The Catalyst (GirlXGirl)

By LBrooks23

1.1M 43.7K 6.1K

~COMPLETED~ In a world that is overruled with corruption and a new incurable disease sweeping through several... More

Chp. 1 "New Best Friend"
Chp. 2 "One Year Later"
Chp. 3 "Attraction"
Chp. 4 "A New Face"
Chp. 5 "Undeniable Feelings"
Chp. 6 "Change of Plans"
Chp. 7 "Close Call"
Chp. 8 "Realization"
Chp. 9 "Here's the Plan"
Chp. 10 "Good Guys and Bad Guys"
Chp. 11 "Finishing Up"
Chp. 12 "Oops"
Chp. 13 "Revelation"
Chp. 14 "Who Am I?"
Chp. 15 "What's Next?"
Chp. 16 "The Call"
Chp. 17 "Recruiting"
Chp. 18 "Last Day"
Chp. 19 "Rehearsal"
Chp. 20 "A Familiar Face"
Chp. 21 "And We're Off!"
Chp. 23 "Arrived"
Chp. 24 "Meet the Masons"
Chp. 25 "Eye Opener"
Chp. 26 "Close Call"
Chp. 27 "Home Sweet Home"
Chp. 28 "New Ability"
Chp. 29 "A Serious Talk"
Chp. 30 "Untimely Introductions"
Chp. 31 "Proper Introductions"
Chp. 32 "Preparation"
Chp. 33 "Convincing Lies"
Chp. 34 "Bad News"
Chp. 35 "Secret Skills"
Chp. 36 "Goodbyes"
Chp. 37 "Phase 1"
Chp. 38 "Finally Alone"
Chp. 39 "Deep Thought"
Chp. 40 "Doctor Henson"
Chp. 41 "Down Time"
Chp. 42 "Pursuing Phase 3"
Chp. 43 "Surprise"
Chp. 44 "Welcome to the Bureau"
Chp. 45 "The Lab"
Chp. 46 "The Truth Sucks"
Chp. 47 "Deep Conversations"
Chp. 48 "It's a Date"
Chp. 49 "Desperate Times, Desperate Measures"
Chp. 50 "Two-Sided Story"
Chp. 51 "Hard Work"
Chp. 52 "Great News"
Chp. 53 "Shocking Information"
Chp. 54 "Saving Avery"
Chp. 55 "Confessions"
Chp. 56 "Shocking Secrets"
Chp. 57 "Unexpected Call"
Chp. 58 "Old Wounds"
Chp. 59 "Training"
Chp. 60 "A Much Needed Talk"
Chp. 61 "Awkwad Introductions"
Chp. 62 "Business Meeting"
Chp. 63 "Late Night Talk"
Chp. 64 "Round Two"
Chp. 65 "Friendly Advice"
Chp. 66 "Forgive Me"
Chp. 67 "Morning After"
Chp. 68 "The Final Meeting"
Chp. 69 "The Plan's in Motion"
Chp. 70 "Mishap"
Chp. 71 "Plan B"
Chp. 72 "Escape"
Chp. 73 "The Final Chase"
Chp. 74 "Aftermath"
Chp. 75 "A Step Forward"
Chp. 76 "Welcome Home"
Chp. 77 "A New Beginning"

Chp. 22 "A Friendly Chat"

17.3K 636 31
By LBrooks23

Chp. 22 "A Friendly Chat"

Avery’s head was cradled in my lap as I watched the tree line dash past us. We were on the highway and making great time as we traveled towards Monroe, Louisiana. We had stopped for a quick lunch and started right back on the road, and according to the GPS we still had about 7 hours left. It was obviously a long trip from Jacksonville, Florida all the way to Monroe but the thought of meeting my parents made it all worthwhile. Max was also passed out in the front seat as Gage was steady focused on driving as the highway was booming with traffic. He was alert, and I was grateful he had agreed to help us out in traveling this summer.

My hand petted Avery’s soft hair as I rested my head on the cool window, finding that no matter how hard I tried the thoughts of Blaine continued to pop into my head. I was anxious because of it, and knowing now that it was going to get extremely difficult to find them only made it worse.

How were we supposed to do this on our own?

I scrolled through my phone unconsciously as I made sure Roger’s number was still there. I knew it was silly to do it but I couldn’t help it, I wanted to make sure. 

Then suddenly Gage spoke, “How you holdin’ up back there?”

He had caught me off guard but I shrugged it off, seeming cool, “Fine, I was never the one for long car trips though.”

“You think it’ll be worth it?”

I knew he was referring the drive all the way out to meet my biological parents, and I knew it was going to be worth it. I nodded confidently, “I know it will be.”

He paused for a moment, his electric blue eyes that resembled Max’s perfectly made contact with mine, “What about the Protection Bureau?”

I thought back to Blaine and how he had told me it was going to be a difficult journey, realizing Gage didn’t know about all of that. I leaned back in my seat, “It’s not going to be a walk in the park, I can promise that much. The Feds are swarming all over that place trying to kidnap people like Max and I.”

Considering Gage was in the police force and was sort of affiliated with the government I knew he was taking it to heart. I wasn’t calling the entire government bad, because not all of them are, but this agency that the government was supporting is bad. They were allowing innocent people to be kidnapped and experimented on, and for what? The entire purpose was to be able to create a Super Soldier, one that cannot lose, nor die. Sure, it could be beneficial for our security, but was it worth taking thousands of lives?

Was it worth the possibility of more corruption?

I watched Gage battle himself internally, causing me to defend myself, “I’m not accusing the entire government and justice system of being cruel. I’m only saying that these people are working for and being supported by the government… so it looks bad on all of us.”

He nodded, “I know… it actually disgusts me.”

“It should, because I know there are people like you out there in the Justice system, Gage…”

Then suddenly the radio switched to an urgent and frantic news reporter who seemed to be delivering national breaking news. “Update on the BD3 disease that has now claimed lives in Oklahoma, Kentucky, and North Carolina. The disease seems to be moving swiftly down the country and medical personnel are advising people to stay quarantine if you have the following symptoms. Extremely high fever, nausea, excessive perspiration…”

Gage shook his head, “Another reason we should be worried.”

I knew he was right, this disease was getting completely out of hand and if we didn’t help soon it would make its way down here. It worried me because I knew I was safe but my friends and family were not.  I wanted to help, I wanted to fix this, but finding the Bureau and getting in was going to be anything but easy.

But we needed to hurry, like Blaine had said.

Oddly enough, even though I didn’t personally know Blaine, I trusted him fully. I knew the number he had given me to his friend Roger was legit, and once this trip was over I would make contact. I knew there was no time to waste so we would head home, plan everything out for the next trip, and start on our next journey. 

I just wanted to meet my parents first; because everything seemed to be falling apart the closer I got to meeting them.

The last couple of months had been hectic, from finding out what my true power was to me being adopted. Then I met Blaine and everything seemed to spin completely out of control as I uncovered agencies that I never knew existed. Knowing now that if I didn’t help the Bureau find a cure to the BD3 disease then a lot of lives were going to be lost. Then in the same breath we needed to find the Bureau and get in safely without getting captured by the government.

And we were only 18 years old, with the exception of Gage.

Then Gage’s voice caught my attention once more, “So… is it true? That you can, like, heal?”

It was a weird question but I figured Max hadn’t really elaborated on the subject to his brother. I looked at him through the rearview mirror and nodded, “Yea… I can.”

“So lemme get this straight… We’re going to meet your biological parents and then what? We just go out and start searching for this Bureau?”

He was confused, yes, but there was something else in his voice that I couldn’t quite put my finger on. It sounded as if he was slightly afraid but then there was something else… maybe doubtfulness? The thought of Gage doubting my plan kind of upset me but he had a right to feel that way. He didn’t speak to Blaine and he didn’t know everything yet, Max had only let him in on certain things.

Maybe it was time to tell him what he actually agreed to.

I questioned, “What exactly did Max tell you?”

I saw hesitation in his actions which led me to believe he was stuck on the question. He shrugged, “Well, he told me that this Protection Bureau was trying to find a cure to the disease, and that they helped your biological parents find your real parents to protect you. Then there are the Federal Security guys that you think are trying to prevent us from making contact with the Bureau, which I don’t understand because the government wouldn’t be trying to kill all of the citizens in the country…”

I then understood why he had taken offense to my previous comment, and I defended myself. I responded, “Gage, I’m not calling the entire government corrupt, but this organization… they’re being supported by the government and they’re hiding the fact that they’re torturing innocent people. They’re trying to create these Super Soldiers… my friend Blaine was captured by this very agency for that very reason. He’s a Healer like me and they needed him and his DNA to try and extract a possible formula to transfer it to a normal person. Do you see what I’m getting at here?”

My frantic words seemed to make contact with a sensitive nerve, and his mood changed from doubtful to shock. He shook his head, “Why would they need Super Soldiers?”

“Why else would they, Gage? They’re going to attack other militaries with these people, people who can’t die, and people who will kill until there is nothing left to kill.”

He paused for a moment, his eyes locked on the road, “So… that’s why they’re swarming all over the Bureau?”

I nodded hastily, “Yes, because they’re trying to capture a Healer so they can follow through with this plan of theirs.”

He shook his head, “But how are they getting away with this?”

I shrugged in confusion, “I don’t know… maybe there’s a military person in higher ranks covering for them to do their dirty work.”

He nearly whispered, “Insane…”

I nodded, “Yea, you’re telling me, and meeting my biological parents seems like a decent place to start.”

I rested my head on the cool window as we continued to drive down the long highway, wondering how much longer we would have. Gage fell silent again as he stared forward, now in obvious concentration as he thought about what I had just told him. Thoughts continued to swarm through my exhausted mind, realizing suddenly that I was growing tired.

I was just praying that when I woke up we would be nearly there because I don’t know how much longer I could take in this car.

~ ~ ~ ~

My eyes forced themselves open as I realized the world around me was dark. My head wasn’t on the window like it had been before but it was now rested in Avery’s lap as her hand ran through my hair. She didn’t realize I was awake but I knew it wouldn’t be long till she did. I gazed up at her, seeing her magnificent eyes facing forward while her hair was now pulled into a loose ponytail.

Then she spoke, “How much longer till the hotel? My legs are getting restless.”

Gage checked the GPS, “Maybe about 2 hours?  We can stop for dinner though because I’m starving.”

Then the thought of food suddenly woke me up, making my stomach growl in response. Avery looked down at me and smiled, “Well good morning sunshine, you’ve been sleeping for a while. “

I lifted my head off of her lap, realizing my hair was a bit matted in sweat from the heat. I rubbed my eyes, “Yea, apparently I didn’t realize I was that tired.”

Avery’s hand continued to rest on my thigh as Gage exited the highway and slowed as he rounded the curve of the exit. Max was staring out the window and smiled, “I see a McDonalds, Burger King, oh a Taco Bell! Can we please go to Taco Bell?!”

I laughed as Max’s eyes nearly bulged out of his head at the thought of food, but I wasn’t feeling it. Gage looked at him in disbelief, “With everything else they have here you want fast food? No, we’re going eat at one of the restaurants.”

Avery and I giggled to ourselves while Max and Gage shot glares at each other, but I agreed with Gage, fast food didn’t sound appetizing. Gage stopped at a stop light and spoke, “My buddy told me about this place that’s near here, and he said they have the best fried fish and shrimp.”

Max groaned, “You know I’m not a fan of seafood. Why can’t we just settle for pizza instead?”

Gage looked at Max and realized he was going to lose this battle with his brother. Max was the one to annoy you to death with his whines until you surrendered. Gage sighed heavily, “Fine, we’ll stop at a pizza joint.”

We pulled up into a parking lot that was a bit crowded because it was dinner time, and we still had about two hours left. We sat at a large booth and waited for our server while Max was excited with the thought of food.

Me on the other hand, I was too nervous about tomorrow to want to eat.

I was hungry, yes, but the thought of actually meeting and seeing my biological parents tomorrow seemed so surreal and prevented me from thinking about eating. Avery and Max bickered about the kind of pizza they wanted while Gage continued to search for a medium of understanding.

Then the waitress walked up to our table, taking our drink orders and continuing, “Do you guys know what y’all would like to order or do y’all need a couple minutes?”

I immediately noticed an accent in her voice, letting me know we were in Louisiana. I knew I needed to contact Teal again, and I pulled out my phone while Avery and Max continued to bicker.

I hit the call button, praying she would answer, “Andy?”

I smiled, knowing she had recognized the number, “Teal… hey, I was just calling to let you know I was in Louisiana. Is it ok if we stop by tomorrow?”

I could hear the smile in her voice, “Of course, tomorrow is fine. Come around lunch time and I’ll have something cooked up for you and your friends.”

My heart warmed at her voice, knowing she was excited and welcoming us in her home with open arms. I nodded to myself as I tried to contain my smile, “Ok, see you then.”

“Good honey, see you tomorrow.”

Then she hung up, and suddenly my mood was back. I was hungry and I was able to help Max and Avery decide on a pizza without them murdering each other.


Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! Andy’s finally about to meet her parents ^_^! Vote if you enjoyed this chapter, every vote means a lot <(^_^<)!

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