The Army Baby

By IrumBashir

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Alexandra Phoenix Hunter. Daughter of Skyler and Phoenix Hunter. Niece of Derek Hunter. Being born and bred i... More

Chapter one*Alexandra Phoenix Hunter
Chapter Two*Mission Minions
Chapter Three*Training
Chapter Four*Party
Chapter Five*A soldiers punishment
Chapter Six*A jump to Russia
Chapter Seven* Her song
Chapter Eight* Pack your bags
Chapter Nine* He's a murderer!
Chapter Ten* Derek's Agents
Chapter Eleven*The 320s
Chapter Twelve* Baby Lo
Chapter Thirteen* Tough love
Chapter Fourteen* A Classic drunk
Chapter Fifteen* Bodyguards?
Chapter Sixteen*What's with all the questions?
Chapter Seventeen* Special Meetings
Chapter Eighteen*Neighbours
Chapter Nineteen* Judgement day
Chapter Twenty* I need to go home
Chapter Twenty-Two* Act like a bitch, get slapped like a bitch!
Chapter Twenty-Three* No more secrets
Chapter Twenty-Four*The Skyler Mellow
Chapter Twenty-Five* A.P.H
A/N (part twenty-six)
Chapter Twenty-Seven *The dog cage
Chapter Twenty-Eight* Don't Jump Alex!
Chapter Twenty-Nine* Leave the kid alone!
Chapter Thirty* She's Crazy
Chapter Thirty-One*The prodigy child returns
Chapter Thirty-Two* Goodbye
Chapter Thirty-Three* Home
Chapter Thirty-Four* Rumours
Chapter Thirty-Five* You have to kill him...or else.
Chapter Thirty-Six* Old VS New Punishments
Chapter Thirty-Seven* Snitches get Stitches
Chapter Thirty-Eight*She's Out Of Control!
Chapter Thirty-Nine*We need to talk
Chapter Forty* Intervention
Chapter Forty-One* What. The. Fuck. Just. Happened?
Chapter Fourty-Two* Walk us through the Mission
Chapter Forty-Three* An Unexpected Visit
Chapter Forty-Four* Want to hear a story?
Chapter Forty-Five* DENIAL
Chapter Forty-Six* ANGER
Chapter Forty-Seven*BARGAINING
Chapter Forty-Eight* DEPRESSION

Chapter Twenty-One* Oh Hell No

4.4K 146 9
By IrumBashir

Derek's P.O.V

Walking out of the school I jumped into my car and started to make my way to work, distracted in my thoughts I was abruptly interrupted by the ringtone of my phone.


"There's been a triple homicide, im putting your team in charge."

Walking towards the house, I ducked past the police tape and looked around. Offers in and out of the house, the usual stuff. Some people were out of their houses watching to try gain information, and a few reporters were trying to get a story. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed something strange. A group of men stood near an alleyway, as soon as one of them noticed me, they all walked away.

"Boss, what have we got?" Mills questioned as my unit walked towards me.

"I don't know yet, not been in." with that we all walked into the crime scene.

Alex's P.O.V

I had around 20 more minutes until my next class, so I decided to check the school out, pin point all the exits, cameras etc. Just in case, plus I had nothing else to do. Walking around I passed a number of rooms, hallways and bathrooms. I could hear people rummaging around in the girls bathroom in which I had just passed but ignored it as I was too concentrated at my now new locker. Opening it I stared blankly as I had nothing in there, nor nothing to put in there....great. The bell rang, causing me to not bat an eyelid. Teens started to fill the halls as I stayed in my position.

"Well hey there beautiful." I was interrupted as a large group of guys walked towards me attempting to either flirt or intimidate me.

"You're the new girl Alex right?" another guy piped up. Turning to face them, I laughed as I recognised my neighbour and rolled my eyes.

"Oooh, she gave you the look." They nudged Linc.

"And what look is that?" I smirked and leant on my locker.

"The, I wanna fuck you so badly ...look." Linc finally responded.

Laughing I repositioned myself and cracked my neck. Licking my lips I walked towards him parting the guys and stopped next to him.

"yeh, no thanks." shaking my head all of our attentions was taken away from us as a girl ran out from the bathrooms soaking wet, her mascara ran down her face and she looked petrified.

"aww, why are you trying to run away for?" before she knew it she was slammed into the lockers opposite us by 2 groups of girls. The same girl who I met earlier outside laughed and walked up towards her. She took her bag and emptied everything out, as a crowd had formed, the guys didn't move as they didn't really seem that interested or taken back, as if they were used to it. I started to move towards them but was stopped as Linc grabbed my arm and shook his head not wanting me to get involved.

"Bitch, look at me when I'm talking...actually bow down to me." As she said this she kicked the poor girl in the knee causing her to fall onto the floor. Oh hell no.

"OI." I slipped out of Linc's hold and walked towards the scene.

"Im sorry... is someone talking to me?" she giggled which only pissed me off more.

"Bitch, why don't you look at me...when im talking to you." as I said this her friends started to move closer to me but instead of flinching or backing down I pushed the bitch onto the lockers allowing her to face me properly.

"That's better." I smiled

"Did you just push me?" she cried

I closed the distance between us as I used my body to threaten her. Our faces were so close I could smell the lingering cheap perfume.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" I questioned

"Kristal..." she smiled

"Well Kristal......" I re-evaluated the options of what could happen right now...

A: walk away and probably get called a pussy my whole life at this school

B: attempt to resolve it without hurting her and be known as a pussy by the unit

C: fucking destroy her and get kicked out, in which Derek will kill me....

Fuck it, B...

"Well Kristal, why don't you use your 'oh so intimidating' voice and tell your little friends to go class, we all know you can't break your perfect attendance ... right." I guessed and held back.

She looked at me with confusion, raised her eyebrows and then turned her gaze to her friends.

"Let's go..." moving out of her way she walked off humiliated with her friends, leaving me stood in the middle of the crowd. Awkward.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay Hun?" Vanessa ran up to the girl on the floor and gave her a side hug.

"Do I look okay?" she spat

"I have spare clothes in my locker, Amber can you go grab them?" she smiled at her other friend stood next to her. Amber nodded and jogged away from the scene.

"You didn't have to do that." She focused on me

"I see you've met the new girl then" Vanessa smiled at me.

"No wonder she helped me, the new ones always try at the beginning, just stop now whilst you can, before you get dragged down." With that she stormed off, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Excuse her attitude, she's just a bit shaken up, thank you anyways for your help."

"You know you could have helped her instead of watching."

"I could have, but she never lets me and always gets angry when I do."


"Because apparently im popular, therefore shouldn't get involved, which I think is bullshit." She rolled her eyes offended at her friends past remarks.


"Talk later; I need to go help her."

"You're welcome." I shook my head as I watched all three girls run down the hallway. What have I gotten myself into?

"Dayummm girl, you're hot when you're angry." The group of guys who I tried to escape from before returned their gaze onto me.

"Oh sweetie, that wasn't me being angry." I laughed and pulled out a sheet of paper from my back pocket and analysed it.

"Anyone know where B1.84 is?" I asked the group of guys

"We're all going there now anyways, walk with us." Linc nodded

"All of you?"

"yup, come on." with that we all made our way to our next class, in which I used this opportunity to question and get to know the guys, you know... make friends with them rather than piss anyone else off.

Derek's P.O.V

Walking into the house I was taken back by the smell of dried blood and decaying bodies. You know that smell when a dead body is left in the heat...well probably not but still, it's disgusting.

"Boss, this way." I followed Ryan into the master bedroom where there was one body lying on the bed, one headshot wound and blood drenched on the pillows, walls and bedsheets. On the floor was a female body, in which looks to have 4 gun wounds, 2 in the chest, one on the leg and one on the head. I walked out and into the nursery.

"14 months, the baby was only 1 years old." Vicky sighed and covered up the dead child's body out of respect. She was beyond angry, we all were. We left the scene after analysing it and made our way back to the district.

Walking in, my team had already placed the photos on the board.

"Boss, we are thinking it went down like this." Mills introduced the explanation.

"shooter goes in to look for something and discovers the family is home, so goes into the master bedroom and shoots the husband, causing the wife to wake up, scream and attempt of run, in which doing so, the shooter hits her 4 times. Moving out from their room he is about to leave until he hears the baby crying from the mothers scream so goes in and ..." Vicky stopped her analysis and looks down.

"Okay, find out if there were any street cameras, and look into the background of the family and any ties you can find. Also get the reports of the neighbours and see if anyone saw anything or had any suspicions! Someone must have seen something or heard it!."

With that everyone parted and got to work. 5 minutes later Liam got up and called me from my office.

"Okay so I looked into the fathers background and it turns out they were in debt, like serious debt. They started off by borrowing money from family members, which then turned into loan sharks and then get this...the 910 got involved, Fin Arnold leant them 25k in which never got paid..." Liam eyed me as everyone stopped.

"Okay... carry on looking into the past and get me some god damn footage!" I grabbed my jacket and made my way out of the room.

"Want me to come with?" Vicky stopped me as she knew something would go down.

"No... I got this."

"Just ... don't do anything you will regret Derek, remember you have Alex to look after now." She half smiled and walked back to her desk.

Parking up the common bar I jumped out and walked in.

"Derek...what do we owe the pleasure?" Fin was sat in his normal seat downing the scotch he had.

Pouring me a drink I refused and sat opposite him.

"The homicide, what did you do?"

"What homicide?" he attempted to hide.

"Don't play dumb, on 34th street."

"Oh right, well you know that isn't our style, if someone doesn't pay us back, we execute with you present...remember."

"I swear to god Fin, if this was you or even if you have any other ties with this family, so help me god I will drag you down myself." I threatened one of my partners. If you haven't realised yet the 910'S was known for being the mafia. When in reality they are just another gang. But a wealthy gang who everyone looks out for, not only do I have part in their leadership but I have the final say in what happens. This is why I was hated for a long time, and known for being a dirty cop. But like I said, we have ties and I get my way.

"Derek, sit and have a drink." He smirked.

"Maybe later, I have to go back." I shook his hand.

"Oh by the way, there was something said on the street the other day..." he paused grabbing my attention.

Alex's P.O.V

It had just turned lunch time and I was walking around with an apple in my hand.

"Alex." I was called by the large group of guys who were sat in the middle of the cafeteria. Walking up to them I stopped and smiled.


"Sit with us?" Aaron suggested patting an empty seat. Shrugging I sat down and went into full blown conversation with the lads not caring about the stares of everyone around us.

"What the hell? Why is she in my seat?" A very pissed of Kristal came into view as she stood behind me with a tray of food.

"Just find another seat?" Linc and his mates laughed

"That's my seat..." sighing I stood up and faced her again. Not really caring about a seat I moved out of the way and took her tray of food. The room fell silent as they were expecting me to flip, cry or throw her food, so I did the unexpected. I placed the food down for her and walked away.

"Take the seat; I'd rather go for a walk." I smiled and walked away leaving her shocked and impressed with herself.

"She's totally freaked out by me..." she laughed and ate her food. The guys all sighed and went back to their conversation, in which everyone's gaze fell off me and back to their food except for one. Looking back before exiting, Linc's eyes were glued onto me, smirking I walked out of the cafeteria and strolled outside.

"Hey Alex wait up." Looking back, Vanessa and her friends ran up to me.

"Hey Vanessa."

"Hi, I just want to say sorry about before, thank you for your help." The girl hugged me.

"Urm.... It's okay don't worry about it."

"Im Penny, this is Amber and you know Nessa." Penny introduced herself.

We stopped and sat down on the benches outside and talked throughout lunch. The girls basically brought me up to speed on who everyone was.

"Do you have gym class next?" Nessa smiled.

"Yeh I guess so, I don't have any gym clothes though." I looked down at my outfit.

"I can hook you up with that." Amber smiled

"Thanks, so what do we even do in gym class?" I take it they don't have similar activities to what my old school at the base did for gym... no shooting practise, drills or training.

"Well, our coaches decided to put the head captions of each sport in charge of gym, so Linc, Kristal, Aaron and Connor are in charge."

"Linc is captain of the football team, quarterback obviously" what a typical stereotype.

"Kristal is the captain of the cheerleader squad, Aaron is captain of soccer and Connor is head of wrestling."

"Wait... there's a wrestling club?"

"Yeh, Connor and his team are all street fighters, but obviously in school it's less intense." Nessa smiled at the thought of Connors name.

"Is she blushing?" I laughed

"She's hooked on Connor and he totally digs her!" Amber smiled

"Whatever, Aaron totally fancies you Amber."

"What... no way! How do you know that?!" Amber laughed

"The guys are always at my house, and they always fill me in on the gossip." Nessa wiggled her eyebrows.

"How come they're always at your house? I didn't realise you were close to them." I bit into my apple.

"Lincoln's my brother, and yeh I am close to the guys, they pretty much treat me like their sister." She smiled

"Oh shit, I didn't know that.... Wait does that mean your my neighbour?" I questioned

"You're the girl Linc was telling me about! Oh god, Derek Hunter is your uncle?" all the girls coughed and turned their attention to me.

"Yeh, but let's keep it on a down low at the moment, I can tell people will probably hate me for it" I laughed

"They're not going to hate you; they're going to be hella scared!" Penny smirked

Attempting to change the subject I noticed the time. "Well, Gym class is going to be fun ...." Just as I said this the bell rang. 


Hey!!! well done for getting through that long ass chapter!!!

Thanks for keeping up with the story! Hope you like it so far! If so let me know what you like and if not then leave a comment on what you dont like! or any ideas you may have!! The more comments and votes and feedback i have the better!

Thanks again!!

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