Sweeter Than Fiction

By sbregier2

500K 14.5K 7.7K

Sequel to Everything Has Changed More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68

Chapter 24

8.7K 230 151
By sbregier2

Fortunately for Taylor's own sanity, Karlie kept her promise and ended up calling her girlfriend as soon as she landed. It honestly shouldn't come as a surprise to Taylor anymore. Karlie always keeps her promises and follows through with what she says.

But there's still a part of her that worries one that one day, Karlie is going to realize she made a mistake and she'll walk away. It's that little voice in the back of her head, always telling her she's a mess and that she's not good enough for someone like Karlie. Even with Karlie constantly being amazing and assuring her, that little voice is still there, and Taylor hates herself for it.

They didn't get to talk for very long. Karlie was doing her best to rush her way through the airport to avoid the paparazzi and as soon as she was in the car on the way to her hotel, her phone was blowing up with calls from her management. Taylor finally managed to get her girlfriend to agree to hang up with her since Karlie was obviously busy, but only after the model managed to negotiate the promise of a facetime date tomorrow.

Taylor figured she wouldn't be hearing from Karlie again today, given the model's jam packed schedule and the time differences. She didn't want to be needy and seem clingy by blowing up her girlfriend's phone, but Taylor could already tell this was going to be a long day. She misses Karlie terribly and she just saw her a few hours ago.

Taylor's phone vibrating on the counter pulls her from her thoughts. She glances down at the screen and smiles.

Lil <3: "Hey babe. There was something I wanted to talk to you about. Are you busy?"

"Not at all. Is everything okay?" She doesn't have to wait long for Lily to respond.

Lil <3: "Yea. I just wanted to talk to you about something, but I'd rather do it in person. Are you at your place?"

"Yep. Come over whenever you're ready."

Lil <3: "Be there in 10."

"See you then."

Taylor puts her phone down on the counter, eyeing it for a moment as she tries to figure out what Lily wants to talk to her about.

Sure enough, 10 minutes later, there was a knock at her door. Taylor and Lily exchange hellos and hug briefly before heading to the kitchen.

"Do you want something to drink?" Taylor offers, unsure how long this impromptu visit would last.

"If you're having something, I will." The brunette sets her purse down on the counter.

Taylor rolls her eyes, staring pointedly at Lily before crossing the kitchen. "Red or white?" She asks over her shoulder, getting two glasses for wine.

Lily shrugs, pulling out one of the stools from the island counter. "Surprise me."

Taylor grabs the bottle of white wine and fills their glasses. She hands one over to Lily before moving to the other side of the counter. She takes a sip before setting the glass down, eyeing her friend from across the counter top. "What's going on Lil?"

"Relax. I told you it was nothing bad." Lily laughs, taking a sip of wine. "Are you still planning on coming early to help get ready for Dixie's birthday party on Saturday?"

"Of course. I miss my little munchkin."

"Oh. The feeling's mutual." Lily smirks. "Dixie's been bugging me all week, asking if Auntie Tay was coming to her party."

"I wouldn't miss it for the world. She's getting so big! I can't believe she's already turning 4."

"I know." Lily sighs. "It's crazy how fast the time goes. Next thing I know she'll be in school, then she'll be dating, then it's off to college; she'll be married before I know it."

"I think you still have some time there Lil. It does go fast, but she's still your little girl. No need to be worried about college or marriage yet." The blonde laughs.

"Fair enough." Lily laughs. "So um..." She eyes the blonde for a moment, trying to think of a way to casually bring up a certain someone. "How are things with you and Karlie?"

Taylor can't fight the smile that easily makes its way onto her face. "They're really good actually. Surprisingly, our schedules have kind of lined up perfectly lately, so we've gotten to see each other almost every day. But right now she's in London for some project. I dropped her off at the airport this morning."

"Aww." Lily coos, only making Taylor blush more. "When is she coming back?"


"That's not too bad." Lily takes a sip of wine and places her glass down. "So are you guys coming to Dixie's party together?" She asks, tracing her finger around the stem of the wine glass, studying the blonde's reaction.

Taylor's face turned a whole new level of red. Lily just sat there watching her friend process the question, opening and closing her mouth while occasionally stammering out unintelligible broken fragments of words.

"I take it you haven't talked about it with her yet?" Lily says quietly, trying not to smile at how flushed her friend's face has become.

Taylor shakes her head slowly, the thought never even crossing her mind. She knew the two were friends, but for some reason, she hadn't put it together that Karlie would be at the party. She was still getting used to how integrated their lives seem to be even though they haven't been together for very long.

"You should ask her. You're both invited, and you've both told me you were coming, so why not come together?" Lily asks innocently.

"I don't know Lily." The blonde says wearily. "I don't want to put any pressure on her or anything. We haven't really even been together for that long."

Lily shakes her head and sighs. "I think you and I both know that's not an issue." She comments, knowing Taylor was deflecting.

"I just, I don't know if it's a good idea." The songwriter shrugs.

"Why not?"

"Well, what about Dixie?"

Lily furrows her brows in confusion. "What about her?"

"It's her birthday."

"I'm aware. That's why we're throwing her a party." Lily deadpans, knowing Taylor was scrambling trying to come up with an excuse.

Taylor sighs, running a hand through her hair. "You know what I mean Lil."

"I do." Lily nods. "And that's why I'm not letting you use that as an excuse. You're both going to the party anyway. People are going to ask questions whether you show up together or not."

"I don't know Lil." Taylor runs her finger around the rim of her glass, avoiding her friend's pleading brown eyes.

Lily puts her hand over the top of Taylor's, bringing the blonde's attention to her. "You don't have to if you don't want to. I just think it makes sense for you guys to go together. But I don't want to pressure either of you."

Logically, everything Lily is saying makes sense. She would actually really like to go to the party with Karlie. But after everything Karlie told her about her management and all the attention this is starting to get, maybe it's not such a good idea. She knows people are going to talk and ask questions.

"What's wrong?" Lily questions, recognizing that far off look in her friend's eyes.

"I just," The blonde exhales a deep sigh. "I don't want to make things worse."

"What do you mean babe?"

"Karlie got a call from her management team and I guess there are rumors starting and people are asking questions about us."

"Well, yeah. That's normal." Lily laughs. "Karlie's a big deal right now and people are curious. But why is that a bad thing? You're friends with some of the biggest names in the entertainment industry. You know that comes with the territory."

"I know." Taylor sighs dejectedly. "I guess I'm just worried about Karlie."

"Worried about what? Karlie knows what she's doing. Why are you worried?"

"Because Lily! This affects her more than me. To them, I'm nothing. I'm just a random girl that is lucky enough to be noticed by a world famous supermodel; a charity case that she's trying out. A nobody-"

"That's not true and you know it." Lily's stern voice cuts her off. "Karlie isn't like that."

"I know she's not like that." Taylor murmurs. "But I know that's what the media is going to say. It's what people will say. I don't want people saying things like that about her. She doesn't deserve it."

"You can't worry about what everyone else will think. Karlie might be the new "it-girl", but you're not exactly a nobody. Since you always keep such a low profile, no one even realizes how well connected you are. Your friends have kept you out of the spotlight and you know Karlie will do everything she can to protect you as well."

"I know she would." Taylor sighs, taking a moment to calm down. She immediately pictures mesmerizing green eyes and a smile that shines brighter than the sun. "Karlie has been absolutely incredible with everything. She's honestly the most amazing person I've ever met."

"Gee, thanks." Lily jokes, but it has its desired effect as the songwriter finally cracks a smile.

"You know what I mean." Taylor chides. "I just don't want to mess things up for her. She mentioned that her team was worried about her losing some campaigns and projects. And the last thing I want to do is mess anything up for her. I know how hard she's been working for all this. I don't want to get in the way."

Lily moves around the counter and wraps her arms around the blonde, giving her a much needed hug. "Trust me when I say you're not getting in the way." Lily says quietly, giving one last reassuring squeeze before separating. "I know Karlie. And I know you. And I've never seen either of you as happy as you are now. You're both really good for each other."

"I know." Taylor sniffles. "And I guess that's why I'm so worried. It's all still new and everything has gone so well so far. I guess I'm just waiting for the fall out. Whenever things are going this well, something bad always seems to happen."

"But you can't keep thinking like that babe. You've just got to live in the moment. I'm all for taking your time and not rushing things. But at some point, you have to stop worrying that everything good has to come to an end. I know how hard things have been for you, but I really need you to believe that Karlie isn't like the others. And not for my sake, but for your own." Lily squeezes the blonde's hand, brown eyes urging blue to understand.

"If you have questions or doubts, you have to talk to Karlie. She's part of this now. If something's bothering you, you can't shut her out. You should talk to her because believe me, Karlie would do anything for you. That's just how she is. Did you know she texted me this morning and asked me to check up on you while she was gone?"

Taylor chuckles, wiping the tears out of the corner of her eyes. "She did?"

"Yeah, she did. I didn't get the details or anything. She just asked me to make sure you were okay. She was really worried about leaving you."

"God she's perfect." Taylor whispers quietly, but of course Lily heard her.

"I think you two are perfect for each other. " Lily says honestly. "She's brought out the part of you that I honestly thought was gone forever. And it goes both ways. Karlie's always been sweet and caring to everyone, but after everything with her ex, she closed herself off too. She just wasn't the same. And since she's met you, it's honestly like she's on drugs or something. She's just so insanely happy; all the time. You two bring out the absolute best in each other."

Taylor pulls Lily in for another hug. "Thanks Lil." She whispers into her friend's ear.

"Of course babe. I'd do anything for you. For the both of you."

The pair pull apart but Lily keeps ahold of their hands. "Alright. I'm gonna get going. I've still got some shopping to do for Dixie's party. But... I'll see you and Karlie on Saturday?" She questions hopefully.

Taylor takes a minute, but ends up nodding her head. "We'll see you Saturday."

"Good." Lily nods, finally releasing their hands. "Just talk to her." The brunette grabs her purse and heads out the door and just like that, Taylor is left alone with a lot to think about.


A pixelated image followed by a jumbled voice sounds from the blonde's phone. After a few more seconds, the image on the screen settles and Taylor feels her heart pounding in her chest.

"Hey you." Karlie says softly, smiling into the phone.

"Hi." Taylor whispers back, somewhat breathless.

The songwriter takes a moment to take in the sight of her girlfriend; her bright beaming smile, blonde hair thrown up in a casual messy bun, the loose sweatshirt that hangs off the model's shoulders, and finally those captivating green eyes that still manage to take her breath away. Even lounging around in sweats, with her hair thrown up casually and no makeup on, this girl still looks every bit the supermodel that she is.

"I miss you." Karlie says earnestly.

Taylor melts at her girlfriend's tone. "I miss you too." She admits. "So much."

"One more day beautiful. One more day." Karlie promises, her heart breaking a little seeing her girlfriend sad.

Taylor feels the familiar sensation of butterflies fluttering in her chest at the term of endearment. "I know." She sighs. "Anyway, how's your trip been?"

"It honestly hasn't been that bad, but it just feels like the days drag on forever. I had about 20 minutes to myself once we got to the hotel yesterday before the hair and makeup team got there. Since then it's just been go, go, go." Karlie sighs, leaning back against the headboard of her bed.

"Is it always like that?" The blonde questions, genuinely curious.

"No. Usually I have a lot more time to myself. But the photographer for the shoot was only available for these 3 days, so they're cramming as much in as they can. I barely even had time to go to the gym yesterday because the shoot ran so long."

"Oh, you poor thing." Taylor coos. "How will you ever survive?"

The model pouts, making her girlfriend chuckle. "I honestly don't know how you find the energy to do it. The last time I tried working out, I lasted about 7 minutes on the elliptical before I practically passed out on the floor. It was embarrassing."

Karlie bursts out laughing and Taylor finds herself smiling at the sight, despite her girlfriend laughing at her expense.

"Well maybe I should start dragging you to the gym with me."

Taylor barks out a laugh. "Yea, right." She rolls her eyes dramatically. "If I even tried to keep up with you, I'm convinced I would actually die. Like, drop dead from a heart attack right there."

Karlie shakes her head, smirking at the blonde's dramatics. "I wouldn't let you die."

The songwriter blushes, her heart beating a little faster at the sincerity of her girlfriend's comment.

"So what've you been up to?" Karlie asks.

"Not much really. Did a little bit of writing yesterday."

"Really? Any chance you'd be willing to give me a private performance?" The model asks, her face lighting up.

"Nope." The blonde shakes her head slowly, smiling at the girl's persistency. "A lady never tells."

Karlie scrunches her eyebrows and laughs. "I don't know if that really applies here." She shrugs. "But you're cute and I happen to really like you, so I'll let it slide."

"Oh, is that how it works?" Taylor challenges.

"Mmhmm." Karlie smiles wide, nodding her head quickly and Taylor laughs at her girlfriend's childlike behavior.

"Oh, speaking of letting things slide..." Taylor trails off, narrowing her eyes at the model. "Lily stopped by yesterday."

"Oh she did, huh? That's great. How is she?" Karlie asks with an air of nonchalance.

Taylor shakes her head, smiling at Karlie trying to feign indifference. "She did. Apparently, someone asked her to check in on me while they were away."

"Huh." Karlie says quietly, as if deep in thought.

The songwriter bites her lip, trying her best not to laugh at her girlfriend's terrible acting skills.

"Well," Karlie shrugs, seemingly coming to a conclusion. "Maybe that person just really cares about you and was worried about leaving you alone."

"Maybe." Taylor concedes, noticing Karlie won't look at the screen. "Karlie." She prods.

Green eyes lock onto blue and it amazes Taylor how well she can read Karlie. The guilty look in the model's eyes once again reminds her of a child getting caught and scolded by a parent.

"Anything you wanna say?" Taylor admonishes, deciding to keep up the act as she watches Karlie squirm uncomfortably through the screen.

"Not really." She says quietly, her eyes avoiding Taylor's once again. She traces random patterns along the bed, keeping her attention elsewhere.

"Karlie." Taylor tries again, her tone more knowing than stern.

After a few more seconds of aimless tracing, Karlie shrugs her shoulders and finally meets Taylor's eyes. "I'm not going to apologize for wanting to make sure you were okay."

Taylor watches the model's resolve soften slightly.

"I know you're not a child or anything, but I'm never going to apologize for wanting to look out for you and make sure you're okay. I will always worry about you."

Once again, Taylor finds herself melting at her girlfriend's sweet words and caring nature. 'This girl is just too perfect'.

"Thank you." Taylor whispers sincerely, her voice catching slightly. "I appreciate you looking out for me."

"So, you're not mad?" Karlie asks nervously, glancing down to the mattress again.

"No. I'm not mad." Taylor says quietly. "I honestly don't know what to do with you sometimes. You're so perfect it's almost unreal."

Karlie is the one to blush this time. "I don't know about all that." She mumbles shyly.

"I do." Taylor replies, the model's head snapping up to face her again. Karlie smiles, looking at her with tender eyes.

A moment of silence passes between them, both their gazes locked on each other. Karlie watches in admiration as Taylor uses a hand to flip her hair to the side, keeping it from falling in her face.

"God you're beautiful." Karlie whispers almost reverently, a soft smile on her face.

Taylor just blushes and looks down at the ground, avoiding her girlfriend's affectionate gaze. Karlie shakes her head, wondering how her girlfriend doesn't see it.

"Speaking of Lily..." Taylor clears her throat, the moment disappearing as fast as it came. "She mentioned you were going to Dixie's birthday on Saturday?"

"I am." Karlie confirms, smiling at the thought of seeing Dixie again.

"I uh..." Taylor trails off, trying to find the nerve to ask the girl if they can go together. "I don't know when you were planning on going or anything, but I just thought that-" Taylor pauses, noticing bright green eyes watching her carefully.

"Well, I was going to go a little early to help Lily set up and everything, and I don't know. I was just thinking that um, maybe you'd like to go..." She quietly trails off, looking down as she breathes out, "With me."

After hearing nothing but silence, the blonde looks back at the screen, gauging her girlfriend's reaction. The model still hadn't said anything and Taylor was starting to really regret even bringing it up.

"Unless of course you don't want to." The songwriter quickly adds.

"Wait." Karlie says quietly. "You want us to go together?" She asks, slowly putting together what she was being asked. "Like, together, together?" She questions, her voice going up slightly.

Taylor just stares at the screen, her girlfriend looking completely adorable with her head tilted in confusion, almost like a puppy. "Yea." She admits quietly. "If you want to."

Karlie grins sheepishly before whispering. "I'd love to."

Taylor cracks a smile, matching her girlfriend's. "Really?" The blonde asks, needing to confirm this is real.

"Yeah! Of course I would!" Karlie practically squeals.

"Okay." Taylor chuckles, sighing in relief.

The girls share matching smiles, that is until Karlie's manager knocks on her door; informing the model they're leaving in 20 minutes. Karlie acquiesces, confirming she'll be ready before turning back to face her girlfriend with a pout.

"I guess that's my cue."

The songwriter's heart bursts with affection knowing the model doesn't want their time to end either.

"I guess so." Taylor murmurs, nodding her head in acceptance.

"Alright. Well, I'm gonna let you go." Karlie heaves a deep sigh. "I probably won't have time to call you again later, but you can text me if you want and I'll answer whenever I get a minute."

Taylor doesn't really hear anything her girlfriend is saying. All the words just kind of jumbled together and her vision blurs to the point where she doesn't even register Karlie watching her apprehensively and calling her name. She feels like someone punched her in the gut, sucking all the air from her lungs; she couldn't breathe.


The blonde slowly blinks out of her daze, finally registering her girlfriend's concerned tone. She looks back to her phone to find Karlie watching her worriedly.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." Taylor assures her, taking slow breaths to calm herself down.

"Are you sure? Where did you go just now?" Karlie questions; growing increasingly worried.

"Nothing. It's okay. I'm okay. I promise." Taylor assured her, not wanting to talk about what just happened.

Karlie eyes the blonde, worried her girlfriend was just brushing her off. "You sure? I don't mean to push you. I just want to make sure you're okay."

Taylor's expression softens, knowing how much Karlie worries and cares for her. "I'm really okay." She smiles at her girlfriend, hoping to assure her.

Karlie seems to find what she's looking for because she finally relents. "Okay. If you're sure."

"I am. I'm okay." She smiles genuinely. "Thank you."

Karlie playfully rolls her eyes, sighing exasperatedly. "You're welcome."

Taylor laughs, which makes Karlie smile. Whatever happened is definitely serious, and Karlie makes a mental note to ask about it again later. But for now, she's willing to let it go if it means she gets to have Taylor laughing and smiling again.

"Karlie. Don't you need to get ready?" Taylor chides, knowing many times Karlie has almost been late because she wouldn't hang up the phone with her.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm going." Karlie sighs, slowly getting up from the bed. "Just trying to get rid of me I see."

"Never." Taylor promises.

Karlie's green eyes meet hers and Taylor instantly melts at the look of adoration in the girl's eyes. She wishes more than anything that she was with Karlie right now. The girl just has this way of calming her down and making her feel safe, in a way no one ever has before.

Taylor watches her girlfriend getting ready, spending every last minute they can together as Karlie gathers random items, packing them in a bag for later. They talk about tomorrow and the model's flight times; the songwriter volunteering to pick her up at the airport.

"Okay. I think that's everything." Karlie says, looking around to make sure her gym bag and everything is packed in case she doesn't have time to come back to her room. She turns to look back at her phone propped up on the dresser where her favorite blue eyes are watching her.

"Are you sure you okay?" Karlie asks once more.

"I'm sure." Taylor nods, feeling a million times better. As always, Karlie calmed her down and took her mind off everything.

"Ok. Hopefully I'll get some time to myself to call you later, but if not, feel free to text me okay?"

"Okay. Have a good day Kar."

"You too baby. I'll see you tomorrow. Call me if you need anything."

"I will." Taylor smiles reassuringly.

"Bye beautiful." Karlie smiles, blowing a kiss through the phone.

Taylor blushes, waving shyly at the phone. "Bye."

As soon as the call ends, the blonde's head becomes cluttered, words and images flashing through her mind. She closes her eyes, trying to put the words together to make sense. She was always amazed at how lyrics would just come to her out of nowhere, at the most random times.

She decides to head to the studio, humming out lyrics as she went. Taylor loved the fact that there was a studio so close to where she lived. It made these trips all the more worth it. Walking through the doors and into her usual booth, she grabbed one of her favorite guitars and started playing; the words coming to her naturally.

" The way you move is like a full on rainstorm
And I'm a house of cards
You're the kind of reckless that should send me running
But I kinda know that I won't get far
And you stood there in front of me just
Close enough to touch
Close enough to hope you couldn't see
What I was thinking of

Drop everything now
Meet me in the pouring rain
Kiss me on the sidewalk
Take away the pain
'Cause I see, sparks fly, whenever you smile

Get me with those green eyes, baby
As the lights go down
Gimme something that'll haunt me whenever you're not around
'Cause I see, sparks fly, when you smile

My mind forgets to remind me, your a bad idea
You touch me once and it's really something
You find I'm even better than you, imagined I would be
I'm on my guard for the rest of the world
But with you I know its no good
And I could wait patiently
But I really wish you would

Drop everything now
Meet me in the pouring rain
Kiss me on the sidewalk
Take away the pain
'Cause I see, sparks fly, whenever you smile

Get me with those green eyes, baby
As the lights go down
Gimme something that'll haunt me when you're not around
'Cause I see, sparks fly, whenever you smile

I run my fingers through your hair
And watch the lights go wild
Just keep on keeping your eyes on me
Its just wrong enough to make it feel right
And lead me up the staircase
Won't you whisper soft and slow
And I'm captivated by you baby
Like a fireworks show

Drop everything now
Meet me in the pouring rain
Kiss me on the sidewalk
Take away the pain
'Cause I see, sparks fly whenever you smile

Get me with those green eyes, baby
As the lights go down
Gimme something that'll haunt me when you're not around
'Cause I see, sparks fly, whenever you smile

When sparks fly oh baby smile
When sparks fly"

After strumming the last line, Taylor smiles; a certain someone with green eyes being the only thing on her mind. She reaches over and grabs her phone off the table, noticing she has a new text. She glances at the name and her smile grows, opening the message.

Karlie <3 : "I miss you already. I miss your voice, and your laugh, and your eyes, and your smile... and you. I miss holding you. I miss talking with you for hours on end. I miss laying around watching tv with you while your cats give me death glares from across the room. I just really miss being with you the most. It honestly feels like it's been forever. Tomorrow can't come soon enough. I hope you know when I see you at the airport, I'm going to pick you up and hold you in my arms and never let you go. So you should probably prepare yourself for that ;p I'll see you soon baby <3."

Taylor finds herself grinning down at her phone, so absorbed with it she didn't notice someone had entered the studio and was watching her quietly. Finally, the person speaks and she hears a voice she hasn't heard in months.

"Hey stranger."

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