The Love We Share

By MelleD

33.5K 616 84

When you are running away from something, there is only so much time until it catches up to you. I just hope... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

The Love We Share

7.9K 47 9
By MelleD

A/N: This is my first story! Well my first story that I let others read. Let me know what you think! I appreciate you taking the time to read it. Enjoy!!


My name is Victoria Riley. I'm twenty two years old and I'm the mother of a wonderful five year old boy, Donovan. I would love to say that I am happily married and that my world is complete. Sadly, that is not the case. I had Don when I was seventeen with the man I thought was the love of my life, Jake. We had been dating for two years, I thought that I would spend the rest of my life with him. But things don't always turn out like you want them to. After I had Don, things changed. My mother abandoned me, my father had left years ago, and Jake was the only person I could depend on. I guess that was too much for him because he changed from the sweet loving man, to an abusive alcoholic. I could take the pain, but I didn't know what I would do if he turned his anger towards our son. I had hoped that that day would never come. I was mistaken.

Chapter 1

I had everything packed and ready to go. Everything was hidden in the closets so Jake wouldn't find them. Once he left for work I was leaving, I was taking our son, Donovan, and leaving. I couldn't take it anymore. All the abuse, all the pain he caused me. I never complained because I didn't want my son to grow up without a father, and Jake never hurt him, until last week.

Donovan had been playing in the living room with all his toys, Jake had just gotten home and tripped over a toy. He got furious, marched up to Don and slapped him. He slapped him so hard that his little body fell to the floor in an instant. I was in the kitchen when it all happened. I ran out once I heard Don's cries. I got there only to have Jake's fury be turned towards me. Don saw it all and could not stop crying. Since then things have calmed down. But I know that he will hit him again. And I can't take that.

Jake was finishing up his breakfast in the kitchen, Don sitting across from him eating as quietly as possible. Jake got up leaving his plate on the table.

"I'm off to work," he said. He came up to me and kissed me.

"Bye honey," I said in the most lovable voice I could manage.

"Have dinner ready when I come back."

"Of course."

"Bye little man. See you later." Don didn't respond. He just kept looking at his food. He still hadn't forgiven him for what he did. "I said bye Donovan," Jake said the anger obvious in his voice.

"Bye daddy," Don whispered. Jake seemed satisfied and left. I waited 10 minutes just staring at the door in case he forgot something and would come back.

When I knew it was safe I turned to Donovan. "Baby we're going out today."

"Where we going mommy?"

"We are leaving this house. Ok? So come on let's go get you changed and ready to go." I took him to his room and got him changed. I ran and got the bags from the closet and put them in the car. I went back into the house and got Don. Everything was ready. I locked the door behind me, got in the car and took off. We were leaving our home in New York and going to Iowa. My first intention was to go to California, to the other side of the country. But Jake knew I always wanted to go there. It would be the first place he would look.

We were on the road when I decided to explain things to Don. "Baby, we are leaving, and never coming back. Do you understand?"

"What about daddy?"

"He's not coming with us," I said.

He smiled. "So he won't hurt us no more?"

"No he will never hurt us again." The determination was clear in my voice. I hope to never see that man again.

"Okay." He stayed quiet for the rest of the ride. We crossed state lines and abandoned the car and got on a bus with all of our things. It would take hours to get there but it would be worth it. Donovan got comfortable in his seat, leaned against me and was soon fast asleep. I would do anything to protect him.

We got to Iowa with no problem. But that didn't change the fact that I was looking over my shoulder every few seconds. I decided to stay at a small town. Though people always say that it was easier to hide in a big city. I'm pretty sure Jake has heard that before. The only option was to use reverse psychology on him. He was never really bright. We should be safe here. We checked into a small motel we had seen from the bus. We didn't unpack because we weren't expecting to stay here long, maybe two weeks. But by then I hoped to find a job, a school for Don and an apartment for us.

Back in New York, I was a teacher, and I could definitely be one here too. But it would be easy for Jake to find us. I couldn't let that happen.

When we were on the bus, we had passed by a school, so that was the first stop. I needed to get Don into school as soon as possible. That way I could work at ease without having to worry about him too much. The school wasn't too far away, but not exactly at a walking distance either. By the time we got there, we were both tired, I guess a car has to be added to the list of things I need.

We went straight to the office. It was a Wednesday so school was in session.

"Go sit in the chair Don," I told him. He smiled, grateful to be able to sit after that long walk. I walked up to the secretary.

"Hello. How may I help you?" She asked.

"Hi. We just moved here and I wanted to know if my son can enter this school?" I asked hopefully. I couldn't ask for a transfer because Jake could track that too.

"Yes of course. Do you have the transfer papers for the school he previously attended?" Crap.

"No I don't. We had some trouble with his father and had to leave. I didn't have time to ask for the paperwork.

"Okay." She said and turned to the computer. "What's his name?"

"Donovan Riley."


"Five." And the questions kept coming. He was starting school on Monday.

After the paperwork was completed, we left to look for a job. We went to a bookstore, video store, a few clothing stores, even to a café. But none of them were hiring. Donovan was getting tired so we went to a diner we had seen. We settled into our seats and waited for the menus. Donovan stared quietly out the window while I looked through job ads in a newspaper I had bought.

"Hi. Welcome to BF's, Burgers and Fries. I'm Paul and I'll be your waiter today." A cheerful young man said, standing next to the table. "Here are your menus." He handed them to us. "Can I start you off with anything to drink?"

"Two cokes please." After the long day a little sugar will probably cheer Don up.

"Coming right up." He turned and left us to look at the menus.

"What do you Don?"

"Nuggets!" He said, the happiness clear in his voice.

"Okay, sounds good."

"What about you mommy?"

"Hm. I think I'm going to get a burger," I said still looking through the menu. He gasped. I looked up in a panic.

"What is it?" I said a little scared of what he would say.

"But mommy you always said burgers make you fat! You wanna be fat now?"

I laughed. "No baby. I'm just really hungry. Don't you think I deserve a burger after today?"

"Hm." He said thinking it over. "Sure but no more burgers for a while," he said pointing his little finger at me.

"Okay," I said laughing. I looked up in time to see the waiter on his way back to the table with our drinks.

"Here you go," he said placing the cups in front of us. "I couldn't help but notice you looking at the classified section. Looking for a job or an apartment?"

"Both actually," I sighed. He had brought me back to reality. I still needed to find a job and an apartment.

"Well you're in luck!" he smiled broadly at us. "We are hiring!"

I stared at him a bit dumbfounded. Why would a complete stranger help us?

"I mean if you want to work at a little diner like this," he said a little taken back. I'm guessing he felt that way because of the way I was looking at him. "You probably don't," the happiness seemed to have been sucked out of his voice. "I shouldn't have said anything. Sorry for being in your business."

"No! I'm sorry! Are you really hiring? I really need a job. I was just surprised by the offer."

"Yes we are!" His over joy was back and he was smiling broadly at me.

"Mommy you gonna work here now?"

"I hope so baby." I turned to look at Paul. "So where do I apply?"

"Well how about when you're done with your meal, I'll take you to see the boss, Mr. Thomas, and he can get you all the information."

"Thank you so much!" I had the sudden urge to get up and hug him. But I doubt that would be very professional and I didn't want to give him the wrong idea. So I stayed in my seat and returned his smile.

"No problem. I have more news for you. I just happen to know that my next door neighbors have moved out, so there is a nice two bedroom apartment next door to me, empty and waiting for its next occupants."

"Wow. Thanks! That's really helpful. What's the address?"

He gave it to me. "I'm not some sort of creep by the way. I just want to help out. And you really looked like you needed it."

"I really appreciate it. And don't worry you're not on my creep list. Not yet anyway," I said smiling at him.

"Glad to hear. So what can I get you guys?"

"I want nuggets!" Don practically yelled.

"Ok little buddy. And what would you like your nuggets with?"

"Frenchy fries please."

"Sounds good. And you miss?"

"Cheeseburger and fries. And it's Victoria, but people call me Tory."

"Okay Tory. I'll be back with your order in a few." He turned and left.

I was smiling from ear to ear. Things might finally work out here.


"Yes honey?" I said turning to him.

"Can I get ice cream after food?"

"Only if you finish it all."

"Okay!" he said throwing his fist in the air. "I'll finish it all. I promise!"

"Good." I smiled at him. He smiled back. The first time he smiled since we left. Yes, things might work out here after all.

After we had eaten our food and Don's ice cream, we waited for Paul to come back after talking with Mr. Thomas. I saw him walking towards us again and I started getting nervous.

"Come on Tory, Mr. Thomas is ready for you," Paul said. "You too little buddy."

"I'm Don."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Paul."

"I know," Don said smiling at him. I guess the food made him happy, or maybe it was just the ice cream. Don grabbed my hand as Paul led us to an office towards the back.

Once we entered the office I saw a man who looked no older than 30 sitting behind the desk. He was bald but it looked like it was because he shaved his head not because of him losing his hair. He had brown eyes that looked like they held wisdom beyond the man's years. The man was big but not big because he was fat, no, this man had every inch that I could see covered in pure muscle. He looked like he could be a bodyguard for the President, not an owner of a diner.

Paul caught my attention and tilted his head towards Mr. Thomas. I had been staring and didn't notice it.

"Hello Mr. Thomas. I'm Victoria, but you can call me Tory. And this is my son, Donovan-"

"But you can call me Don," Don interrupted. I looked down at him, giving him the look. "Sorry mommy," he said looking down.

Mr. Thomas laughed. "It's okay little man. I'm Mr. Thomas, but you can call me Tom."

"Hey! I can't call you Tom yet," Paul complained.

Tom looked up at him. "No you can't. You're not a pretty young lady and a handsome young man are you?" he asked winking at Don making him smile. "I heard you're looking for a job Tory."

"Yes I am. Paul said you were hiring."

"Yea. I'm looking for a waitress! We have too many men on the job. Maybe a pretty lady like yourself will bring in more people for us. You interested?"

"Of course!"

"When can you start?" he asked.


"Okay." He opened a drawer and pulled out an apron, the little waist aprons that waiters wear. "Here," he said throwing it at me. I caught it and looked up at him. "You can start now. Paul can teach you the ropes. One of the waiters called out and we need help. You will be our first female waitress, well first female employee altogether. But you'll be fine, don't worry. You okay with that?"

"Yes, of course!" I said. I might be the only female employee, but maybe a feminine touch will help around here. "The only thing is the schedule. I just put Don in school. He starts on Monday."

"You can start after you drop him off in school and you can end around the time he gets out. And if you want the extra hours you can just take a break and pick him up and just bring him back here. We can all watch him with you."

"That's perfect! I'll bring him with me after he gets out so I can get a few more hours."

"Perfect," he said smiling at us. "Another thing. The uniform. The men wear a white button down shirt with black pants and black shoes. But you are our first woman working here, so I think a black skirt will be better for you. Preferably a short one. You're a beautiful woman that is definitely going to bring more people in."


"So for today you can just wear that," he said pointing at my jeans and polo shirt, "Until you can get your uniform together."

Don had been looking back and forth between me and Tom, concentrating on the conversation. "Mommy, where do I stay now?"

"Hm," Tom said. "You can come with me and be my assistant for the day. If that's okay with mommy."

"Can I mommy? Can I?"

"Sure," I said getting up. Tom may be a stranger but I had a feeling that he could be trusted. "I'll see you later baby." I leaned down and kissed his forehead. "Thank you Tom, I really appreciate it."

"No problem. Paul go show her how things are done here."

"Come on Tory," Paul said pulling me out of the office.

"So what do I help you with Tommy?" I heard Don ask as the door closed. I chuckled. Leave it to Don to change someone's name.

I spent the rest of the day learning what to do. After a while I was taking orders on my own with Paul supervising me. When Paul's shift ended, we both went back to the office to find Don ripping papers into little pieces and throwing them into the trash can.

"Hey mommy."

"Hey Don. Had fun?"

"Yup. I help clean the office. He's really messy."

"Well then if you can help clean an office, you can help me clean once we get our apartment. Right?"

He frowned and thought it over. "I will help. But I don't want to use the witch stick."

"Witch stick?" Paul asked.

"A broom," I said smiling. Tom and Paul laughed.

"Really?" asked Tom.

"Don't ask," I said. "Come on Don we have to go check out the apartment."

"New place for us mommy?"

"Yup, new place."

He got up from the chair and ran to me, turned back and said, "Bye Tommy! See you tomorrow."

"Bye Tom. And thank you. I really appreciate it."

"No problem. See you guys tomorrow. And you better bring my new assistant with you."

I laughed. "Of course."

Paul led us out of the diner. "If you guys are going to check out the apartment now, I can give you a ride. It is next door to me," he said smiling.

"Sure that would be really helpful." We got into his car. The ride there was pretty quiet and it wasn't very far either. Once we got there Paul took us to the landlord. He was more than happy to lease the apartment to us. After the paperwork was done, Paul was kind enough to help us move our things into our new one room apartment. He helped us move our still packed boxes from the motel to the apartment and stayed to help us unpack a few things. Until I cooked and told him to sit and eat as a thank you. I didn't let him get up to help again so he stayed in the living room playing with Don. When we were all settled Paul said his goodnights and went home, promising us a ride to the diner in the morning.

We settled into our new beds and drifted off to sleep. Both of us were tired after the long day. It might have been a long day but it was a successful one.

For the next few days Don went to work with me every day and helped Tom with whatever he could and I got use to the new job. Sunday night soon came and all Don could think about was his first day of school next day.

"Don it's time for bed."

"I don't wanna go to bed."


"Because then when I wake up it will be Monday."

"What's wrong with Mondays?"

"I'm scared. It's the first day."

"Oh honey," I said, "You don't have to be scared. Everything will be alright."

"But what if they don't like me?" he asked with tears in his eyes.

"They are going to love you. It's the first day and you're going to make friends and have tons of fun."

"You promise?"

"I promise. Now come on. You have to go get your pajamas and brush your teeth."

"Ok," he said and ran into the room. I stayed behind and cleaned up the toys he was using. Once he was done getting ready he called for me. I went into the room to find the blankets all pushed to one side and Don was lying down on the side without blankets. I walked up to him and fixed the blankets and tucked him in.

"Goodnight baby," I said kissing him goodnight.

"Nite mommy," he said yawning. I walked out of the room and left the door slightly opened so only a little light to enter the room. I finished cleaning and got ready for bed myself. I went into Dons's room to sleep in. He was still uncomfortable in the new place and was scared. When I got in bed, Don was already slightly snoring. I listened to his even breathing as sleep took me.

"Mommy! Mommy!" What's wrong with Don? He sounds happy though. He's fine I guess.

"Get up mommy." Get up? From where?

"Mommy it time for school! I wanna go make new friends!" he screamed right next to me. I sat up straight in bed.

"Are you up now? Cuz I'm hungry," he grumbled.

"I'm up. I'm up," I groaned.

"Good! Now go get clean."

"When did you become the parent?"

"Silly mommy. That's you," he giggled.

"Okay I'll get ready. Did you get clean yet?" I asked using his words.

"Yup. I took a bath and I brushed my teeth. I just don't know where my clothes are."

I looked down and realized that he was not only naked but also wet. "I'll get them for you." I got up and choose his clothes and told him to get ready and I jumped in the shower. I got dressed and made Don his breakfast. He practically inhaled the food. He was in a rush and wanted to go to school. When he was done we were on our way to his school. Paul had given us a ride as he had been doing everyday now. We were soon in front of the school and Don was nervous again. I got out of the car with him and walked him inside.

Once we were in front of his classroom he pulled my hand to stop me. "You promise they won't hate me?" he asked.

"Of course they won't," I reassured him.

"Okay," he said. I leaned down and gave him a kiss goodbye and wished him luck. I waited until he was inside to turn around and walked out to the car.

"Good to go?" asked Paul when I was seated in the car.

"Yup. Let's go to work." He started driving and soon enough we were at the diner. I walked into the office.

"Hey Tory. How was the little man this morning? Nervous for his first day?" asked Tom.

"No not really. He was happy to try to make new friends."

"That's good. So you're going to go get him later?"

"Yea of course," I said, "I don't know what he would do if he didn't see his Uncle Tommy every day." Don now called Tom Uncle Tommy after a conversation they had. Tom discovered that he didn't have any aunts or uncles, he made Don call him Uncle from that day on, saying that every child should have aunts and uncles. I was glad that Tom was so understanding and caring. Don was the happiest I've seen him in a very long time.

I went to work with a smile on my face. I could already recognize the regulars. I always have fun talking to the customers. They were all pretty funny. Most of the customers were men, so they of course, greatly appreciated a female waitress. The place wasn't that big and it was never really full so I became the only waitress. The men worked in the kitchen and helped me carry the heavier trays, but I was always the one handling the customers. I didn't mind either. It was always fun.

The time came to go pick up Don and Paul and I took a break to go get him. We were back in less than ten minutes. Don was talking all about how much fun his first day was. He ran right to Tom's office the minute we entered the diner. He ran up to Tom and grabbed him into a bear hug and then went on to repeat everything he had said in the car. I laughed and walked out the office and continued to work.

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