Chasing Mr. Carlton ( The sto...

By egeecotton

14.8K 883 33

NOTE: I don't have a cover for this story yet- anyone wanna take a whack at it? Bobby Darling had her eyes on... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
Part 64
Part 65
One Summer...

Part 12

211 15 0
By egeecotton

"And you seriously just figured it out?" Eddie asked as Bobby was pacing around her apartment.

"How was I supposed to know? It never bothered me before when he's dated women!" She said.

"It bothered you to have to send them flowers" Eddie said, staring at her.

"Because that's annoying and it's not my job." She said.

"Besides, you've never had to seen him on the daily with another woman and, I'm sorry for saying this but... You're afraid because it looks serious." Eddie said, leaning back.

"Oh god- it's getting serious so fast." Bobby said, shaking her voice.

It was almost comical to see Bobby this way- she was always so calm.

"She's a beautiful woman-smart, accomplished and she runs in the same social circles. I can see why he's smitten." Eddie said, making Bobby turn to him with a frown. 

"Thanks." She said, shaking her head. "This is insane, it doesn't matter what Nick says. He's never going notice me when he has her. Or a dozen other women like her who are lining up around the block."

"How can I even compare?" Bobby said. 

"Stop it. Damn- Bobby. Listen to yourself. Sure, she got a great education at the best schools but that's not everything." he said, and Bobby snorted. 

"Come on. You came from a difficult background and still, you managed to make it to New York, get a job a one of the top companies in the world and work your way up the ladder. That's damned impressive by any standards." He said. 

"Okay, but she's poised and elegant and..." She began and he sighed. 

"Yes, she is. She is pretty damn perfect in that department but you're clever and smart and fun." Eddie said. "Don't look at me that way- you're fun, that's why Matt likes being around you." 

Bobby was quiet as if searching for another excuse. 

"Yeah, well she's beautiful and I've never seen Matt look at me the way he looks at her." Bobby said quietly, taking a seat next to Eddie. 

"She really is gorgeous. Perfect really with legs all the way up to her neck- she looks like a barbie." Eddie said. "I can understand that he saw her." 

"You see what I mean?" Bobby asked in despair. 

"I also know that he saw you just the way you are now- without any fancy make up or clothes. And the truth: He may never look at you the way he looks at her but he's looked at dozens like that before, and he's also never looked at anyone else the way he looks at you." Eddie said. 

"If he saw me we wouldn't be having this conversation." Bobby said, shaking her head. 

"No, of course he sees you- he just doesn't realize it yet." Eddie said. "Bobby, men can be pretty dimwitted. You need to just tell him, make him see what he's missing."

Bobby turned red. 

"What if you're wrong?" she asked. "besides, I could never do that. I'm not that bold- I'm so not his type."

"Then we're wrong but at least you tried." He said. Bobby seemed to think it over for a bit. 

"I'm not about to change the way I look and act just to get some guy to notice me." She said and Eddie laughed. 

"No, that wouldn't work but you can't expect for anything to happen if you don't say something. Or at least try flirting." Eddie asked. 

"I don't know how to flirt." She said, shaking her head. 

"I thought girls knew this by instinct... don't look at me." Eddie said. 

"What do I do, Eddie?" She asked, feeling desperate. Eddie sighed. 

"I think tomorrow, you come prepared to face him. Either way, he's going to want to talk to you about the fight and you have to decide if you're happy being the girl he depends on for everything or if you want to make things better." Eddie continued, "or if you're ready to be all the other things he needs too."


Bobby walked into the office much earlier than usual. Much earlier. 

She couldn't help it- she was nervous, anxious and most of all, she didn't want people staring when she got in. So, she left over 20 minutes early and got in before anyone else. 

She'd made up her mind that she wanted to be at her desk when people started walking in, instead of having them stop her and asking if she was okay. 

So here she was, by herself and staring at her desk where the messages had piled up and the paperwork was everywhere. Four days out and this was what she came back to. She frowned... what is wrong with these people? Couldn't they do anything without her? 

She shook her head, looking at all her things and thinking that at this time next week, she'd be packing everything up and moving it to the desk on the opposite end of the room. 

She looked over. Kevin's desk sat just outside of Nora and Brian's office, on the far end. She could really barely see it from here which was probably for the best. After all, she had decided she needed a break from Matt.

Still, Eddie's words had been reverberating in her mind all night and all morning- she'd even dreamed about it. 

That morning she admitted it even to herself. She wasn't happy anymore- she wanted more from herself. 

And she was definitely and stupidly in love with Matt Carlton. Maybe she had been all these years...

So now what?

Then it hit her. This wasn't like her at all. Roberta Darling always went for what she wanted. She didn't hide like some quiet, insipid little girl. She'd go to work, she'd face Matt and she'd give him a chance to figure out what he felt for her. 

After all, who else could take care of him the way she had? She was the one that got him out of trouble, the one that helped him sort out his ideas, the one that pointed him the right direction and supported him when he needed it. She was the one he came to... She needed him to see that he was serious about the wrong person. 

And if he couldn't figure it out then he was too stupid for her anyway. 

She'd almost given in and put on the contacts and let down her hair but she'd decided that she needed him to see her the way she was or she'd never believe it.

Bobby tossed her purse onto her chair and decided she would grab some coffee. It was too early and she had too many thoughts running through her brain. She needed to be focused, she needed to be clear. 

Matt walked into the office pretty early. He hadn't meant to but he was eager to face Bobby. He needed to talk to her before the day got started and everything else got in the way.

He needed to clear things up with her or he wouldn't be able to focus. 

It occurred to him that he'd never been here this early before- there was no once else on the floor, so he  headed to his office to leave his things. 

Then he stopped, noting the bag on the chair.

Matt looked around- the floor was completely empty but he knew this bag. She was here. 

He walked around, looking behind the wall and wondering where she'd gone. Then he moved back towards her desk, picking up the bag and staring at it. 

This was hers, wasn't it? He wasn't hallucinating?

"What are you doing?" Bobby asked making Matt turn to her in surprise as she caught him holding her bag. 

"Bobby." He said, looking her over as if he was afraid she wasn't real.

"Yes. Can you put that down?" She asked in her typical tones as she moved past him and to her chair. 

Matt set the bag down on the desk but his eyes didn't come off her- it had been less than a week and he felt she was a sight for sore eyes. Just seeing her was enough to lift some of the weight of his shoulders. 

"Are you going to stand there staring all day?" She asked as she turned on her computer. 

"Sorry." He said, confused before turning and walking to his office, then he stopped.  "I'd like to see you in my office... once you're settled in." 

"Okay." She said, beginning to sort through her messages. A few seconds later, she heard the door click and she let out a huge sigh. 

"Oh god." She said, realizing he'd been staring at her. Maybe he was angry, maybe he was still angry about the fight? No, he couldn't be- he was wrong. He should be apologizing to her.

There was sounds now and voices chatting as people began to come in from the elevator. 

She looked around nervously, wondering if she should go see Matt now or if she should wait until later. Then she decided, it was best to peel of the band aid quickly and so she stood. 

"Bobby!" It was Brian's voice that stopped her. 

"Hi!" She said standing as he approached with Nora- the two of them checking in on her. 

"How are you feeling?" Nora asked. 

"I'm great. I'm really good- The days off did me good." She said, hoping she didn't sound too overly enthusiastic.

"I'm glad. Really. Well, if you need anything... come see us." Nora said with a smile, turning back towards the direction of their office. 


Matt sat in his office quietly. He stood and then he sat... and then he stood. 

He couldn't make up his mind. A part of him wanted to go out there and drag Bobby in here, another part of him wasn't sure he could face her. 

He couldn't explain how good it felt to see her- just to see her and her goofy sweater and her large glasses, the pretty pout of her lips as she frowned at him. It felt so good just to hear her getting after him. He needed to speak to her- to get everything off his mind.

Matt moved towards the door, pulling it open and once again, almost knocking Bobby over. 

"Hey, I was just going to look for you." Matt said. 

"Oh, well- me too. I just got a call from Tyler Most- He said he sent you the package last week." She said with a sigh. "And that it should have arrived last Friday."

Matt frowned. 

"I don't have a package from him." Matt said and Bobby nodded. 

"I know that. But I just called the mail room and they're backed up- two of the interns got the flu." Bobby said. "I'm going to have to go down there and look."

"Well, come in here for a second, you can go in a minute." Matt said. Bobby was still. Go in there, Bobby- just go in and talk to him. No biggie. 

But she panicked. 

"Sorry but we have to get the papers in  the package faxed back by 10AM." Bobby said, "When I come back with it, we can talk."

Matt was about to protest but Bobby quickly turned on her heel running off. 

He knew he had been harsh last week, but he had the distinct feeling that she was running away from him and somehow that made him feel even worse.

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