Chp. 42 "Pursuing Phase 3"

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Chp. 42 “Pursuing Phase 3”

A couple hundred dollars and three hours later we were finally leaving the mall to go eat dinner. After we would go on back to the hotel, sleep, wake up early, and hit the road one last and final time before getting to Buffalo. I was nervous, yes, but more than anything I was just ready. I wanted some relief, I wanted some of the weight taken off of my shoulders, and I knew once we got there I would get that.

It was just a matter of time.

I didn’t know exactly how the meeting with Agent Boyd was going to go down but I was hoping that he would clear a lot of our questions up. I hated not knowing exactly what I was getting myself into.

We pulled into the familiar steakhouses parking lot that Max had whined over when we first arrived in Charleston. My stomach was clenched in hunger and I drooled at the thought of steak and potatoes, and at this very moment of relaxation I realized I had gained my appetite back.

We were sat by a petite hostess an then our orders were taken, and for once looking at the three people next to me I realized we were somewhat like a family.

Avery wasn’t just my girlfriend; she had also become one of my best friends, just like Max, who was more like a brother than anything. Gage still had the protective fatherly-figure but in a sense he also had a fun, brotherly side.

They were the family I had always wanted growing up.

Avery’s hand slipped into mine under the table, pulling me out of my trance-like state I hadn’t realized I was in. She spoke, “You ok?”

I smiled, this time not having to force it, “Yea, I was just thinking how we’re kind of like a family now.”

Max made a face of disapproval, “Yea, except I look at Avery more like the red-headed stepchild rather than actual blood relation.”

I felt Avery’s knee jerk under the table as it came into contact with Max’s shin, and the table jumped when he flinched with discomfort. He leaned over in pain as Avery smiled in sarcasm, “Likewise, Maxwell.”

Gage was stifling laughter on the other side of the table while I leaned my head against the palm of my hand. Those two were something else, but I knew if anything happened to either one of them, the other would be somewhat devastated.

Even if they denied it in front of each other.

“So I’m guessing Agent Roger Boyd will call us around 6:30 considering our ETA is around that time?”

Gage’s question pulled my attention away from Avery and Max’s episode and I nodded, “Yea, and then we’ll just go from there.”

He nodded, “Are you nervous?”

I shrugged, realizing the anxiousness of the situation had immediately returned, “Yea, I mean who wouldn’t be? I haven’t even met this guy before, but so far all of the meetings have been legit.”

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