Another Evil Grandfather (Per...

By ithacaclaire

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A nice, relaxing, day at the beach; a romantic movie and dinner with Annabeth. Those were my plans before Gan... More

Chapter 1: There Are No Words For This
Chapter 2: We Meet Mini-V
Chapter 3: Great, Another School to Blow Up
Chapter 4: Guess I Have "Good" Luck On both Sides
Chapter 5: I Meet a Bunch of Staring Wizards
Chapter 6: I'm Not a Death Eater!
Chapter 7: Just...Wow
Chapter 8: Do I Have Something On My Face?
Author's Note
Chapter 10: I'm Rich!
Chapter 11: Yep, Definitely Suspicious
Chapter 12: Yay! I Get a Magic Stick!
Chapter 13: A Gift
Chapter 14: Close Your Mouth; You'll Catch Flies
Chapter 15: The Daddy Card, Really?
Chapter 16: A For Donkey...Hmmm
Chapter 17: Wizards Are Weird
Chapter 18: Normal is Overrated
Chapter 19: Apparently Life Hates Me
Chapter 20: It's Time
Vote For Percy's House
Chapter 21: Oops
Chapter 22: The Sorting
Chapter 23: Wizards Aren't Discreet
Chapter 24: Some People Are Idiots
Chapter 25: That Was Fun
Chapter 26: The Intrusion
Chapter 27: Hogwarts Here I Come
Chapter 28: Not Interested
Update is Coming - Please Read This Note
Chapter 29: Giggle Is a Nice Way of Saying It
Chapter 30: Detention Sucks
Chapter 31: It's Definitely That Bad
Chapter 32: Not Dead After All
Chapter 33: Yep, It All Makes Sense
Letters From Epoh
Chapter 34: Let The Game Begin
Storm and Silence Trailer/ Authors Note
Chapter 35: Numb
Chapter 36: I Never Actually Released my Full Power and Y'all Still Scared
Chapter 37: idek

Chapter 9: How In Hades Does He Know That

23.3K 737 346
By ithacaclaire

Percy POV:

What did I do now? I really don't remember meeting any creatures that look like these goblins before. What is their problem?  The others, finally noticing the goblins' stares looked to me in question. I shrugged. "Why are they looking at you?" Hermione asked discreetly as we walked up to what I assumed was where we would get the money. "Your guess is as good as mine," I responded. Eventually we reached the front of the room. Ron, Hermione, and Harry seemed to shake themselves from their surprise at the goblin's stares. Harry was the first to speak.

"I'd like to enter my vault please," he said. "Name and key?" the goblin at the desk asked him, never taking his eyes off me. "Harry Potter," he replied, giving the goblin the key. "Uh, do I–" I didn't get a chance to finish before the goblin cut in. "Of course Lord Perseus," he said, inclining his head slightly. "You have several vaults. Follow me." I decided not to look at the others trailing behind me shooting incredulous looks as I followed him silently. You really had to say that out loud. Really? "Uh, you dont have to call me lord, you know. And Percy only please." I said, shooting a quick glance at Hermione, Ron, and Harry. Just great. Now what are they going to think? The goblin nodded in understanding. Finally, we stepped into what looked to be a mining cart. 

I only had one word for it: awesome. It felt like roller coaster! It was exhilarating; so fast that everything was a blur. Finally we stopped. We all got out, and the goblin twisted the key into the volt. A few seconds of gears turning; then the door opened. I gaped openly. There were piles among piles of gold and silver stacked along the wall, everywhere. "Bet you're not this rich," Harry said, looking at me smugly. I was about to respond with what would have been a very  nasty retort, but it was the goblin who replied first. "I would watch your mouth if I were you. You have no idea who you are talking to." "I can to talk to whoever I want however I want," he replied, huffing indignantly, before walking into his vault to retrieve some of the gold, stuffing it into a small bag. Finally, we walked out of the vault. And here I thought we were making progress.

Finally, we got back into the mining cart , and it started going backwards, until we were where we had first come in. The goblin opened the door. "Only Percy," he said, motioning for the others to get out. They got out eventually, after a lot of protest on their part. I only saw them look amongst themselves before the cart started moving again.

Hermione POV:

The goblin dropped us off in front of the door that led out out of where the vaults were kept. Ron and Harry looked at me, however, I didn't notice because of the thoughts swirling in my head. Why can only Percy go to his vault? And how does he have more than one vault? How does he have any vaults?  "What, exactly," he said slowly, "just happened?" "I don't know," I said. I shook my head. I really wanted to give Percy a chance, but things were just piling against him. I didn't understand what was going on, and that was what really bothered me. "Maybe he is a death eater. We should corner him when we get to Hogwarts and make sure the tattoo you saw Harry, isn't his sign, just to make sure. If he's not a death eater, then we go from there." Harry and Ron nodded. "That's a good plan Hermione, but I'm pretty sure he's not a death eater. Did you see the goblin nod his head in respect to Percy? He called him Lord Perseus! And then said that I have no idea who I'm talking to! Bloody hell, I'm Harry Potter. Percy has no idea who he's talking to! 

Wow, sounds like somebody's jealous. I said as much to Harry. "Oh, come on Hermione!" he said angrily. I'm not jealous at all! You have to realize that what just happened was extremely suspicious!" It was Ron who responded this time. "Of course what just happened was suspicious Harry, it's just that we think that you're judging Percy unfairly because of his family. You're letting your opinion of Voldemort cloud your judgement again, mate." At this, Harry turned such a bright shade of red that I thought he would combust in a moment. "Have you forgotten who he is exactly? He is Voldemort's grandson! The grandson of the man who killed my parents! He is just as deceptive as Voldemort, I see that now! He is hiding behind a mask, but deep down inside, I know that he is evil." Harry took a deep breath, trying to calm himself. "What I'm trying to say here is that I was almost fooled by him myself. But his mask isn't real; he's evil, I just know it. You have to trust me on this. He's not a death eater I'm pretty sure; but I think he might be as powerful as Voldemort himself; he's hiding something; we'd be fools not to find out what it is."

By the end of Harry's... ugh, speech, we were swayed. Percy was hiding something, something bad. And they were going to find out what it was.

Percy POV:

The goblin and I rode on the mine cart in silence. Well, we couldn't really talk because of how fast we were moving; the air was blowing across us quickly, creating a loud whirring noise as the mining cart sped across the caverns of Gringotts. Wow, this is taking much longer than it did for Harry. However, despite how long it took, we eventually reached a vault literally made out of gold. Nice. The goblin looked at me before pointing at it. "All you have to do to open it is prick your finger there–" I looked to where he was pointing, where I could indeed see a needle flashing on the wall. "–and a key will appear, which you can use to open the vault whenever you wish to visit." "Wait, I asked, "how did I get a vault? I doubt old moldyshorts my grandfather would let me use his vault even if we are apparently family." "This is the vault of the gods, set up for any of the big three's children if they were to happen to inherit Hecate's blessing." the goblin explained. I looked at him, shell shocked. "Ugh, how do you know about the gods?" "Same way I know who you are," the goblin said. "Wait, who do you think I am?" I asked. No freaking way is this happening right now. "Perseus Jackson, Son of Poseidon, grandson of Voldemort the most powerful wizard to ever live, blessed by the primordial Chaos and the twelve Olympians, Savior of Camp Half-Blood and New Rome, and not once, but twice the Hero of Olympus."

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