A Model And A Fan - Larry Sty...

By Whatsuphello1

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Louis is shy and quiet . Harry is popular and known . ~ A few nights before his birthday , Louis decided he's... More

Quick Note
Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 12
Ch. 13
Ch. 14
Ch. 15
Ch. 16
Ch. 17
Ch. 18
Ch. 19
Ch. 20
Ch. 21
Ch. 22
Ch. 23
Ch. 24
Ch. 25
Ch. 26
Ch. 27
Ch. 28
Character Asks
Ch. 29
Character Answers
Ch. 30
Ch. 31
Ch. 32
Ch. 33
Ch. 34
Ch. 35
Ch. 36
Ch. 37
13 Facts
Ch. 38
Ch. 39
Ch. 40
Ch. 41
Ch. 42
Ch. 43
Ch. 44
Ch. 45
Ch. 46
Ch. 47
Ch. 48
Ch. 49
Ch. 50
Ch. 51
Ch. 52
Ch. 53
Ch. 54
Ch. 55
Ch. 56
Character Asks 2
Ch. 57
Character Answers 2
Ch. 58
Ch. 59
Ch. 60
Ch. 61
Ch. 62
Ch. 63
Ch. 64
Ch. 65
Ch. 66
Ch. 67
Ch. 68
Ch. 69
Ch. 70
Ch. 71
Ch. 72
Ch. 73
Ch. 74
Ch. 75
Ch. 76
Ch. 77
Ch. 78
Ch. 79
Ch. 80
A List of My Favourite Books
Ch. 81
Ch. 82
Ch. 83
Ch. 84
Ch. 85
Ch. 86
Ch. 87
Character Asks 3
Ch. 88
Ch. 89
Ch. 90
Ch. 91
Ch. 92
Ch. 93
Ch. 94
Ch. 95
Ch. 96
Ch. 97
Ch. 98
Ch. 99
Ch. 100
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1 Million

Character Answers 3

13.7K 310 517
By Whatsuphello1

Heads up : It's freaking long (:

Enjoy x



Q : When do you think Harry is going to propose ?

L : I don't know , I mean , it's supposed to be surprisal so I shouldn't know .

Q : Do you think your dad will come back to hurt you ? Do you think you will see your sisters again ?

L : I hope my dad isn't planning anything , but I think things will remain good . And I'm positive about seeing my sisters again , I definitely will .

Q : Why are you soooo cute ?

L : *Giggles* I'm not doing it intentionally .

Q : On a scale of 1-100 - how much do you hate when people hit on you when you're with Harry ?

L : I hate it so much , if I'm with or without Harry . It's annoying when I tell them I'm not interested and they keep going .

Q : On a scale of 1-10 - how much do you love Harry ? Do you love him more than Bear and Milo ?

L : I love all three beasts just the same . *Giggles*

Q : Why didn't you tell Harry that you were sick ? We all know he's overprotective but is there another reason ?

L : I didn't want him to have his head wrapped around me the whole three days , I wanted him to have a break and not worry so much about how I'm doing . I wanted him to do his thing and think about other things other than me , he's been worrying about me 24\7 .

Q : How much do you miss your siblings ?

L : I miss them so so much , I really can't wait for the next time I see them .

Q : If you were pregnant , how would you have reacted ? How would Harry have reacted ? What gender would you want it to be ?

L : I can't get pregnant , but if I could , I'd most likely be shocked and ecstatic . I don't know about Harry though , I hope he'll be happy too . I don't care what gender , I'll love the baby nontheless .

Q : Give your boyfriend a smack at the back of the head for cutting his flawless hair , I know it was for a good cause , but just do it .

L : Gladly . *Giggles and smacks Harry's head*

H : Hey ! That wasn't nice . *Pouts cutely*

Q : How does it feel getting tickled by Harry all the time ? You're so cute 

L : *Giggles* It's annoying , but I love Harry , so I guess I need to be okay with it even if I hate it .

Q : What's the worst thing Harry has done when he was jealous ?

L : *Giggles* He hasn't punched anyone , if that's what you're asking . He just - he grabbed my bum multiple times and kissed me a lot , but there were times that he just snapped at the person . That's not nice and I smack him for this , but yeah , the worst he's done is snap at people . Well except that guy a long time ago , the one he punched a few times for t-touching me .

Q : I know Zayn cares about you and your safety because Harry has hurt you before , but don't you think it was a bit too much asking about your first time ? If it were me , I would have been livid that he would think Harry would hurt me during such a special moment 

L : I understand where you're coming from , trust me . But Zayn is a really sweet guy and his intentions aren't to snoop around and get informations , he's simply worried about me . When he asked about our first time it was really embarrassing , to be honest , but he just made sure it was okay . 

Q : Do you want any children ?

L : Yeah , i'd like to have two kids when I'm older . *Grins*

Q : Give me some advice so I can be a better person in 2017 . I think you're a caring person so that's why I ask you . And please kiss Harry for me 

L : I'm flattered you chose me . *Blushes* Well , I'll give you a few ones ; don't give up easily , be open-minded and try your hardest even if you think you won't make it .

Q : Are you still camera shy ?

L : I think I am . I mean , it takes time to get used to it , but I'm not as shy as I used to be . Harry helped me through it . *Smiles and blushes*

Q : Why are you so sweet ?

L : *Blushes* Well , why not be nice ? I mean , everyone deserves nice treating . Not everyone , but you know what I mean .

Q : Why are you and Harry are literally the cutest couple ever ?

L : *Giggles* Harry insists on being cheesy , so I guess that's the source of us being cute . I don't mind at all , he's funny when he's being cheesy .

Q : Does Harry grab our ass often ?

L : *Giggles* That was straight forward . Yeah , he - he doesn't really grab it , more like patting it or putting his hand in my back pocket . 

Q : If Harry were to propose to you , how would you want it to be ? What would be your reaction ?

L : I don't care how he's going to propose , as long as it's him . I'm pretty sure I'll be shocked and start crying and shaking . *Smiles softly*

Q : On a scale of extremely froggy to not froggy , how froggy is Harry ?

L : Extremely froggy . *Laughs*

Q : Are you scared to go out now because of all the bad things that had happened to you and Harry ?

L : No , not really . I mean , I'm a little worried about what might happen , but the - the two main problems aren't around anymore to make it hard on us , so I'm more relieved than scared .

Q : You're an angel that must be protected at all costs .

L : *Giggles* I -




Q : If you could be anywhere with Lou where would it be any why ?

H : I'd really like to be on a private island with him . Just the two of us , having a good time at the beach . Though it doesn't really matter where I am , as long as I'm with Louis . I feel like home when I'm with him .

Q : Are you going to grow your hair out again for Louis ?

H : Yeah , I'll think about it . I liked it long , and now the short hair is much easier to cope with . So I have some time to think about it .

Q : Would you kill a guy if he hit Louis ?

H : Not kill him , just beat him up until he looks like a pile of shit

Q : What's your biggest fear ?

H : Losing Louis . Nothing scares me more than this .

Q : When are you going to propose ?

H : Soon , I promise . I have it planned already . *Smirks*

Q : Are you excited to marry Louis ??

H : I can't be happier , though he doesn't know when and how yet . No one knows , pretty much , so I want to keep it a surprise for as long as possible .

Q : How would you react if Louis got into modelling ?

H : I wouldn't be surprised , to be honest , he's beautiful and perfect for modelling . And perfect in general . *Smiles warmly*

Q : Please prank Louis for me , then give him an eight hour cuddle apologizing multiple times then kiss him a lot and dress him up in an oversized adorable onesie so you die when you see him 

H : *Chuckles* I'll make sure I do it all and get it on camera just for you .

Q : It really angers me how your friends always ask Louis how you're treating him because of the past when you were drinking . Does it make you upset ? They need to back off ! You don't even drink anymore !

H : I kind of find it annoying , to be honest , but they're nothing but concerned about Louis , and I understand their point . I've been horrible . The only thing that upsets me about it is that I caused them the suspicion .

Q : Do you want any children ?

H : Of course I want , I'd love to have children . When I'm older though , I want to wait with it .

Q : If you had a baby , what would you name them if they were a boy , or if they were a girl ?

H : For a boy I'd want to name my child Lucas , it's a nice name . For a girl I'd name her Sophie , or Maia .

Q : Why do you worry about Louis so much ?

H : Because he's my baby , and I worry about every little thing . I'm like mama bear when it comes to him . *Chuckles*

Q : What would you do without Louis ?

H : I have no idea , to be honest . I'd be doing nothing and have a boring life .

Q : One thing you would change about Louis ?

H : His last name . *Smirks*

Q : On a scale of 1-10 , how sassy is Louis ?

H : He isn't always sassy , but when he makes sassy remarks , it burns you so deep . 100 .

Q : Would you get more pets or are you fine with Bear and Milo ?

H : I'd actually like to get a baby kitten , though I don't know how Milo would react . I don't worry about Bear , he's good with everyone , but Milo would be a problem .

Q : You've changed a lot since Louis came into your life . No one is more perfect for you than Louis . Proud of both of you - always staying together no matter how hard things were between you 

H : I agree with every word . I wouldn't want anyone else .

Q : What would you do if you accidentally (or not) hurt Louis and he left ?

H : I'd - I ... - I have no idea . I'm hoping it won't ever happen . I'd be so lost and - and broken .

Q : What does having Louis in your life really mean to you ?

H : He makes me happy , he's there for me , and I've fallen head over heels for him . Having him in my life means to me that I'm blessed to have god's most perfect angel and getting to call him mine , have him in my arms and never let go .

Q : Take care of my baby hedgehog . If you hurt him once again I'll end you . You're sweet and I like you though .

H : Baby hedgehog , I'll use it *Chuckles* . And don't worry , I'll end myself before you even get the chance to end me .

Q : Stop being possessive and let us hang out with Loulou .

H : Oi , I enjoy being possessive . You can hang out with Lou , just make sure my baby is okay and smiling .

Q : Are you ticklish anywhere ?

H : Not really , no . I don't have any sensitive spots on my body .



Q : When's the wedding ?

Li : We haven't really decided when , but we're taking it easy , not trying to get it done asap . Stressing over it won't be good for the both of us .

Q : How long have you and Zayn been together ? 

Li : We've been dating for two years , known each other got two and a half .

Q : What's your least favourite thing about Zayn ?

Li : He won't kiss me in the morning because of 'morning breath' . Meh .

Q : Favourite video you filmed with Zayn ?

Li : Well , apart from The Boyfriend Tag , which I obviously loved , I loved filming how I wake him up in the morning , it's cute and funny .



Q : When do you think Harry will propose to Louis ?

Z : I have no idea , though I'm hoping it'll be soon .

Q : Prank your boyfriend by photoshopping a picture of him and another girl and tell him you'e breaking up

Z : I don't like those kinds of pranks , where you pretend to cheat , or break up , or get hurt . Those pranks aren't for me .

Q : I know you love Harry and Louis and you want the best for them both . Harry has been doing great and has stopped drinking . So back off him , yeah ? Asking about their first time , really ? That was too much . Like you said many times , Harry loves Louis , so let him without your questions ! Just trust he won't hurt him again .

Z : First of all , I stand beind my words of Harry loving Louis , because he does . Second , you can't blame me for wanting the best for my friend . I worry about Louis , and even though Harry stopped and everything is good I still worry . I asked about their first time because I wanted to make sure , not snoop and get information , I'm not this kind of person . I'm simply looking out for my friend . 

Q : Which part of Liam's body do you like the most , and why ?

Z : I love his chest , it's really comfy to sleep and nap on .



Q : Food or FOOD


Q : Are you in a relationship with any type of food ?

N : I'm in a relationship with the word food and everything included in it .

Q : What is one Larry memory you can share with us ?

N : If I had to choose one , it's probably the one when Harry had Louis on his lap , and Louis , Zayn and I were talking , and Harry wanted his attention so he started counting his ribs and Louis kept slapping him away because he's ticklish , I swear it was really cute . I barfed three times in one minute .



Q : I like you , you're cool

C : Thank you , trying my best . 

Q : Eyebrows goals

C : Yaaas thank youuuu

Q : You and Harry are best friends goals

C : Goalzzz for lyyfe

Q : Did you ever think about dating Kendall before she was a prick ?

C : No , she's always been a prick . She became a bigger prick when she first heard about Harry dating Louis , so no I never thought of dating her .



Q : How did Harry tell you about him being bisexual ? Or did you already kind of know ?

A : He called me one evening and started explaining things , about how he feels something to girls but also to boys , specifically one boy . I kind of knew he wasn't straight long before he called me , but I didn't want to say anything and wauted for him to be comfortable with telling me .

Q : Can I please have a motherly hug ?

A : Sure darling , come here

Q : What would you do to Kendall if you could get your hands on her ?

A : I wouldn't want to deal with her , I'd let the police and psychiaters deal with her .



Q : Do you have a boyfriend \ girlfriend ?

G : Yes , his name is Michal .

Q : Are you still really mad at Harry for what he did even though that was a while ago ?

G : I'm not mad anymore , but that doesn't mean I forgot . I understand what happened and no one really saw this coming so it couldn't have been stopped or known in advance . I want it to stay in the past .

Q : What hair colour do you have now ?

G : I'm blonde right now , bleached .

Q : Do you want kids ?

G : Yeah , I want three children when I'm married .



Q : What do you like most about being bodyguards ?

D : Harry is an amazing guy , and it's nice to travel around the world with him .

Al : Yeah , and let's not forget how funny it is to see Harry wrapped around Louis' finger so easily .

Q : I like you , you're cool

Al : Best boduguards ever

D : Forever ever

Q:  This isn't a question but thank you for looking after Harry and Louis

D : If not us , then who ?

Al : Yeah , someone needs to make sure Harry isn't being cheesy all over Louis

Q : In your personal opinion , who is the most beautiful person you have ever seen ?

D : My wife .

Al : My wife aswell .

Q : What's the cutest thing you've seen Harry and Louis doing ?

Al : One time Louis fell asleep in the car , and Harry didn't want to wake him up so he carried him into the hotel , he sat in the lobby with Louis still asleep and made sure he doesn't wake up while Dale went to check us into our rooms . Then we went to the lift , and Harry rocked him like a baby to make sure he keeps sleeping .

D : For me , it was the time Harry and Louis were in the dressing room before one of Harry's interviews , Harry wouldn't fucking stop poking Louis in the stomach , and the poor boy was trying to keep his conversation with Caroline going but Harry was just being a little shit to him and wouldn't stop . It was cute though .



Q : What's going on between you and Troye ?

T : We're best friends , he's my little bestie

Q : How are you and Connor Franta doing ?

T : We're doing very well , thank you for asking .



Q : If Harry wasn't with Louis would you date Louis ?

Tr : Of course I would , Louis is a cutie

Q : Do you have a crush on Louis ?

Tr : Who doesn't have a crush on Louis ? The entire universe has a crush on Louis



Q : Why do you keep clickbating on YouTube ? Stop that !

J : That's all the fun in clickbating *Laughs*

Da : Clickbating is really fun , to be honest

Q : Get married ?

Da : Soon , I promise . I want the perfect proposal for my boy

J : I'll propose first

Da : No you won't



Q : Are you still going to continue to go after Harry ?

K : No doubt . Harry is mine -

C : Another word and I'm slapping you .

Q : Why are you such a bitch ?

K : Why is Louis such an ugly whore ?

H : I swear to god -

N : Leave her Harry , she's nothing but a cunt

Q : How is it that whatever you try you can't get Harry , like , there must be something special about that boy that he keeps embarrassing you like hell , right ?

K : This isn't over until Harry is mine

H : Will you please fucking let go of me ? Look for someone else to harrass , have fun on the other side of the world and stay there , away from us .

Q : He is with Louis ! Got that ? You will never have Harry , Louis is the only one who gets to kiss him, cuddle him , call him cute names and sleep with him (in more than one way)

K : And you think I'm okay with it ?? I am not going to quiet down until -

N : Yeah yeah , whatever , now calm your non-existant ass down

Q : Damn you're dumb ! Everything you try to do is going to fail ! True love can't be broken , stupid !

K : The only true love here is my love to Harry -

H : You need to back the fuck off , I'm cutting these questions right here



*Louis cuddles closer to Harry*

Q : Having fun in jail ?

Ni : No , actually . I'd like to have Harry here

H : Another phycopath ..

Q : Hope you'll never come back

Ni : Honey , I always come back . I don't give up that easily .

H : Yeah ? The restraining order says otherwise



Q : Stop being servants to evil people

B : Trust me .. once you're involved , you can't go back

Ad : Yeah , it's not that easy .

Q : You two are horrible human beings

Ad : We know , no need to remind that

B : We're trying to get better , now that Kendall is away and we're not near her for her to tell us what to do



Q : How do you come up with ideas to your books ?

Au : I always get this question , and honestly - I don't know . I just do ? There's no explanation . I like cute fluffy stories where Louis is the cutie little one and Harry is the protective buff one , so yeah .

Q : How long will this book be ?

Au : As I mentioned before , the books is going to end soon , though it'll take me some time to update , so it'll take a few months .  but prepare for it to end soon (ten or so chapters) .

Q : What's your favourite book and favourite author ?

Au : I can never pick a favourite , it's too hard for me . I love all the stories I read equally , though some have smut in them but I'm just reading them for the fluff

Q : What's your favourite book to write ?

Au : Again , picking a favourite is too much for me , and I'd rather not pick one . I enjoy writing all my books

Q : Do you plan on another story ?

Au : No , unfortunately . Once I finish school (which is in five months) I'm recruiting to my country's defensive force and I won't have time to write . I'll still be on Wattpad and read , just not write .

Q : Where do you get writing skills from ??

Au : Practice , practice and practice .

Q : Teach me how to write a story ?

Au : Well , writing a story isn't as hard as it looks , but it's also not easy . First you need to think about the concept of the story , for example "Louis gets kicked out of the house just as famous Harry walks by , what happens next ?" . The next step is thinking about the main characters ; give each one a background , a personality , something to work with . Then comes the story process , how the characters' personalities make the story interesting . Then the 'bad guys' , how they twist the story but keep it standard and realistic . Just flow with it .

Q : How old are you ?

Au : Turned 18 a little over a month ago 

Q : How's volunteering going ?

Au : It's going great , I love it so so much 


So that's it , sorry it was so long , took me foreveeeer .

Hope you liked it , tell me if you didn't x


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