Turning Tides (Percy Jackson...

By LushenPudding

476K 13.6K 2.5K

Percy wakes up in a strange forest. It is not the forest in camp. He doesn't know where he is, but at least... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Living in a Fantasy

Chapter 14

10.9K 338 4
By LushenPudding

    Percy woke up the next morning, stretching. He pushed off of the sleeping dragon and stood. He changed into a simple outfit. A blue long sleeved tunic, black leggings, and a black leather vest.
    Percy walked out of his cabin and checked his pockets. Grumbling under his breathe and turned back inside and sought out his bag of coin.
    "Can't lose this," he said to himself.
    Once again he exited the cabin and walked down into the shop. Not many people paid much attention to him anymore. They had accepted him as one of their own. He was no threat to them, so they were no threat to him. That was how he liked it.
First thing on my mental shopping list... Percy wandered into a cooking shop. He walked up to the counter and listed off a few things. "Sugar, brown sugar, vanilla, butter, flour..." he listed off a few more items.
    Next he walked into a small farmers shop. Pulling out his coins, he said, "Two eggs and some milk?" The man handed Percy his requested items and Percy flipped the shop keeper a golden coin. "Keep the change."
    The shopkeeper smiled. "Thank you sir!" He called as Percy walked away and up the hill.
    Percy checked his pocket to see he didn't have many coins left. He had started with 10 gold coins, 20 silver, and about 50 copper chips. His money was now 6 gold coins, 11 silver coins, and 20 copper coins.
    Percy got right to work when he returned to "home." He mixed ingredients and such and popped them in the oven with a little something extra he had in his pocket since when he first got here.
    About a half an hour later, the oven door opened and out came blue oatmeal cookies. Percy's mouth watered at the sight. Inside he felt a pang of homesickness. He wanted to be with Mom and Paul, having barbecues and family movie nights. Percy attempted to shake the thoughts. Cookie time!
    Percy took a ravenous bite but it quickly turned slow. "It's not the same without the chocolate chips." He said  to nobody in particular. That's not what he meant. It's not the same when Mom doesn't make them.
    He arranged the rest of the blue cookies on a platter and walked them downhill to Geir and Devyns home. He balanced the cookie plate in one hand and knocked with the other.
    The door opened almost right away. "Hello." Percy gave a wistful smile. He was trying to cover up how much pain he felt inside, how much he wanted to go home.
    "I brought these for Turin." He forced out.
    "That's lovely. I'll take them to him." Devyn responded.
    Percy nodded and speed walked up the hill to his cabin.

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