Stay (Completed)

By librarywonders

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UNEDITED! Will edit soon :) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "What's going to happen?" I uttered, knowing he probably di... More

Chapter 1- McClellanville
Chapter 2- Unexpected Meeting
Chapter 3- Beverage Choices
Chapter 4- Ice Cream Anybody?
Chapter 5- Past Relationships and Working with Your Best Friend
Chapter 6- Can Anyone Say Coincidence?
Chapter 7- She Likes Me, I Hope
Chapter 8- Dogs, Moms, and Beverage Choices (Again)
Chapter 9- Sandcastles, Ice Cream and Confessions
Chapter 10- Little Kids and Big Secrets
Chapter 11- The Not So Pretty Past
Chapter 12- Off To Dinner
Chapter 13- The Three Amigos Plus One
Chapter 14- The Past, Promises, and "Pecks"
Chapter 15- Fathers are Always There (Whether You Like It or Not)
Chapter 16-"Some bleach blonde, fake baked bimbo" -Maria
Chapter 17- Surprise Surprise Surprise
Chapter 18- Dinner with the Family
Chapter 19- Shirtlessness and Piggy Back Rides
Chapter 20- Strawberry Pie
Chapter 21- Water Balloon Fight!
Chapter 22- Boat Rides and Sweet Sunsets
Author Note
Chapter 23- Attack, then Alone
Chapter 24- Secret Messages and Sweet Moments
Song for Chapter 24- Hand on Heart
Chapter 25- Birthday Plans and Confessions
Chapter 26- Propositions and Proposals
Chapter 27- Friends, Meet My Girlfriend
Chapter 28- Very Special Birthday Presents
Chapter 29- I Love You More
Chapter 30- Laughing All Morning Long
Chapter 31- Goodbye, Maybe?
Chapter 32- Fake First Date and So Much More
Chapter 33- Questions That Need Answers
Chapter 34- This Is It


523 23 10
By librarywonders

Dedicated to queenstylesxo because she finally joiend wattpad! :) and she is amazing! :)

5 Years Later

Maria's POV:

"Evan?! What are you doing?! Where are we going?!" I called out, unwillingly being dragged by my boyfriend of five years from my parents house down to the beach.

"Just go with it, ok? Please? For me?" he asked, half turning around to talk to me but still carrying on forward down to the sand.

I didn't say anything else after that. I eventually gave up trying to pull back towards the house and settled for walking next to him, hand in hand.

"Come on, let's walk down this way," Evan instructed, pointing towards the left.

You did as you were told, strolling along as you each let the surf wash over your feet. The sunset was stunning as usual and you couldn't help but think back to that first summer you had spent together.

In some ways it seemed as if nothing had changed. The way you felt about Evan mimicked the crazy feelings you first felt five summers ago. You had each grown up, graduated high school and college, and were adults now. And yet when you were with Evan, you still felt like the teenage girl who fell in love with the gorgeous sweethearted boy from Wisconsin.

Evan could still kiss you so passionately that you never wanted him to stop. He took your breath away literally and figuratively and even though you had been together for so long he never ceased to amaze you. He was such a kind and compassionate guy when it came to everything it was hard to ever stay mad at him for long.

Sure, you had had your fights here and there, but every couple does. The fact that you always seemed to emerge on the other side stronger than ever was what mattered. Evan loved you and you loved him. Nobody could deny that.

"What are you thinking about?" Evan asked, pulling you against his side and slowing down the pace.

"That first summer we had together. It's hard not to when we are here together," I said, seeing him nod in agreement.

"It's hard to imagine how young we had been sometimes ya know? In some ways I feel like it was just yesterday...helping at the Y, building sand castles, riding that yacht and watching the sunset, kissing you until I couldn't think about anything else in the world..." he trailed off but every word brought back the memories. They were all so fresh in my mind.

"You know that summer almost didn't end the way it did..." I said, remembering the dinner and the heartbreak I went through when I shut that door in his face.

"I don't think I would have left if we weren't on good terms...even today I cannot imagine walking away from you. You know sometimes I think back to that know the one that ended with us-"

"Yes! I know which one! We-"

"We loved each other Maria. That night is the one I think about almost every day. You would think there would be a new moment that would mean more to me than that, but I don't think there is. Maria, that night I realized I was never going to let you go. I realized that I was going to fight for you and if that meant having a long distance relationship for a year then I was going to do it," Evan said, sounding so proud of himself, but not in an arrogant way. He pulled me over and away from the ocean. The sky was darkening, but there was still enough light to see each other and a little of the surroundings.

Evan pulled me over towards a log that was sitting on the beach. I left my fingers entangled in his and our knees touched as we each turned to face each other.

"I have something really important to say....and it may take awhile, but please let me finish alright?" Evan asked, taking a shaky breath and seeming to become more nervous by the second.

"Of course Evan," I told him, smiling at him in encouragement.

He smiled in return and began with "I love you."

"I love you, too," I said automatically.

He just chuckled slightly and lifted his hand up to my lips and said softly, "Don't interrupt."

Evan returned his hand back to mine and his eyes trailed from my eyes down to my collarbone and slightly below, where I knew the necklace he gave me so long ago still rested.

He reached up and ran his finger under his collar until he came up with his matching necklace. He looked down at it for a moment and then he looked back over at me.

"Have you ever thought about how crazy it is that we still where these? I mean, I Should have bought you a better necklace by now right? Perhaps some diamonds or pearls or something pretty right?"

I opened my mouth to respond, but he quickly placed his finger over my lips and shook his head slightly. I closed my mouth and nodded for him to continue.

"But there is just something about these that makes me feel like we can't take them off. I feel like they represent us and... I feel like they remind me of that first summer and how I felt about you then. There was no doubt in my mind that I loved you then and there is no doubt in my mind that I love you now and maybe seeing these just makes me remember how we started. I mean to be honest...that first summer was everything to us. That first summer is where we set the foundation for the relationship we have today. Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if we didn't run into each other. What if we just ran right past each other? I mean I know I would have noticed how beautiful you are, but I don't know if I would have ever stopped to talk to you, ya know?" Evan asked, but I knew he didn't want me to reply.

I wasn't quite sure where he was going with this, but I knew him well enough that he had something to say and he would get to it eventually. He knew what he wanted to end with, but he was still trying to figure out how to get there. I knew that because I was almost the complete opposite. I wasn't one to drag on about something, I usually just said what I needed to say and it was over. Evan on the other hand, was known for his drawn out and incredibly moving speeches. I had a feeling this was going to be one of them.

"You know the past couple years have been pretty good to us. We have a relationship that is probably one of the best I have ever seen. I don't know anyone else who communicates like we do. When I look at you Maria, I know what you're feeling, I know what you're thinking, like right now you are thinking that Ryan and Rachel have that kind of relationship and yes you are right they do," he said and he was right. I had thought of them and how they are almost as perfect together as Evan and I, almost.

I smiled at Evan and nodded my head slightly for him to continue. My hair came out from behind my ear and Evan returned it to its place before continuing.

"Maria we are the definition of in love. We have gone through things together that I know I couldn't have done without you. I know that without you by my side I never would have gotten through that first summer. I was so lost and sad and I hadn't completely dealt with the fact that my mom was gone. A couple years ago, I couldn't have dealt with my dad being diagnosed with prostate cancer. That almost destroyed me but you helped me thought it and now he is doing better and somehow I feel like that is in part due to your optimism. I know I couldn't have dealt with college in general without you by my side. You are so good to me and good for me and I know without a doubt that you make me a better person. Just seeing you makes me smile it puts me in a good mood. Just having your hand in mine makes my heart beat faster and I want to make you happy forever," Evan's tone was turning to a slightly more serious tone and I knew he was getting closer to saying what he had started out to say.

"Maria, sometimes I feel like I don't deserve you, but I know you have told me countless times that you need me in every way I need you, which I find hard to believe but I will take it. Sometimes I feel like being your boyfriend isn't enough, like I need to be more for you. I need to complete this crazy love roller coaster ride we are on and I need to stop and change things up. That's why the only thing left for us to do is get married."

I gasped immediately once I heard him say married and I instantly opened my mouth to respond, but he was quick to reach his hand up and cover it. "I'm not quite done yet," he said, giving me a warm smile in the fading light.

He slid off the log and got down on one knee. One of his hands still held my left one as my right went up to cover my mouth. He reached down in his pocket and pulled out a blue box. He flipped it open and showed me the sparkling ring inside. It was a gold band with diamonds set along the band itself until it reached the center stone which took my breath away. It had two more rows of diamonds around the middle diamond which shone in the setting sun. Tears formed wet trails down my cheeks as I tried to keep my composure. All I wanted to do was scream yes to the world and kiss Evan until I couldn't breath anymore, but he hadn't even officially asked me yet.

Evan was looking up at me and his own tears had welled in his eyes. They hadn't pooled over yet, but I had a feeling they would soon. "Maria, you are everything I could ever ask for in a girlfriend and I know you would make an even better wife. I cannot wait any longer. I want to be your husband and I want to love you for the rest of your life. I want to start a family with you and I want to watch our kids grow up together. I want to grow old with you and come back to this very spot and watch young teenagers fall in love on this beach just like we did. Maria Elizabeth Mancini, will you do the honor of becoming my wife?" Evan finally asked, and right on cue the first tears trailed down his cheeks.

"Yes!" you were able to squeak out and the smile on his face could have stopped any girl dead in their tracks. He quickly slid the ring onto your finger and as soon as it was in place you pulled him up and kissed him.

"I love you so much," you told him, practically hanging off of him as he held you close to him.

He rested his forehead on yours, just as he had done so many times before and replied with a smile on his face, "I love you more."

I couldn't stop smiling at him and having the ring fit perfectly on my finger just felt so right.

"I was going to build you a sand castle you know. But it turns out my sand castle building abilities are like a solid 2 on a scale of 1 to 10," Evan said, sounding really upset about it.

"Why a sandcastle?" I asked, confused.

"You don't remember? This is where we found that sand castle that had 'Will You Marry Me?' written it! I thought it would be cool to do the same thing because you had loved it so much but I couldn't get it to look right so I gave up and decided to just ask you instead," Evan admitted.

"So THAT'S why you were out all day today! And THAT'S why my mom wouldn't let me go down to the beach! She told me there was some sort of bacteria in the water! I knew she was lying!" I said, realizing how practically every other person must have known this was going to happen tonight but me.

"Yeah...your dad tried to help me....but we just couldn't get the castle to look right. It was kind of nice though spending time with him though."

"He practically looks at you as his own son, I'm sure he enjoyed it just as much," I told him, taking his hand and pulling him back towards my house. I couldn't wait to show my mom the ring.


Evan's POV:

"Hey dad! She said yes!" I all but screamed into the phone. Maria's hand was still in mine as we walked back to Maria's parent's house.

"I told you she would! Congratulations son! I am so proud of you, you know that right?" my dad asked.

"Thanks, dad and yes I know," I said, imagining the look on his face right now.

"You know your mom would have been so proud of you too, Evan, I mean it," he told me, and I had to stop for a sec to keep all of my emotions in check.

Maria stopped next to me and I gave her a reassuring smile so that she would know everything was alright. "Yes dad. I know. Thank you."

"She would have loved Maria as well. It's a shame she never got to meet her future daughter-in-law," my dad said, sounding really tore up about it.

"They would have gotten along great, wouldn't they of?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"Like two peas in a pod," he replied and I knew he believed it.

"Yes. Alright dad, I need to go. I'll call you tomorrow. Tell T and J that I expect them to call me when they get a chance. I need to ask them a few things."

"Of course son. I love you."

"Love you too dad, goodbye," I said, before hanging up just as we reached the house.

"Dad says congrats," I told Maria, pulling her against my side as we walked up the stairs towards the kitchen.

"On what? Getting engaged to a sweetheart like you? There's no other option in my mind!" she said, laughing slightly.

We walked into the kitchen and we instantly greeted with cheers. We looked around to see both of our families, along with Ryan and Rachel and a few other friends from college.

"Hey! What's going on? Dad! I thought you were still home! I just called you!" I said, completely caught off guard.

"Maria's parent's called and told me that they wanted to have a celebratory party for you two once you finally asked her so we all came down! Congrats son!" he said, happier than I had seen him in a long time.

"Thanks dad," I said, hugging him back and turning to the next person, Ryan.

"Congratulations man. You two deserve to be together forever and this is only the beginning," Ryan said, shaking my hand firmly and giving me a pat on the back.

"Thanks man, hey would you like to be one of my groomsmen? I would love to have you by my side," I asked him.

"Of course, Evan. I would be honored."

"Thank you," I said, before turning and searching for my fiance.

I spotted Maria with her mom and Rachel, both gushing over the ring I had picked out. I came up behind her and snaked my arms around her waist. The white cotton dress she had on felt like nothing as pulled her body against mine and for a second my body could do nothing but think about what would happen tonight when we were all alone.

"Admiring my selection I see," I whispered in her ear and she blushed and turned her head up to me.

"It really is beautiful. I love it," she said.

"And I love you," I replied, kissing her nose and turning as her dad was trying to get everyone's attention.

"Tonight, I just want to say that Evan is one of the most trustworthy and honest men I have ever met. He amazed me that first summer I met him with how he treated my daughter and I had a feeling that that wasn't going to be the last of him. He has been a blessing in this family and I am so glad that he will join out family officially and that he will make my daughter happy for the rest of her life. So, without further ado, I propose a toast, to Evan and Maria, that their marriage lasts for as long as they shall live," he said as he raised his glass towards the both of us. Someone handed us both glasses and we raised them back at him, each taking a sip and smiling at everyone around us.

"Can we see a kiss you two?" Maria's grandma asked from somewhere to the left of us.

Maria blushed under the stares, but I took advantage of the free opportunity. I turned her around in my arms so she was facing me and took her face in my hands. Her left hand came up and help my hand there as my head lowered to meet hers. "I love you," I whispered, before closing my eyes and letting my lips meet hers.

She was hesitant at first, knowing so many people were watching, but when I let my right hand pull her slightly closer she deepened the kiss and pulled my neck down towards her as her arms wrapped around my neck.

The people clapped and she separated her lips from mine far too soon for my liking. The look she gave me after though let me know she had intentions of finishing that later and it made my heart race just thinking about what she was going to do to me tonight.

We made our way around, talking to people and hearing all of the well wishes from our family. Tommy and Jack, who were now 16 and into girls like crazy, were standing over by the food.

"Hey Ev," Jack said, calling me over.

"Congratulations bro, Maria is definitely the one for you," Tommy said.

"Thanks kid," I said, slapping his back.

"I'm not a kid!" he protested.

"T you know when I met Maria, you were both 11 right?" I asked, remembering how we had all played on the beach together.

"Really? That's strange! Hey! You think we can meet any cute girls this summer? Dad says we're probably going to stay down here again!" Jack told me excitedly.

"Who knows boys! I wish you luck though!" I told them both, laughing as they began talking about where the best places would be to meet girls.

I walked back over to Maria and she silently took my hand and pulled me back towards her room.

"Maria, where are we going?" I whispered, even though I knew nobody could hear us.

"Where does it look like?" she asked, turning to me with a angelic smile on her face.

"Your room..." I said and trailed off once she pulled me inside and shut the door.

"I'm sorry, I just couldn't take it any longer. I need to kiss you," she said as she pushed me back against the door and let her hands trail all over my body. She pulled my head down to hers and kissed me passionately.

I let the feeling of her lips on mine take over before I realized exactly what we were doing. "Did we just leave our own engagement party to go make out in your room?" I asked Maria, slightly breathless.

She lowered herself back down to her tip toes, but my hands on her back didn't allow her to get any farther away.

"Yep. Is that alright with you?" she asked, letting a slight bit of worry creep into her voice, like she was afraid I wouldn't want to be with her right now.

"Is that alright with me? Are you kidding? I have probably never been okay with something more in my life than I am with you stealing me away from our own party so that I can kiss you until we both fall asleep," I told her, letting my voice drop down to a hushed whisper. I could feel her body shake in response to my words. I loved how even things I said caused her body to react.

I pushed myself away from the wall and pulled her over to her bed. She climbed on after me and instantly lay on her back as I instinctively hovered over her. Her hand reached up to cup my cheek but I caught it and turned it so that I could see my ring which now rested on her finger. I kissed the ring gently before meeting my lips with hers.

Her hands tangled in my hair and I let my hands trail up her legs to the hem of her dress which I pushed up farther and farther as the seconds ticked by. "Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?" I asked as our noses touched and our foreheads touched and everything else touched but our lips.

"Only a couple million times...but I'd love to hear it again," she whispered.

"Maria you are beautiful and I will love you forever and ever," I told her, loving how her slight gasp gave away just how shocked she was every single time I told her. You would think she would be used to it by now, but that just shows the type of girl she is.

"I love you more Evan Thompson," she said trailing her fingers down my sides.

"Forever," I uttered.

"Forever," she murmured back and our lips met once again.


Well Stay is OFFICIALLY over! I know it may have felt like it was over months ago since that was the last time I updated! This epilogue has been written so many different ways since first it was done and then deleted and then rewritten and then rewritten again! But now I am happy with it and I hope you are too!

I want to thank each and every one of you for reading! I don't know how in the world you found this story, but the fact that you chose to read it til the end means the world to me! I never thought I would ever be able to write something like this and the fact that I finished it amazes me!

Maria and Evan are two very special characters partly because Maria is exactly like me. Evan is who I imagine the perfect guy to be like and perhaps I will meet someone like him one day, but perhaps not. Either way I will still be able to go back and read these chapters and think wistfully of Evan Thompson :)

Once again thank you all for reading! :) I hope you all go and check out my new story called Broken Pasts, But Bright Futures. I am posting the Prologue December 1st!! :)

Love you all!


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