stares down at his mate.

"I hate your brother"

Elleryn chuckles at that.

• • ⊱∘────·❅·────∘⊰ • •

Ezana stares at her sister the moment she steps out of her room, her clear eyes seem inspecting both of them closely before she comes closer, Elleryn's face lightens up after noticing her, crouching down she hugs Ezana's body tightly, making her struggle for breath.

"I miss you," Elleryn breathed in and whispered right beside her ear, she giggled as she struggled to tighten her tiny arm around her sister's neck. Her eyes unconsciously catch the smile that sends her way, her brother-in-law stares down at her warmly with never before seen smile etched on his lips.

She smiles up at him, "did you just make babies?" she asked, eyes blinking with curiosity. Elleryn's eyes widened upon hearing that statement, blush creeping up on both of her cheeks, while Rydan laughed out loud the minute that word reached his ear. Elleryn immediately looks up and finds Kyzen scratching his head and smiling weirdly.

"I did not say that," he said, trying to defend himself in front of his sister and brother-in-law, "Fabin guessed, he said perhaps the reason you stayed longer inside than necessary" Kyzen reason as soon as possible, feeling the glare that sent his way are starting to scorching him, though he know it was just his imagination.

Elleryn takes a deep breath, trying hard to stabilize her heartbeat that quickens the second those absurd words come out of her sister's mouth. She smiles at her and pinches her nose, "no, we did not make babies just now and you shouldn't listen to Fabin ever again. Got it?" she asked, eyeing her for a second, waiting for confirmation.

Ezana nods her head, as Elleryn stands and holds Ezana's hand, while Rydan walks beside her with Kyzen not too far behind.

"I notice your eyes change, is it perhaps what I think it is?" Elleryn asked after a little walk, staring down at the little girl who smiles up at her. She nods eagerly, "Mother said it's my ability, she said it takes a while to be able to control when I want to see it, but I think I can manage."

Ezana eyes twinkling with expectations of what she could do in the future, being able to see what other people couldn't see makes her feel wonderful. Elleryn rubs her head and smiles down at her, wishing inside her heart that in the future she wouldn't mess anyone else's life.

That's the consequence of seeing the future, knowing something doesn't mean you could actually change anything, changing something doesn't mean it's for the better, it could actually be worse than what you may expected.

But Elleryn trusts Ezana, she just did.

Elleryn doesn't know what makes her step become lighter, as she glances at Rydan and Kyzen. A power rush through her body and soul, as if telling her no one would rip her happiness.

Then what about Lady Byrl?

Elleryn takes a deep breath, ignoring those words that come up inside her mind. Yes, it's unfortunate for Lady Byrl, but she didn't have anyone at that time, she was alone. She chooses to be alone, but Elleryn knows she didn't. That's different from her.

She knows she has everyone by her side, she knows that history will not be repeated, she will face The Councils like a true Qye with everyone by her side.


A voice whispered, a calm and serene familiar voice that put a smile on Elleryn's face.

You are different

The voice continued, as Elleryn took a deep breath and calmed her mind, this time she wasn't scared anymore.

Looks like I won the bet, after all.

• • ⊱∘────·❅·────∘⊰ • •

Trios glance around the room, the Council members are waiting for the presence of the Qye. It's uncalled for, the fact that the Qye Royal Family will join in on today's conclusion on the matter, despite agreeing on the deal for centuries, Qye never takes part in the Council in taking decisions for the former Lady of Qye, any discussion taking places inside Suttern are only shared within the members and numerous measurement of further notice are limited for the public, which is why everyone inside the room believe this will take a considerable amount of time to finish.

Rede looks furious, the thought that she had to deal with this type of thing once again is already irritating her to the core. Her eyes are blazing red and she had already smoked five cigars within half an hour, showing her prominent displeasure of this meeting.

Frella keeps squirming in her seat, as only one of fairy members of the Councils, her view and voice are never heard by the rest of the Councils. Her existence is merely to make it fair with other creatures, that is why she always felt intimidated whenever she must deal with another creature. Today is no different, her voice will for sure not be heard, as the rest decide on what to do with the Daughter of Qye and the Crown Prince.

Cryse keeps breathing through his nose, showing his displeasure towards the truth had been laying out. The fact that a werewolf mate with a fairy makes him shiver in disgust, such an unbelievable thing to believe. No, he can't accept, he won't.

Jolios kept his calm and serene demeanor, at first it was hard to believe this is happening once again. Last time was such a draining energy decision to make, this time won't be any different, he had to make a fair judgment for the two of them. That way the risk of a complicated situation will lessen.

Astyus doesn't really care about what happened at the moment, this happening again means one thing only. It will often happen from now on, so he thinks it's better to accept and be done with it. But then again, the value and idea of Qye and Suttern are two complete opposite sides that couldn't be put together.

Syuen and Ermel had decided to agree with the most point of opinion, they don't want to get mixed up with an endless fight of the political war. However, Dilluna is different. Everyone knows what she is going to do as she takes a sip of her tea, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath.

She will resist this truth.

Just like last time.

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