The Dance

By voxofp

49.9K 2.4K 2.4K

I don't want 2 fall in love, 'cause if I do it's gonna be the last time... 2013-Prince is performing at Montr... More

You are my heart
Trouble in Paradise
Doctors and discoveries 37.5
Countdown to D -Day
Goodbye, my love
Blissed Out
Back to the beginning


1.2K 65 84
By voxofp

'At this point,' replied Emma, 'I don't think I'm ready for the next step. I'd love to spend more time with you tonight talking, probably even holding you and kissing you, but I'm not ready to go to bed with you. I'm sorry if that disappoints you. In a way, it disappoints me. But it's a combination of timing and, probably, fear. If you'll be patient with me, I'm willing to try this next step, soon, but I don't think I can go through with it tonight. I guess that answers all your questions, though maybe not with the answers you wanted.

Emma took a shaky breath. 'This is something I never thought would happen again in my life. You were praying, but I wasn't even thinking along these lines. I thought I'd be single for the rest of my life. You coming into my life has turned so much upside down, in the very best way.' It's hard to imagine life without you at this point. She thought the words she didn't dare say out loud.

'Twenty, thirty years alone? That sounds awful to me. Now I really hope this is right for both of us, because someone as wonderful as you shouldn't spend the rest of their life without a partner.'

'I have to confess some trepidation, knowing that you've been surrounded by beautiful young women and Hollywood actresses for years. This is a normal woman's body. I hope that isn't a turn off.'

'Let me make my own choices, Emma,' said Prince. 'Don't try to think for me or anticipate what I want. I'll always tell you what I want from you. Right now, what I think is best is for us to go to bed separately. I'm sure we both could use some sleep after the interruption we had last night.'

'And no,' Prince held up a hand when he noticed the concern on Emma's face, 'I'm not trying to get rid of you or push you away. I know my limits, and we've already reached the end of them. You deserve the timeline you need, and I know how good I am at persuading women. That's not how I want to treat you, so give me a kiss that will hold me until breakfast.'

Pulling Emma to her feet, he gave her a long, intense kiss, one that had her moaning against his mouth, and melting into his arms. She had to work very hard at staying upright under the onslaught of emotion and desire he created with just his mouth and the feel of his body next to hers.

'See what I mean? We are both teetering on the edge of the precipice. I'll see you at breakfast, mama.'

Prince walked Emma to her bedroom door, and they had a replay of the previous kiss, which started rather chaste, and ended very hot. The kiss ended, they smiled at each other, Prince stroked her jaw, and walked away.

Emma turned toward her door, and Prince called to her.

'Emma, if you change your mind, you know where to find me.' Emma turned back toward Prince to see a big ol' grin on his face.

'You are insufferable!' Emma laughed. She went through the door and closed it behind her.

Prince went back into the living room, sat down at the keyboard he traveled with rather than the piano in the suite, and put on headphones. Working creatively, tapping into the music in his head, was the best way he knew to deal with physical frustration, and he certainly needed it tonight.

A couple of hours later, Prince took off his headphones. He thought he'd heard something like moaning coming from Emma's room. If he had, he needed to get out of the living room, maybe even the penthouse. He knew he wouldn't be able to resist sounds like that coming from her, and he wanted to honor her wishes, even if it was one of the hardest things he did. 

As he put the headphones on the keyboard, he heard a blood-curdling scream come from Emma's room. He ran over, opened the door, and found her sitting up in bed, hugging her knees, with tears streaming down her face. Even though he sat on the bed beside her, he wasn't sure she was aware he was in the room. He put his arms around her and asked,

'Emma? What happened? Are you okay?'

Emma shook her head to clear it, wiped her eyes, and looked at Prince. 'Did I say anything? I'm sorry if I woke you.'

'No, you just screamed the house down,' Prince said, as he gently rocked Emma in his arms, trying to help her calm down while simultaneously trying to ignore how wonderful her bnreasts felt without a bra confining them.  'What's going on?'

'I screamed? Wow, I thought that was only in my dream. I was having a nightmare, one that I think I've been having frequently, though I can never remember it when I wake up. All I know for sure is that it is terrifying.'

'Shhh, I think it's your turn for a hot bath,' Prince replied. 'Go get your robe while I get the tub ready for you. Come over to my bathroom when you're ready.'

'Okay,' Emma said, as Prince gave her a squeeze and a kiss on the cheek, before he walked to his bathroom. As she was belting her robe and putting her hair up with shaking hands, she couldn't help but worry about Prince staying in the bathroom while she bathed, as she had with him the night before. 'What if my body doesn't measure up to what he's used to? He's been surrounded by beautiful women for years, and if the people I've been introduced to tonight are any indication,  I'm just old. Now, on top of that, he's heard me scream-down the house? Oh, God, did people on other floors hear it?- and say I have nightmares I can't remember. He's going to decide I'm not worth the effort. Maybe I'm not.'

While Emma was stressing, Prince was stressing as he got things prepared. 'C'mon, man, you've been with some of the most beautiful women in the world. You know you've got game. I just don't want to push her too fast, and have her regret choosing me. It's so hard for me to hold back when I desire someone, and I've never desired anyone the same way I desire her. I know-I'll leave her a note. She's already told me she's nervous about how I'm going to view her body. Is that cheesy? Well, even if it is, I'm doing it. I'm just going to have to stay in control.'

Emma walked across to Prince's dimly lit bedroom, and found a note on the door. 'Come as U R, and bring Ur soul with U,' it said. 'That's reassuring, and very kind,' she thought. She walked into the bathroom, to find the lights off, multiple candles lit, and a tub full of bubbles. Prince was standing beside it, wearing a deep violet paisley robe, revealing his yummy chest, and platform flip flops.

'Do you think I could join you? I won't push past any limits you set, I promise.' Prince asked, in a voice filled with longing.

Emma was dumbstruck at the beauty of Prince's body, the sweetness of his request, and made her decision.

'Yes, since you made that promise, I think you can,' she responded, stunned that she actually said those words.

'Come here, let me undress you,' he said in that voice that made her toes curl every time.

Gently helping her out of her silky robe, his eyes glowing gold in the candlelight, he realized Emma's eyes were shut tight. 'Open your eyes, sugar,' he said in a husky whisper. 

He met her wide, slightly scared looking eyes in her blushing face as he slipped the straps of her aquamarine paisley nightgown over her shoulders, letting his fingers follow the straps down her arms to her hands, holding on tightly to keep her from running. Her nightgown slid to the floor, and in a voice hoarse with desire, he said only one thing as her body was revealed. 'Oh, Emma, you are so very beautiful.'

Then he helped her into the tub, shed his clothes, and got in behind her, curving his arms around her waist and giving her a kiss on the back of the neck. Between the silky hot water, the feel of an aroused man behind her, and that blissful kiss, all Emma could do was moan.

'I've got you, mama, just relax,' Prince said, as his hands began exploring beneath the bubbles. He stopped just below Emma's breasts, and asked, 'Is this cool? Tell me what you want, and what you don't want.'

'Part of me wants everything, but I don't think I'm ready for that,' Emma shakily replied.

'Let's take it really slowly, and see where things end up,' Prince kissed her on the shoulder. 'I'm capable of waiting. I've waited all these years, what's a little longer?'

He gently bathed her, stroking her arms, legs and back with luxurious bubbles, until the last of the tension from the nightmare was gone, replaced with a more delightful tension. His hand trailed delicately up the outside of her thigh under the water, as he asked, 'Should I stop?'

'Tonight, yes, I think you should. I'm still pretty freaked out from that nightmare, and I want to be able to give you my full attention when this finally happens. I'm sorry-I know that's a difficult thing to ask a man.'

'Never apologize to me for being honest, mama. I've lived through worse,' Prince smirked, and gave a large, overly dramatic sigh, which made Emma giggle.

'Well then, I think it's time we got out of this tub,' Emma replied.

'Wait right there, I want to finish this bath for you my way.'

Prince hopped out, drying off quickly and putting his robe back on before helping Emma out of the tub. Emma was peeking through her lashes as he dried his gorgeous body, and loved what she was seeing. Prince smirked when he caught her peeking. 'Like what you see?' Emma blushed, and thought, 'I wish I was that confident! Yeah, I'm not sure when I've been more turned on.' 

'Man, this woman is definitely worth waiting for.' His words echoed his thoughts, as he said, 'Emma, I want to make sure you know that I'm willing to wait as long as you need, now that I know how delicious the reward for waiting will be.' He helped her out of the tub, and gently dried her off. Next, he slipped her nightgown back over her, and applied lotion to her arms and legs in long strokes, which actually did the opposite of relaxing her. Then he put her arms back in the sleeves of her robe, and finally took out the clasp holding her hair up, using his fingers to arrange it against her shoulders. 'You've gotta know how much I love touching your hair, feeling it slip through my fingers. It's so beautiful and soft, such a turn on for me.'

Emma could feel that she was very wet, even though she had just been dried off.  Seeing Prince's obviously aroused body had tipped the scales. Her temperature was running very hot at the thought of touching and kissing and licking and sucking all that beautiful butterscotch skin. Though she wasn't ready to be completely intimate, she was ready to go exploring. 

Emma took Prince by the hand and walked toward the bed, illuminated by the first glimmers of sunrise. 'Give me a chance to take care of you, now,' she purred, as she took off her robe and pulled a confused looking Prince down on the bed. 

She laid on top of him, saying, 'I can think of something you might like,' as she slid down his side, raining kisses along his chest while running her hands over that delicious skin, stopping at the tie of his robe right at his belly button.She looked up at his face, finding a fierce expression in those golden eyes. 'I'd like to continue. Would you like me to continue?' She actually smirked, knowing full well what his answer would be.

'Yeees,' Prince groaned, and grabbed Emma's hands, 'but only if you let me return the favor.' Emma gently pulled her hands from Prince's grasp. She untied his robe and let it fall open. Her hands then resumed trailing down his torso, following the path indicated by an ever-narrowing line of soft, curly hair on quivering butterscotch abdominals.

'I think that can be arranged,' Emma replied, smiling into Prince's heated gaze, before she turned her head, focusing her attention on the task she had set for herself, sending a trail of kisses along the same path. Prince used one hand to stroke Emma's beautiful hair, and clenched the sheet beside him with the other. 

All of the talking stopped then, except for whimpers, moans, and cries of ecstasy,  followed by words of praise and joy for one another.

A/N-Don't forget to Vote, Love all your Comments, and thanks for reading!

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