Chasing Mr. Carlton ( The sto...

By egeecotton

14.7K 883 33

NOTE: I don't have a cover for this story yet- anyone wanna take a whack at it? Bobby Darling had her eyes on... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
Part 64
Part 65
One Summer...

Part 13

182 14 1
By egeecotton

"Hey." Matt said as Bobby was filing some papers into the cabinet next to her desk.

"Hey." She said, turning to look at him. It was a rare and quiet moment. "Aren't you supposed to be in a meeting?"

Bobby looked at the clock.

"It finished early. Actually I was thinking about getting something to eat but I have a call to attend to."  He said.  Bobby nodded.

"That's right. In twenty minutes with Mr. Brandt." She said, recalling the appointment. "I can run down and bring you something up."

She'd already deduced that the reason he wanted to speak to her was to apologize and maybe change her mind about the reassignment. It was a talk she wanted to have too- she definitely didn't like fighting with Matt, not like this.

"Well, listen, I have some free time and I'd really like to speak to you." Matt said.

"Sure." She said, closing the file cabinet and turning to put the folders in her hands down. "Just a second."


The voice made them both turn- it was Lisa.

"Oh my god. It's been a busy day, I was afraid I wouldn't get a moment with you alone." Lisa said, reaching out as if she would hug him but she stopped with she caught sight of Bobby.

"Hi Lisa." Bobby said simply, pulling open the file cabinet again and going back to her filing.

"Hey- it's good to have you back." She said, looking at her for a moment before turning back to Matt. "Should we go in your office?"

"Actually, I was about to sit down for a one on one with Bobby- we have a few things to go over." Matt said.

"That's okay." Bobby said with a shake of her head. "We can always do it later."

"See? There you go. Come on, We haven't had five minutes all day." Lisa said with a pout. Matt sighed.

"Come on." He said, opening his office door for her.

Bobby stared after they'd gone inside- Lisa. She was so impressive, it was hard to believe anyone would look at Bobby when Lisa was in the room.

What was Bobby thinking? Did she really believe that Matt would ever see her when he had Lisa just next door?

Bobby sat in her chair, thinking about how much she hated seeing Matt with Lisa.  God- how had she been so blind? Why hadn't she seen it sooner? And even if she had, would it make a difference?

"I know what you're thinking." Eddie said, making Bobby frown.

"Don't say it." She muttered.

"No, I know what you're thinking. You're thinking it's all pointless... I can't compare... I should give up." He said.

"Maybe, would I be wrong?" Bobby asked, feeling frustrated.

"Yes." He said, "Of course. Listen to me- you seem to be the only person who doesn't see it. Even without the glamour and sparkles, can't you see that Matt is always looking at you?"

Bobby raised her brow.

"Because He feels guilty." She replied with a shake of her head.

"Wouldn't you like to show him what a tiny waist you have or how long your legs are too?" Eddie said, making Bobby blush.

"Stop that. Besides, I'm 5'5-my legs are short." She said.

"No, you're legs are short compared to hers, not to your body. Come on, put some attitude into it." Eddie said.

"You know, if I didn't know you were gay, this right now would say it all." She said, shaking her head. "I'm not doing that. I told myself that I wouldn't change for any one."

"I'm not asking you to change your personality- besides, wouldn't you like for him to look at you that way?" Eddie asked.

Bobby was quiet.

"I don't know- no one has ever stared at me that way." Bobby said.

"Think about it." he said, before turning back towards his computer.

Bobby stood there for a moment, contemplating it. She had this strange image of her in a short, fitted dress and heels, trying to be seductive... then she burst out laughing.

That just wasn't her.

She could never pull that off and even if she could she certainly didn't want someone who only saw her because of that.

Then she pictured the way that Matt looked at a women he found attractive- the way he stared. She grew warm just imagining it.

Bobby stepped out from behind her desk and walked all they way to the kitchen- she needed some water.

Was it possible that Matt could look at her that way?

What would she even do if he did?

"No, Bobby. No. You can't." Bobby said, shaking her head. She stood there, muttering to herself and trying to snap out of it.

Matt practically had to kick Lisa out of his office- saying that his conference call was much sooner than it actually was but he really wanted to get a moment alone with Bobby.

"I'll come by before I leave." Lisa said as she walked down the hall towards her office. Matt nodded with smile before looking to Bobby's desk.

Instantly he smiled faded- where was she? He finally got a free moment and she disappeared.

"Hey Eddie- have you seen Bobby?" Matt asked, approaching his desk.

"No... she was here just a minute ago." Eddie said with a frown.

"That's fine." Matt said, looking around the office.

He walked along, noting that almost everyone was out to lunch at this hour and thinking he wouldn't have time to eat- not if he wanted to speak to Bobby.

"Damn it- where is she?" he muttered

Then he spotted her- at the end of the room, beyond the glass windows of the break room.

She was leaning against the counter, her glasses in one hand as she shut her eyes. She was holding a water bottle against her cheek and shaking her head, muttering something to herself- it almost looked like she was arguing with someone.

He watched for a moment, the smile coming back to his lips as he thought about how ridiculous she looked. She was so engrossed in the conversation with herself that it hadn't even occurred to her that other people could see her.

Then he walked towards her, determined and moving quickly as he wanted to reach her before something else could distract him.

"Hey." He said, peeking into the breakroom door.

Bobby turned and stared at Matt.  Neither said a word.

"Hi." She said suddenly,dropping the water bottle.

"Are you okay?" He asked with a smile, thinking she looked nervous.

"Yeah. Sorry- you surprised me." She said as she bent over to pick up the bottle.

"I have a few minutes- if you can spare a few." He said.

She nodded and slipped her glasses on as if realizing for the first time she wasn't wearing them.

"Sure." She began, moving to exit the break room but of course...

"Hey Bobby- I need your help with something... asap." Kevin said, poking his head in.

"Ah... Yes." Bobby said, "I'm going ."

Matt shut his eyes with a sigh.

"I'm sorry." she said as she turned to walk around him but he grabbed her arm, stopping her.

Bobby turned to look at him.

"Later." He said before releasing his grip and letting her walk away. Bobby nodded silently and turned back towards Kevin who was already half way to his desk. 

She didn't turn back to look at him at all but she had the distinct feeling he was still watching her. She gently pulled her sweater tighter around her and sighed. Best not to let her imagination run away with her. 

Matt watched as Bobby hugged her sweater closely, as if it was a suit of armor to protect her against the dangers in the world. Then he frowned- how in the world had he become a danger to Bobby? Was she trying to save herself from him?



Yesterday had gotten away from Matt before he even realized it.

He'd tried several times to get Bobby alone but there was always something, always someone who needed help or always a call that needed to be made.

Still, he came into the office feeling confident today. Yesterday it seemed like he and Bobby had come to a silent agreement that they needed to talk and that was the first step towards fixing the mess between them.

He left early, picking up a couple of danishes on the way, and deciding he would get her into his office before anyone else got in.

Of course, he wasn't so lucky. He smiled, feeling ashamed because he didn't really feel like speaking to her at this moment, but he greeted her with a kiss nonetheless.

"Good Morning, Lisa." He said.

"Good Morning- I waited for your call last night." She said with a pretty pout.

"I'm sorry- I fell asleep, it's been..." He began and she chuckled.

"Hectic, I know." She said. Matt looked at her for a moment- beautiful Lisa who was apparently smitten with him. And him? He really did like Lisa.

He liked her and she was exactly the type of girl his parents liked for her. She was exactly the type of girl he should be serious about... right?

When he'd started pursing her, all the thought was that she was pretty perfect and she fit into his life pretty perfectly.

"Come in. I feel like we haven't talked in days." He said with a smile, leading her into his office.

Bobby stepped off the elevator and looked around. The floor was empty. She'd come in early thinking that she would talk to Matt- She'd face him and tell him how she felt and find out if Nick and Eddie were right.

But as she approached her desk, she stopped.

It was Matt... and Lisa. He was kissing her lightly before taking her hand and leading her into his office.

She was still, staring.

Then she sighed and moved over to her desk. That was certainly stupid of her, to get carried away like that. Of course Matt wasn't interested in her.

She'd seen it just now- Matt was falling in love with Lisa. What he felt for Bobby was gratitude and maybe friendship but nothing more and if he was trying to speak with her, if he was chasing her down at the moment, it was out of his guilt.

As Bobby sat and turned on her computer, she could hear some laughing from inside his office and she sighed.

What she really needed to do, the best thing she could do, was to focus on her work, and when the time came, let go. With Lisa in the picture, Matt wasn't going to need her anymore, at least not for all the other things she did. She would be the one to take care of him, make sure he didn't get into any trouble and keep him focused.

And she... without all those things, she really would become just his secretary... a role she couldn't bear to fill.

No, the best things definitely to just move on, let the reassignment go through and wish him the best without trying to interfere with with happiness.

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