Forsaken Blood [Weekly Update...

By OneLessFantasy

8.1K 743 635

| Galaxy Book Contest - First Prize in Fantasy | | Golden Weekly Awards Winner | One queen, two kin... More

Bonus Chapter: The Letter
Eleven (II)
Bonus Chapter: Once Upon A Time...
Seventeen (I)
Seventeen (II)
Eighteen (I)
Eighteen (II)
Twenty (I)
Twenty (II)
Twenty-two (I)
Twenty-two (II)
Bonus Chapter: Gabriel's POV
Twenty-seven (I)
Twenty-seven (II)
Twenty-eight (I)
Twenty-eight (II)
Twenty-eight (III)
Twenty-nine (I)
Twenty-nine (II)
Thirty (II)
Thirty (III)
Thirty one (I)
Thirty-One (II)
Thirty-four (I)

Eleven (I)

148 16 2
By OneLessFantasy

Rochelle watched Charlotte as she lead a visibly fuming Damon out of the infirmary. The curtains around her bed were pulled close again. She laid back on the bed, and tried to forget the throbbing pain in her arm.

She felt the bed dip as someone sat down, and Rochelle couldn't help but hope that it was Graham. She peeked through half closed lids, and tried to keep the wave of disappointment from crashing over her as she looked up at Narcis.

"What are you smiling about?" She grunted, not in the mood for his antics. Even though she had consented to let the Jadus heal her, she was stalling.

She wouldn't admit it even to herself, but she was afraid. Pushing the wayward thought aside she raised her eyebrows as the young magician kept smiling down at her.

"Oh love, it's nothing much. Just that you seem so sweet, and vulnerable when you don't have the power to hurt me."

"Only one of the arms is broken. The other one is working just fine." To prove her point she flexed the fingers of her right hand. "Now get on with the magic will you?"

"Of course milady. But my services come at a price."

"Price? What price?" She sat upright so she could look directly at Narcis.

"I heal you and you answer a question."

"What could you possibly want to know that only I have the answer to?" She rolled her eyes, and moved to cross her arms. At the last moment a sharp sting shot upwards, and she had to close her eyes to keep the pain from overwhelming her.

"Fine. Heal me then I'll answer." She hissed through clenched teeth.

She felt Narcis gently take her hand in his long, cool ones and forced her finger open so her palm faced upwards.

"This will hurt. Tell me to stop when the pain becomes unbearable." He warned.

She nodded once, but kept her eyes closed. Rochelle heard Narcis start mumbling in a language she couldn't understand. The air around them cracked with electricity, her hair stood on ends and her mouth tasted metallic.

Suddenly all the electricity seemed to concentrate on her palm. She tried to close it but Narcis kept it open. The warmth soon became a stinging heat as it traveled up her nerves, crackling and hissing as it went.

She felt her bones grinding into place. The pain was unbelievable, and she couldn't stop the tears that spilled forth.

"Stop." She ground out through clenched teeth, and instantly Narcis let go of her hand.

The electricity faded away but the sting was there. She tested her arm by moving it back and forth. It felt better, but still seemed rather stiff.

"It's not fully healed. Needed a few seconds longer." He got off the bed and she noticed his grey eyes had hardened to silver.

"You could've warned me," Rochelle felt too exhausted to argue and slipped back under the cover, careful to keep her newly half-healed arm out of the way.

"I did, love. You just never listen." He smiled and leaned down to place a feather light kiss on her forehead.

Narcis started to hum as he left the infirmary, and Rochelle felt his light melodious voice lull her into a calm, peaceful sleep.


Voices whispering over her head was what Rochelle woke to. Her head felt clearer and the pain in her arm was all but gone.

She slowly opened her eyes, but had to put her arm up to shield herself from the bright morning sunshine. She blinked to bring her vision into focus and as the mist of sleep cleared she smiled to see her cousin looking at her with concern.

"Good morning," she croaked out and moved to get some water from her bedside table. That's when she noticed that Damon was also there.

"How are you feeling?" He poured her a cup before helping her sit up.

"Much better. What are you two doing here? Has this become your secret meeting place? Because let me be clear I draw the line at declarations of love."

Charlotte laughed and shook her head, "She's back. And no our secret meeting days are well behind us-"

"Sadly." Damon cut in and her cousin playfully hit him on the arm.

"As I was saying, we actually have important matters to discuss."

Rochelle nodded in mock seriousness. "I'll hide the baby when it comes."

She got the reaction she had been hoping for. Damon chocked on air while Charlotte opened and closed her mouth at a loss for something to say.

Rochelle laughed at their stunned expressions and Damon recovered first, joining in on the fun.

"Come dear, we've been caught. Which month did you say you were at?"

"She can't be very much along, her waist is as tiny as ever."

A blush crept up her cousin's neck as she attempted to quiet them down, "You two are impossible I swear! Can't you be serious for one moment?"

"Who said we aren't serious?" Rochelle replied trying to keep a straight face but failing miserably at it.

Charlotte shook her head at their antics and said, "Since you are feeling much better, I was hoping you would join us to watch the tourney today."

"I'd love to!" Rochelle said enthusiastically wiggling out from under the sheets.

"But we need to be careful. Too many threats, but I feel as if we are missing something," Damon wondered to himself.

Her mind felt too muddled so early in the morning to make sense of his words.

Noticing her confused expression Damon elaborated, "The attack on you Rochelle. Charlotte said you believe it was set up by princess Amberley. Do you have proof?"

"I-" she broke off her brows creasing in concentration. At last she said, "no. Graham he-"

A look crossed between her cousin and the captain and Rochelle wondered what it was about.

"Roch can you tell me everything that happened? From start to finish?" Charlotte asked, enunciating each word.

She nodded and tried to recount her adventures as best as possible. When she got to the attack in the alley she stopped. All she could remember was the darkness, the searing pain and the cold lifeless eyes that stared back at her.

"That's enough. Thank you Rochelle." Damon's calm familiar voice broke into her thoughts, and she pushed the memories aside to reveal the most important bit of information.

"That's not all. I saw the leader of the Whites yesterday."


She continued, feeling a little guilty for not saying anything sooner, "I saw him with Anastasia. I'm sorry. My mind was all clouded and muddled. I hadn't thought of the danger..."

Her cousin enveloped her in a hug and reassured her that it was alright.

"Why hadn't I noticed him?" Damon mumbled from his seat.

"Because you were too busy with the tourney?" Charlotte offered.

"All the same. I feel as if I've let you down."

"Nonsense," her cousin scoffed and she nodded her head in agreement.

"One can hardly blame you Damon. His features are very forgettable. I think thats his biggest asset, his ability to blend in." Rochelle put in.

"Nevertheless, every member of the audience shall be screened. No one dangerous will be getting within striking distance again."

With this declaration Damon stalked out of the room, probably contemplating how he could tighten security.

"Wait won't he participate?" She asked Charlotte.

Her cousin shook her head and helped her off the bed, "Of course not! He won! Winners aren't allowed to participate the next day."

"Oh I should've congratulated him. Was it eventful? Did I miss much?" She asked as they headed towards their room to change for the day.

"You'll have ample time today. And my dearest cousin you have no idea."

The princess just shook her head and ushered Rochelle into her room before turning away herself.

Roch wondered what she had meant but was soon set upon by her devious maid Anna.

Her arm still hurt and she felt the throbbing in her mind returning. Hopefully she'll make it through the day but was she ready to face Graham so soon? She wasn't sure of the answer. She'll just have to wait and see.


The rain from the day before still covered everything, but it made the day all the much brighter.

Rochelle happily skipped down the steps with Charlotte, happy to be free once again.

"You are acting like we kept you prisoner for years!" Her cousin protested as they reached the arena.

She waved at Damon who was with his lieutenants by the bleachers and then led the princess towards the royal pavilion.

Only lord Aldvin was there at the moment talking to one of the servants about the arrangements for later on. He instantly got up to greet them albeit his reception was colder than usual.

Soon everyone else arrived as well. Her mother was satisfied to see her daughter acting like a lady for once, and her uncle wondered aloud if she was his niece or an imposter.

Rochelle laughed along with them but when the royals from Weardom joined the group she felt the mood dampen.

"Prince Daniel," she greeted with a curtsey. The blonde haired prince only nodded in acknowledgment and went to stand next to Anastasia.

The sight of her made Rochelle's blood boil in anger but she took deep breaths to calm herself. Wondering if the prince knew his beloved consorted with rebels she turned back to greet the last member to arrive.

Princess Amberley stood tall, her features twisted into a sneer as she looked her over once. Rochelle against all expectations wasn't angry at this slip of a girl. She just wondered why she had done it.

Deciding to try and remain neutral until further information was unearthed she dipped into a small curtsey before moving away. But not before she noticed how her actions had shocked the foreign princess.

Delighting in her unpredictability she allowed herself to be led by Xavier to the seat right next to Charlotte's.

Her uncle sat after that and her mother thankfully even further. The rest placed themselves close by, but lord Aldvin swiftly departed after exchanging a few whispered words with the King.

"Isn't Xavier opening the event today?" Her cousin asked.

King Maxim simply shook his head, "He has business to attend to."

Rochelle noticed the crestfallen expression on Chars face but didn't get the time to ask her about it.

"How is milady today?" Narcis smiled down at her, and she couldn't help but return it.

"Must be better now that you're here," came a sullen voice from behind her. Rochelle held her breath as she twisted around in her seat.

There, strapping on his arm guards, was Graham. He stood just outside the pavilion, his armour glinting in the bright sunlight.

His closed off expression only pulled at her heart, but she ignored him and turned back to Narcis.

"Much better, thank you."

The magician beamed down at her and Rochelle saw Graham stomp away from the corner of her eye.

"Glad to hear it. Now about the price..."

She sighed and turned back to see the warriors lining up in the arena. "Now isn't the best of times."

Narcis just shook his head slowly and said, "I'm not the best at mental communication yet, but I can still ask a question if you take my hand. You will just have to think of the answer and it shall reach me."

She looked dubiously at his outstretched hand, "The last time I took your hand I ended up crying in pain."

"A deal is a deal love."

She sighed and said, "Go ahead."

Rochelle placed her hand in his and suddenly a barrage of sights and sounds hit her at once. It was overwhelming. So many memories, voices all clambering for attention.

But then they all cleared and a harsh silence fell. The words were whispered, almost caressing her skin, but she knew that no syllable had been uttered.

Roch pulled her hand away not letting Narcis finish.

"I am not answering that!" She flushed as her eyes involuntarily wandered towards Graham.

"You don't have to. The blush is rather telling."

The Jadus sauntered away and she vowed to get back at him somehow. Her murderous thoughts were broken when the trumpets rang out to signal the beginning of day two.

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