The Daughter of Qye

By roxane2361

39.1K 1.8K 125

"-that's the only thing I could do, because I could never give you more", Rydan continued, low enough to be h... More

Note/Short Reminder
The Engagement Day (1)
The Engagement Day (2)
The Engagement Day (3)
The Contact (1)
The Contact (2)
The Strength (1)
The Strength (2)
The Vision (1)
The Vision (2)
The Wish (1)
The Wish (2)
The History (2)
The Night (1)
The Night (2)
The Day (1)
The Day (2)
The Book (1)
The Book (2)
The Promise (1)
The Promise (2)
The Mate (1)
The Mate (2)
The Reason (1)
The Reason (2)
The Betrayal (1)
The Betrayal (2)
The Memories (1)
The Memories (2)

The History (1)

1.2K 57 0
By roxane2361


• • ⊱∘────·❅·────∘⊰ • •

There's an actual reason why each Daughter of Qye had to spend the rest of their life inside Suttern and protect the Kingdom.

And it's not only because Qye needs protection.

Or because Qye didn't want to be involved in a war.

It was fear.

The sole reason Suttern needed to proceed with the deal. Not because they fear Qye will be the one to attack Suttern, they fear the possibilities that their enemy would someday gain the knowledge of the power Qye possessed and decided to use it against them. Werewolves are widely known as the enemy of most creatures, there was never any good history between Werewolf and other creatures.

It's been almost a thousand years since the war that had claimed Tioddre Castle, the one where since then Suttern has changed its name into Suttern Castle.

A long time ago, a Royal Hybrid by the name of Wylard has stated he will not continue the legacy of his empire and anyone who wishes to claim the land and castle should come forward.

The one who did was a Werewolf Family called Suttern and a Vampire Family by the name of Grioyt, one of them was Valon Grioyt.

As cunning as Vampire can be, The Grioyt made a deal with witches, mermaids, dragons, as well as other creatures to side with them and claim Tioddre. However, Wylard had thought it was a cowardice act against Suttern and he decided to help Suttern against Grioyt, defeating them within three days and making it possible for Suttern to claim the then Tioddre Castle.

No one had ever heard of the Grioyt Family after that, some say they decided to go into hiding, others speculated they have decided to end their life with the help of witches. There were also rumors stated they are planning to attack the Suttern, trying to gather people and resources to go against the Kingdom.

Claiming back something that could've been theirs

The mere thought that someday Grioyt could come across Qye was enough to make the first King shivered in fear, It chills him to the bone and haunts his night. The Councils were called upon as soon as possible, they had to come up with a deal that Qye will never reject, but at the same time has the capability to keep the strongest one within their claws.

And marriage was the only thing that could come to their mind.

There were a few people rejecting the idea, but that was the only way The Councils could come up with. Considering the strongest one among Qye would always be the first daughter in the family and the Crown Prince of Suttern will always be the one to continue the legacy of Suttern Kingdom.

It was a deal that was made only within a week.

Suttern was forcing them to agree or else the only way for Qye to reject was war.

Which would be contrary to every belief, identity and rules, they had obeyed so far.

So Qye could only do one thing, sacrifice.

Lord Valon lived throughout those years, believing that those marriages were merely a political movement that needed between Qye and Suttern. But after almost a thousand years living, witnessing, and watching everything, he knows something was up.

Something is definitely different.

That girl, the First Daughter of Qye is different.

Why else would the marriage be a necessary thing between the two? Knowing well that a werewolf couldn't reject their mate and Qye wouldn't allow having a child of the Suttern.

There must be a reason why.

Lord Valon spends almost a hundred years gathering the vampire family, hiding and staying away out of Suttern watchful eyes. He manages to convince and gather as much as possible to create an army, convincing them that the Suttern will someday become theirs and their first target should be her.

The Daughter of Qye.

Lady Elleryn.

• • ⊱∘────·❅·────∘⊰ • •

Elleryn walks out the door leaving her chamber, the sun is shining through the hallway, as a soft breeze touches her pale skin. Seems like winter is near its end and it's about time she can gather her energy without drinking Qeeup or beg other creatures.

With a light slow step, Elleryn passes through many rooms and along the way sends a regard towards each soldier and servant she happens to meet, her smile had surprised them, though they did bow in respect to her. Upon finding the double door she passes many times, her step begins to rush as she unconsciously skips towards her destination, it's the library.

She needs to read books about The Failed Ones, perhaps she can find something through those books.

A way out.

Things that she never wants to know about before, until now. If her family will have to live in constant danger just because she is the first daughter, then she didn't want to live in that state for longer than necessary. She needs to find a way out of this deal without harming her families and Qye.

The sturdy pale smooth oak double door in front of her was carved with Suttern emblem, a wolf nestled around a crescent moon, a magnificent symbol of the Suttern that ironically was drawn by one of the fairies in Qye. It seems like the relation between Suttern and Qye is deeper than just a facade marriage.

Elleryn pushes the door in front of her, the silence inside the library was the first thing she notices, followed by the bright sunlight that lit the entire room. Each corner with sturdy and polished shelves filled with books which arranged accordingly, a few soft pristine blue couches situated at the middle part of the room and oak tables with books piled up on top of it.

Elleryn examines the shelves filled with books one by one, wondering where she should begin searching.

"Is there anything I can help you with?" a rough voice said, startling her.

Turning around she looks at the tall man in front of her, he seems around mid-forty but age cannot be determined by looks in this world. He has a sharp jaw with a high pointed nose, white hair that style neatly and his silvery white pupils staring right back at Elleryn.

His black uniform indicated his identity as the librarian, his features seem to soften after noticing the identity of the girl in front of him, as if he is glad she has finally come. His eyes seem twinkling with something Elleryn cannot decipher. The man clears his throat, looking around the room before meeting Elleryn eyes once again.

"I can help you find the book you are looking for," he said. Elleryn glances around before nodding her head.

"I need books about the failed ones, also some records about the history of Suttern Castle. It would be helpful if you could get me books about The Deal as well," it tastes wrong on her tongue, to say those words out loud, the failed ones.

Never in a million years, she would say that filthy words in front of other creatures, especially inside the Suttern. If the spirit happened to hear it, their stares of betrayal would keep her awake all week.

Qye never considered The Failed ones failed, at least the Royal Family of Qye never considered to ever use such a word to describe them, just because they can't continue to live inside the Suttern, doesn't mean they failed as a Qye. However, running from their duty to protect Qye, has been considered a failure in the eyes of the citizen, if they cannot protect the Qye, they are considered failed.

Even if the mistake was a simple but lethal one.

Falling in love.

Elleryn swallows her own saliva, hoping to remove the disgusting taste that begins to cover her tongue after saying those words and focus on her current plan, finding records and books to help her figure a way out of this godforsaken kingdom.

"That corner over there will help you a lot, although most of the things you are looking for would be a hundred years old, but I'm sure everything is there. If you can't find it, you can call me. The name is Willy," he said, bowing with respect.

Elleryn murmured thanks to Willy and walked towards the right corner he points just now. She takes a deep breath and begins to search for the book, it takes about fifteen minutes to find all the books related to what she was looking for, and all that thanks to the spirit inside the room, whispering softly and pointing towards each book she was looking for.

Just like what Willy said, most of the books she wanted to read were a hundred years old or perhaps more than that. The brown aged paper and filled with dusted cover, as well as the rusty scent that rushed to her nose, had indicated its age.

Elleryn was sitting on a wooden chair with about six piles of books in front of her when someone put a white sealed old book covered in dust right in front of her. Elleryn raises her head, confused tracing her orbs and meets Willy smiling down at her.

"Perhaps you want to read this as well," he said, pointing to the book. He bows and turns around, leaving Elleryn a little flustered.

Elleryn touches the book that is sealed tight with a thin root, a cursive letter was on its cover, The End of Tioddre in dark brown color, but that's it. She couldn't find any indication of the author name or the year it's supposedly created. However, there is something about the book that makes her disregard the books she had gathered in difficulty.

A spell had covered it, as if it shouldn't be read by anyone.

But why did Willy give it to her?

She raised her head, searching with her eyes the man from before, her breath turned uneven, deep down she suspected Willy knew something, but what exactly? Her frantic eyes find him immediately, standing on the other side of the room, organizing a book onto its bookshelves in slow and accurate motion.

He stops what he is doing and turns towards her, as if he could feel Elleryn's eyes and he immediately her eyes that had furrowed in confusion, silently questioning him.

And he did the unexpected, or rather said the unexpected.

Would you want me to tell you, instead?

• • ⊱∘────·❅·────∘⊰ • •

Rydan is running through the trees, black fur covering his entire body, paw hitting the ground and pushing forward, the ground only makes him want to speed his leap. His eyes twitch every time a single drop of ice touches the corner of it, his wolf had demanded the same thing every minute, but he can't give it to him.

Stay by her side.

It's weird. A wolf within Rydan never demanded such a thing, running through the forest was an everyday thing, hunting wild animals was a time to time request, but never before he demanded to stay by a girl's side, a fairy nonetheless.

Elleryn was not the first fairy Rydan sees, so he knows the wolf inside him was not demanding this merely out of curiosity. His wolf grew affection towards her, it's a rare thing that werewolf could feel affection towards other creatures that's not related to its own kind. It is in werewolf nature to be wary and always on alert towards others, even family, to think his wolf is whining and roaring inside his head to be heard, was a surprising thing to feel.

Rydan stops by the open field of white snow, when spring comes this place will be filled with colorful flowers, the sun will shine brightly with trees surrounding the area, shading the hot scorching sun, birds can be heard chirping sweet melodies.

Show her later.

Rydan wolf said inside his mind, emitting a groan from Rydan, hoping it would stop. It bothers him entirely, the constant reminder of her somewhere inside the castle, the way he had to suppress the urge to run towards her or the roar that his wolf would let out every time Rydan tries to remember the promise he made with her mom.

Needless to say, he and his wolf are in a bad relationship at the moment.

Zandic finally catches up to Rydan's, breathing heavily in his form, looking extremely tired and exhausted. Even though Zandic is titled Royal Family, he doesn't have the same blood as Rydan, inside his blood, there's the King's blood, the truly powerful blood.

I'm not going to ask, not that I don't hear anything.

Zandic said, sending his thoughts towards Rydan between catching his breath. Rydan groans, then sending him a glare.

It was surprising. You never cared for a female werewolf before, but a fairy? Never thought you have a different taste for women, is she as beautiful as the soldiers have talked about?

Hearing Zandic words, Rydan's wolf roars at Zandic, baring his teeth at his own family. Taken aback, Zandic could only whimper and lower his head, knowing fully well Rydan could kill him within a few seconds.


It's not Rydan who talks this time, but his wolf, the word sounds like a poison that sends through to Zandic's head, clear as day.

Ye..Yes, I've heard them talk about her.

Zandic answered, feeling cold sweat beginning to cover his fur.

Rydan wolf bares his teeth, turns around and runs towards the castle, about to find each and every soldier inside the castle and shred them apart. But Zandic was quick with his step, even though deep down he was scared, he still stopped in front of Rydan and lowered his head, also showing him that he is not standing against him.


Zandic whimpers but he knows he will regret it if he follows Rydan words, right now he is out of control. By the time he did move out of Rydan's way, Rydan would regret each and everything he did and Zandic will make sure he isn't.

She is a Qye.

Rydan roars this time and Zandic could only flinch.

You are forbidden to stand for her, care for her, or even love her. So whatever it is you are about to do, thinks through about your title, your throne or who you are.

Rydan flinches at Zandic's word, this time he takes a step back, beginning to take control of his wolf once again before he turns around and leaps further into the forest. Zandic followed closely behind.

Truly sad, as he is forbidden to even have the thought of wanting her.

• • ⊱∘────·❅·────∘⊰ • •

"Who are you?" Elleryn states, while keeping her eyes on his, looking alerted.

For a Daughter of Qye, there are no creatures in history to be able to get through their mind or even talk inside their head. There's this invincible barrier that couldn't be pass-through by other creatures and for years Elleryn has believed that, until now.

"I'm a librarian," he simply stated, showing his smile to her, confusing Elleryn even more. Willy starts to walk towards Elleryn, smiling down at her and taking a seat right opposite her, eyes fall upon the book before raising his eyes to meet Elleryn.

"You know what I mean by that," Elleryn starts to gather her energy and make a little barrier around her, protecting her from the man in front of her.

If she happens to hurt a little, the Qye would have to receive its consequences. The talk of not being able to defend herself would start going around inside the castle, and she couldn't let that happen.

"Don't bother to waste your energy, I'm not planning to hurt you," Willy smiles but it doesn't reach his eyes at all. It seems complicated to put together the meaning behind those smiles as if he really doesn't intend to hurt her, but not that he can't.

"If you are wondering why I could talk inside your head, it's because I'm a hybrid," Willy said, sending Elleryn another smile. Elleryn raises her eyebrow, finding it hard to believe his words, but then again it would explain his white eyes and contrast dark complexion on him.

It is rare to meet a hybrid because Vampire and Werewolf are known to hate each other, but then again Tioddre was an empire that ruled by a hybrid family, the last hybrid that ever known alive King Wylard Tioddre. History stated he couldn't get over his mate that had died tragically by incurable disease, then decided to end his empire by announcing to everyone to come and claim his castle and empire.

After that, no one ever heard of Wylard Tioddre, some said he decided to end his life following his mate, others said he decided to live far away from the now Suttern castle. There's some theory about him getting sentenced by the first King of Suttern secretly, but some even speculated that he was given a status inside the Suttern.

Perhaps, he is related to Wylard Tioddre.

"No, I'm just an ordinary hybrid," he said, startling Elleryn.

Elleryn takes a deep breath, before trying to calm her quicken heartbeat. For the first time in her entire life, she could feel fear spreading through her entire body, she never met a hybrid before, mainly because they are mostly kept to themselves and never heard taking a step inside Qye.

She knows that hybrid is much more powerful than vampire and werewolf, there's also some that said a hybrid is on the same level as the first daughter of Qye. However, she couldn't believe such a thing because there were never any written records of information in terms of their abilities and power.

"Just like I said, I'm an ordinary hybrid. I don't have other powers besides being able to read your mind and talk inside your head easily, please regard me as one of your servants," he said, smiling once again.

"Please stop reading my mind and talk inside my head, I would appreciate it if you could do that," Elleryn finally said, after finishing assessing him. He nodded before glancing towards the book once again, the only book inside the library that was sealed with a protection spell.

"What do you know about this book," Elleryn said, expecting him to start talking and pour out everything he knows. But he only looks at the book for a long time, smiles and just closes his eyes before meeting Elleryn once again.

"Shall we start," Willy said, his white eyes twinkling with excitement. Elleryn was a little flustered at that.

But she listens anyway.

The end of Tioddre was not the end of the Royal Family. Rumor couldn't begin without facts going around, after the claim of Tioddre by Suttern that was aided by the Tioddre themselves.

There are ten people that were appointed as The Councils, like the Suttern Royal Family, The Councils was also passed down to the next generation. Rules and many considerations were made out of these ten people, before then being agreed by The King. The ten people varied from six werewolves, two witches, one fairy, and the rumor that said a hybrid was actually one of The Council.

If one member of the Council did not agree upon one thing, the King couldn't make any decision until all the members agreed all together. So in this case, the King was not the one who ruled the Suttern, the Council did.

There's some history record that said the only fairy in the room was actually against the marriage between Qye and Suttern, but all the Council was able to persuade the King and pressed the fairy to actually agree with the said proposition. Needless to say, the Council was ruled by the six werewolf families.

In conclusion, if a Lady of Qye was about to rearrange The Deal made from a thousand years ago, she had to face the Councils and persuade them to let her out of the Deal, the mere idea is entirely impossible.

"I know it's not going to be easy, but how did you know that I'm looking for a way out," Elleryn said, beginning to doubt him again.

"Just like you, Lady Byrl and other first daughters always looking for a way out, I remember Lady Byrl said to me that she wants to be free," a bizarre word to put together, a Lady of Qye and free, those two words couldn't be associated together and everyone inside the castle is aware of it.

"She used to spend almost the entire day reading each record and script that perhaps could create a little hole of freedom for her, a way out," he explained, but that did not answer why the book was sealed with the spell.

"For the record, I can't open the book, and it's not what it said it to be," Willy said, standing up from his seat and beginning to walk towards the opposite side of the room. He continued doing his work that previously was paused for Elleryn, leaving confused and bewildered Elleryn behind.

It's not what is said to be.

• • ⊱∘────·❅·────∘⊰ • •

Do you have any question? Feel free to send me one! I would love to hear comments as well, don't forget to vote. 😊😊


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