Forsaken Blood [Weekly Update...

By OneLessFantasy

8.1K 743 635

| Galaxy Book Contest - First Prize in Fantasy | | Golden Weekly Awards Winner | One queen, two kin... More

Bonus Chapter: The Letter
Eleven (I)
Bonus Chapter: Once Upon A Time...
Seventeen (I)
Seventeen (II)
Eighteen (I)
Eighteen (II)
Twenty (I)
Twenty (II)
Twenty-two (I)
Twenty-two (II)
Bonus Chapter: Gabriel's POV
Twenty-seven (I)
Twenty-seven (II)
Twenty-eight (I)
Twenty-eight (II)
Twenty-eight (III)
Twenty-nine (I)
Twenty-nine (II)
Thirty (II)
Thirty (III)
Thirty one (I)
Thirty-One (II)
Thirty-four (I)

Eleven (II)

136 16 7
By OneLessFantasy

The clash of swords rang out as Rochelle jumped up with the crowd to applaud the victor of the round.

She marvelled at the skill of the warriors as they partook in a deadly dance of metal. She had been trained by the best, but had very rarely seen such skill on display.

One participant though stood head and shoulders above everyone else. The ease with which he won his every bout was enough to make him a crowd favourite for day two.

And it made her wonder back to a night that seemed so very long ago. Had she really won against a man who was able to disarm seasoned warriors in seconds?

She shook her head as a small break was announced. Only the semi finals and finals remained and they would have their victor. The rounds had progressed faster than expected and the Sun was still high in the sky as everyone made their way to refreshment tables set up along the perimeter.

Rochelle couldn't help thinking that Lord Aldvin had done a marvellous job with the arrangements. Her eyes strayed to the participants on their own accord. Graham stood there laughing along with the other knights as they took a well deserved rest.

One of them stood apart from the group and seemed to repeatedly glance at the castle. She had seen the man around court so she wasn't worried, but a small feeling of dread made her look around at her companions.

Platters of food were brought for their pavilion, but Rochelle refused to eat, her appetite had vanished.

"Rochelle? Why aren't you eating?" Her cousin's concerned words made her look up. She forced a smile on her face and said she wasn't feeling very well.

Rochelle glanced back at where she had seen the solitary knight, but he was gone. She looked frantically among the others but he wasn't there. Maybe he went to sulk with his family and friends. Just like Prince Daniel was doing behind her.

She rolled her eyes as she heard him recount the tale of an injury he had procured yesterday after the jousting. Apparently this sad injury was what had affected his performance earlier that day.

Rochelle rolled her eyes at the exaggerated details and shared a look with her cousin. "He's a keeper Char," she said under her breath.

The princess merely shrugged and with a deep long-suffering sigh got up to join her fiancé. It wouldn't do for her to ignore him so publicly so Rochelle gave her cousin a discreet thumbs up before she left.

She decided to get up and move around as well. The royal pavilion had become crowded as many of the courtiers had decided to spend their break in the presence of royalty.

Passing many simpering ladies and pompous lords Rochelle headed out of the overcrowded area. But luck wasn't on her side.

"Lady Rochelle!"

She turned slowly to see who had called out her name, hoping against hope it wasn't who she thought it was. But once again it didn't seem to be her day.

In a daring gown of beige stood the devil herself. Princess Amber's eyes were cold as they fixated on her and Rochelle tried to return the greeting as cordially as she could.

"Princess, a pleasure as always. I hope you are enjoying the tourney."

I hope you choke on you apple juice.

She kept the last part to herself and tried to search for an escape route as the blonde haired princess smiled calculatingly at her.

"Of course! My fiancé is doing a marvellous job, don't you think?"

Not waiting for her reply, Amber turned towards the participants and started waving wildly, a large stone ring glinting brightly on her left hand.

Rochelle took deep breaths to calm herself down. So what if Graham was engaged? It didn't matter. He was nothing to her.

Her thoughts were interrupted by excited giggles from Amber. Throwing an odd look her way she turned to see what had gotten the foreign princess so excited.

Sure enough her worst nightmare was coming true. Graham had left the circle of knights and was heading straight for them.

She straightened her spine and prayed for patience. Unconsciously she straightened her gown and then suddenly stopped when she realised what she was doing.

"Good afternoon ladies. I hope you enjoyed the rounds."

His smooth clear voice carried easily over the senseless chattering of the courtiers around them. Rochelle muttered a few curses under her breath as Amber quickly latched herself into the knight's arm.

"Oh my dear! You were absolutely amazing! No one can ever match your skill. Especially not these weak willed Frahadrians."

Rochelle openly gasped at the princess' audacity. How dare she say something like that when her own brother stood no chance against even the youngest of their knights?

She was about to strangle Amber right then and there, but her murderous thoughts were interrupted.

"Well I wouldn't say that. I've been beaten rather humiliatingly by a Frahadrian once."

Graham's green eyes glinted and with a shock Rochelle realised he was talking about her. She couldn't help the blush that crept up her neck but decided to act ignorant.

"Really? Only once?"

He smiled as he replied, "Yes, only once."

"Well it seems that that worthy warrior wasn't allowed to participate in the games or you would've been kicked out in the preliminaries."

"A pity. I would've rather enjoyed sparring with them once more."

Amber followed their exchange closely, her eyes narrowing with each word they said. She suddenly interrupted by draping herself over Graham and weakly insisting that she suddenly felt faint.

Rochelle had to bite her lips to keep from bursting into laughter at the panicked look on Graham's face. He knew the princess was faking, but could do little with a half unconscious lady in his arms.

He looked around wildly, his eyes pleading for help and she decided to take pity on him.

"Since you aren't allowed to go outside the arena, why don't we get someone else to escort the princess back to the palace?"

At her words, Amber suddenly straightened and insisted she was fine, "It must be the heat." She said fanning herself lightly and making a show of how well she was.

"Well then you must get out of it immediately!" Rochelle couldn't help but put in.

The daggers that were shot in her direction easily bounced off the wide smile that was spreading across her face. She couldn't believe she was actually enjoying this especially when Graham joined in.

"Yes, I insist! Come Amber, lets find someone to take you back."

Many people milled around but Rochelle knew that none of them could be trusted with Amberley. That's when she spotted Damon crossing the yard. She called out to him and he made his way over to them.

At seeing her company, he raised an eyebrow in question. Well she was talking to someone who wanted her dead and someone who had made her cry only yesterday. But in all fairness she had been forced into the situation and at the moment had no idea about how she would explain it to Damon.

The captain bowed formally to them, but his expression was closed off. She knew he was internally seething and decided to talk first, "Damon I-no we- need a favour. Can you escort the princess back to the palace? She feels rather unwell."

She knew she was going to pay for it later but at the present Damon just grunted and led a sulking princess away.

Rochelle watched them climbing the stairs back up towards the castle as a horn was blown. Everyone slowly started retaking their seats so that the games could resume.

She turned around and to her surprise Graham was still there. "Well your fiancé is gone. I'd thought you would've left as well."

He sighed once and re-strapped his arm guards before replying, "I did some digging last night. The men who came after you were hired by Amber but were local men from some of the trading villages to the east."

She hadn't been expecting that but took a moment to digest his words, "Did you confront Amber?"

"No," he shook his head slowly, "but I did tell Daniel. He doesn't believe me. He thinks it's just a story I'm making up so he'll send Amber away. Though he wants her gone himself."

"I see."

She noticed him struggling with one of the straps connected to the gauntlet and moved forward to help. She didn't dare look up at him as she easily strapped the brace into its position.

His voice was low as he said, "There are whispers of something big about to be set into place."

She nodded and took a step back. How much did he know about the rebellion? Were they all involved? Was he just playing with her to extract information?

When he noticed that she wasn't going to reply he ran a hand through his hair in frustration. "I'm not engaged."

His words were hardly above a whisper and Rochelle swallowed hard. She didn't know what to say or do. Thankfully she was saved from the tense situation by the arrival of her cousin.

"Graham, your round is about to begin. We wish you good luck." Charlotte came to a stop right beside her and looped her arm through hers.

With one final nod, her cousin pulled her away from the knight and back towards their seats. Rochelle wanted to look back but her pride wouldn't let her.

His hateful words from last night returned unbidden to the forefront of her mind. She resolved to act as aloof as he did. If he could be frustratingly blind and not listen to her then she could not believe a word he said either.

Two could play at this game after all. She wasn't some courtier who would bat her eyelashes up at him. She was Rochelle Galestorm and she wasn't about to chase after some knight.

With that thought she retook her seat and laughed with her uncle and cousin as the games resumed.


"Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm proud to announce the victor for day two!"

The crowds cheered wildly as the late afternoon sun bathed the area in it's glow. Rochelle stood behind her cousin as she smiled broadly at the participants.

Her uncle beamed proudly from behind them and winked at her when she glanced back. Her mother for once seemed satisfied at her behaviour but Rochelle knew that she would get a lecture soon enough on one thing on another. It seemed long overdo after all.

She turned back to the front as everyone quieted down and the winner sash was brought forward. Marester Gail presented it to Charlotte who shook her head. Everyone looked confusedly at one another, but her cousin kept smiling broadly.

"What are you doing?" She hissed from her place.

The princess shot a side glance at her before resuming her speech, "I believe this time someone else should have the honour of presenting the laurels. Don't you think, dear audience?"

Everyone consented wholeheartedly and before Rochelle could piece together her cousin's intentions, the last part resonated through the air.

"What better candidate than my dear cousin, Lady Rochelle!"

"Forget about me hiding the baby," she hissed under her breath as her cousin handed the golden magical sash to her.

Charlotte's eyes glinted as she stepped back and allowed Rochelle to face the victor. God it really wasn't her day!

Graham's green eyes stared back at her as she coughed once before motioning for him to move forward. He did as directed and she awkwardly tied the sash around his arm.

To everyone's surprise it suddenly stared glowing. It turned bright gold, a colour almost blinding to look directly at. It's surface was clear and unmarked.

"Congratulations." She whispered and backed away, bumping into her cousin in the process.

She hadn't noticed when her uncle had joined them, but he placed a steady hand on her shoulder before turning to Graham.

"Good work lad! You gave us rounds for the history books!"

"Thank you, your majesty," Graham bowed respectfully. "I hope you won back your money on me."

The king laughed uproariously and called for a page to summon Lord Edwin from the courtiers stands. "I had forgotten about that boy. Thanks for the reminder!"

"Anytime your majesty." Graham's words were drowned out by the arrival of lord Edwin and his subsequent row with her uncle over the bet.

"Ignore those two," Charlotte led them a little way off and then suddenly claimed to have forgotten something back at the pavilion. She rushed away leaving Rochelle alone with Graham.

He offered her his arm and she reluctantly took it as they led everyone back towards the palace. She didn't miss the jealous stares and malicious smiles of the court ladies as they fluttered past them in the entry hall, only stopping to congratulate Graham.

"Why aren't we heading in?" She asked as the delicious aromas from the dinner wafted our to them.

"I wish to talk to you."

"And I wish for food." She sullenly replied.

He looked down at her with amusement in his eyes and said, "I won't take much of your time. Maybe a small stroll through the garden?"

She wondered what he was playing at. One moment he's an arrogant knight, the next he's caring and chivalrous, after that he suddenly becomes a jealous thick-headed fool and now he's back to being sweet, funny Graham.

Pregnant women didn't go through such dramatic mood swings.

She nodded and let him lead her outside, if only to figure out what his game was.

"Okay so you have me outside-"

She suddenly stopped in her tracks as the world seemed to tilt from under her. A sharp pain shot up her right arm and she gripped it tightly but saw no wound.

A lone figure darted across her vision before her eyes rolled back into her head and the next thing she knew the ground was rushing up to meet her.

A pair of strong arms halted her descent and it was the coolness of the armour's metal that helped her back to her senses. She pushed herself upright and tried to stagger away but Graham hadn't let her go.

"What happened?"

"Call for Narcis."

She noticed how his jaw had tightened at her simple command, but she didn't have the energy to deal with his wounded ego.

Graham ordered one of the guards nearby to find the jadus and then helped her to one of the benches. Her head felt clearer, but she wanted to know what had caused the near fainting spell.

Time seemed to slow as she sat on the cool bench in the dying sunlight surrounded by beds of colourful flowers and a seething knight.

"What did you do to her?" The magician came charging towards them, breaking into Rochelle's musings.

She had never seen Narcis so angry. His face was streaked with thunder and his dark hair wiped about him as he came to stand toe to toe with Graham who was about a foot taller. It would've been comical had both of them didn't look just about ready to pummel the other into the ground.

"Boys, the girl who almost fainted is over here," she called, trying to divert some of the tension. When did her life get so melodramatic?

Narcis broke the staring competition first and hastened to her side. "What happened?" He asked, visibly trying to control his anger.

"Nothing! Will you calm down? Graham just led me out for a stroll and I suddenly felt faint. You know me Narcis, I never faint!"

He took her right hand and gently flipped it over. "I didn't fully heal you. You are just tired I suppose."

"I am not!" She said slightly offended.

"I felt a sharp pain somewhere around here," she motioned to her forearm, "but there is nothing."

Narcis' eyebrows knitted together as he pushed the sleeve of her gown up.

"What do you think you are doing?" Graham burst out, hauling Narcis to his feet.

"I'm trying to see what's wrong with her!" He replied holding his ground.

"Can't some other magician come and see you? Does it have to be him?" Graham asked her, completely ignoring Narcis.

"Well no, it doesn't have to be him. But he healed my wound before so I trust him."

"Maybe he messed up and that's why you almost fainted."

She rolled her eyes and motioned for Narcis to retake his seat which he did after throwing a smug look Graham's way.

"He's examining my forearm. If that is hurting your sensibilities you may leave."

She silently hoped he wouldn't and true to his stubborn nature, he folded his arms and stood resolutely over her shoulder.

"Narcis?" She asked after a few moments of him having held her arm gingerly. His eyes were closed and he continued to mumble something.

"A dart."

"What?" Rochelle asked at the same time Graham did.

"A poisonous dart. Was there someone in the garden when you came?"

"I-" suddenly Rochelle remembered seeing a dark figure darting across her vision.

"He couldn't have gotten very far." Graham muttered before rushing inside to alert Damon and gather a search party.

"Was the poison weak?" Her head had started spinning as she tried to not contemplate the fact that she had just been targeted.

"On the contrary. It was basilisk venom. One drop should have rendered anyone dead. It's almost untraceable but your body refused to accept it. Maybe it was a lingering effect of my magic. Or maybe it was something else..."

His words trailed off as he spotted the ring on her left hand.

"Your father's ring ! Its an Amethyst! It wards off poison!"

"So you are saying my dad's ring saved me from a certain death?"

He shrugged and answered, "Either that or my super amazing powers. I think the latter is more likely, don't you?"

She rolled her eyes and pushed down her sleeve, more then ready to call it a night.

"Can you inform Charlotte and Uncle of what happened? I think I'll get some sleep. Don't let it reach mother's ears though."

Rochelle got up and Narcis did a mock salute. "Aye aye. Should I have Anna take up a plate of food too?"

She smiled and said, "You know me well."

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