Behind The Scenes: Book One...

By MrsPenguin19

32.4K 1K 257

Carter Wells is who she claims to be with a dark past. Most sixteen-year-old teen girls are stuck-up, fake bi... More

New House, New Town, New Jackasses
Cliff Jumping?
A Back Flip To Start
My Eyes Bleed With Tears
Venice Skatepark
God, I Missed You
Love Bites
Movies And The Beach?
Free Boards
Date Night
Early Morning Kisses
Dating One Tanner, Friends With The Other
Your Number One Fan
Don't Get Too Cocky
Don't Do What?
Ocean Of Pillows
Flying, My Favourite
Tanner Fox's Australian Tour-Part 1
Tanner Fox's Australian Tour-Part 2
Tanner Fox's Australian Tour-Part 3
Tanner Fox's Australian Tour-Part 5
Surfing With A Little Meet Up
Music Video
New Car?
Real Life Fruit Ninja
Dark Dreams and Even Darker Memories
Goodbyes Aren't Forever
Nightmares From A Call
Update on Book Two

Tanner Fox's Australian Tour-Part 4

756 32 19
By MrsPenguin19

We have only been in Gold Coast for 24 hours. Do you know what can happen in 24 hours? Well, the boys seem to trash the apartment enough to make it look like we have been here for weeks. Bags and clothes on the floor, and they basically just sit around and sleep. 

For example, it's 12:30 right now and none of them had anything to eat plus they kinda just woke up about an hour ago. Then there is me, I've been up since nine this morning. In my two hours of having some down time waiting for them to wake, I went on a run along the beach and back and edited more prerecorded content since I didn't want to do a daily vlog and read half my book. I thought I would make one big edit over the trip into one video and upload sketches and covers and that stuff everyday instead. 

"I'm starving!" Tanner groans from the couch. I look up from my book to see the other three boys complaining about how hungry they are. 

"If you all are so God damn hungry you should do something about it." I roll my eyes and continue reading my book. 

Tanner, Dylan, Shaun, and Dylan stood up in unison and walked to the door.  I shut my book, setting it on the table, and followed them out to Dylan's car. My unlucky soul had to sit in the back middle. I am the smallest out of everyone so they make me sit in the middle, but it doesn't mean I like being in the middle. I'd rather sit on the damn roof then the middle. (A/N growing up I was always in the middle, but know I have my own car so no more middle for me yay.)

We arrive at a little restaurant. Tanner made a few jokes about the bottle of water they set on the table for you to serve yourself and repeatedly pointed out it was warm. He also tried sweet potato fries for what he said was the first time but I know that's a lie. I made sweet potato fries for my brother one day after school and Tanner had a few but I'm pretty sure he didn't know what they were.

Shaun and I had salads, Dylan took a leaf of espionage and eat it. Tanner called him a dinosaur and then took one from my plate and ate it, calling himself a dinosaur. 

Once we were done, all five of us got back into the car and jammed out to some tunes from the radio on the way to the go-kart place. We walked in and saw a few people racing on the track already. This looks so fun, can't wait. We needed to put our info into a computer that we needed to fill out just in case something happens saying we can't sew them and all that fun jazz. 

We walked out along a long railing with all the karts lined up. We were given instructions on how to go forward, back and stop plus all the boring safety this. We picked out our helmets and seats. Tanner and I put our GoPros on the helmets and sat down in our individual go karts. 

It was the hardest thing to steer and the track was so insanely slippery. There were a few places I got stuck but I wasn't as bad as Tanner. It helps when you learn how to drive where there is none stop snow in the winter and ice everywhere you look. Once Tanner and I got stuck along with Dylan right before the tunnel and they didn't notice us for a while. When they did notice us they turned the light on red because we were blocking the entire track.

I unbuckle and place my helmet back on the shelf. Tanner found a board on the wall saying he was first. The guy at the front desk explains the track and who actually got first. Tanner's face went a little pale as he glanced over the paper. I look at the paper seeing he was last, trying to hold in my laugh but I failed to do so. I found my name and it turned out that I was second. 

"Better luck next time, Tanner." I place my hand on his shoulder. He gave me a puppy dog face, "At least you beat me in your GTR." His face lite up at the memory of the little race we did a while back. 

We ended up at the Scooter Hut Warehouse. I pin on my visitor pass as Tanner holds my hand. Shaun gives us a "world class" tour of the conference room and a set to make custom builds. We wandered into a large open room and out of all the things, Tanner wanted the bubble wrap. He asks Scott, owner of Scooter Hut if he can wrap himself in it. He said yeah, so Tanner handed me his camera to film himself turning in circles with bubble wrap covering him. Dylan found some packing tape to make the bubble wrap stay on. Within seconds the boys are outside pushing Tanner down. Tanner starts to roll around on the ground then gets out and hands it to Dylan. He slips the wrap on and the height difference is defiantly noticeable. 

Once the boys were done with the bubble wrap, Shaun and Dylan went to get dinner somewhere and Tanner, older Dylan and I are heading back to the hotel but first Tanner wants to drive Dylan's car. See, Tanner knows how to drive a stick shift because I taught him how with my car but never a left-hand stick. Tanner didn't do too bad at it. I'm proud that he didn't stall the car, which is a first. 

"Do you want to try Carter?" Dylan asks in his accent filled voice.

"Yeah, I would love to." I switched places with Tanner and started off down the road perfectly.

"I think your girlfriend has surpassed you," Dylan says to Tanner causing me to laugh. 

I can see Tanner's cheeks go a little red in the mirror. "She does drive a stick back home." 

After another lap, I crawl into the back again while Tanner sits in the passenger seat and we make our way it pick up the pizza then to the apartment, meeting Dylan and Shaun there. 

A/N Comment your age and be truthful. One more Tour part then back to more just Carter's life at home in San Diego. Vote, comment and follow.

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