The Fire Angel (ATLA Fanfic)

By Darkninja7

297K 9.8K 2.6K

Water.... Earth... Fire... Air A long time ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. The skies were fi... More

Book 1 - The Beginning
Training 101
Following Orders
Grandpa Ping
Visited By Royalty
The Prince and Angel
Goodbye or See you Later?
You've still got a friend in me!
General for the Crew?
Shadow Snake
Packing up!
The Open Ocean
Beneath the Scars
Time, friend or foe?
Lillian AN
Shattered Glass
Sibling Salute!
The Thorn in my side
The Avatar
The Harbor
Island of Kyoshi
Blast from the Past.
The Necklace
Winter Solstice Part 1
The Winter Solstice Part 2
The Scroll
Crystal Nightmare Part 1
Crystal Nightmare Part 2
The Storm
The Blue Spirit
Why Me?
The Siege of the North
Book 2
The Path of three flames
Royal Pain
Iroh & Lilly's Journey
The Chase
Bitter Work
The Desert
New Beginning
The Freedom Fighter's
Walls, Walls and Tea!
The tales of Lillian in Ba sing Sai
Authors Note
Lake Laogai Part 1
Lake Laogai Part 2
The Earth King
The Jasmine Dragon
Author Note
The Crossroads of Destiny
Book 3 - Operation "Extinguish Fire"
The Awakening
Arty stuff
The Headband
The Beach Part 1
The Beach - Part 2
I Got Tagged
Lillian's healing.
Rise again
Nightmares & Daydreams
Day of Black sun: Part 1: The Invasion Part 1
Day of black sun: Part 1 The Invasion Part 2
The day of black sun Part 2: The eclipse.
A Crazy Escape
The Western Air Temple
The Firebending Master's Part 1
The Firebending Master's Part 2
The Boiling Rock: Part 1
The Boiling Rock: Part 2
Manly Arts... (Special chapter)
The Southern Raiders
Why didn't We Listen?
The Sky Temple Part 1: You're Dead!
The Sky Temple: Part 2 What you didn't know
Hidden in Plain Sight
The Ember Island Players
Sozin's comet Part 1
Sozins comet Part 2
Sozin's comet Part 3
The Prophecy (Teaser for Part 4)
Sozin's Comet Part 4
Dying in Agony
A Time for Peace
The Sequel is OUT

Lillian Alone

2.9K 115 34
By Darkninja7

Lillian walked around her now empty room packing the remainder of her things. She still couldn't believe that Zuko had actually kicked her off the ship because of Crest. Lillian's heart was in pieces but she refused to show it. Lillian began packing a few of her old books and scrolls and came across of an old painting of her and Zuko when they were kids. Lillian stared at the painting for a moment before placing it on her bed along with her half of the necklace that she shared with Zuko. There was a small knock on her door but Lillian already knew who it was, "May I come in?" Iroh's gentle voice spoke. Lillian closed her eyes and felt a small smile fall on her face, "Yes Uncle.." Lillian said. This old man had made her see him as a father figure other than Grandpa Ping. They are both just as wise and just as old and she loves them both just as much. Once Iroh closed the door he stood and gazed at the young girl before him. She was swimming in an ocean of emotions. Iroh knew that he couldn't change his nephews mind as his decision was made with great hurt and anger. But he knew this would be best, Lillian was being held back from her destiny but she was also being taken away from a part of her destiny. Iroh noticed the two objects on her bed and placed his hand on her shoulder, "My Dear... It's time" Iroh said sadly. Lillian looked over her shoulder and met the old man's faded golden eyes, "Uncle... Do you think that I should have told him..." Lillian whispered as she felt her eyes burn. Iroh knew that Zuko was not in the right mind set to accept Lillian for who she was, "No... Zuko's mind is at war too much. Hopefully one day will be the right day. For now you need to seek out your destiny as Zuko follows his." Iroh finished. Lillian turned to face the old General, "Zuko's destiny..." Lillian whispered under her breath, "It is in your moments of decisions that your destiny is shaped." Iroh said once more before he opened the door and waited for Lillian to follow.

Lillian walked out onto the main deck of the ship to find Kasai saddled and ready for their journey back home. A few of the crew men came together to say their farewells and the others were out getting supplies. Lillian bowed to the crew men and then embraced Iroh, "Thank you for all you have done Uncle. I hope that we will see each other again soon." Lillian spoke into his ear. Iroh felt a tear slip from his eye as he held the small yet powerful girl, "Farewell my dear. May the spirits be with you." Lillian stepped back from Iroh and climbed onto Kasai, "One more thing! This is for you." Iroh held out his hand with a lotus tile. Lillian raised her brow, "Please don't give Zuko the same trouble again." Lillian smiled at Iroh who now had a slight grin, "No promises." Iroh snickered. Kasai began to walk off the ship when Lillian stared up at the tower to see Zuko's figure walking back into the control tower. "Good-bye Prince Zuko..." Lillian whispered before she and Kasai ran off the ship along the beach side.


Lillian and Kasai have been traveling for a week before they came across an odd village. Lillian decided that it would be best to lose her fire-nation clothes and to wear simple earth kingdom clothes to avoid attention. Lillian had decided that she would track the Avatar down and see how far he is from Zuko. Lillian dismounted Kasai and walked him into the village in search for something to eat and drink, "Oh wow!" A little girl with odd pig tails gasped as she walked by staring at Lillian. The young girl seemed to take great interest in Lillian but Lillian chose to shake her off as she kept walking. Lillian finally came to a store where she could order something to eat. Lillian sat near the fountain as she waited for her food to be prepared. Kasai was busy drinking water from the fountain when the little girl walked up to Lillian, "Hi! My names Meng!" the little girl said as she watched Lillian. Kasai lifted his head from the water and began sniffing the little girl, "h-hey! hee hee." Meng giggled. Lillian smiled, "Hi Meng, my name is Lilly." Lillian replied with a small smile. Meng rubbed Kasai's head, "I haven't seen you around before. Are you a traveler?" Meng asked as she placed her hands together hopefully. Lillian raised her brow at the young girl, "You could say that. I'm actually looking for a place to stay for the night. Do you know of an inn nearby?" Lillian asked as she stood up and collect her food. She had ordered a large fish for Kasai and some rice balls for herself. Meng tapped her finger against her chin, "Not really sure, but if you follow me I can take you to Aunt Wu, I'm sure she'll know of someone." Meng said excitedly. Lillian smiled at Meng, "I'd love that. Thank you Meng." 

Lillian lifted Meng onto Kasai and walked her to Aunt Wu's place. Once they arrived there, Meng jumped off and ran inside. Lillian seemed confused and decided to follow with Kasai standing guard outside. Meng stepped out with an elderly woman that had her hands behind her back. The moment the woman's eyes met Lillian's her eyes grew wide and she shut all the doors and the windows. Lillian took a defensive stance, "What are you doing?" Lillian questioned as the old woman stood in front of her again, " I am making sure that no one interrupts us." Wu said. Lillian remained her stance unsure of if she can trust the old woman. Meng looked between Aunt Wu and Lilly, "You can relax child. We are of no threat to you and certainly no match." Wu said as she sat on a pillow. Lillian relaxed her stance and sat before the old woman. Wu decided to break the silence, "You know, the moment I saw the color of your hair and eyes. I knew that you were very different." Wu said, Lillian rolled her eyes, "You don't say?" She replied sarcastically. Wu smiled at Lillian, "Your looking for the young avatar and his friends, aren't you?" Wu asked curiously. That got Lillian's attention, "I am, how did yo-" Meng interrupted Lillian, "Aunt Wu is a fortune teller." Meng said in a 'didn't you know' voice. Lillian raised her brow and stared at the old woman waiting for her to reveal her secret, "Well, time for bed. You can stay in the guest bedroom and your Lionshark can stay in my back garden." Wu said as she stood up to retire for the night. Lillian bid the woman good night and went outside to Kasai. Lillian found her pet playing with a small catdeer cub, "Lets go to bed boy. We have a long journey ahead of us." Lillian whispered as they walked to Aunt Wu's back garden. Once Kasai fell asleep, Lillian looked up at the night sky. As she stared up at the stars her hand made its way to her neck to play with her necklaces but to Lillian's disappointment it was only her crystal, "You know... I actually miss that hothead." Lillian said as a tear slid down her cheek. Lillian laid against Kasai as she cried and sang her lullaby .


"UNCLE!" Zuko yelled as he stormed down the hallway to his Uncles room. Iroh was busy meditating when the young Prince barged in, "Uncle, We need to get this ship on the move. I don't understand why no one is doing their jobs properly!?" Zuko complained as he held his head. Iroh faced his nephew, "Maybe you should put someone in charge? Remember it was Lillian's job to order the men around. Now that she's no longer here, you have to take that responsibility." Iroh said. Zuko's face fell at the mention of Lillian's name. He regretted ever yelling at her or for even doubting her, 'She would have told me if it was important' Zuko thought to himself but the thought of her keeping Crest's secret made his blood boil again, Crest, he's the reason their friendship is over! Zuko thought, "I will see to that the crew sort their jobs out as for you need to go rest. It's been a long day." Iroh told Zuko as he walked out. Zuko followed but walked in the direction of his room, instead he walked into the room opposite, 'Lillian's'  Zuko stood in her empty room that still smelled of lavender as if she was still there. Zuko's eyes wondered to her bed where a painting and a chain laid. Zuko picked up the painting but allowed the chain to drop. Zuko bent down to collect the chain, when he saw it was her half of their necklace... He knew that he had hurt her. Zuko took the painting and necklace to his room and decided that his uncle was right. He needed to get some sleep.


Once Lillian and Kasai bid their farewells to Wu and Meng they set off in the direction the Avatar had gone since Wu had seen them. Lillian allowed Kasai to run at his pace and the Lionshark never seemed to get tired. Lillian and Kasai stopped at a near by river to filled their water pouches and cool down. Kasai laid under the shade of the trees and Lillian rested her feet in the cool water. Lillian heard some leaves shuffle before a large shirshu appeared with a girl no older than Lillian on it's back. The girl stopped her pet by Lillian and stared down at her, "Hi there. Did you see an earth kingdom scum run past this way?" The girl asked. Lillian's crimson glowed at the girl through the shadows of the trees, " I wouldn't know. I've only been her for about 20 minutes. Did he steal something?" Lillian asked. The girl smiled, "Not from me but a client of mine." The girl said as she jumped down to fill her own water pouch. Lillian opened her bag and pulled out two apples and offered the girl one, "Thanks, names June." She said as she took a bite out of her apple. Lillian smiled at the dark haired girl, "Lilly. Anyway. I hope you find who your looking for." Lillian said as she put her boots back on getting ready to go. June hoped back on the shirshu, " If you continue along the river there is a tavern with great drinks. Mind waiting for me there? I get the feeling we can have an interesting friendship." June said with a smirk as she cracked her whip and ran towards the docks. Lillian smiled, "No promises!" She yelled as she climbed on Kasai's back and continued along the river. 

Lillian arrived at the tavern that June had mentioned along the river. She left Kasai outside by the other animals  and walked in through a swinging door. The music wad loud and alive and so were the people. Lillian was shocked to see people of all nations inside, dancing and drinking together some were even singing. Lillian walked to the bar and sat at the end next to a hooded figure. Lillian watched as some of the men and women's eyes were following her every movement but looked away when the bartender spoke, "What can I get ya sweet thing?" the man asked in a deep flirty voice. Lillian leaned closer and smiled at the man, "One Spicey Rum please." Lillian grinned as she leaned back, the man raised his brow, "Your a brave one aren't ya?" the man asked as he handed Lillian her rum. Lillian winked at him before she downed her whole jug, "mmm that's the stuff!" Lillian said as she licked her lips. Everyone in the tavern stared before they started cheering, "So? What brings ya here?" the man asked. Lillian placed a gold piece on the table as the man poured her another spiced rum, "I'm waiting for someone. She asked me to meet her here." Lillian said. The man nodded and handed her a full jug, "Names Jack what's yours?" Jack said while cleaning few of the empty glasses, "Lilly." Lillian replied as she stuck out her hand for a shake. Jack looked at her out stretched hand before grasping it and giving her a hard squeeze, "Lilly as in Fire-lilly? I bet you give men trouble with those crimson eyes of yours." Jack said as he leaned on the table. Lillian noticed that Jack had bright green eyes, "Not really, they seem to fear me." Lillian said with a smirk. Jack laughed at Lillian before walking off to help another customer. Lillian felt someone grab her shoulder, "Nice to see you made it Blondie!" June said as she sat on the empty seat beside Lillian. Jack gave June a small cup of saki before nodding at her. June took a small sip of her saki before Lillian spoke, " So did you find your runaway?" Lillian asked as she drank her rum. June nodded, "Yeah on the ship of the fire nation Prince." Lillian's eyes widened at June's statement. June began laughing, "He seemed shock to see a stowaway on his ship, but I got my money so I don't care." Lillian smirked at the thought of Zuko's reaction, "Anyway, I need to head out. Stay out of trouble June." Lillian said as she winked at the dark haired girl. June smirked as Lillian walked out, "Stay steamy Blondie" June said as she made her way to the centre arm wrestling table.

Lillian walked out noticing that it was sunset, "We better go find a place to camp." Lillian whispered to Kasai as she rubbed his ears.

Lillian and Kasai were walking along a beach. The night was quite chilly but Lillian used her breath of fire to keep herself warm. It's almost been two weeks since Lillian left Zuko's ship and she still hasn't been able to find the Avatar, "Maybe the time just isn't right..." Lillian whispered while staring at the ocean. Lillian found a closed off area for her to set up camp. Lillian allowed her mind to carry her away. The camp fire died out with each of her breaths becoming more relaxed in her dream state.


Lillian had just returned to her little camp site after having a relaxing swim in the ocean when she noticed Kasai staring towards the mountain close by, "What's wrong boy?" Lillian asked as she placed her hand on Kasai's head. Before Lillian could even begin to stroke him Kasai unleashed a powerful roar and began walking in the direction of the mountain. Lillian grabbed her swords as quickly as possible before jumping on Kasai and taking of towards the mountain. Lillian came across what seemed to be an abbey. Lillian noticed women running around and then she saw two men she didn't even expect to see, "We have to after them now! Do as I say or you won't receive and gold from me!" Zuko's voice growled at June as he stood before her. June stepped forward and cracked her whip. The shirshu climbed over the buildings and began rubbing it's nose, "Are you breaking a deal with me?" June asked angrily, "Nyla!" June ordered. The shirshu began stalking closer to Zuko and Iroh baring it's teeth, "She's a bit hungry. Awwww, go ahead Nyla." Jun cooed as the beast came closer. Zuko and Iroh stood wide eyed with no where to go but before the Shirshu could do anything Kasai stood protectively in front of Zuko and Iroh. Zuko's eyes grew wide at the site of the lionshark, "Trust me June, she won't like these two." Lillian's voice spoke from on top of Kasai, "That one is way to fatty and unhealthy for her and don't get me started on the ponytail guy. Burnt to the crust she'll break her teeth on him for sure." Lillian said. June smiled at Lillian, "Blondie, I presume these are friends of yours?" June asked as she pulled Nyla back, "No. Just people in the right place at the right time I guess." Lillian said as she gave Iroh a smile. June nodded her head and waved goodbye to Lillian before running off on Nyla. Lillian released a small breath that she didn't even realize that she was holding, " It's good to see you my dear." Iroh said as he held his belly. Lillian smiled, "like wise Uncle."  Lillian said. Zuko and Lillian's eyes met for a second before Lillian looked away, "See you around I guess." Lillian winked at Iroh but before Kasai could take off Iroh stopped her, " My dear, please wait. Prince Zuko has a favor to ask." iroh said with a grin. Zuko's eyes widened, "I have nothing to ask her!" Zuko yelled. Lillian rolled her eyes, " You need a ride back to the docks?" Lillian asked Iroh. The old man nodded at Lillian's statement. Zuko held the back of his neck as he realized that his uncle was right. Lillian had no emotion when she spoke, "We will camp for tonight and leave tomorrow in the morning." Lillian whispered. Iroh and Zuko climbed on behind Lillian as Kasai walked back to the camp site.

Lillian cut the fish in three while Iroh was pouring some tea. Zuko was nowhere to be seen. He left to go for a walk over an hour ago and still hasn't come back. Lillian looked over at his footprints in the sand and watched as they led to the peaking rocks. There she could see a small figure. Iroh gave Lillian an encouraging smile, "He has missed you." Iroh said slowly. Lillian looked away and back at the fire, "I know uncle, but it won't change what has been said and done." Lillian said. Iroh stretched out is arms and started to yawn, "My dear, why don't you go call him for supper. I'm going to get some rest." Iroh said. Lillian nodded and began walking towards Zuko's figure.

Zuko was in deep thought when Lillian approached him. Lillian held her arms when a light breeze blew through, "The fish is done. Come eat before it gets cold." Lillian said as she spoke to Zuko's back. When Zuko didn't say anything Lillian sighed and began to walk away, "The scars under your shoulders..." Zuko's voice spoke softly. So softly that Lillian didn't hear what he said, "What scars?" Lillian asked as she turned to face him. Zuko's golden eyes seemed to be glowing with irritation, "The two small white scars under your shoulders blades." Zuko growled softly. Lillian took a deep breath trying to control her anger, "I had to find out how you got yours. You can do the same." and with that Lillian stormed away. Zuko gritted his teeth and kicked the sand, "WHY WONT YOU GIVE ME A STRAIGHT ANSWER!?!?"  Zuko yelled at Lillian's disappearing figure. Lillian stopped dead in her tracks, "A straight answer? To what?!?!?" Lillian walked back to Zuko with her hands engulfed in flames, "The fact that your obsessed with the Avatar, your HONOR and a Tenshi!?!?!?" Lillian yelled. Zuko took a defensive stance, "You Knew Crest Was A Tenshi!!!!!!" Zuko yelled, "We could have been home long ago! I could have had my throne back, my country, my people and my Honor." Zuko growled. Lillian shot a stream of fire at him, "You IDIOT!!!" Lillian yelled. Zuko cut through the flames and ran at Lillian but when he got closer he noticed she was crying, "I would NEVER betray any of my friends for anything!" Zuko lowered his fists and walked to comfort Lillian but she stepped away, "The fact that you even question why I kept it from you..." Lillian choked as she tried to regain herself but felt weak. She's been keeping to many emotions to herself. With all the hunting Lillian never had time to herself to release her emotions, "You don't care about the fact that you hurt others with your words and actions. The secrets that you keep and how you've allowed our friendship just to become a usual talk of orders. It means nothing to you!" Lillian yelled. Zuko's eyes burnt from the pain he felt from her words, "That's not true!" Zuko said. Lillian felt a pain in her chest, "Not True? Who kicked his so called best friend off of his ship? Who's fault was it that his bestfriend fell off the ship TWICE!?!?" Lillian yelled. Zuko closed his eyes as Lillian mentioned all those things. Lillian stood still allowing the tears to stream from her eyes. Zuko clenched his fists in anger. How could he have allowed this to happen? Lillian stuck by his side through everything. She was always there and he was too blind to see that. Lillian's words interupted his thoughts, "But getting your honor back is the only thing you care about..." Lillian whispered. Zuko couldn't stand to listen to this any longer. Zuko grabbed Lillian by her shoulders and held her against his chest, "Your wrong..." Zuko said in her long blonde hair, "I care about uncle. I care about getting you back home to your grandfather. I care about my nation and my people. And most importantly..."  Zuko held Lillian at arms length staring into her crimson eyes. Her eyes that haunted her enemies and made people either fear or adore her. He took a deep breath, "I care about you...." Zuko said as he cupped Lillian's face in his hands. He slowly brushed her tears away with his thumbs and placed her hair behind her ears. Lillian's eyes grew wide with his statement. It took Zuko a few seconds but he finally began to blush and Lillian's cheeks soon turned pink. Lillian leaned into Zuko's hand as he brushed another tear away, "Please... Come back to the ship with us...." Zuko said with sad eyes. Lillian leaned her forehead against Zuko's, "Let me think about it... Ok?" Lillian whispered. Zuko felt the warmth radiate off of Lillian's body as she stood so close. He felt like doing something his wanted to do for a while, he wanted to kiss her. Zuko gulped at his thought but decided it was now or never. Zuko lifted Lillian's face up to meet his eyes. The way he looked at her made Lillian's stomach flutter and her heart skipped a beat. Zuko heard Lillian's breathing quicken as he slowly leaned in. Their lips lightly brushed each other before Lillian turned her head and kissed Zuko's scar. But this wasn't like those other quick kisses. This one felt as if she was hoping to take all his trouble and pain away and as if she was telling him to wait. Zuko smiled at her before taking her hand and walking back to her small make shift camp.

Hey everybody!

A nice long chapter done and dusted.

I look forward to reading some comments and please don't forget to vote!

Darkninja out

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