Captivate (Klaus Mikaelson) *...

By jjs797

292K 6.9K 1.2K

A story of hunger, lust, love, compassion, and death. For she strongly captivated the most dangerous creature... More

Captivate (Klaus Mikaelson)
Part X
Part XI
Part XII
Part XIII - The Locket (1/2)
Part XIV - The Locket (2/2)
Part XV
Part XVI
Part XIX
Part XX
Part XXI
Part XXV
Part XXX


33.9K 611 39
By jjs797



A small and cunning woman walks the busy streets of New Orleans at the dawn of eve. The sound of gleeful chattering, music and laughter fill the dense summer air. Decorations have been placed all along the buildings, lights twinkling above the streets, the smell of barbecue and popcorn floating through the air.

The girl catches the gazes of men, those men working specifically for the king of New Orleans, Marcel. She was on her way to see him now, for he demanded to speak with her. Alone.

She had contemplated on not going. Although he was a sweet and gentle man whenever she encountered him, there was just something about him that still made her uncomfortable. She couldn't put her finger on what that was, but she chose to go meet with him anyway in return of all the kind gestures he had done for her in the past.

She walked up to Marcel's door, curiously gazing at it, pondering if she should knock or ring the doorbell. She decided on knocking. The girl had only knocked once before the door was flung wide open, to the sight of a grinning Marcel.

"Welcome, my beautiful Jade." He greeted her, fighting the urge to take her and feel her delicious blood in his system. When they first met, that was what he had said to her. She smiled slightly back at him in return, a glint of nervousness evident in her usual calm grey eyes. He took her hand, kissing the back of it gently, breathing in her addictive scent. His lips lingered there for a few moments longer, eyes holding Jade's, making heat flood her cheeks. Marcel looked down into her eyes with hunger, withdrawing his lips away from her hand and pulling her inside. He shut the door behind her with a soft click. Marcel helped the nervous Jade into a warm room lit with candles and the soft heat of the fireplace. This was too warm and cozy for Jade's taste, her heart beat gently racing. The dark haired woman put her purse down on the table, as Marcel led her to sit down on the couch opposite from him.

Marcel relaxed in his leather chair, his eyes never leaving her stunning face.

"Would you like anything to drink, Jade?" He asked, his eyes desperately trying to get her to look at him.

"No." She simply replied in a quiet tone. Aware that she sounded and looked very nervous and uncomfortable, she shut her eyes and took a deep breath. The next time she spoke it was with confidence in her eyes and tone. "Just tell my why I'm here please, Marcel. I have some very busy tasks to attend to." She summed up the courage to meet Marcel's intense gaze. He only grinned, not because of the fact that she finally held his gaze with more certainty, but for how he knew that she never was busy.

"And what are those busy tasks, Jade?" He rose his eyebrow at her, making her shift nervously in her seat. Sweat begun to form in the palm of her hands, as she dug her nails in her palms. He dropped his gaze to her neck, her pure delicious blood pumping through her vein.

"I-I.. I have to go." She instantly shot up, only too fast, her finger slicing against something sharp under the cushions of the couch she sat on. She looked down at the cut, blood seeping through it as a drop ever so slowly fell to the ground. Jade frowned when she noticed a broken piece of glass in her skin. She instantly yanked it out of her skin, throwing the thin sliver of broken glass to the side. Looking up to Marcel, she saw a new found hunger flash through his eyes. She was very well aware of the fact that Marcel and his men were flesh eating vampires. If it weren't for the fact that her best friend was one of the witches that were conspiring against Marcel and his band of monsters, she would still be kept hidden in the dark.

Jade was suddenly pressed up against a wall, Marcel gripping her right hip, digging his knee into her thigh. Using his free hand, he took her right hand which had the cut on it, and brought it up to his nose. He inhaled her scent, his eyes flashing to hers briefly before he brought her hand to his mouth. He licked the small trail of blood, causing Jade's stomach to twist further in discomfort. She yanked her hand away, hiding it between her back and the wall she was being pressed up on. Jade winced as she felt his breath along her neck, Marcel wanting to fight off the urge, but knew it was impossible. And besides, he was hungry. He hadn't fed in over twenty four hours. He leaned forward into Jade's ear, his breath tickling her skin. She clenched her jaw, forcing her tears back, well aware of what was about to happen.

If only she had taken that vervain sample Morgan had offered her.

Marcel had never laid a hand on this girl, and he ordered that none of his men should lay a finger on her also. But tonight.. Things would change up a bit.

"Forgive me, Jade Alexander." As soon as those words escaped Marcel's lips, Jade screamed, but his hand had covered her mouth in an instant. Marcel carefully bent his head down to her neck, letting his longing to taste her blood overtake him.

His fangs pierced her neck, causing Jade's futile scream to die out as she struggled to push Marcel off of her. He ignored her attempts, greedily drinking the blood from her vein, her blood much more delicious and rich than he would have ever imagined.. Why he had not done this the moment he met Jade, he did not know.

The frightened woman continued to struggle, her eyes clamped shut as she was held under Marcel's looming body. His grip on her was like steal, tightening the more he drank her blood.

She could feel herself grow light-headed, her body slowly becoming limp. She sighed heavily, giving up on her attempts to fight off Marcel, her frail heart's beating coming to a close...

Marcel released her in an instant the second he barely heard Jade's heart beating. He brought her to the couch, putting her down gently. His was in complete and utter shock, surprised at what he had done to this fragile human, to someone he had thought he had feelings for.. He had had lost control to the one human he deeply cared for.

She would most definitely not forgive him for this. She would have his head.

Blood slowly fell from the two gaping puncture wounds on her neck. Marcel was disgusted with himself, her frail body looking more lifeless by the second as he just knelt before her crumpled state in shock. He bit into his wrist to the point where his blood trickled lightly, and then brought it down to Jade's lips. Jade moved her head to the side in response, rejecting Marcel's blood. That little movement seemed to have sent a painful sensation through her body, as she groaned. Marcel sighed, forcing her mouth open as he put his wrist into her mouth. He relaxed when he finally felt her accept his blood, hesitantly sucking the dark red liquid.

Jade pushed away his wrist, still too weak to get up. Marcel scooped her small frame into his arms, guilt overcoming his features as the beautiful woman fell unconscious in his arms.



I awoke, gasping for air, terrified of the nightmare I had had. My hair clung to my sweaty skin, my hand flying to cup my neck, only to find no bite mark. Marcel had almost killed me in that horrifying dream...

Oh wait.. That had happened.

I sighed, throwing the thick blanket that had covered me off of me. Marcel must have brought me back to my house. I knew I was going to regret inviting him into my house one day.

I looked down at my clothes, realizing that I was still wearing the same outfit I had worn last night to meet Marcel. I looked to my right, seeing my phone light up on my night stand. Reaching for my phone and bringing it to my face, I realized I had thirteen missed calls and sixty two unread messages from my dear witch friend of mine. I only read the most recent text she sent:

Disregard my previous texts and calls. I broke into your house to find you sleeping safely. Come over whenever you wake up.

I smiled, finding comfort in the fact that there was still one person I could trust in this town. But my brief moment of happiness didn't last long when the night's memories flooded into my mind. What Marcel had done to me just proved further that he really was a monster. He hurt people, manipulated people, gave them orders. And if they didn't follow through with his orders.. it never ended up well for them. Although that little façade he uses to trick people into believing he cares about all of them was very impressive, it wasn't fooling me any longer.

In anger and frustration for visiting Marcel last night and thinking I could trust him, I jumped in the shower, scrubbing hard at my dried blood that had stuck to my skin, until all that scrubbing left deep pink marks all over my body. The thought of Marcel drinking from me made me cringe in disgust.

Dragging myself out of the shower, I dressed myself in a simple sundress, predicting that the weather would be hot and sunny, just like every other day recently. I walked back into the bathroom, admiring the striped pattern of the dress. I looked at my face, looking much tanner than I was a week ago. My boring gray eyes stared back at me, the deep bags under my eyes standing out. But I was too lazy to make my face look presentable. I forcibly brushed back my thick and stubborn way black hair, the wet waves not cooperating. I ended up applying mascara to make my already long lashes even longer, and cherry chap stick. And with that I left my house and walked into the warm but breezy summer air, the trees around me swaying softly in the wind.

I enjoyed walking, the birds' eccentric chirping music to my ears, the sun's sharp rays soothing my lightly tanned skin. The absence of people around where I lived was very peaceful. I instantly felt bad for those people, who had no idea that this town was vampire infested.

That had been me one day, unaware of the vampires that roamed New Orleans. I once had been happy, and had a boyfriend that I shared my happiness with. But then there came a night, two tragic years ago, when one of those disgusting creatures took his life. I was a broken woman, refusing to go into town, let alone step foot outside of my house.

My childhood friend, Morgan, had visited me everyday, providing me comfort and food when I had refused to eat. She brought me groceries and any other supplies I needed for a while. She was one of the few witches left in New Orleans, not having the freedom to do magic, or surely Marcel would kill them.

Although she was tall and intimidating, she was one of the most kindest souls I had ever met. She had beautiful brown skin and always wore her hair in a simple braid. Although kind, she had no mercy for vampires. She would clear this town of vampires if she could.

I arrived at the lively town minutes later, human chatter and laughter filling the air. I found it ironic how happy everyone was when in turn this town held a dark secret. It was a busy Saturday morning as everyone crowded the main square.

I smiled at the people who greeted me warmly, not wanting to draw too much attention of what happened last night. I know some of them who knew about Marcel and were involved in the whole vampire life, but most of these people were oblivious. The decorations from last night's party still remained, no one bothering to clean it up. Like the past few years, those decorations would stay up for another month.

Entering a little herb and spice shop, my eyes instantly landed on a tall figure in the back corner, busily bent over something she was working on. I ignored the sign that indicated the store was closed. I grinned quietly making my way towards her. The shop smelled strongly of Caribbean spices, cilantro, cinnamon, and something else I couldn't put my finger on. The strongest scent, however, came from whatever Morgan was hunched over working on.

I crept up beside her, watching her intently as she mixed herbs together in a small glass bowl. The smell was so sharp to my senses, making my eyes tear a little. I watched curiously for another few moments, as Morgan added a tiny bit of a liquid substance into the mixture, the liquid I assumed to be vervain. I was surprised that she hadn't locked her store for her own safety in the case that vampires walked in. And besides, it was very suspicious that her store was the only on closed when almost every other shop was now open.

"Morgan." I said quietly, not wanting to startle her too much. Morgan jumped, almost knocking the mixture over. That would be a very tragic accident, I presumed, aware that a flame erupted through her green eyes in anger as she turned to meet my amused expression. Instantly the livid look she had on her face relaxed into relief when she realized it was only me.

"Jade! You scared the living hell out of me!" She exclaimed, quickly cleaning up the herbs and spices on her station. Morgan poured the substance in a little tube, screwing a cap over it firmly. She stuffed in into her pocket, then turned her attention back to me.

"What is that you were working on? Vervain?" I asked, raising my eyebrows curiously at her. Morgan smiled, shaking her head.

"No. Technically, in a way. But no. Something stronger."


Morgan pursed her lips, hesitating as if she didn't want to tell me. I waited patiently, an awkward thirty seconds passing between us before she sighed, muttering "fine". I grinned, sitting myself on the workbench that she was sitting on. She stood beside me, leaning on the workbench.

"I'm not supposed to be telling anyone about this.. But since you are my dearest friend, I suppose you deserve to know." Morgan paused, before continuing on. "Myself and a couple other witches have been working on this for months. The reason I didn't want to tell you is that you were so.. snug, with Marcel."

I laughed, shaking my head in disappointment. "I may have gone through a phase where I might have liked Marcel, but I could never be with him. He's a disgusting, manipulative monster that tried to kill me." I let out.

"Did he bite you?! When you went to see him did he touch you?!" Morgan leaped down, looking me firmly in the eyes. She reached over to touch my face, cupping it gently. Her fingers lingered on the temples of my head, as she took a deep breath. Her head tilted back, eyes rolling to the back of her head, a muffled gasp escaping her lips. I closed my eyes, allowing her entry into my mind, as I felt her peer into my memories of last night. We remained like this for about a minute, before Morgan pulled back, a look of sadness, guilt, and most of all, fury in her eyes.

"He broke his promise to you... Jade, I-

-Stop." I interrupted her, not wanting to go into further detail of last night. I most of all didn't want anyone's pity, especially hers. "Just please continue what you were saying about your new mixture."

Morgan watched me with narrowed eyes for a few moments, studying the discomfort and irritation in my expression, before she resumed her explanation.

"Its a weapon, to get rid of all the vampires in New Orleans." She paused, digging into one of the drawers before pulling another tube out. She tossed it to me, gesturing for me to keep it. I stuffed it deeply in my purse, then glancing at her to continue on. "Its very much like vervain. But once even a single drop enters a vampire's system, it will start at its work, completely eating at and melting the vampire from the inside out, until there is nothing of them left." Morgan said, excitement clear in her voice, a sly grin on her face.

A loud set of claps were heard from the furthest corner of the store, behind a large selection of plants. Marcel emerged from it, a smirk displayed across his face, his attention focused on Morgan. I felt my body tense as I walked up in front of my best friend, shielding her, uselessly, with my small frame. Marcel could take anything he wanted from me, but I wouldn't let him take my best friend.

He pretended as if I wasn't there, looking right about my head as he stopped a few feet in front of us. I couldn't see them, but I heard a couple more footsteps emerge from behind us. Of course he had to bring his servants.

"Thank you, Morgan, for that helpful bit of information." Marcel paused, before nodding his head to one of his minions. I felt one of them pry Morgan from my arms. I cried, whirling around to face the vamp, sticking my hand into the pocket of Morgan's apron. I plucked off the cap of the tube with my hand, pushing and forcing the substance down into that vampire's throat. He screamed, instantly releasing Morgan from his grip. He started clawing at himself, blood emerging from every spot he touched of his skin. The vampire cried, his pale skin heating up, trails of sweat pouring down. Then his face, his arms, everything, started to open up, revealing the melted bones and blood in his body. He was literally melting before my eyes. And as disgusting as it looked, I couldn't help but smile on the inside when I realized that this could be it.

I gasped when I felt strong arms wrap around my waist. Marcel. I glanced over at Morgan, who looked at me with fear in her eyes. One of Marcel's minions had a hold of her. She opened her mouth as if to say something to me, but another vampire popped up and stabbed a needle on her neck. I let out a pained cry as Marcel forced me back, turning me around so I was no longer facing Morgan. He shook me hard, making me look him in the eye.

"You know what happens now, don't you, my beautiful Jade?" Marcel asked me, a spark of rage in his eyes. My eyes widened as I forced myself out of his grasp, backing away.

"Don't do this to her. She doesn't deserve it." I pleaded with Marcel. The tears came down harder as I watched them drag her limp body out of the shop. He only laughed, shaking his head.

"Because you made my friend suffer a painful death, the same will happen with yours." He spat.

I didn't think it was possible to hate someone more than I did now.

"She didn't even do it. I was the one that killed him. Kill me instead. Please. Spare her." I begged, my voice cracking. I hated being this weak in front of him. It just showed the bastard how much more vulnerable I was now.

Marcel walked up to me, reaching his hand up to my cheek, wiping the tears away. A faint hint of guilt flashed through his eyes, quickly replaced by amusement.

"I know, my Jade. But your friend caused it." He paused, before adding "And I would never, ever hurt you. Intentionally." I narrowed my eyes at him, my anger taking over.

A few seconds later I was holding my throbbing fist against my chest, Marcel's jaw snapped to the side as he brought his hand up to the spot where my fist collided with his face.

Instead of hurting me like I'd expect him to, he only turned his head down and looked in my eyes, taking my head in his hands. I closed my eyes, shaking my head.

"Look at me."

I ignored him.

"Look at me or I'll kill Morgan right now, on the spot."

My eyes shot open as I sent him the most hate filled glare I could muster.

"Sleep." He said softly. I felt the world around me close up, that one thought remained in my mind before I went unconscious. Again.

Kill Marcel.

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