For better or for worse (Chan...

By Kieshanna

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Chapter 45: We did good. The chapter y'all finally been waiting for London & Chris finally have their baby. More

For better or for worst (Changed Man sequel)
01: Mrs. & Mr. Brown
02: Rio
03: Can you handle it?
04: Ice Cream
05: No petty shit
06: Can't be life pt. 1
07: Can't be life pt. 2
08: Damage pt. 1
09: Damage pt.2
10: Love & War (1)
11: Serious
12: They don't know pt.1
Merry Early Christmas
13: Wowzers
14: Night out
15: Late night meeting.
16: Christmas morning
18: Unknown
19: Blast from the past
20: You got some nerve
21: Where I'm coming from
22: What has to be done
23: High school
24: Good or nah?
25: What really happened
26: What really happened pt.2
27: What's the end pt.3
28: Jammed up
29: Trading places
30: Trading places pt.2
31: For the fathers pt.1
32: The Worst pt.2
33: New New part.3
34: Together
35: Tell Me
36: 4/20
37: Where did it go wrong? (pt.1)
38: Where did it go wrong (pt.2)
39: Where to go
40: Leaving.
41:Don't cry (pt.1)
42: Where do you sleep?
43: How I feel
44: How do you feel pt.1
Good read
45: We did good
I'm back!

17: Did someone say baby (part 1)

9.3K 252 61
By Kieshanna

*London Brown

After taking pictures with my beautiful car, Chris and I decided to get the kids ready. Leah and Mijo is having a Christmas party...she said her and Mijo had something important to tell everyone.

At this moment of time I was sitting at my vanity doing my hair and makeup. Picking up my red lipstick I applied it lightly before my phone began to rung. Expecting it to be Leah I was shortly let down when Kae’s name and picture appeared on my screen. Rolling my eyes at the simple fact that it’s been a few days since the whole club thing happened. When she showed up to work the next day, I didn’t speak to her besides telling her, her task. I didn’t like the way her girl came at me rather she was there or not. Nonetheless it was rude.

“Mrs.Brown” I answered the phone smirking

“Uh good morning and merry Christmas...I was calling because I was invited by Seiko to the Christmas party but to my understanding it’s your friends and of course I know you’ll be there I just don’t want any bad blood between us.” She said all in one breath.

Bad blood? There will never be bad blood between us and that’s simply because I’m too grown for petty stuff. However I was a little hurt being that I considered her my friend and really thought she was cool...but what’s done is done.

“It’s fine, you’re fine.” I giggled

I was having a really good day and I’m gonna try my best to not let anyone ruin it.

“Good...I guess I’ll see you there.” She said before hanging up.

Shaking my head at how silly she was being I tossed my phone on the bed just in time for Mariah to walk into my room in her Sunday’s best dressed.

“Ma can you fix my hair cause all daddy know how to do is braid.” She said rolling her eyes making me bust out laughing. She was just like her mother at times, it made me smile. Thinking of Tae always make me smile and cry. She was getting the treatment she needed but she needed to be in her baby life more...but oddly enough that gives me the chance to be in her life. And I love every minute of it.

“Sure baby come on.” I chuckled again before standing up and grabbing her hand leading her into the bathroom.

“How you want your hair?” I asked

“Just out.” She said simply

Doing as she wished I brushed her long hair down her back then parted it in the middle, sending her on her way.

“Thanks ma.” She hopped out my room

“No problem boo.” I yelled as the next one came in my room.

“MA.” King yelled

“What man?!” I joked

He held his arms out for me to pick him up.

“What you want?” I asked again

“Eat.” He pointed to his mouth

Chris came in the room with Morgan on his back giggling her head off.
What’s going on?” I asked

“She wants you, and King wants to eat...let’s switch.” He said tossing M on the bed taking King from me.

“Still want another kid?” He asked grinning.

Ah you see he’s been having the kids jump off the way these last couple of days in efforts to have me change my mind about wanting another kid...but it doesn’t it makes me want them even more...besides it’s too late…

“Yup...I think I want twins.” I joked making him roll his eyes

“Yeah ok.” He mumbled taking King to go get a bottle

Leaving me to look at M. “What’s up M?” I asked

“I wanna play.” She smiled sitting up

“Well right now you and your brother and sister have to get ready.” I said tucking my hair behind my ear

“Why?” She tilted her head to the side

“Because we’re going to a Christmas party.” I said

“Can daddy get me dressed?” She asked smiling big

I think she lowkey loves to give Chris the blues, because she never fully gets dressed unless I’m there to watch her or she’s doing it on her own.

“Sure why not.” I laughed

“Okay.” She ran off

I think having another will be fun. Someone fresh and that way all my kids will have a chance to be big brother and sisters.


After finally getting everyone dressed, lightly fed and hair brushed Chris and I finally left the house.

“I think we need to get a truck.” Chris said stopping at a light.

“Why?” I asked flipping through a magazine

“Because for one we need more space and two if you are pregnant again you can’t ride with them three plus a car seat comfortably.” He pointed out turning on his blinker in efforts to get over.

Nodding my head I thought about it. “You’re right...I just don’t want nothing too big or ugly.” I said

“Why women always think everything has to be pretty.” He laughed

“Cause it does.” I said as he pulled into Leah and Mijo’s driveway. I was proud of my girl Lee. This has been her longest relationship, and she stuck through it on top of being happy.

Cars lined down the side of the road and music already were blaring through the house at 1 something in the afternoon. Shaking my head at her ghetto self I waited for Chris to open the door for me. He won’t even let me touch the door handle let alone get out. He does the same with the girls. ‘Never open the door, that’s a mans job and right now it’s daddies job.’ he says. After papa Brown gave us the ‘ok’ to go the kids ran off while I pushed the door open.

“YEEEEEERP!” I yelled

“OMG London!” Leah hugged me as if she didn’t just see me the other night when I came to pick up the kids.

“Hey baby, how are you?” I asked

“I’m amazing Merry Christmas babe.” She kissed my cheek

“Merry Christmas too...where is fathead?” I asked referring to Mijo

“He in the living room with Austin and his girl.” She pointed as Chris came in the house.

Hm...I heard about Austin girl, but I’ve never seen her let alone met her. This should be fun.

“Wassup bird.” Chris said messing with Leah. They act like brother and sister now. Like the kind that love to mess with one another. It was pretty funny.

Walking into the living room all eyes were on me.

“Merry Merry Merry CHRISTMAS!” I jumped on Mijo.

This was brody for real. He’s always looked out for me since the time I was 16.

“Wassup fathead.” He laughed pushing me slightly

“Maaaan nothing.” I laughed acting like him making Austin laugh earning my attention. He looked cute, wearing a pair of black jeans, a black and white jersey, a pair of Jordans and a beanie to top it off. He looked real good.

“How you doing London?” He ask smiling showing his bottom golds  

“I’m good, how you are doing?” I asked returning the guester now sitting beside Mijo.

“I’m fine but a this Nia.” He said referring to his date or girlfriend.

“Nice to meet you I’m London.” I smiled showing my dimples. She was cute...but he could do better.

“Nice to meet you too.” She smiled back

Just then Chris walked in. Papi looked sexy.

“Wassup homie.” Austin stood up dapping Chris up

“Wassup dawg. Sup Mijo.” He hit Mijo up side the head, then waved at ol girl.

“Nia this Chris, London husband.” Austin said introducing them

“Really? Y’all married I can’t wait to get married.” She said looking at Austin

He looked like he wanted to die. Chris, Mijo and myself busted out laughing. That boy too young to be thinking bout marriage. Child boo.

“Aw man I ain’t trying to hear that.” He waved her off making her pout.

“Y’all boys are crazy.” I shook my head standing up

to leave feeling two pairs of eyes on me.

Going into the main room I seen the fool of the hour with Seiko and Leah.

“There she go!” Leah gushed pulling me to her and along with the other women in the room.

“Hello.” I smiled weakly

“Hey boo, Merry Christmas.” Seiko gave me a side hug along with a gift.

“Merry Christmas.” I replied to everyone

“London, Kae sat your gift on the table.” She smiled unaware of the problem at hand.

“Oh super.” I said in a white girl voice rolling my eyes.

This was gonna be a long dinner party.


We all sat at the table as Leah went in and out the kitchen sitting bowls of food in front of us. Everyone was sitting with their boyfriend or girlfriend (no shade to kae) by their side. Every so often I would get a look from Kae girl, and Austin can both of y’all get off my tip...I don’t want either one of y’all boyfriend or girlfriend. And the fact that shawty girl can’t get the fact that I don’t want Kae out her head is beyond pissing me off! Leah finally sat down making me do a little dance. Her, Mijo, and Chris laughed being the only ones that saw me.

“Let’s say out grace.” Leah said as everyone grabbed hands and bowed their heads.

Mijo lead the grace and Chris followed up, then everyone dug in. No one was talking beside the kids that were in the living room eating. Chris and Mijo homie Drew stopped by with his baby moms Trace and their son Drew. Of course Aaron, and Keeis were visiting from Cali and I couldn’t be happier to see my cousins in law.

“So Leah what was so important you had to tell me all scared to eat.” Keeis said making me laugh.

She kissed her lips playfully before smiling at Mijo.

“BRRRRRRRRUH!” Aaron dragged out

“Shut up Aaron sheesh.” Leah responded

“Then wassup with the wassup?” Keeis wiggled his eyebrows the same way Chris does

“Chris get yo family.” Leah said making me laugh again

“I don’t know why you laughing cause they yo family too.” Mijo playfully mugged me

“Shut up fathead!” I mugged him back

“Oooh she got yo uglay ahh!” Aaron yelled making everyone laugh.

“Nah but for real, we do have something to tell you.” Leah said

“Y’all broke?...It’s okay it happens to the best of us.” Keeis asked. He was a fool.

“Shut up no I’m pregnant!” She smiled

My face was priceless! My best friend was pregnant and happy with someone that’s been my best friend since I was a lil youngin’ I was mad hype.

“Congrats.” I yelled

“Thank you boo.” She said starting to tear up

“See bruh pregnant emotions.” Mijo shook his head

“Shut up fool it’s yo fault!” she said getting up to hug me. She was on bout a 10 and I kinda thought it was funny.

“Come up stairs real quick.” Leah said once she let me go.

“Chris I’m borrowing your wife really quickly.” She said smiling.

Once we got up stairs Morgan followed up because she was tired. All three of us laid in Leah bed. Morgan was curled up in a ball beside me.

“Wassup?” I asked her

“No the question is wassup with you why was both of them girls mugging you?” She asked right off the back

“Oh you noticed huh?” I asked

“I’m your best friend of course I I know when girls be hating.” She rolled her eyes

“Well the one with Kae think I want her...and Austin girl I honestly don’t know why she mugging me cause I didn’t even say nothing much to him.” I said rubbing M’s curly hair.

“Well they betta keep their eyes to them self...I ain’t too pregnant to snatch someone.” She said

“Speaking oh how far along are you?” I asked

“Girl two months.” She smiled

“And why you just now telling everyone?” I asked

“Because I’ve been busy, you’ve been busy, shid we all been busy.” She said and she couldn’t have been more right but I just wish she would have told me.

“Well nonetheless I’m happy for you.” I smiled but before I could even really get to finish my food came up making me rush to the bathroom.

“Are you okay.” She said standing behind me holding my hair

Simply nodding my head I finished letting go into her toilet. Once I was done I rinsed my mouth out with some mouth wash.

“What’s going on L?” She asked

“I’m pregnant too.” I smiled

“SWEAR?!” She yelled

“Yes now keep it down before you wake up my baby.” I pointed towards Morgan

“Yo this is mad crazy. How far along are you?” She asked

“I don’t know really. I just know I am. I’ve been having morning sickness for the last couple days.” I said

“Does light bright know?” She asked

“No.” I shook my head

“When you gone tell him?” She kept asking me questions

“When we see mama J tomorrow.” I answered

Mama J was coming here to visit tomorrow and she all invited us out, so there I was gonna tell everyone

“You betta bum!” She poked me

“A and I gotta tell you something bout Nip but I’ll tell you later.” I said as we cracked the door and went back to the party.


Austin is in the sidebar (thingy)

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