Our Deal

By abbydess

991 46 2

When Avery has to leave her country, she moves to the US and starts to attend O.H.S and everything changes wh... More

Chapter 1: New High School
Chapter 3: Her Friends, My New Friends
Chapter 4: 6th period too!?
Chapter 5: Touchy topic
Chapter 6: Paul's Ice Cream Parlor
Chapter 7: Spilling Time!
Chapter 8: Who's That?
Chapter 9: Sleep Over
Chapter 10: Truth or Dare
Chapter 11: Beautiful Morning
Chapter 12: Late Pass
Chapter 13: Passive Aggressive
Chapter 14: Bloody Warning
Chapter 15: Why Me?
Chapter 16: Too Hot To Be A Doctor
Chapter 17: Roomie
Chapter 18: Let's Get To Know Each Other
Chapter 19: I'm His What?!
Chapter 20: Our Deal
Chapter 21: Friendly Stranger
Chapter 22: Let's Get Even
Chapter 23: Mia Bella
Chapter 24: Renegotiation
Chapter 25: Baby
Chapter 26: Mercy
Chapter 27: That Past Was Left Behind
Chapter 28: See For Yourself
Chapter 29: Coffee Break
Chapter 30: He's a McKay
Chapter 31: Guest of Honor
Chapter 32: We'll Have a Conversation Later
Chapter 33: Good Morning To You Too
Chapter 34: Home
Chapter 35: Secrets and Confessions
Chapter 36: An Intruder
Chapter 37: A Voice in the Dark
Chapter 38: I Believe You
Chapter 39: Let me go

Chapter 2:That Alex?!

58 3 0
By abbydess

The next day I was walking towards my locker and Cami aproaches me and says "Hi, remember me, we talked on the parking lot yesterday." "Hi, yes; I actualy intended to ask you how do you know Alexander?" I stated cutting through the niceness and bullshit going straight to the point. "Well first of all, everyone here at O.H.S knows or has heard who the fuck is freaking Alexander McKay, and second..." she takes a small pause not wanting to say the next thing and I tell her expectantly "Yes..?" "Well his my brother!" she blurs out with a 'sorry I didn't tell you sooner' facial expresion. Still in shock I say "Alex is your brother!? That Alex!?" "Yes, yes... I know." She says showing very little amusement about the whole brother reaction . "I know; he's a dick; and has a terrible personality; and that I'm nothing like him." she says probably from hearing the same shit a hundred times, and I just say "But you're a good person from what I perseve and he's just... just that typical dick with the basic bitch." I say almost chuckling at what I said at the end. I start closing my locker and starting to walk towards my homeroom she follows me and says "Well maybe he is that typical dick, but A: he's still missing the basic bitch and B: He's a nice person, you just caught him on a bad moment." " Well is so great to know that he is not a total dick with everyone." I say with a sarcastic tone, we just laugh and enter homeroom.

Surprised that she entered with me I say "Your in the same homeroom as me?" "Wait, you have Mr. Schultz on first period too." She simply said realizing this now. "Well do you want to sit with me?" she says and seeing that my life in this hell hole finally started to brighten up I said "Yeah, ok." Later on, I notice that my life here is not getting any better, because I see that the one and only Alexander McKay is sitting next to me. I look straight to Cami and say "Your brother is in this homeroom too!?" in a screaming whisper, trying not to make it too obvious and she says "Sadly... yes." Fuck. My. Life. was my first thought until my psychotic mental break down was interrupted by a low voice saying "Talking 'bout me ladies." Looking up to the source of the voice was Alex's face with a wide smirk. Then my gaze was interrupted by Cami when she whispered "Also, he's my twin brother." What The.... my mind just fucking exploded.



Hey! Hope you like the story so far, the picture up top is Avery but you can imagine her how ever you want. Don't be a silent reader tell me what you think


Love You All!

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