The Result Of A Malfoy And A...

Por misschiefmanaged

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Find out what happens next in the life of Siriana June Jamie Rema Lucy Andromeda Dorea Malfoy-Black, aka Anna... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 29

451 8 0
Por misschiefmanaged

One day into the schoolyear and I already felt like running off. The lessons in itself weren't the problem. I only had to assist Flitwick in teaching the first years the levitation spell. It's not that hard to keep repeating that you have to swish and flick, further they only had to make sure they pronounced it right: winGARdium levi-o-sa. Easy isn't it?

Afterwards I strolled to the hospital wing where madam Pomfrey explained what was expected of me when I'll be helping her out. This mainly consisted of her rambling off a list of basic healing spells and me rolling my eyes every once in a while. Some spells were so ridiculously unadvanced that I took it as an insult that she felt the need to tell me them. Honestly, I'm not stupid.

The rest of my day was filled with strolling around the castle. Dumbles still hasn't explained to me what he wants me to do. So as I walked back towards the entrance hall to grab some dinner, I had to trust my instincts.

It looked like there was an argument going on, which is quite normal in a school filled with hormonal teenagers, until it progressed. I had come close enough to see who exactly was fighting and sighed, who else?

Draco and Harry were almost at eachother's throats while the youngest Weasley brother had turned red in rage.  Before Harry could even faithom the thought of pulling his wand, my cousin already had his out. Though he never got to use it 'cause that's when Moody intervened.

"OH NO YOU DON'T, LADDIE!" The retired Auror roared as he limped towards the scene. He took a protective stance over Harry and when Draco went in for another shot at his opponent, Moody turned him into a ferret. A white, bouncing ferret. He's crossed a line, that is still my cousin!

"OY! D'you mind? You can't just transfigure students into animals, you old crackhat! Especially not when said student is my cousin! Turn him back now or let me and rest assured, I will go to Dumbledore about this." I ranted.

Harry looked confused as to why I would choose Draco over him, but that's not the point. I simply can't allow Moody to use transfiguration as a punishment. If he had transfigured Harry, I would have reacted the same.

Finally, Moody let Draco down. I changed him back to normal and checked over him to make sure he's okay. After that I walked alongside him to the Great Hall. After he was seated and had - although quietly - thanked me for helping him out, I strode towards the Head Table. I glared at Moody and went to sit besides McGonagall. Perhaps she'd back me up if I take this incident up to Dumbles. And indeed she said she would.


After dinner, I spotted my little Gryffindor girl. Angelina had seen me as well and casually left her group of friends, allowing me to catch up with her and only her.  I smiled as I fell into step with her and escorted her to Gryffindor tower.

"So, Angelina, d'you wanna hang out some time? I'd rather enjoy getting to know you a little better." I spoke softly and suggestively as we neared the tower. Her cheeks tinted pink for a moment before she nodded.

"I'd like that as well. Perhaps we can meet up on saturday?" I grinned at her carefull suggestion.

"Sure, I'll let you know at what time. Sweet dreams, Angel." I kissed her cheek and winked as she flushed. I could barely hear her whispered response, but it was there.

"You'll be in them, so of course they'll be sweet."

With a satisfied smirk on my face, I made my way back to my own dorms, being carefull to dodge the Weasleys. Of course  I can't avoid them forever.


The next day, I had the unfortunate obligation to show up at transfiguration with the sixth year gryffindors and hufflepuffs. In other words, I had to be present in a room with two brothers of my ex, still strange to think of Charlie like that, and my newfound crush and the Diggory boy that I rejected over summer. How could something possibly go wrong?

Oh yes, in a thousand different ways.

The moment I walked in, Angelina smiled at me. I returned the smile and immediatly got more reaction than I anticipated. The twins had seen and were turning towards Angelina to question her while shooting glances at me every once in a while. In the mean time, Diggory had misunderstood my smile as if it was directed at him and kept beaming at me. It's understandable that I felt relieved when Minnie finally showed. She went on too explain some random spell to turn some object into some animal.

I know, I know. I'm not doing a good job when I'm not paying attention, but I got distracted. More like overwhelmed. As if things weren't bad enough, McGonagall actually wanted me to do something. Okay, perhaps I should have seen that coming...

"Miss Malfoy?"
"Black. I go by Black now, ma'me." She nodded and immediatly adjusted.
"Miss Black, could you go around and check on the progress everyone's making."
"Of course, professor." I responded with a fake smile plastered on my face. The twins looked far too smug for me to feel comfortable so I checked upon the Hufflepuffs first.

Most were doing quite alright and hardly needed any help. Diggory winked at me as I passed him. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes and just continued my check up.

As I crossed from the Hufflepuffs to the Gryffindors, the twins messed up their work. Of course resulting in me having to go over there.

"What did you do?" I asked designed. They exchanged looks of misschief and shrugged.
"I quess we-"
"Didn't pronounce it right."
"We'll get it. But now more important."
"Why did you break up with Charlie?"

Their voice had carried across the classroom and everyone silently turned towards me, even Minnie seemed interested.  Most had of course heard about 'the undatable Weasley' as Dora had put it. Charlie had been immensily popular. I sighed and shot an apolegetic look at Angelina.

"We had a ... clash of opinions, not that it's any of your business. Things were said that shouldn't have been said and one thing lead to another. I couldn't see myself continuing in the relationship so I ended it. Charlie is great but we should've stayed the way we were before. We were better off as friends..." I hoped that by giving them an answer now, they won't keep on asking things or looking at me oddly.

I had shut them up for now, but as I looked them in the eyes I knew it wouldn't be for long until they'd come by again with more questions. I tried to let the lesson continue as it was meant to, but I couldn't relax. When Minnie called my name at the end of class and asked me to join her for tea, I knew I should've never taken this job.

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