By shaperai

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He was a Perfect specimen,brilliant and intelligent business man, a Perfect son to his mom and a proud son to... More

LETS PARTY (part 2)
Break down
the sound of a shattering soul!!!
BOOK 2 !!!
BOOK 2 PUBLISHED!!! (please check the A/N also)


17.2K 1K 74
By shaperai

I was staring shocked at there serious faces shooting daggers at me but what caught my eyes was a new but familiar face. A face I wanted least to see in a situation like this. MY maternal cousin was the only one grinning at me then and sprung from the sofa approaching me for a hug and I am well aware its fake.

''hey sweetheart cousin!!!'' she greeted me hugging me tightly while I suppressed myself to roll my eyes on her fake act.

''hey!! yourself cousin'' I replied passing equally fake smile ''so, how come you here??'' I asked with little bitterness in my voice.

''come on!! I didn't make it to your engagement, so I am paying you a visit now. Congratulations!!that finally you got that hottie for yourself.'' and I passed a bitter smile at her words.

'' well..!!! Sneha, I am sorry for your loss'' I faked pittiness and I saw a flash of anger in her but she was quick to hide it with her fake smile. We both were busy in our own personal despising world forgetting about the whole surrounding. When my dad decide to break it.

'' well.. Nandini may we ask why you are early and alone here from Italy??" my dad voice was calm but not comfortable one, it was the calmless before storm and I gulped seeing her darken features.

''well..da..dad..I..I..wa..was..miss..missing..you..guys..so..i..dec..'' and there he butted in roaring.

''LIE!!!'' and I flinched at his tone and then it clicked me why my parents are angry and wasn't surprise seeing me here and why other are here.


I mumbled manik's name with bitterness. Ofcourse, how can this guy took all blame on himself and I don't know what story he told them this time.

''so manik already told you hunh!!'' I mocked humorlessly.

''well..NO!!'' my dad said ''we already knew it you are here so we tried to contact him but he is out of service since morning '' my mouth was agape.

''what?? how you guys knew it?? ??'' I asked in disbelief.

'' yeah.. and you wanna know how we knew it??'' this time it was mom who asked me and I nodded hastily.

'' Sneha..'' she said to my shock '' she saw you when she was coming here from airport and spotted you in some man arms outside the airport early in morning '' my mom sounds accusing and I turned to look at sneha who was already smirking at me.

Now I think you guys almost had a little idea why I hate that bitch so much. It is a long story of two soul sisters turned into blood thirst enemy.

Sneha is just two moths older than me, we were so into each other in our childhood days that people had been started to call us twins. We both shared everything, ou dresses , sandals, toys etc. Our everything were exact and same to each other. I used to go manglore in my vacations to my granny house just to meet her and I always talked her about manik nonstop. She was the one to knew I had a crush on Manik since class fifth and she used to tease me.

But when we reached in our secondary year of school ,our life took a keen turn. She wanted to meet Manik since forever to know why I am so head over heels in love with him. So I decided to invite her in the welcome party of Manik when he came back from Australia after completing his internship. She travelled here all the way from Manglore to accompany me and finally meet Manik but the worst happen. It was the biggest mistake of my life , she was the one who got attracted to him instatly and started to behave strangely towards me. She came here to help to built up my relationship with Manik but the traitor she was started to make effort for herself. She always stalked him where ever he go, when I stayed in school she was the one demanding company from him. But I ignored everything for our friendship sake and my trust upon her but when she started to cross her limits with him, staying late night out with him, wearing skimpy dresses around him, try to seduce him,flirting and all started to bother me and when I told her I wasn't liking her this way of behavior towards Manik even after knowing my love for Manik , she excused it saying she was just making me jealous and I believed her thinking that my soul sister wont betray me ever but I was so wrong.

After two days I found out she slept with him other night, knowing Manik as well known womanizer wasn't hard for her and even when he was available with a big 'single' tag line. It was like my whole world got upside down. The person I trusted the most betrayed me. she was well aware that how much it would hurt me but still she did it. And when not taking it anymore I confronted her again demanding for answers but again being the bitch she is she answered coolly that she is also the one in love with him and I have to back out. That was the day our friendship turned into animosity.

''so, this was the story she told you" I said sarcastically looking at her venomously. ''and how you guys took it, exactly?? I mean you trust her more than your own daughter that you guys gathered whole folks '' I sounded broken and my parents gaze soften.

'' of course, we thought she was delusional and didn't believe her but she was sounding so confident that we didn't have any option but to enquire calling airport.'' navya butted in this time ''and now look she was absolutely.''

''so who was the guy you met at the airport travelling all alone here from Italy?? are you seeing someone else behind my sons back'' this time it was Nyonika aunty who sanpped and I felt tears at the back of my eyes but controlled it. And the thing surprised me, she never talked to me in this tone.

''I never accepted something like this from you Nandini!!! atleast you should have thought about our family reputation, you should be mature enough.'' mom butted in making my eyes go wide.

''mo..'' I tried to speak but this time it was dad who interrupted me.

''really??? I thought, you are my little princess. Who thinks about others before herself but not anymore'' my father voice laced with bitterness and a lone tears escaped from my eyes listening all this from the most unexpected one. ''if it was some other guy you like, you could had tell us before your engagement but this!!!'' he growled angrily. Then I decided to speak my mind for the first time, taking a stand for myself. I wont be begging anymore to anyone.

''thankgod!!! finally I realized the most important people of my life knows me just this much.'' I said greeting my teeth, I felt unbearable pain in my heart and there I haven't felt the need to explain anything because they already choose to trust that bitch over me. '' you call me princess right??then why you always choose others over your princess. First Manik and now Sneha. This is just great. I am so happy today.'' I ended my obnoxious speech with clap and rushed upstairs in my room and threw my crying self on my bed.

I am so tired with the people who always makes me feel worthless. I mean no one has right to call me worthless. My parents knew already that Haim is my friend but they never care to ask who exactly was the guy I was with and why I am here leaving Italy. They all just care about there reputation and take me as spoilt brat. I don't know when I started to feel my eyelids heavy and drifted away to sleep with the thoughts going in my head and tears flowing continuously with a little headache in my head and equally tired body.

''Princess!!!!!!!!'' I hear a very soft familiar voice calling my name beside me, I wanted to open my eyes but it felt heavy.

''umm!!'' I wanted to reply but moan escaped my lips when I felt terrible headache.




I heard several voices calling my names, so I slowly started to open my fluttering eyelids and the first face I saw was of my fathers worried face and i felt my hands are clasped in some familiar warm one but i was too lazy to turn and check the person so i just started my father only.

''what happen to me??'' i asked feeling confuse.

'' you have temperature dear, high one'' replied my mom.

''so ,how are you feeling now??" I heard a very unexpected familiar voice worry laced asking beside me and then I shot my head in that direction.

I saw the face and my eyes went wide in surprise , this was the face who ;aways made me happy and a big smile on my face just by his sight but today i felt nothing but awfully sick. It is the face of the person who is responsible for my everytime humiliation.

''Manik!!'' i uttered his name with bitterness and again closed my eyes, not in mood to see anyone face after the drama.

''you ok princess??" my dad worried voice asked me seeing my reaction but he is also the one I don't wanna talk or see now.

''I need rest, can you guys please leave the room.'' I asked in a taut voice.

''but..''this time it was Manik but i didn't let him complete.

''please!!!'' i said gretting my teeth. And then I heard a sigh and door closing behind after few seconds ,making me aware of their absence and then I decided to open my eyes and stare at the close door and again fresh and warm tears started to flow.

'' I know you were acting??" I heard familiar masculine soft voice taking me off guard and I snapped in the direction to find Manik standing leaning of my bedroom window staring me intensely.

'' you ??'' I asked shocked '' and which part of my sentence 'I need rest ,leave the room' you didn't get??'' I added in taut voice.

''no hii,no hello, how you are here, nothing but this cold treatment to your fiancé?? I am hurt candyfloss'' he acted keeping his hand on his heart making a sad face and obviously trying to sound playful and I just controlled the urge to roll my eyes and spit some bad words on his face.

''I should be the one getting angry on you??'' his voice turned little angry but it didn't affected me this time and he rubbed his forhead trying to calm himself before adding ''anyways, have something to eat then your medicines and we have lots to discuss later after that'' he said walking towards my bed picking the tray of food which I didn't notice was on coffee table and sat at the corner folding his one knee and another leg was placed down on the floor staring at me hopefully but I turned my face with a grimace . '' come on, have it quick.'' he ordered but in a soft voice and a tear escaped my eyes reminding me why he is behaving gentle towards me after the stunt I pulled in Italy because I am a patient right now. I didn't want him to see my tears so I stealthily wiped away before answering bitterly.

''the poison will do better if I asked.''

''don't be stupid and have it'' he sounded annoyed. I know he is angry but just suppressing until I am sick.

'' ofcourse!! I 've been just that to you my whole life isn't it.'' I commented sarcastically before pulling blanket over my self turning away from him contracting my body under the blanket. '' and please I am not hungry, so leave'' and groaned angrily under the blanket wiping my fresh tears again.

I was crying silently with some sniffs, I badly wanted not to cry but what I am feeling isn't helping, there was no one stood for me today ,even my dad didn't trusted me enough to ask me. When no one cares about me no one trust me then what I am doing here with these people I don't know, even my best frineds they were standing there without saying anything like bystanders. I never felt this lonely and empty in my whole life.

There was a long silence before I felt a hand on my shoulder and I went stiff but shrugged it from my shoulder shifting a little further on bed but he being the stubborn monster again put it on my shoulder and I shifted a little more. This happened at least for few more times unless I reached at the end of other side of the bed. And then I felt the bed beside me sinking and a warm big arms wrapped my covered self in a bear embrace. If it has been some other time I would be on cloud nine but after what he did to me , its fueling my anger more. One side of my heart again wanted to believe him and swoon over his gestures but other part of my heart and brain shouting out line that he is the same arrogant as#whole who wont change for any one. He is a bipolar , if he is treating me well right now god knows another minute after giving into him , he will humiliate me again. He is just being a little human because I am sick and need gentle treatment so my other side of heart has more valid points so I restrain myself to giving into him and tried to push him without peeking out from my blanket just with my back but he tighten his hold on me. I still am not able to control my crying broken self which I started to hate now and its just increasing my headache more. But I have no space to shift further so I laid there still until he spoke softly near my ears.

''Baby!!!just please have something, you aren't well'' silence is all he got.

'' baby don't punish your self!!'' again silence.

Just a little sorry it wont hurt you. Its been long time he is here but not even for humanity he uttered those five letters word. I mean his ego ,his reputation mean everything to him but he doesn't give a shit about others.

'' nandini!! don't make me do something I regret later'' his threatening low voice growl near my ears and I chuckled under blanket humorlessly.

''believe me!! you never regretted anything you did.'' I sarcastically replied.'' And I think your presence is making me more sick so LEAVE!!!'' I yelled underneath the blanket.

I then felt the wait lifting away from my body. ''FINE!!! I have so many things going inside my mind to confront you but seeing you like this I restrain myself doing this but No!! I think its giving you all the power to throw tantrums.'' he breathed angrily'' I should be the one getting angry but no the case is so opposite. After the stunt you pulled in Italy you don't know what I have been through. You should be guilty when you lost the pendrive and asked for forgiveness but no I can see the bird got the wings and walked away with so much attitude and arrogance and that wasn't even enough for you because making it worse you left Italy all alone.'' he yelled angrily and I again hold my tears back telling my heart this outburst was expected, he was just pretending all the while and then there was aloud noise of my door banging closed with the realization that he is gone and I burst into loud sobs.

After crying for hours mmy headache become so unbearable and my body burning ever hotter and immense pain in my body. I felt my empty stomach growling and then I realized i didn't ate any thing since morning and I still hadn't took my medicine. I look at the clock it shows 3 in the afternoon. I am really not in mood to eat anything but I need medicine or i soon will die with the headache so i decided to get up after so much struggle and reached for the plate of food which was on coffee table since morning. I picked food and it was extremely cold, I don't want to face anyone and wasn't interested about the taste of food so I went with it gulping down and then keeping the plate aside after having half square of meal , I gulp the medicine with water which was on the bedside table with the prescription and again crawled back under the comforting blanket and then I doze off.

I woke up from my deep slumber when I felt warm lingering lips on my forehead, I fluttered open my eyes in confusion and I felt my headache isn't that bad. The first face I saw was of a smiling Manik and it wasn't his normal ordinary smile it has something different..guilt???

oh!!!come on ..guilty or he...

''how are you feeling now??" he asked in his loving tone and and I stare at him bewilderment, is he really a bipolar. I stormed out angrily from here in afternoon and now what it is with smiling face. When he didn't get any answer from me but noticed my utter confused face, he started to look here and there as if wanted to say something but he is nervous.

Nandini!!!what happen to you today, do I have a medicine reaction?? Manik and nervous are the words cant be together.

'' I am sorry!!'' ladies and gentle man ,there he said those words but why?? He is still looking nervous at my shocked and confused face , staring down at me expectantly.

''about what??'' he looked taken aback as if he didn't expected my this reaction , ofcourse he must had thought I would be swooning over him again, hugging him like love sick but no luck. But again he looked hesitant to speak and this time it was me who was looking at him expectantly for an answer.

''actually..about that pendrive thing''

''pendrive thing??"" I asked confused.

''I exploded blaming you when you were all clean.''he said nervously looking down at his hands as if he is fearing even to look into my eyes. This is not the Manik I know this one is whole new Manik I n front of me.

'' and how do you realise this now??'' I asked in a stern voice and he flinched at my tone.


''actually that was my fault, the pen drive was with me whole time, I took it with me accidently when I was fishing things in hurry'' and I stare at him shocked ''this evening my servant gave me when he was taking out my suit for cleaning ,he found it in my coat's pocket.'' and now everything is clear to me and I felt rage circulating in my whole nervous system making my heart boil. '' I am so sorry for spoiling our trip and blaming you without your fault, it was just that meeting was so important ,so I took it out on you.. I am so sorry, I shouldn't have talk to you like that!!!'' he was sounding so sincere and I was staring at him with a blank face and then taking him off guard. I burst into a loud humorless laughter, I was laughing like lunatic that tears started to flow from my eyes and Manik he was staring at me as if I went crazy.

''Nan..Nandini..y..you..ok???'' he asked stammering in confusion but I kept on laughing like crazy.

After laughing loudly for a long time I stilled staring at the ceiling and '' wow'' left my lips in just audible whisper.

''I seriously cant believe it!!" I chuckled mumbling in disbelief and then my expression turned from disbelief into pained.

'' you punished me for your own mistake and called me worthless!! its just wow''

''nan..nandini..I ..I can..ex..explain'' he tried to speak.

''what can you explain haan!!!'' this is the first time I yelled at him this loudly and he was looking taken aback but his face turn darker.

''don't you dare!!'' he growled lowly.

'' what..that you can shout on me, humiliate me whenever you want but I cant" I asked angrily.

'' I am apologizing!!'' he added ''and you know it very clearly that I never apologies, but still I am doing''

''apology hmm!!'' I pretended to sound thoughtful about then word then looked at into his eyes directly while asking '' so when this idea of apologizing strike into your head making you feel guilty?? when you found I left Italy or when your servant given you your PD back??'' I raised my brows questioningly waiting for answer patiently.

''of course!! when my servant given me PD back , then I realized I hurted you for my mistake.'' he stated as if he is stating most obvious fact in the world.

''expected!!'' I scoffed rolling my eyes ''so this is the mistake now, but in Italy you were blaming me as if it was a sin, LOSING PD WAS A SIN'' I yelled last part angrily.

''Nandini you really changed, you never talked to me like this, you never talked back'' he asked disbelief and there was hint of anger in his voice as if he is trying to control it.

''why?? because I started to count on your mistakes??'' I asked sarcastically and his blazing fire.

'' I don't think your apology mean anything now, I mean you decided apologize when you finally got the proof that I wasn't the one at fault.'' my expression turned pain ''you never trusted me enough to even ask for a simple explanation and humiliated me infront of your employees , assaulting me with your words ''I breathed heavily and fresh stupid tears again started to flow ''I mean, I valued nothing to you, you can abuse me whenever you want,you can handicap my brain whenever you want with you harsh words and then come back whenever you need me'' I stare him darkly '' sorry Mr. Malhotra I am not your play toy, I want respect before your love. I never asked you for dreamy dates , expensive gifts. I can buy all these with my own money. I want your love and respect, I want to be valuable in your eyes not... wo..worthless'' I choked on the last words and I thought he will be angry but he was starring me with some unknown emotions in his eyes but I was too busy in crying to notice it and I hided my face in my palms to sob into it.

'' I am extremely sorry!!please just forgive me..please'' he pleaded softly. oh god why there is so many first time today with this man. I really wanted to break my walls and cling into his arms seeing this lots of first time gestures but I hold my self back to give him life time lesson.

'' you never trusted me Manik!!'' I mumbled in to my palms.

''of course!! I do baby'' he cooed pulling me in his embrace but I didn't wrap my arms around him, I wanted to but I restricted my self from doing it.'' what would you had done ,if you were at my place??" he asked softly.

'' of course I trusted you and waited for a explanation??'' I replied.

''easy said then done'' he remarked.

I pulled away to look up into his eyes and stare at him darkly '' I trusted worse without even asking for explanation??'' he stare at me confuse.

confuse to angry.

angry to confuse.

'' I always trusted you blindly ,never asked for any explanation. Not even then, when thousands of exes and flings called me and claimed..'' I quickly hold myself back realizing I am almost spilling everything in anger while he was staring at me shocked and confused and then i downcast my head feeling nervous for uttering those things

''what girls, what exes??''he asked in a taut and serious voice.

''its something in past.. never mind'' i tried to avoid the topic looking everywhere in my room but him. suddenly I got pulled by my shoulders harshly exactly to face Manik.

''tell me Nandini??when you got those calls?? '' he asked in threatening voice.

''when we step into relationship one and half years ago'' I answered sincerely looking back into his fiery eyes . Of course, why should I feel nervous and threatened when it should be him so i stare back into his with my eyes blazing same fire as his.

''And what you did??'' he asked this time his voice was curios but not threatening.

''exactly what a true lover should do. I never believed them thinking as some jealous girls when I was well aware of your womanizing ways before you get into the relationship with me'' I answered gazing back into his eyes proudly and confidently and then added mockingly '' unlike you''

He didn't said anything for a long seconds as if he is in some kind of shock and I too didn't care or waited for his answer but his shocked face turned into a soft one. His eyes turned into something mixed which I never thought i will ever see. His eyes was staring at me with admiration, pride and ..guilt.

I was so tired after this long argument with him and again felt my self melting seeing his expression, so to control my softening feelings, i crawl back into bed covering myself with blanket. I noticed the the clock it shows 7:30 pm almost dinner time. But i am to exhausted to face anyone and go downstairs. There was long silence in the room between us. I really have no idea what going into Manik brain that made him so quit but i still ignored it and tried to get sleep.

''I am sorry!!!!!'' I heard him saying beside me, his voice was cracking so iu quickly turn my sleeping positon to face him and saw him already staring at me with utter..guilt and remorse.

'' Manik, I am tired and need sleep'' i stated pretending drowsy don't want to get involve in other discussion.

''am I forgiven'' he sounded so desperate as if his life dependS on my apology and I too wanted to say yes desperately but I controlled myself.

'' Manik please leave!!'' I pleaded.

''please atleast answer me something'' he pleade back and i sighed heavily.

''I need break Manik, from all these things, this relationship, i need sometime alone for me.'' I finally spoken out my mind and his face turned haunted.

''are..are..you..bre..breaking..our...eng..engagement??''he asked stuttering in horror.

is this relationship really mean something to him??

'' No, I am not, I just need sometime alone for me,a break from this engagement and relationship. A break from you'' I pleaded softly and his once relieved face tunred into horror when I mentioned 'you'.

''Look Nandini, I already apologized so please don't say this, you cant break away from me ever.'' he sounds vulnerable and i stare at him intensely

''Manik I said, I need time, so please respect my decision. I want time to think everything'' I pleaded again.

''how much??" his voice is low and dangerously serious.

''how much..what??'' I asked confused.

''how much time you want away from me??'' he growled.

'' I don't know.'' I replied plainly and this time he was looking confused '' I think until you realise, what exactly I am to you, how much I valued in your life and what you want from this relationship, hell!! what this relationship is exactly to you.'' I poured out my bugging thought taking him off guard.

''ofcourse!! you meant everything to me, you are the most important person in my life and special one. And I think I already told you that before'' he said in his most obvious tone and i chuckled in response.

''exactly Manik, you always played with my heart with your these words after everytime time hurting me, but this time I wanted your actions to be involved with these words. I want you to be sure about everything, about your feelings.'' I completed my statement again turning my back to him before pulling blanket over me.'' I think you should go now.'' i replied underneath the blanket. I think he wanted to say something more but I interrupted him ''and yes don't worry, I will take my medicine and meal on time without any tantrum this time. Just tell my parents I have it alone in my room. Now you can leave don't bother your self anymore.'' I stated monotonously.

'' I am sorry, please find it in your heart to forgive me soon and I will try my best helping you'' these are the last words he mumbled and kissed my head over the blanket before leaving the room.



1- Manik secretary was innocent , she didn't do anything with pendrive.

2-Haim didn't send that picture to Manik because Nandini snatched her phone before that..


4937 WORDSSSSS....

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