Winter Getaway - A Storm and...

By tiesandspies

380K 15.3K 3.9K

When Mr. Ambrose has to conduct business for the weekend while staying in a cabin in a small village, Lilly i... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three - part one
chapter three - part two
reader written scene!
chapter four - part one
chapter four - part two
author's note #2
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
author's note!
chapter ten - part one
chapter ten - part two
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
author's note.
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter eighteen and a half
chapter nineteen
chapter nineteen - extra scene
chapter twenty - part two
chapter twentyone
An Alternate Beginning
An Alternate Engagement
An Alternate Ending

chapter twenty - part one

6.1K 324 83
By tiesandspies

Lilly's POV

"Lilly Linton!" My Aunt scolded, "You were supposed to be home two days ago!"

Mr. Ambrose had dropped me off around the block, this morning, placing a small kiss on my forehead before he left. I hoped my blush from that interaction wasn't still in my cheeks as I dealt with my very flustered Aunt.

"We were worried nearly to death! How dare you!" She continued.

"Grandmother needed some extra help around the house, Aunt Brank. I wanted to write to tell you all, but I knew I'd be back by the time the letter got to you."

"Still, it is highly improper for your grandmother to have kept you, without our acknowledgement. I will write to her at once!"

"No," I blurted out, my voice frantic.

Taking a deep breath I calmed myself, "There's no need for that, okay? You'll only make her upset. Poor old granny can't deal with any anxiety."

"Fine," my Aunt huffed, "but you have a heap of chores to be finished."

"I wouldn't have it any other way," I smiled.

Narrowing her eyes in annoyance, she stormed off, clearly still bothered by my late arrival.

Walking upstairs to my room, I pushed the door slightly ajar to see if Ella was inside. She was, as I assumed, and still sleeping in fact.

"Ella wake up," I said gently, shaking her shoulder.

The action reminded me of when Ambrose tried to wake me up when we were at the bandits camp. I, however, favored him with a slap instead of the soft purr Ella gave me.

"Lilly, is that you?"

"Yes, Ella, get up!" I sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Oh, Lilly, we were worried sick when you didn't arrive on Sunday," Ella fussed, sitting up on the bed.

"No reason to be, Grandmother just needed some extra help around the house."

"Oh, I do wish I could have went and helped."

"I'm highly doubtful," I smiled at my sweet younger sister.

"Why? Did something happen?"

"What if," I leaned closer to her, lacing my voice with suspense, "I told you I did not go to Granny's, but went on an adventure with a dashing billionaire involving snowball fights, kidnapping, and perilous escapes?"

Ella gave a small chuckle, "I'd probably laugh."

"That's what I thought," I smiled.

I walked over to my side of the room and started putting things from my luggage away. Mr. Ambrose had actually given me a day off so I could recuperate from the weekend's events. Imagine that.

"Lilly, why are you smiling so? Did you meet a gentleman while at Grandmothers?" I turned to find Ella eyeing me suspiciously.

"Well, you could say that."

"Ooh, do tell!"

"Eh eh eh, I'm not sharing."

"Why not?"

"What if I said it involved the aforementioned dashing billionaire?"

"Well I don't know any dashing billionaires, besides Mr. Ambrose I suppose." Ella looked at me thoughtfully.

We both looked at each other for a few seconds, then doubled over laughing.

It was nice to be back with her.

* * *

A few hours later I found myself on my way to the office, under the pretense of going on a stroll through the park. I couldn't help that my curiosity had me itching to find out whether Karim and the other men had found Croonie or not.

Twenty minutes later, I was knocking on Mr. Ambrose's office door, waiting for him to answer.

"It's Mr. Linton," I yelled, when he asked who was knocking.

The door swung open and my worst, but also best, fears were true. Karim had found Croonie, all right.

"Come in!" she hissed.

I stepped inside and closed the door behind me, immediately eyeing a stoic looking Ambrose sitting on his chair.

"You found her," I smirked at him, and he only grumbled in response, averting his eyes from me.

Stepping behind him and putting her veiny hands on his shoulders, Croonie said, "And we have struck a delicious deal."

"Delicious?" I cringed.

"It's a figure of speech, darling," she frowned.

"So what's the deal?" I asked.

Mr. Ambrose looked as if he was about to start speaking but, unfortunately, Croonie beat him to it.

"I'm not going to jail!" She squealed.

He looked at me with eyes that looked like they regretted not locking her up, and I gave him a small nod of approval. He had done the right thing.

"Then, what's your end of the deal?"

"All I have to do is keep quiet about your little situation here," she gestured between me and Ambrose, "and I get a small sum of money to start my new life in London!"

"Sounds ideal," I glanced back at Ambrose who looked more and more annoyed with each passing second, and probably with each breath Croonie took.

Croonie released her grip on him and stepped towards me, "I heard it was your idea," she smiled.

"Indeed it was," Mr. Ambrose grumbled.

She softly picked up my hand and placed hers over it, "Thank you. I know I haven't been the kindest to you."

"Your motivations don't matter. You helped us escape and we are repaying you."

"We?" Croonie raised her eyebrows at me.

"You talk as if you two are together," she continued.

"Well I-I didn't mean it like that," I stammered, feeling the color on my face.

"Of course you didn't, sweetheart," she sneered.

Oh, I hated this woman. That was a fact. But Mr. Ambrose giving this kindness to her, though she had tried to run away, warmed my heart. The fact that he had chosen to listen to me against his "better" judgment was admirable.

"You seem a lot more secure in your feelings for him," my mind sneered.

I guess there was no point in denying it anymore.

"Croonie, Karim should be ready to escort you out now, if you'd kindly step outside my office."

"Of course, sir," she winked and blew a kiss at him.

I really could not stand her.

"Goodbye, Lilly," Croonie whispered, and before I knew what was going on she grabbed me by my shoulders and planted a small kiss on my cheek.

Then she sauntered out of the room, very dramatically I might add.

"Looks like you're not the only one who likes kissing me," I smirked at Ambrose the minute Croonie left.

He shook his head without saying a word but I could see the hint of a smile playing at his lips. It may just have been my imagination, but I felt he had changed a lot in this last weekend with me. He became more open and honest, not hiding his actual reactions. And I enjoyed it very much.

"Ms. Linton, we need to talk about us," his eyes were watching mine intently, gauging my reaction.

"You're right," I sat down in the chair opposite of him, "Quite a bit has changed this weekend."

"Yes. And I believe I know how we should continue from here."

"You do?" I raised my eyebrows, questioningly. "Do continue." 

author's note: we're almost at the end...

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