In Her Eyes - A Criminal Mind...

By bonniegreyfics

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Emily Prentiss kept a lot of secrets from her team. Her daughter was one of them. But suddenly her world shak... More

Chapter 1: Lies Lies Lies
Chapter 2: Secrets
Chapter 3: We Need To Talk
Chapter 4: Mom Is Here
Chapter 5: Gone
Chapter 6: Funerals Sucks
Chapter 7: All She Wanted
Chapter 8: Can't Sleep
Chapter 9: Breaking Down
Chapter 10: Hard Times
Chapter 11: She Just Left
Chapter 12: Im Not Hungry
Chapter 13: Hey Brother
Chapter 14: What did you do?
Chapter 15: I just cant
Chapter 16: Let's Go
Chapter 17: Hello Virginia
Chapter 18: Would You?
Chapter 19: Him Back
Chapter 20: Just Hug Me
Chapter 21: You Are NOT Okay
Chapter 22: Let's Talk School
Chapter 23: Surprise
Chapter 24: Monday Came Too Soon
Chapter 25: Chaos
Chapter 26: Bullying Sucks
Chapter 27: Friends
Chapter 28: Friday Night Out
Chapter 29: A Visitor From Seattle
Chapter 30: First Case
Chapter 31: She's Back
Chapter 32: 1st Night At Penelope's
Chapter 33: Shots Fired
Chapter 34: Tough People Die Too
Chapter 35: Recover
Chapter 36: Good Times Bad Times
Chapter 37: Back To Day 1
Chapter 38: Not Looking Up
Chapter 39: Running Away
Chapter 40: Lost
Chapter 41: Super Sick
Chapter 43: Oh Brother
Chapter 44: At JJ's and Check-ups
Chapter 45: In Seattle
Chapter 46: Unexpected
Chapter 47: Custody Battle
Chapter 48: It's Like A Nightmare
Chapter 49: Closer
Chapter 50: The Judge's Decision
Chapter 51: Those Sweet Moments
Chapter 52: What A Birthday!
Chapter 53: The Most Magical Day
Chapter 54: Disney World Trip
Chapter 55: Are You Pregnant?
Chapter 56: The Baby Is Here
Chapter 57: Forgiveness
Chapter 58: Battle Scars
Chapter 59: Different
Chapter 60: Sorry
Chapter 61: Do Not Touch My Daughter
Chapter 62: Apologies
Chapter 63: Finally
Chapter 64: Is It Wrong To Be Happy?
Chapter 65: What A Show
Chapter 66: In Her Eyes

Chapter 42: It's Bad

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By bonniegreyfics

"Bella. Honey wake up" Emily whispered and the girl opened her eyes. "Hi" Emily gave Bella a little smile and the kid closed her eyes again. "Hey wake up. We gotta talk" she whispered and Bella woke up.

"What is it?" She asked still very sleepy.

"Remember the shot we talked about?" Emily asked and Bella just stared at her waiting for her to keep talking. "You are going to need that. Okay?" Emily said soothing Bella's hair.

"The penicillin?" Bella said while tears filled up her eyes.

"Yeah" Emily said wiping a tear that was falling on Isabella's cheek.

"It's gonna hurt, isn't it?" Bella asked scared.

"I'm not gonna lie to you. It will hurt a little." Emily said. "But you'll need that in order to get better, okay?" she said calmly.

"Okay" Bella cried.

"Oh come here. I'll give you a big hug" Emily said sitting on the bed and hugging Bella.

"Actually mom, wouldn't it be a little better if her uncle did that?" Nurse Maggie said. "He can give her a big bear hug and she can squeeze your hand" the nurse said and Emily nodded yes.

"Derek is going to hug you, okay?" Emily told Bella.

"Okay" the girl cried and let go of Emily. Derek sat on Bella's right side where Emily had sat.

"Alright so you hug him laying on this hand right here" the nurse said showing Bella how she should hug Derek and she hugged him.

"You're gonna be okay princess" Derek said soothing her hair.

Doctor Sarah was the one that was going to give her the shot. She pulled a bit of Isabella's shorts down to show her bum.
"Hold her tight" the doctor said without any sound coming out of her mouth. Derek and Emily nodded yes. The doctor rubbed alcohol and fanned with her hand for it to dry.

"Mom" Bella cried scared.

"It's okay honey. You're gonna be alright" Emily said holding Bella's hand.

"Alright. Do you want me to count?" The doctor asked.

"No" Bella cried.

"Okay" she said. She was about to do it when suddenly...

"Wait! Wait" Bella cried. "Just wait a little bit." And the doctor held the shot on her hand and said "honey we gotta do it now okay?"

"No. Please wait" she cried. "Just a little bit. Wait! Wait. Mom" she cried.

"Bella it's okay. Hey! they gotta do it now baby" Emily said.

"No please no I don't want to" she cried. The doctor signed that she was going for it and Emily nodded a yes.
"Au" Bella cried when she felt the poke. She closed her eyes tight and buried her face in Derek's arm as the pain got worse and worse. She started crying but she was trying hard to keep herself from screaming.

"Au that hurts too much" she cried.

"I know sweetheart. It's almost done. It's almost done" the doctor said and she tried to move a little but Derek, Maggie and Emily held her.

"Don't move Bella don't move" Doctor Sullivan said. "We are almost done here" she said reaching the middle of the shot.

"Ahhhhhh" Bella cried. "Stop it!" She begged.

"You're almost done" Emily said with tears in her eyes. Isabella kept crying till the doctor was done.

"All done sweetie. It's over" the doctor said putting a band-aid on it. Isabella didn't say anything she just cried. Derek pulled her up so she could lay down on his lap.

"It will stop soon" Emily said.

"I've got you" Derek said as she cried and tightened her grip on his shirt.

"Mom" she cried.

"I'm right here" Emily said and touched Bella's head. The girl grabbed her mother's arm and pulled it do her neck. The doctor covered Bella up.

"It hurts" Isabella cried.

"We know sweetie, I'm sorry you needed that." doctor Sullivan said.

"It's okay" Bella cried whispering. The doctor smiled and everyone else in the room did the same.

"Try to go to sleep princess" Derek said and tightened his hug on the girl.

"Cover her ear" Emily said handing Derek Isabella's blanket.

"What?" He asked confused.

"Just cover her ear and be quiet" Emily said. "It calms her down. She'll listen to your heart better" she said very low so Bella wouldn't hear. It took about 14 minutes for Bella to cry herself to sleep.
The doctor went back to check on her and said that she had to be monitored so she would need to stay in the hospital for the night and depending on how things went she would be able to go home around lunch time.

"What about the other 2 shots?" Emily asked.

"We can do the second one tomorrow before she goes home and the third one you can either bring her here to do it or get someone to go over to your house. Any clinic does penicillin really. So you can do it what's best and easier" doctor Sullivan said.

"Alright" Emily said.

The doctor left and Emily sat on the chair close to the bed. Isabella was fast asleep in Derek's arms and Penelope was siting at the end of the bed. Emily turned the tv on.

After about half an hour Derek put Bella down on the bed and changed places with Emily. Emily sat next to Bella and just stared at the sleeping girl who still had a sticky face from crying. Time went by and they watched tv and hang out all day, getting visits from JJ who brought some food for them and from the nurse and the doctor from time to time to check on the girl.
Isabella slept a long time and was waken up by Emily to eat dinner. It was 8:30.

"Hi" Emily said the second Bella opened her eyes.

"Hi" the girl whispered.

"We need you to eat something right now alright?" Emily said and Bella nodded yes and closed her eyes.
"Let's get the bed up" Emily said and pressed a button on the bed. Bella opened her eyes and made herself comfortable close to Emily.
"It's pumpkin soup. JJ made it" Emily said with a smile. She knew Bella liked pumpkin soup.

"I need to go to the bathroom" Isabella said low embarrassed.

"I'll take you" Derek said and went to pick her up.

"No. Mom" she said.

"Hey calm down kid. I'll just give you a ride there" he said and picked Bella up. Emily followed them and took the Iv pole and went in the bathroom with Bella. She peed and then they went out.

"Come here" Derek said.

"No. I can walk" Bella said and kept walking holding on to the Iv pole.

"You sure can" Derek said and walked behind her just in case she suddenly needed support. She started climbing in bed and Emily helped her. Isabella's bum was still hurting a bit. She laid down and Emily got the tray so she could eat. Bella had eaten half of it and watched some tv when suddenly...

"I don't feel very good" Bella said putting the spoon down on the tray.

"Do you think you'll throw up?" Emily asked concern and Derek was already ready holding a bucket.

"No" Bella said. "I'm dizzy" she said.

"It's from the medicine" Emily said knowing it was one of the side effects of the penicillin. "Try to focus on something" she said and Bella looked at a glass of water on her tray.

"It's not helping" she said with tears in her eyes. She just hated feeling sick.

"Just wait for it" Derek said and suddenly Bella looked up at Emily.

"Is it gone?" Emily asked.

"Yeah" Bella said as tears fell.

"Good" Emily said and kissed Bella's head. "Eat a little bit more" she said and Bella shook her head no and wiped her face. "Alright lay down and rest then" Emily said knowing that it was even a miracle that Bella accepted any food after throwing up. She laid the bed back down, took the tray away and Isabella laid down and Emily laid next to her. They snuggled and soon Bella was asleep.

"You guys should go home and get some sleep" Emily told Derek and Penelope around 11pm.

"I'm not leaving this room till she's leaving with me" Penelope said.

"Same" Derek said serious.

Emily knew that nothing she could do or say would make them leave. She was glad she had them there though.
She didn't want to have to deal with Bella and the shots on her own.
Seeing Bella cry in pain just made her feel horrible every time.



At 3:47am Penelope was passed out on the couch and Emily on the bed next to Bella. Derek was awake watching tv.
Isabella woke up from a nightmare and looked at him.

"Hey" he said. "How are you feeling?" He asked noticing she looked scared.

"Not good" Bella whispered as tears filled her eyes.

"Do you want to sit with me?" He asked and she nodded yes as tears started falling.

"Come here. I know it's all a lot" he said and picked her up.

Emily woke up.
"What happened?" She asked concern at why Derek took Bella out of the bed, and why the girl was crying.

He sat back on the chair next to the bed and sat the crying girl on his lap.

"It's okay. She just wants to hang out with her uncle Derek here" he said smiling and hugging the girl.

"She does?" Emily smiled.

"Yeah" he said.

Emily mouthed a thank you and gave him Isabella's blanket. Bella hugged it and soon fell back asleep.


Around 6, Derek placed her back on the bed and went out to talk to Hotch.
She slept till 9 when Emily woke her up for breakfast.
"Hi baby" Emily said the moment Bella opened her eyes. "Good morning"

"morning mom" Bella whispered.

"Look what they got you for breakfast" Emily said pressing the button to get the bed up a little bit.

"Hi" Bella told Penelope.

"Good morning sugarplum" Penelope said walking to the bed all perky and kissing Bella's cheek.

"Do you think you can eat this waffle for me?" Emily said.

"Yes" Bella said and Emily smiled and kissed her head.

Derek walked in.

"Good morning" Bella said grabbing the fork.

"Good morning kid" he smiled.

Bella ate almost half of it and then said she was nauseous. She laid back down and tried not to think about it so she tried watching some tv. Emily sat on the couch to have some coffee and Penelope headed out to buy some breakfast food for them. Emily was almost finished with her coffee when Bella cried "mom!" and when she saw Derek was already holding the bucket in front of her. She threw up and cried.
"Please make this stop" she cried as the doctor ran in to help. She threw up a lot. People were helping her up and holding her head. Nurse Maggie walked in and helped Bella wash her mouth.
Once done the girl laid back down crying.

"I need check your tummy, okay sweetheart?" Doctor Sullivan said and Bella nodded yes. She checked Isabella's belly and then her heart and lungs.

"Throwing up is normal with this and it will stop soon." She told Bella. "And even with all the vomiting, there are some improvements so she might go home today, but she'll need to make an effort to eat. I need a blood test to check her levels again" the doctor said to Emily and Maggie.
"I'll be back to check on you soon alright?" She told Bella, who just ignored, and then she walked out.

"Alright. So Bella. Can we do this? Really quick and easy like last time?" Maggie asked and Bella ignored and stared at Emily.
Emily grabbed her hand and Bella squeezed it.
The nurse took some blood and Bella couldn't help but cry. She let some tears fall without making a sound. She was just sick of all of it. When Maggie was done Bella just hugged Emily and tried to hide her face. After calming down she said "I shouldn't have ran away... Look what I did to myself" she whispered.

"Oh honey no" Emily said. "You're were probably sick before. This is not your fault"

"Yes it is mom" Bella cried and hugged Emily tight.

"It's not. I promise you it's not. The doctor said you were sick before. It just might have gotten worse with the rain." Emily said running her hand on Bella's back.

"I'm sorry mom" Bella cried and Emily just held her not exactly sure how to deal with it all.

"Sorry for what princess?" Derek asked.

"All of this" she said.

"Don't apologize" Emily said serious. "Everything is going to be okay" she said and laid down and snuggled with Bella. "You're gonna be okay" Emily said and hugged Bella tight till she fell asleep.

"Are you okay?" Derek asked Emily.

"Yeah" Emily said.

"Do I have to pretend I believe you?" Derek asked.

"What?" Emily asked.

"Come on Em. I know you and Bella enough to know both are stubborn as hell" he said.

"I just don't know Unm I don't really know what to do." Emily said.

"No parent does, Em." Derek said.

"John did" she said. "I just feel like I'm screwing her up. I don't know"

"You're doing just fine. You're an amazing mom" Derek said.

"Yeah. She loves you, you know that?" Penelope said smiling and Emily soothed Bella's hair and smiled.

"I hope someday I'll have someone that looks at me the way she looks at you" Penelope said with a smile and teary eyes. "It's like you're everything to her" she said.

Derek and Emily smiled.

"She's everything to me" Emily said. "I just wish I could make everything better, you know" she said.

"She'll get there mama" Penelope said.

They were interrupted by JJ and Chloe.
"Hi" JJ said. "Someone here was dying to see her friend" she said and Chloe smiled shyly.

"Hello you other little thingy" Penelope said running and hugging the girl and everyone laughed.

"How is she doing?" JJ asked getting close to the bed and looking at the sleeping girl laying there.

"The doctor said she seems better and she just did another blood test so we're waiting to see if she can go home today" Emily said.

"Good" JJ said and thought it was weird that no one was really happy with that. "What's wrong guys?" She asked.

"She has to do that tri-penicillin treatment" Derek said.

"Oh no" Chloe said. "That hurts so bad"

"Yeah. She already took one" Penelope said. "And she needs one today and another one tomorrow"

"Oh Bella" JJ said walking close to the bed and soothing Bella's hair.

"She's tough" Derek said. "She'll be fine"

"She won't be fine" Chloe said serious. "At least not now"

Emily couldn't agree more.

They talked a bit more and Chloe hung out with Penelope waiting for Bella to wake up. After a while the doctor said Bella was clear to go home after she had the injection so Emily decided to give her a shower before and the doctor said it was okay. She knew that Bella wouldn't want to do anything after getting the shot. Emily woke Bella up and she was happy to see Chloe.

"Hi" Chloe smiled and went to hug Bella.

"What are you doing here?" Bella asked letting go of the hug.

"You didn't think I was gonna let you stay here and bore to death" Chloe said smiling and Bella let out a little laugh and then started coughing.

Nurse Maggie walked in. "So how's the little one doing?" She asked.

"Fine I guess" Bella said.

"Do you want to shower before heading home?" Emily asked smiling.

"I'm going home?" Bella asked and her eyes filled with tears.

"Yes" Emily said and hugged Bella.

"Let me help you" Derek said and picked her up and carried her to the bathroom while Maggie walked behind pushing the Iv pole.

"Garcia? Can you help me out?" Emily asked walking behind Derek and Maggie.

"I sure can" Penelope said all perky and walked behind them.

Derek sat Bella down on the closed toilet while Emily turned the shower on to heat it up.
"Anything I'm right behind this door" Derek said and closed the door.

"Do you guys got her or do you need any help?" Nurse Maggie asked.

"It's alright we've got it" Emily said.

"Okay. Anything just press the button on her bed and a nurse will come" Maggie said.

"Okay. Thank you" Emily said and Maggie went out and closed the door.

"Is it okay if I'm here, pumpkin?" Penelope asked and Bella nodded yes a little embarrassed. Penelope went and gave the girl a hug. "I love you munchkin" she said still hugging Bella.

"I love you too" Bella smiled and Penelope gave her a kiss on the head.

"Alright let's clean you up, you stinky bones" Penelope said.

"I don't stink" Bella said and Emily and Penelope laughed.

"Yeah you're right. you don't" Penelope smiled.

"Come on" Emily said and helped Bella up. She undressed her and Bella went in the shower. Emily and Penelope couldn't help but feel bad as they saw the purple bruise on the child's butt cheek. Emily helped Bella shower while Penelope just stayed there just in case. The girl was a little embarrassed but she didn't really mind too much.
After they were done Bella put on jeans shorts and a shirt JJ had brought for her and Penelope combed her hair. Once they were done Emily opened the door and helped Bella get back to the bed. She laid down and said "can we go home now?"

"In just a little while, okay?" Emily said and ran her hand on the girl's cheek.

Bella felt a bit better after showering but she felt really tired still so she just laid there and watched some tv.
After about half an hour it was a little over 1:30 pm, The doctor walked in and said "Miss Prentiss can I talk to you outside please?"

"Of course" Emily said and walked out. Derek sat on the bed next to Bella and the girl moved close to him and griped his shirt.
He could noticed her red cheeks, probably from a fever.


"Well. I'm going to remove her Iv and then we can do the next shot, alright?" Doctor Sullivan said and Emily nodded yes.
"After she takes it you can take her straight home. She might have a fever and if she does you can give her oral ibuprofen and if she throws up or the fever doesn't go down you give her an injection in the leg. It's very easy to apply and they do it in pharmacies. You can just call and they'll send someone to your house if you don't have anyone to do it" the doctor said.

"Okay" Emily said.

"This is her prescription for the penicillin shot tomorrow and vitamin C which she'll take every day. There's also the ibuprofen in there for both oral and the injection. My number is in there too so anything just ring me"

"Alright. Thank you very much" Emily said and gave the doctor a thankful smile.

"Alright. So you're ready?" The doctor asked knowing things like that were hard for mothers too.

"Sure" Emily said making a face and they walked back in.

"Bella?" Emily said walking to the girl who was almost asleep hugging Derek.

"They'll take your Iv off, okay?" Emily said and the girl nodded yes.

The doctor removed the Iv and placed a bandaid on the girls hand. Bella kept hugging Derek and the doctor gave Emily a look as if to tell Bella it was time for the shot.

"There's something else honey" Emily said not knowing exactly how to explain to the girl.

"What?" Isabella asked and her eyes filled with tears at the exact time she saw Maggie walking in with a little tray on her hand just like before. "Mom?" She cried and let go of Derek and tried to reach Emily over him.

"You're gonna be alright" Emily said hugging Bella. "They'll do it fast baby" she said and Bella let go of her.

"No. No! I don't want it another time" Isabella cried trying to turn her butt to the bed so nobody would get near it but Derek was already holding her. "No. Let me go. No!" She started screaming.

"We gotta do this sweetheart" the doctor said.

"No! No! I don't want to I don't want to" Bella screamed.

"Calm down. You're gonna be okay" Derek said.

At that time Penelope, Chloe and JJ were crying.

"Derek have you got her?" The doctor asked.

"Yes" he answered.

"Alright" the doctor said and went to unbutton Bella's shorts. The girl started moving a lot and fighting to get herself out of Derek's arms, she kept saying for them to stop and not do it. The doctor unbuttoned her shorts and Derek held her tight.

"No! Mommy no! I don't want this. I'm fine. No" she cried and fought.

Maggie held her legs but Bella was moving to much. Emily went to help.

"Just do this as fast as you can" Derek said, he was already sweating.

The doctor pulled her shorts and panties down and cleaned with alcohol. She screamed "no" so loud, and tried to move. Derek was holding her really tight and she kept telling him to let her go. The doctor gave her the shot and she screamed and cried so much. Emily didn't even noticed she was crying too, together with JJ. Penelope had taken Chloe out of the room but they were crying too.

When the doctor was done she put a Band-Aid on it and pulled Bella's shorts up.
"Its all done kiddo" the doctor said. "You're good to go home now" she said running her hand on Isabella's back who just kept crying as Derek got off the bed and picked her up. She hid her face in his neck and just cried. Emily grabbed Isabella's blanket and wiped her face.

"Anything just call" doctor Sullivan said.

"Okay. Thank you. And I'm sorry for all the screaming" Emily said.

Isabella tighten her grip on Derek, feeling bad for screaming so much, but she was just so scared and it hurt so bad.

"Oh no it's alright. She kind of had the right to. It hurts and she actually did very good" Doctor Sullivan said smiling.
"You were very brave sweetheart" she told Bella. "You did very good"

"I wanna go home" Bella cried and started coughing.

"Alright. You take her home Mom. And make sure she eats healthy and get lots of rest okay?" Doctor Sullivan said running her hand on the girl's back.

"Okay. Bye" Emily said.

"Bye" Sarah and Maggie said in unison and they left and walked to the car.

Derek went on the back with Bella since she wouldn't let go of him and she was crying so much, Penelope went on the back with them while Emily drove. JJ and Chloe went to JJ's car.
They all drove to Emily's house.

Emily handed Derek Isabella's blanket and before he could get it Isabella grabbed it and held it close to her face. Isabella was so tired and sweaty and she had been crying so much that it didn't take her long to sleep.
When they got to the apartment Derek carried the sleeping girl inside.

"Where should I put her?" He asked Emily.

"My bedroom is fine" Emily said and he went up with Bella.

Emily told everyone to make themselves at home and she would go up to make sure Bella was alright.


Upstairs Derek placed Bella down on the bed and the girl laid on her tummy. Emily covered her up. Bella was so exhausted that she didn't even wake up. She moved a little because of the pain and snuggled her blanket but stayed asleep.

"Hey. Go eat Em. I'll watch her" Derek said.

"Thank you but it's okay. I got it" she said.

"Stop being stubborn. Just go eat" he said.

"Are you sure this is okay?" She said concern.

"If she wakes up I'll get you" he said. "Don't worry"

Emily said "okay" and went downstairs.
They ordered food and ate, then Penelope wanted to cook something for Bella to eat at dinner later at night so no one would have to worry about that. So Penelope started and Emily went to help.

"Hey. Do you want to trade that baby upstairs with me ?" Penelope said and Emily just stared at her. "Come on, go be with her. We've got everything under control here" Penelope said.

"Okay." Emily said and walked upstairs. She got to the room and Bella was sleeping in the exact same position from when Emily had left a little over an hour before.
She told Derek to go eat and thanked him for helping with Bella.

"Anytime Emily. Really" he said serious. He really did love that kid.
He went down and Emily sat on the bed next to Bella. She picked her book in the nightstand and began reading it.
After about 20 minutes Chloe appeared at the door.

"Hi" Emily said.

"Can I stay here with you?" She shyly asked.

"Of course. Come on in" Emily said. Chloe walked in and sat on the other side of the bed since Bella was sleeping in a weird position in the middle of the bed. Emily kept reading her book but could see the young girl stare at Bella.

"Hey. She's gonna be okay" Emily told Chloe.

"I thought she would never stop crying" Chloe said really down.

"But she did." Emily said. "Chloe, she's going to be okay"

"I know. But I just..." She said but didn't finish.

"You just what?" Emily asked.

"I don't want her to do it again tomorrow" she said and her eyes filled with tears.

"Oh sweetheart don't cry" Emily said and grabbed the blonde girl's hand.

"It hurts so bad Emily. I got just one last year and I couldn't even walk afterwards because it was hurting so much. I don't want her to feel that" Chloe said almost whispering.

"I know it hurts. I've had it before too." Emily said. "It hurts a lot but tomorrow will be her last one and that's it. I'm probably not letting her get that shot ever again" Emily said.

"It's just that she was already so down and hurt about her dad and now this, you know" Chloe said.

"I know" Emily said and they were cut off by Penelope.

"Hi" Penelope smiled. "There's a gentleman here to see our younger Prentiss" she said and Gavin appeared on the door.

"Come on in Gavin" Emily said.

"Hi" the boy whispered so Bella wouldn't wake up.

"Hi" Chloe said smiling.

"How is she?" He asked.

"She's going to be okay" Emily said with a little smile.

"Is she in pain?" He asked concern.

"A little bit right now. She got a shot before we came back" Emily said.

"But she will be just fine. She's a champ" Penelope said smiling at the boy.

"Yeah. She's really a champ" Gavin agreed and they all smiled.

Suddenly JJ walked in.
"Em, Hotch's on the phone for you" she said and Emily stood up.

"Can you two watch her?" She asked Chloe and Gavin.

"Yes, sure" Gavin said.

"Okay. Anything scream my name name and I'll be here in a sec" she said.

"I wouldn't doubt that" Chloe said smiling. They all smiled and Emily left and Penelope followed her.

Gavin sat on the floor next to the bed and Chloe walked over there and sat next to him and they started talking about what exactly had happened since the day she lied about going home after school.


Downstairs Emily had been sitting in the dinning room on the phone with Hotch for almost 10 minutes talking about what was going on with Bella and about the murder of the teenager she heard. Hotch told her they had found a male victim in a hospital pretty hurt in the ICU and they were waiting for the man to go to a room so they could talk to him.

After talking a bit more he said he would stop by later and then they hung up.
Emily walked to the living room and sat with Penelope, JJ and Derek, to watch a movie.


Around 3 Isabella started coughing. She woke up and found 4 wondering eyes staring at her.

"What are you two doing here?" She whispered to Gavin and Chloe, but before they could answer she asked still sleepy "Where's my mom?".

"She's downstairs with everyone else" Gavin said.

"Do you want me to get her?" Chloe asked.

"No" Bella said and coughed a little. "Can you just Unm... Put a movie on" Isabella said.

"Sure" Chloe said. "What do you wanna watch?" She asked grabbing the dvd holder from above the dvd.

"I don't care" Bella said.

"Okay" Chloe said and started going through the DVDs. There was a lot of French films and animations. "Can we watch 101 Dalmatians?" She asked.

"Sure" Bella said with a little smile.

"You're smiling!" Gavin said and sat on the bed. Bella just stared at him. He realized she was really not doing very well. "Are you in too much pain?" He asked concerned and with a scared face.

"Not to much anymore but it hurts still" Bella said.

"Chloe said they gave you penicillin" he said.

"Yeah" Bella said with tears in her eyes. He laid on the bed next to her and hugged her.

"You're gonna be okay Bella. You'll see. You're gonna be as good as new" he said smiling and Bella just stayed quiet.

Chloe pressed play and the film started, she walked over and sat on the bed next to Bella, who had let go of Gavin and was staring at the tv.
13 minutes in and Bella was already out.

"She feel asleep" Gavin said.

"Just thinking about that shot I feel like crying" Chloe said.

"You've got it before?" Gavin asked.

"Yeah. Last year" Chloe said.

"I've got it 4 times, all before I was 7.  Luckily I didn't get sick after that" Gavin said. "Those are just awful" he said.

"Yeah" Chloe said.

"And she's so small" Gavin said covering Bella up a bit more. Chloe just looked at him. She saw in that moment she could always count on him and she was glad that Bella and Gavin were her friends.

"Doesn't she sleeps with a dog or something?" Gavin asked.

"I'll go get it" Chloe said and ran off to Isabella's room. She got Tramp and ran back to Emily's. She threw the dog to Gavin who put it close to Bella. The girl just grabbed it and hugged it together with her blanket.
Gavin and Chloe laughed and didn't even notice Emily standing in the door.

"What are you two doing?" She asked smiling and confused.

"We thought she might want the dog. She sleeps with him, right?" Gavin said.

"Just sometimes" Emily said smiling and the two kids smiled back. "She's very lucky to have you guys" Emily said. "She really is"

"We are the lucky ones to have her" Gavin said smiling and Emily smiled back at him.

"Well Chloe your mom is downstairs, she wants to talk to you." Emily said and Chloe went downstairs with her and Gavin stayed watching the movie sitting on the bed next to Bella, who moved around the bed a little trying to find a comfortable position every time she coughed.


Downstairs When Chloe and Emily got there Hilary was waiting for them.
Emily had told Hilary before that if Chloe wanted to stay that was okay. But Hilary thought both Prentisses could use a little space.

"I think she would like to hang out with me when she's awake mom" Chloe said.

"Well, her brother should get here soon and I'm sure she would like you to meet him" Emily said.

"Really? He's coming?" Chloe asked surprised.

"Yeah." Emily smiled.

"Are you sure this won't be a problem?" Hilary asked.

"No. No. Bella will love having Chloe here" Emily said smiling.

"Alright then" Hilary said and Chloe hugged her.

"Thanks mom" Chloe said and the buzzer rang.

"I'll get it." Penelope said.

"What time are you coming home?" Hilary asked and Chloe looked at Emily.

"How about 8:30 or 9?" Emily said not paying attention to Penelope and the intercom.

"Okay" Hilary said. "No later then 9"

"Okay" Chloe said.

"Don't get in any trouble, okay?" Hilary said.

"I won't mom" Chloe said and hugged Hilary.

"And Emily. Anything send her down" Hilary said.

"Okay" Emily smiled and Chloe stood next to her.

"And if you need anything I'm right down too" Hilary said.

"Thank you" Emily said and walked to the door with Hilary. When she opened the door Jeremy and Marley were about to ring the bell.

"Hi" Emily said surprised.

"Hi" Marley said and hugged Emily.

"How are you doing?" Emily asked her.

"Everything is fine. Very busy with work though" Marley said.

"Hey" Jeremy said and hugged Emily too.

"Come on in" she said and they walked in and Hilary walked out.

"Bye. Anything just call" Hilary said and Emily and Chloe said "Bye" in unison.

"Well, this is Chloe. Bella's friend" Emily introduced.

"Hi. I've heard wonderful things about you" Marley said and Jeremy smiled.

Emily noticed his worried eyes.

"And where is the little one?" Jeremy asked.

"She's upstairs sleeping" Emily said. She had told Shepherd, Isabella's godfather, what had happened and he of course told Jeremy who decided to go check on his sister.

"Come on up" Emily said walking to the stairs and Jeremy and Marley followed her, Chloe went to sit with JJ on the couch and Jeremy waved at all the people in the living room and went up.
When they got to the bedroom Isabella was laying on her tummy passed out and Gavin was sitting watching the movie.

"Hi" he said recognizing Jeremy and Marley from pictures Bella had shown him.

"You must be Gavin" Jeremy said with a smile.

"Yup" Gavin said standing up.

"So how long has she been asleep for?" Jeremy asked.

"She's been in and out. But she slept for a pretty long time" Gavin said.

"I was planning on waking her up at 5:30 so she could hang out with us a little and then have dinner" Emily said. "You can wake her now if you want. I'm sure she'll love to see you" she said and they smiled.

Jeremy walked closer to the bed and he noticed Isabella's back was a bit red, right above the place where she took the last shot.

"She's having a little reaction here. Did she fight not to take it?" He asked.

"Yeah" Emily said.

"She probably didn't relax then" Marley said. "Is it red?" She asked.

"Yeah a little" Jeremy said and he pulled Bella's shorts down a little so he could see and it was a lot more red closer to the band-aid.
The moment he started pulling it down Bella moved and pushed his hands away, she was sleepy and thought they were going to give her another shot. She mumbled something and turned around. When she turned she only saw Emily who was sitting on the bed and she hugged her mother and hid her face.

"Hey. Look who is here" Emily said. "You've got special visitors" she said and Bella looked up.

"Jeremy?" She asked still a bit sleepy.

"Hi" Jeremy said and sat on the bed. "Come here" he said and Bella sat on his lap and hugged him.

"I missed you" he said holding his tears.

"I missed you too" Isabella said without a single tear on her eyes.

"Are you feeling alright?" He asked.

"I'm feeling a bit better then yesterday" she said.

"That's good" Jeremy said. "That's really good" he said tightening the hug. Everyone in the room was smiling.

"Do you wanna go down with me? We can watch a movie" Jeremy said.

"No." Bella answered letting go of the hug and sitting back on the bed.

Emily noticed the girl didn't look very excited about her brother being there.
"You don't?" Emily asked.

"I want to sleep a little more" Bella said laying back down with her head on Emily's lap.

"Alright." Emily said. She wasn't going to force the sick child to sit in a living room full of people.

"Do you want me to stay with you?" Jeremy asked.

"No. I want mom" Bella said and hugged Emily.

"Of course she does" Jeremy said. "We'll be downstairs then" he said and she didn't do anything, she just kept hugging Emily. Emily mouthed a sorry and everyone went downstairs but Gavin.


"How is she?" Derek Morgan asked when Jeremy and Marley appeared at the bottom of the stairs.

"She wants to sleep" Marley said.

"Are you okay man?" Derek asked noticing Jeremy was weird.

"Yeah yeah. I'm alright" Jeremy answered. "Do you know where I can get a good coffee around here?" He asked.

"I can take you if you want." Penelope said.

"Sure" he said.

"Does anyone want anything?" Penelope asked.

"a espresso please" Derek said.

"JJ?" Penelope asked.

"I don't want anything, thank you" JJ said.

"Chloe?" Penelope asked and the girl shook her head no and went upstairs. Penelope left with Marley and Jeremy.


Upstairs Chloe walked in to find Bella almost asleep hugging Emily and Gavin watching "Two Days One Night" a French movie Emily had.
Emily made a quiet sign and Chloe walked in and sat on the other side next to Gavin.
Once Bella was asleep Emily said "guys, keep an eye on her for me? I'm gonna go talk to her brother" and the kids nodded yes and she left.
When she got downstairs, Penelope, Jeremy and Marley walked in with coffee.

"Hey. I got you tea" Penelope told Emily. "You can't have coffee now you need to sleep" she said and Emily smiled and said "thank you"
They walked to the couch and sat to talk.

"So how exactly did she get sick Emily? Because Shepherd didn't explain everything to me." Jeremy said and Emily froze.

"Unm" Emily said thinking hard about how she would explain it all to him. "She was a bit sick and she was having a hard time with what happened to your dad and everything. She wanted to go to Seattle but she got lost and there was a crazy storm that day so she got worse" Emily said.

"So she really ran away? I thought Shepherd was joking" Jeremy said.

"She ran away and then she wanted to come back but she got lost" Derek said.

"What if something worse had happened to her?" Jeremy asked and stood up. "She was all alone lost in fucking Washington, D.C. out in a crazy weather. And where were you? Where were any of you? How did she even managed to run away?" He asked his voice going up.

Upstairs Chloe ran and closed the door so Bella wouldn't hear and wake up.

"Jeremy! calm down" Marley said and he sat back down.

"Jeremy I know you're worried and I get that but she'll be fine" Emily said. "She needed time to process everything and I'm sure she did. She's just sick now but she'll be okay" she said.

"Let's hope so" Jeremy said serious. "I need some air" he said standing up and walking to the door. Marley dubbed a sorry and followed him.

"What the heck was that?" JJ asked.

"He is definitely upset" Penelope said.

"She will be fine" Emily said serious sort of telling that to herself.

"She will Em" JJ said.


Jeremy walked out of the building and sat in one of the steps and Marley sat with him.
"What happened there Jeremy?" Marley asked.

"They didn't even know where she was. How is she taking care of Bella , Marley?" He said. "Emily is not even home with her does she even..." he said.

"Jeremy, Bella is fine. She's just a bit sick now but she'll be okay. You don't need to worry like this, love" Marley said.

"I told my dad this wouldn't work. Bella should have stayed with us." Jeremy said and stood up and started walking to his car.

"Where are you going?" Marley asked.

"To the hotel. I need to get some things. I'm staying here tonight" he said.

"What? You didn't even ask anybody" Marley said.

"I'm sure Bella will like that" he said. "When I was home she used to go to my room whenever she wasn't feeling so good" he said and got in the car. Marley got in it too and they left.


Back in the house Emily went up to check on Bella.
The girl was still asleep. Emily checked her fever and it was okay so she went back and sat in the living room.
After a while JJ headed home, and shortly after Derek left. Emily told Penelope to go home and have some rest but the blonde refused.

It was almost 8:40 when Gavin headed home and Chloe went too.
Bella woke up around 9 and found Penelope sleeping next to her. She slowly got out of the bed and when she was almost at the door Penelope woke up.

"Hey! Where are you going?" Penelope asked sitting on the bed.

"Find my mom" Bella said. Penelope smiled and walked to the girl.

"Let me help you down, pumpkin" Penelope said and held Bella's hand. They headed downstairs and found Emily sitting alone in the living room.

"Hi" Emily smiled seeing the girl. Bella walked to her and sat on her lap and hugged her.

"Where's Jeremy?" She asked.

"He went out for a little while" Emily said and her phone started ringing. "Speaking of him" she said seeing his name on the phone.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Hi. Unm is it alright if I stay over with Bella tonight?" He asked. Marley made him call to see if it was okay.

"Sure" Emily said.

"Okay. I'll be there soon" he said and hung up. Emily thought he was acting very weird. She placed the phone down and hugged Bella again.

"What did he want?" Bella asked.

"He's staying over tonight" Emily said and Bella didn't say anything.

"Well you young lady needs to eat something" Emily said. "Penelope cooked you dinner"

"She did?" Bella asked.

"Yup. And you must eat it" Penelope said slowly pronouncing every word.

"Sure" Bella said and laid her head on Emily's chest.

"Okay" Penelope said happy. "I'll heat it up" she said and walked to the kitchen. While Penelope heat the food, Isabella just stayed quiet with Emily.

"There you go" Penelope said handing over a plate with chicken and mashed potatoes. Isabella sat next to Emily and started eating.
The girl ate a little but started feeling sick so she said she was done. Penelope looked at Emily and Emily nodded yes so Penelope took the plate back to the kitchen.

"Mom?" Bella said snuggling Emily. "Can I go back up?" She asked.

"Of course" Emily said. "Come here I'll help you up" She said standing up and picking the girl up.

When they got to the bedroom Bella laid in bed and covered herself up.
"Are you feeling alright?" Emily asked.

"I don't know" Bella said.

"You're gonna be okay" Emily smiled.

"I know" Bella said giving Emily a little smile.
"Can you stay here?" Bella asked shyly and Emily sat next to her.

"Lay here" Emily said signing her lap. Isabella laid her head on her mother's lap and Emily began soothing the young girl's hair.

After a while Penelope showed up.
"Can we watch a movie?" She asked.

"Sure. Feel free to pick" Emily said. Penelope turned the tv on and 'Two Day One Night' started playing.

"Is this one good?" She asked.

"Yeah" Bella said.

"Oh Bella anything with Marion Cotillard you think is incredible" Emily smiled.

"Well she is incredible mom" Bella said and then coughed.

"Okay so let's watch this one then " Penelope said and restarted the film and sat on the bed next to Bella, who was now in the middle.
30 minutes into the film Isabella was out. Emily and Penelope finished watching then they went downstairs to eat dinner.
In the middle of the dinner Jeremy got back. He sat with them and ate.

Around 11 Emily went to check on Bella who woke up so she stayed there with the girl watching tv.
It was almost midnight when Jeremy went up. He went to Emily's bedroom.

"Hey" he told Bella.

"Hi" she said.

"I was wondering if you wanted to have a sleepover in your room tonight? Like old times" he said and Bella took some time to think and shook her head no.
"Are you sure?" He asked hopeful.

"I want my mom" Bella said turning to hug Emily.

"Okay then." He said. "Goodnight" he waited for her to say goodnight but Bella didn't make a sound so he went to her room to sleep.

"Hey. What's going on, honey?" Emily asked the girl who didn't move an inch or said anything. "Bella. What happened?" She asked again and the girl looked up.

"Nothing. I just wanna sleep here with you" Isabella said.

"Bella, can I ask you something?" Emily asked serious and Bella nodded yes. "If Penelope had come and asked you to sleep in your room with her would you have gone?" She asked and Bella just stayed quiet and looked a bit embarrassed. "You would have, wouldn't you?" Emily said realizing the girl actually would.

Isabella hugged Emily, hiding her face.

"Honey. What's going on with you and him?" Emily asked.

"I just don't trust him mom" Bella said.

"Bella he lied to you the same way I did. And you still trust me, right?" Emily asked.

"Mom, I trust you more then anybody but with him it's just..." Bella said. "I don't know it's like he's watching every move I make and I don't know" Bella said. "It's like he's watching us"

"He worries about you honey. That's all" Emily said.

"He can't take me away from you can he?" Isabella asked. She really felt like he wanted to do that. He was always texting her asking how things were with Emily and stuff like that.

"No one is ever taking you away" Emily said looking straight in Bella's eyes. "Okay?" She said.

"Okay" the girl said and hugged her mother.

Suddenly Penelope appeared.
"Where should I sleep?" She asked.

"Here with me" Isabella said staring at the woman but still hugging her mother.

Emily smiled and Penelope laid next to Bella.

"Alright. so you try to get some sleep with your aunt Penelope and I'm gonna shower okay?" Emily said.

"Okay" Bella said and hugged Penelope. Emily went to shower and when she got back the two were sleeping hugging each other. She laid next to them and held Bella's hand.

She was happy her baby was back home. She stared at the sleeping child till her eyes closed and she fell asleep.



It was 3:24 when Isabella jumped up on the bed with tears falling. Emily and Penelope woke up.
"Honey what happened?" Emily asked. Isabella stared at her mother's eyes and shoved her head on Emily's lap and bursted into tears.
"Oh Bells" Emily said. "It was just a bad dream. Come here, lay down" she said and the girl laid next to her and hugged her. Shortly after they fell back asleep.
But the sleep didn't last because at 5, once again, the young girl woke up from a nightmare.
She was close to Emily when her eyes opened wide and a scream came out. Emily quickly hugged the child.
"You're okay. It's not real. You're fine" Emily said hugging the girl.

"What happened?" Jeremy asked at the door. He also had been awoken by the girl's scream.

"Just a nightmare Jeremy" Emily said. "She's okay"

"Bella do you want to come stay with me?" He asked.

"No" Bella cried even more.

"Hey! Bella. It's okay honey" Emily said. "It was just a nightmare. Calm down" she said running her hand on the child's back. "Calm down. Let's try to sleep some more" she said hugging the girl tighter.

Jeremy started at them from the door.
"Anything just go get me" he told them.

"Okay" Penelope said while Emily just tried to calm the child.

Isabella cried herself to sleep and then Emily and Penelope slept too.

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