The Army Baby

By IrumBashir

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Alexandra Phoenix Hunter. Daughter of Skyler and Phoenix Hunter. Niece of Derek Hunter. Being born and bred i... More

Chapter one*Alexandra Phoenix Hunter
Chapter Two*Mission Minions
Chapter Three*Training
Chapter Four*Party
Chapter Five*A soldiers punishment
Chapter Six*A jump to Russia
Chapter Seven* Her song
Chapter Eight* Pack your bags
Chapter Nine* He's a murderer!
Chapter Ten* Derek's Agents
Chapter Eleven*The 320s
Chapter Twelve* Baby Lo
Chapter Thirteen* Tough love
Chapter Fourteen* A Classic drunk
Chapter Fifteen* Bodyguards?
Chapter Sixteen*What's with all the questions?
Chapter Seventeen* Special Meetings
Chapter Eighteen*Neighbours
Chapter Nineteen* Judgement day
Chapter Twenty* I need to go home
Chapter Twenty-One* Oh Hell No
Chapter Twenty-Three* No more secrets
Chapter Twenty-Four*The Skyler Mellow
Chapter Twenty-Five* A.P.H
A/N (part twenty-six)
Chapter Twenty-Seven *The dog cage
Chapter Twenty-Eight* Don't Jump Alex!
Chapter Twenty-Nine* Leave the kid alone!
Chapter Thirty* She's Crazy
Chapter Thirty-One*The prodigy child returns
Chapter Thirty-Two* Goodbye
Chapter Thirty-Three* Home
Chapter Thirty-Four* Rumours
Chapter Thirty-Five* You have to kill him...or else.
Chapter Thirty-Six* Old VS New Punishments
Chapter Thirty-Seven* Snitches get Stitches
Chapter Thirty-Eight*She's Out Of Control!
Chapter Thirty-Nine*We need to talk
Chapter Forty* Intervention
Chapter Forty-One* What. The. Fuck. Just. Happened?
Chapter Fourty-Two* Walk us through the Mission
Chapter Forty-Three* An Unexpected Visit
Chapter Forty-Four* Want to hear a story?
Chapter Forty-Five* DENIAL
Chapter Forty-Six* ANGER
Chapter Forty-Seven*BARGAINING
Chapter Forty-Eight* DEPRESSION

Chapter Twenty-Two* Act like a bitch, get slapped like a bitch!

4.4K 162 20
By IrumBashir

7 PAGES !!! This is going to be a long but detailed chapter!!! Hope you enjoy it!


Derek's P.O.V

"What if it was just a random attack?"

"We can't give up that easily, our job is to find out who did it." I ranted back at my command officer

"it's just easier to close the case, and if something similar happens again, I will put you back in charge and let you re open the case."

"That's bullshit!"

"I don't care. The case is closed so leave it." with that she got up and left my office, following her I walked towards my team.

"What bullshit...." Axel responded

"I know, but apparently we already have a light on our district so it's bringing us unwanted attention, so they're closing it and reporting it as a burglary gone wrong."

"So you're just going to let it go?"

"of course not, but let's just keep that between us, in the meantime carry on with any other cases we have until we get new evidence."

Alex's P.O.V

"Here Hun." Amber handed me a pile of clothes and pulled me towards the rest of the girls.

"These are nice im not going to lie." I wiggled my eyebrows at the outfit I had just put on, casual black gym pants with a tight fitted crop top with a zip. All black of course.

"Keep them, they suit you better." Amber smiled at her cute taste in fashion.


"let's go, before Kristal has a hissy fit about us being late." With that we walked towards the gym and sat at the back of the bleachers.

Walking up the stairs I looked around and identified the majority of the food chain... I mean the social groups. You have the nerds, the jocks, cheerleaders, acapella group, the dancers, the goths, the hipsters, the quiet kids, the rappers etc. There were quiet a lot of kids here, but saying that it must be normal for them, im just used to smaller groups. Reaching the top I sat down and took in the sun and the atmosphere until a shrieking voice brought me back to reality.


"What are you doing?" Aaron laughed and stood next to her, following him Connor and Linc all got up.

"Giving orders, what does it look like?" she giggled

"I mean... we always just let everyone do what they want in gym, we never give them orders." Linc questioned.

"Well I think we should do something fun today..."

"What did you have in mind?" Connor asked puzzled

"We're going to set up the ultimate..." she smirked

"Everyone's already done it, what's the point?"

"Not everyone." As she said this, Linc looked right at me.

"Urm ... what's happening." I whispered to Nessa.

"Oh shit... the ultimate is like the hardest obstacle course we've done here, we all had to do it when we started, it was total embarrassment."

"The four captains obviously have the highest records in their categories, but I have a hunch that you're not just doing one category." Amber whispered

"They can't make her do all of them...can they?"

"We can't make her do all of it.... can we?" Linc questioned the brat.

"Why not?"

"That is so much effort and I'm not hitting a girl." Connor rolled his eyes.

"Scared she's going to beat your records?" Kristal winked at the boys

"You're not scared she will beat yours?" Linc's comment caused a stiff laugh from the crowd.

"just go set it up..." with that the jocks all got up and started placing mats down and made their way to the storage room.

"Fine, but im still not going to attack her."

"Same." With that all three boys sat down leaving her stood in the middle.

"Fine, you don't have to, we will get the others to do it."

"Oi you..." she looked directly at me; everyone was quiet leaving me to respond.

"Im sorry are you talking to me?"

"Who else would I be talking to newbie?"

"Actually its Alex..."

"Fine, Alex...come here." Not wanting to cause a scene I jumped up and skipped down the stairs. Coming face to face with her she pulled me in the middle.

"Since you're new, it's only fair for you to complete the ultimate."

"Okay, what do I have to do?" not expecting the response from me so quickly she stuttered and focuses on the guys who had finished setting up.

Before responding back, the guys all went to sit back down but before they did, some of them came up to me and gave me a fist bump and winked at me. Thank fuck I was friends with these lot so they can make a big deal for when I beat their records. Oh yeh can we just establish the fact that I am an army baby, I've trained with the best soldiers out there, I've done a number of navy seal obstacle courses so I wasn't scared one bit.

But of course, no one here knew that, so let's just say. This is going to be fun.

"So explain what I have to do." I smiled as the crowd watched me

"first you have to complete a simple routine of moves I instruct you to, and then if you pass that, you move onto the rope, if somehow again you actually manage to do that you then go onto tires, and that obstacle course that the boys just set up..."

"And if I pass that?"

" you would..."

"What's after ... for when I pass that?"

"Fine, then you move onto the final stage and you have to fight Matthew, one simple pin..." she smirked at one of the guys who rolled his eyes.

"Oh stop rolling your eyes, she isn't even going to pass the first part so don't worry." That was enough to motivate me to start...

"Okay im ready...lets go."

She sat down with a huge smirk plastered onto her face.

"Front handspring, step out. Round off backspring step out, roundoff back hand spring with a full twisting layout." Walking to the back of the gym I winked and smashed the routine causing everyone to gawk at me. (A/N if you want to see what this looks like, go onto YouTube and search, bring it on-missy audition).

Not waiting for a response, I moved to the rope and grabbed it, jumping up I manoeuvred my foot so it created a loop for me to stand up, doing this three times I was now at the top within 4 seconds, I move fast. If I didn't move fast when training with the navy seals or my unit I would either get whipped or had to do worse, so I learnt to climb fast without thinking. Jumping down from the rope I made my way to the tires and the obstacle course. Of course that wasn't hard so I moved swiftly through it without breaking a sweat. Once I finished it I turned to face the crowd who were all cheering.

"Fine. Last stage." She pointed towards a mat in which Matthew stood up and walked towards me.

He faced me on the mat and hesitated.

"You don't have to do this, you've beaten Kristal and practically the whole schools record." He smiled innocently but I was in full training mode.

"Hit me."

"Im not going to..." before he could finish I slapped him.

"What the fuck."

"Act like a bitch, get slapped like a bitch." I laughed and slapped him again (A/N: I had to throw in this scene! Watch the scene I linked up, it's a kick ass 2 scene!)

This outraged him and he went in to attack, but we all know I had already analysed every move and planned a simple way to finish him. He went in for a punch but I moved out of the way and attacked. A few moments later I spun and kicked him causing him to fall and lose. The quiet room burst out in cheering and clapping as my attention was fully on the poor guy in front of me.

"You okay?" I held out my hand and he took it smiling.

"Nice...I think we all doubted you too quickly, its Alex right?" laughing with him we both walked back to the bleachers.

"Anything else?" I smiled as Kristal rolled her eyes...

"Actually....." by now everyone had shut up and attention was focused on another figure.

"WHAT IS GOING ON IN HERE." Ah fuck. The head teacher.

20 minutes later after explaining that it was just a friendly match, the head teacher let me leave.

I had now walked into the district and made my way to Derek's place.

"Hey hey hey...." I smiled at the group and walked towards the whiteboard in the middle of the room. There were photos stuck up; of what im assuming the case they were working on earlier. 3 dead bodies.... Interesting. Quickly analysing it something popped out from one of the photos. Looking at the blood splatter from the father's position, the notes beside it didn't add up.

"Alex, how was school." Ryan smiled and passed me a hot chocolate. Smiling at him I turned my attention onto the group who were all looking at me.

"It was....interesting." I smirked and went back to looking at the photos.

"You almost got 2 weeks suspension, on your first day? Explain!" Derek had walked out of his office as he noticed I walked in, looking a tad angry.

"How do you even know that?" I laughed as my attention was on the blood in the photos.

"I got a call, what did you do?" he walked besides me and got in my way so I couldn't see the photo anymore.

"Derek! Okay get this.... So this girl tried to embarrass me by setting up this crazy obstacle course in gym class, well it was hard in their eyes but it was so easy, all it included was ropes, flips and a small obstacle course...Anyways the last part was to pin down one of the guys who is a streetfighter, and guess who won... that's right ME!" I smirked at the previous events causing everyone to laugh.

"Damn, I wish I saw that. Axel nodded at me.

"Come on, what happened to keeping your past on a down low?" Derek sighed

"I am! But I'd rather not make myself look like a pussy on my first day, you get me?"


"Sorry sorry...okay can you move now please, I was looking at something."

"You shouldn't be looking at this..." Derek questioned as he focused to where my attention was.

"What do you see?" Liam questioned intrigued.

"It's a clear murder, no hesitation. But it was definitely planned and rushed.... Woah... they used a Tokarev Pistol, 7.62x25mm...."

"How do you know what gun they...?"

"It's a typical Russian gun....holy shit."

"What...what do you see?" By now everyone had walked over to see what was going on,

"Urm nothing, let's go." I dropped the subject and turned around

"Alex, if you know something...." Vicky rudely butted in.

"Im just a kid remember...what do I know." I Snapped at her

"Alex?" she questioned back

"Derek can you drop me off back to yours? I have homework to do."

"Yeh sure, but im going to be working late tonight." Smiling we all parted and I made my way back out.

Alex' P.o.v

"And where did little miss goody go now that she's sneaking back in?" I heard Linc laugh at the attempt of me attempting to climb up the window.

"Don't ask..." I rolled my eyes back to the thought of the previous situation I found myself in..."


"Hey army baby." I heard a shout from the street behind me, turning around Ade came into view, the alpha kid from the 320's.

"Shut up!" I urged as he ran towards me.

"Whoa what's wrong?"

"Nothing I just don't want people to know that name in case.."

"In case what?"

"Nothing, don't worry about it, anyways how have you been?"

"No tell me...."

"I can't."

"It's me your talking to, I know about your let me help you."

"Okay, Ade I think the Russians are tracking me... or should I say looking for Nadia."

I was now dragged into a small room where the 320 kids or should I say pre soldiers, stood. "So we have a new mission between us, to track them and see if they can find any connection from Nadia to Alexandra." Ade went onto briefing his siblings.

This is to where it takes us to, 10 minutes before getting caught by Linc....

"That triple homicide case that Derek is working on.... we think that Olinskeys men, the Russians may have input on that..." Ade briefed me.

"Give me the details to take back, because if not home by 1am, Derek will know something's not right." By now the kids had handed me everything and I was running home...

Fast forwards a lot of sweating and jog breaks.... to

"And where did little miss goody go now that she's sneaking back?" I heard Linc laugh at the amusement of me attempting to climb up the window."

"You don't want to know..."

"Surprised you can actually climb up... no wait, actually im not... taking you beat nearly the whole schools record today" he laughed

"Don't you mean the whole school...?" I joked

"No because would mean you beat my perfect record... which you didn't."

"Either way, it's because I'm used to climbing back into my house at times like these." I winked as I made my way in.

"You're going already...past your bedtime?"

"Actually Im going to change." I laughed

"Oh you don't need to close the window and the blinds I won't peek..." the jerk smirked.

"Freak." with that I shut them leaving me stood in a dark room. I turned my side lamp on and left the documents on my desk. Quickly changing my clothes I re opened the curtains to find Linc still sat there on his phone, I mimed his position, so I was sat half in my room and half on the window ledge, I picked up the documents and started to go through them.

"What you reading?"

"Nothing interesting."

"You do know that you've already made enemies right..."

"Does it look like I actually give two fucks?"

"Touché, anyways I wouldn't worry about Kristal and her girls."


"Because Alex, we have your back." He smiled. Sitting there for an hour talking about anything and everything, we both ended the night by saying goodbye and heading to bed.

Once I was lying down in my bed about to drift off to sleep my watch buzzed. Looking at the devise I saw an incoming message. Placing down the gadget I used my hand to pull up the hologram screen opening a text message.

ADE-Alexandra, there's been another homicide.

ME-do you think it's ....

ADE- I have a bad feeling about this. Meet us tomorrow after school, usual spot.


what a long chapter! Thanks for reading it!! let me know what you think!!!

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