Forsaken Blood [Weekly Update...

By OneLessFantasy

8.1K 743 635

| Galaxy Book Contest - First Prize in Fantasy | | Golden Weekly Awards Winner | One queen, two kin... More

Bonus Chapter: The Letter
Eleven (I)
Eleven (II)
Bonus Chapter: Once Upon A Time...
Seventeen (I)
Seventeen (II)
Eighteen (I)
Eighteen (II)
Twenty (I)
Twenty (II)
Twenty-two (I)
Twenty-two (II)
Bonus Chapter: Gabriel's POV
Twenty-seven (I)
Twenty-seven (II)
Twenty-eight (I)
Twenty-eight (II)
Twenty-eight (III)
Twenty-nine (I)
Twenty-nine (II)
Thirty (II)
Thirty (III)
Thirty one (I)
Thirty-One (II)
Thirty-four (I)


172 15 4
By OneLessFantasy

The scene played in slow motion. The horses galloping towards each other, their riders sitting straight with their shield on one arm, and the deadly lance in the other.

The moments before collision felt like hours but were mere seconds and the clash of the lance against shield caused an uproar.

The thud of the fallen knight on the hard packed ground was muffled by the uproarious cheering of the crowd. Charlotte joined them, jumping up from her seat to applaud the efforts of their captain.

The dark stallion cantered gracefully as its rider took off his helmet and waved to the crowd. Damon was as handsome as ever and in his silver armour looked rather dashing.

The gold sigil of crossed swords glinted proudly on his chest as he dismounted, and came to kneel in front of the royal pavilion.

She noticed Anastasia and Amber had completely stopped their insistent chatter, and were sitting as gracefully as possible. The man behind Amber scoffed at their antics and she was in full agreement with him.

At a nod from the king, Damon rose and stepped aside to await his next round. They had already gotten their top ten jousters, and only two of the warriors had been disqualified for losing all three lives.

While the next round was being set up, she felt her eyes wonder to her left. Lord Aldvin sat there, moodily swirling his wine around in the goblet.

"How much have you had to drink?" She couldn't help but ask. Ever since the tourney began, the courtly Xavier from before had all but vanished. And in his place was a brooding lord who was worse company then Amberley.

"I can hold my wine princess," he growled, "better worry about your favourite knight."

"My favourite knight?" Charlotte held back a laugh as she turned to face him fully. When she realised he was serious, she followed his gaze and found him to be glaring murderously at Damon.

He was jealous. She was offended at first. Who gave him the right to be jealous and act like a sullen child? But then a small smile curved on her lips. Best make most of the situation.

With that thought she turned back to the front and waited for Damon's next round. At the present, the battle was to be between one of their local guards and the knight from Weardom.

Graham seemed to be distracted. He kept looking towards one of the stands. As the call was given for the riders to mount, Graham still didn't seem focused.

Suddenly a dark figure streaked across the outskirts, heading towards the barracks. The knight raced after it, not heeding the call from the floor-master.

Charlotte wondered what that was all about, but by stepping off the field Graham had forfeited his place. There was a collective groan from those who had placed bets on the capable knight and everyone tried to get a glimpse of what had distracted one of the front runners.

"Graham," her father bellowed when the knight returned on to the field, clutching a dark cloth and fostering a confused expression.

He looked up and instantly made his way towards them.

"What had distracted you, boy? Do you know I had placed ten gold on you with Edwin?"

"Father!" Charlotte gasped as she looked towards the king who just shrugged.

"I wasn't aware your majesty but I'm truly honoured. I-" Graham turned towards the barracks and the bleachers again and sighed before saying, "I apologise. I had intended to win but there was something I had to look into."

"I see," the king replied. "No worries lad. There are two more days to go."

With that he dismissed the knight who went to sit next to the other warriors who had lost. It was a pity he had disqualified himself, a match between Damon and him would've been interesting to say the least.

"I wonder what that was all about?" She mumbled not really expecting any sort of reply.

"Princess, that Jadus near the stands, can you see him?"

She jumped when she heard Xavier's question. His eyes were sharp as steel and she wondered how so much alcohol hadn't effected him.

Nevertheless she turned to where he had indicated, and her eyes alighted on a familiar head of dark hair.

"Yes, that's Narcis."

Lord Aldvin slumped back in his char, crossing his ankles as he spread his long legs in front of him. "Wherever Narcis goes Rochelle is bound to be in the vicinity."

Her eyes bugged out as she heard his words. Surely her cousin was in no condition to come outside. But Charlotte groaned as she realised that it was just the kind of thing Rochelle would do.

She had already had to explain to her aunt why her daughter wasn't coming to watch the tourney. She had said that Roch was sulking inside the castle for not being allowed to participate, but knew that that excuse wouldn't last long.

Sighing she got up, intent on going to the infirmary to check up on her cousin. A touch on her arm stopped her and she looked down at the large hand that was inches from her bare skin, hesitating in mid air.

"Leave it. Lets see how it plays out." Xavier wasn't looking at her. Instead he was focused on Narcis and Graham. A small traitorous part of her wished that those dark intense eyes would land on her and never look away.

What was wrong with her?

She slipped back onto her seat and resolutely tuned back to the games. She was engaged. Charlotte thought that if she repeated that phrase many times maybe it'll slow the beating of her heart or maybe the flush on her cheeks would disappear.

But neither was happening even when her fiancé mounted his horse for the quarter finals. It didn't happen then and especially not afterwards when Prince Daniel came stomping into the pavilion calling for a seat after his loss.

She noticed him standing close to Anastasia but his place was set up near her. Charlotte groaned at how they had to keep up appearances. To appease the crowds she stood up and congratulated Daniel for making it so far in the competition.

In reply he just grunted and slumped into his seat. She slowly sat down as well and became hyperaware of Xavier's proximity and how often he leaned in to comment on one thing or another.

Daniel seemed to notice it as well and scooted his seat closer so that now she was hemmed in on both sides. Out of pride the prince took her hand and leaned in close to whisper, "What are you doing?"

She rolled her eyes at his hypocrisy and replied with a large smile plastered on, "Enjoying the tourney."

His forehead creased and after that moment onwards her fiancée would pay extra attention to her. She could feel the daggers Anastasia was shooting at her and was also aware of Xavier glancing every now and again at the raven haired witch.

Charlotte had to do something and she had to do something fast. The atmosphere in the pavilion was quickly becoming charged, but thankfully her father and aunt seemed oblivious.

Before she could think of something to diffuse the situation, the last round was upon them and the Sun would just be grazing the horizon to the west had the clouds cleared up.

The day had been full of rain and even now there seemed no chance of the dark ominous clouds to go away. Torches illuminated the arena as a silent hush fell upon the audience.

Dark stallions were led to their positions and they seemed agitated by the tension in the air. The final would take place between Damon and a red haired newcomer.

She was about to ask who he was when Xavier stood up and offered her his hand. Her brows knitted together and she knew that Daniel was frowning, but she took Lord Aldvin's hand and let him lead her to the front.

"Gathered audience we have come to the final round of day one. Both these warriors before me are equally capable, and we salute your bravery. It has truly been an enjoyable start."

Loud cheering followed his words and Charlotte looked out at Damon and his unknown opponent as they shook hands.

"As per custom, the princess shall award the laurels to the victor at the end of this round."

Marester Gail stepped forward, his hands weighed down by a golden sash made from small interlocking rings of metal that had been enchanted to shift patterns according to their bearer's taste.

Charlotte gingerly held out her arms for the gift and found it to be surprisingly light. The metal rings rang together but the surface seemed as smooth as silk.

"Good luck brave knights! May the best amongst you win." Her voice rang out and the other participants all cheered loudly as the two finalists took their positions.

Lances were handed up to the riders and horses were settled as the countdown began.


The guard on the helmets were lowered.


The shields were set in place.



The riders raced towards each other at an unimaginable speed. Horses panted but their riders didn't clash. They crossed and turned around for another go.

Lances poised this time they didn't miss. In a cloud of dust and rattle of thunder they had their victor.

Charlotte let out the breath she didn't know she had been holding as Damon got off his horse to help the other knight to his feet.

The crowd went wild and cheered for their captain. The participants all gathered around the victor and formed a pathway from him to the pavilion.

They clapped him on the back and cheered and hooted as he passed. As Damon came to a stop in front of her, she couldn't help but beam brightly.

He bowed once before standing straight, waiting for her to hand him the sash. A quick glance confirmed her suspicions that Xavier wasn't too happy with the outcome and was glaring at the captain.

A discreet look back also told her that Daniel wasn't overjoyed at being outmanoeuvred by Lord Aldvin and how he had taken his place both by his future wife's side and in front of his soon to be people.

She decided to rile them up further. Besides what harm could it do? If they could go and have fun with any lady they chose well she could teach them a lesson or two.

Charlotte motioned for Damon to step forward which he did obligingly. She helped tie the sash around his right arm and it instantly changed to become the right size.

The gold flattened out into a burnished bronze and the sigil of the guard became embossed on its surface.

"Congratulations," she said but in the all the noise she wasn't even sure he heard her.

Damon's blue eyes smiled at her and she couldn't help but return it. Throwing caution in the wind she jumped into his arms and he caught her out of reflex.

He stiffened at their proximity but quickly decided to return the embrace.

"Xavier might just murder me in my sleep," he whispered in her ear but she giggled and said, "didn't think you would ever be afraid of a measly lord."

"And what of your fiancé?"

"What about him?" She pulled her head back to stare up at Damon and he laughed out loud at the situation.

Charlotte wasn't sure what to make of it but he didn't give her much time to think.

"If we are making them jealous lets do it properly."

Damon picked her up and twirled her around before setting her down on her feet and taking a step back.

She giggled at his antics and rolled her eyes as he claimed her hand placing it in the crook of his elbow.

Charlotte was besides him while he received praise from her father and aunt. Aunt Giselle looked at her disapprovingly but she had a feeling her father knew their game as he winked at her when he thought no one was looking.

Princess Amberley also came to congratulate Damon and almost seemed in awe of the captain. Anastasia besides her said very little and soon disappeared along with the man who had been behind her all day.

They reached Xavier next and he didn't even look at them just glared at her hand that rested serenely in Damon's arm.

"Aren't you going to congratulate our victor?" She asked after a few moments of charged silence had passed.

When he looked up, his dark eyes held such sadness that she had to look twice to be sure. But the emotion was fleeting, his gaze regained its intensity and without saying another word he stormed off towards the castle.

Charlotte felt remorseful but didn't allow herself to dwell on the thought.

Prince Daniel came and heartily congratulated Damon. He claimed her hand and she was forced to walk besides him as they led the procession back to the castle for dinner.

She paused outside the dinning hall and smiled and chatted with the courtiers as they passed by. Daniel didn't seem to mind but when they were among the last left he said in a bored tone, "Aren't we going to go eat?"

"I-," Charlotte wanted to go check up on Rochelle so she made a excuse of not feeling very well. The prince hardly seemed to care and escorted her to the stairs before slipping into the dinning hall.

"Is there something wrong?" Damon asked as he came up after having a status report from his lieutenants.

"I just wanted to check up on something." She said.

"I'll come with you."

"But aren't you hungry?" Her gaze snapped to his and he simply shook his head.

"Not really no and I think I know what you want to check up on."

He helped her down the stairs and started towards the infirmary and she couldn't help but ask, "How did you know?"

"I was with Rochelle last night at the inn remember. I'm sure she has told you the story. She came back just as dawn was breaking with Graham and I was there, trying to figure out where my summons had come from."

She nodded slowly before saying, "She didn't get the chance to tell me everything but she did tell me about the rebel meeting. And how you were called back to the castle by me apparently. I had slept early last night."

"I know, but I can't piece it together. The messenger said that the princess was asking for me urgently."

"Damon," Charlotte stopped in her tracks as it clicked together. She lowered her voice before saying, "the men who attacked her, Rochelle said they were working for Amber. Amberley is a princess."

She could see the gears turning in her mind, "Charlotte if what you are saying is true we need to tread very very carefully. Do we have any proof that Rochelle's assailants were sent by Amber?"

"We need to talk to Roch," with that the two of the hastened their steps.

But just as they reached the doors of the infirmary, Graham stormed out. He didn't look twice at them and Charlotte couldn't help but wonder aloud, "This is the second time in the same day I'm meeting him outside the infirmary."

"That's not a big mystery considering Rochelle is inside. But I do wonder what had gotten him in such a bad mood." Damon said.

She wondered what his words meant as she pushed open the doors. But all thoughts fled as she spied her cousin sitting up in bed with tears in her eyes.

Many of the participants and their attendants all stared at the dramatic scene unfolding but she put as much ice as could muster into her stare and they all went back to their business.

She hurried to Rochelle and Damon closed the curtain behind her. Taking her cousin's hand she could see Roch trying to speak but finding no words.

Charlotte enveloped her cousin in a hug and let her cry her heart out. With every sob her own heart would break a little. Rochelle's tears soaked her gown but she didn't mind. She didn't mind now as she hadn't minded ten years ago when they had been in a similar situation.

After her cousin calmed down a little she pulled back a little and asked, "Who?"

Her face was tearstained but she managed to croak out, "Graham."

At that one word her blood began to boil and she knew she would've ordered the knight's execution had he been anywhere near.

"Forget about him," she didn't know whose benefit she was saying those words for. "I've heard you had quite an eventful day."

"You aren't mad at me?"

"For what?" Charlotte asked as she helped her cousin lay back down and tucked the covers around her.

"For sneaking out to see the tourney," Rochelle croaked out and she handed her a glass of water.

"Of course not. I should've known you wouldn't stay here long."

Her cousin smiled at her and Charlotte added, "So I've decided that if you will let me I would like to heal those pesky broken bones."

"Charlotte! I can't let you do that!"

"Come on, I won't die. I promise."

Rochelle still continued to shake her head and Charlotte decided to ask for backup.

"Damon," she called and the knight instantly ducked inside.

Seeing Rochelle's state, thunder streaked across Damon's features and she knew he would've gladly carried out the execution she had been planning.

In a bid to sooth the storm she said, "Rochelle won't let me heal her bones. Can you convince her otherwise?"

Before he could say a word someone else came into the little circle.

"I'll do it. It's my fault after all."

Narcis stood at the foot of the bed looking a little guilty.

"What is your fault?" Charlotte asked noting Rochelle nod her head.

"It is, you meddlesome annoying magician. But I don't hold it against you. I'll let you off the hook if you can heal my bones." Her cousin said from her position.

"With pleasure, milady," Narcis smiled broadly and moved to weave his magic on Rochelle's injury.

Charlotte motioned for Damon to follow her.

"Graham is going to pay for making her cry. I made a promise to her father to protect her. I will kill him if he comes near her again," the captain growled even before they had reached the hallway. The infirmary had become emptier but they decided it was best outside.

"He will pay but killing him won't get us anywhere. At the moment we have bigger things to worry about. Go eat and get some rest then work off the anger. Meet me in my common room tomorrow morning. We have things to discuss," she placed a small hand on his arm and felt him try to control his rapid breathing.

"Couldn't the two of you find a room?" Came the lazy drawl from the shadows. Xavier stepped out into the light and Charlotte had to stop herself from screaming.

Before they could say anything he crossed them without giving so much as a second glance and melted into the shadows once again.

Charlotte had her heart in her throat. She convinced itself that it was fear, that he was dangerous and it was best that she stay away. But why then did she feel her heart breaking with every step he took away from her?

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