Fireworks {Lee Jordan} {Harry...

By PEmercy

38.9K 2.1K 270

When Leslie Stivers first enters the Hogwarts Express, she never expected to be brought into a life of magic... More

Pleeeease Mum!
Wand or Books?
9 3/4
Apologies and Actual Meetings
Wait, You Can Do WHAT?
Learning More About Magic, Notably, the Sweets
Percy Makes His Entrance
The Plot
Poor, Poor, Penelope
My Naïvety Gets The Best Of Me
Don't Mess With The Badger
You Tried To Fool Him...
Learning About My Dorm-Mates
Family Relations
Somthing New
Apologizes and Threats
Pranking...The Whole School? Why Not?
We Forgot Someone
Only One A Month
This Idea Will Not Work
See? Also, Snape Is A Prick
Hallows Eve
A Vision and The Truth
The Aftermath
So So Many Questions
Friendship Issues
Almost Spilling
Finding Out Why
We Work Together
Plans For Christmas
Storytelling With Agatha
Wrong In The Head
Sad Poems And Presents
Reunited! Sort Of...
Dreams...With Her

Diagon Alley

1.5K 72 3
By PEmercy

My parents were not aware of the amazing journey I took to get to Diagon Alley. For one, we had to get to London quickly. This required the professor to use something she called a porkey. I felt bad for the poor hog that was subject to that. Then she explained it was a port-key. Oh, oops. I was so stunned at that point that a dirty boot that transported us to downtown London was old news.

Professor McGonagall led me down the streets of London. I just glance around at the city streets. Eventually, in front of a dirty looking pub called the Leaky Cauldron, I turn to her.

"Excuse me Professor, but I am wondering, where will I get my stuff from? These are regular stores." She simply looks down at me, her beady eyes full of disapproval.

"Miss Stivers, you must learn to have patience. Diagon Alley is not far from here. Follow me." She walks towards the pub, but I stop her.

"Um, Professor, my parents don't allow me to go into pubs. My parents say they are dangerous places, and that there are things I can't touch there." The professor simply ignores me, except to tell me to hurry up. I sigh with exasperation and follow her.

The pub is not dirty, contrary to the outside. It is well swept and taken care of. Once we get inside Professor McGonagall walks up to the man behind the bar. There is not a lot of service today so he is readily available. He smiles merrily at her.

"Ah, Minerva McGonagall, how nice to see you again!" I like him. His eyes hold a sparkle of kindness and compassion. Professor McGonagall is short and quick with her reply.

"Hello Tom. I would like to use your entrance to Diagon Alley." He nods his head, then turns to a customer who just walked in.

"Alright, go ahead."

We go to the back of the pub, past the rooms and other doors until we reach a brick wall. I stare at it in disbelief.

"What? How do we get there from here, run through the wall?" McGonagall chuckles.

"Not yet. No, this is a different way." The professor looks around, and I wonder what she sees that is so interesting. Then she taps a brick, and something amazing-no impossible- starts to happen. The bricks peel back and slot into a wide doorway. I am speechless with shock. Then my eyes take in the wonder that is Diagon Alley. The streets are narrow and crowded with the most strange sort of people. I suddenly realize that even in my muddy attire, I am not half as strange as these people. Many of them wear robes and hats, and others wear fancy jewelry and other expensive things. Then I see the stores. There is Madam Malkins, Flourish and Blotts, and many many more. Professor McGonagall directs me to Madam Malkins.

"You won't need me in there, she knows just what to do. Run along now, I have to go get some money to pay for your other things." Nervously, I head towards the shop, which is rather large and has racks of clothes in the front. It was there that I met someone like me for the very first time.

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