Pegasus Is A Marauder

By BiancaEvans2

171K 4.8K 1.2K

Rosemary Evans is the younger sister of Lily Evans. However, they are only half sisters as their Mother had a... More

Prologue: One Night Stand
Letters and Truth
Owl and Hagrid
Diagon Alley
Train to School
First Day of Classes
A New Friend
Potter Mansion
Multiple McGonagalls
The Others Find Out The Truth
Tryouts and Patronus Charms
Hogsmeade and First Quidditch Match
Success at Last
First Full-Moon Together
Careers Advice
OWLs and Snape
Run Away
Start of Seventh year
Death and the Order
Talk with Dumbledore
Potter's Wedding
Harry James Potter
Philosopher's Stone
Chamber of Secrets
Prisoner of Azkaban: part 2
Goblet of Fire: Part 1
Goblet of Fire: Part 2
Order of the Phoenix: Part 1
Order of the Phoenix: Part 2
Capture: Half-Blood Prince
Missing and Captive
Freedom and Death
Moving Harry to the Burrow
Weasley Wedding and Captive Again
Cellar Again with Company
Harry and Shell Cottage
Truth and Teddy
Start of the Final Battle
Voldemort's Demise
Epilogue: 19 Years Later

Prisoner of Azkaban: Part 1

3.3K 92 35
By BiancaEvans2

Rose's POV

It was time for Harry's third year soon and my brother Sirius has escaped from Azkaban. My owl Mary died over the summer, due to her old age. Then I heard Harry had ran away from Petunia's house. I went to look for him so got my real wand and went outside. I outstretched my wand arm and the night bus appeared.

Once I board the bus took off immediately as i sat on one of the beds. Stan tried to talk to me, but I just looked out the window. We stopped on a street near my sisters house and Harry boarded the bus. "Harry there you are, why did you run away?" I asked whispering after I pulled him into a hug.

"I'm sorry Rose, but I couldn't stay there anymore for the summer" he told me. I nodded in understanding and Harry told Stan to take him to the Leaky Cauldron. I told Stan I would get off there as well.

We arrived at the Leaky Cauldron to find the the care taker Tom waiting for Harry. "Mr Potter at least and it is nice to see you Miss Evans" he greeted us. He then lead us to where the minister for magic was waiting to talk to us.

"Miss Evans I was not expecting you so soon. I only just sent you an owl" Cornelius said surprised. Harry greeted his owl Hedwig and Tom praised the owl for being so smart. I lead Harry to a chair and made him sit. Then stood behind him, before answering Fudge.

"I did not receive an owl from you, I was out searching for my godson" I told him pointing to Harry. Fudge nodded in understanding, before turning his attention to Harry. Who asked if he was going to be sent to prison for doing magic outside of school.

"Of course no Harry, we don't send people to Azkaban for pulling up their Aunt" Fudge told him. I giggled when I heard this and planned on asking Harry later want had happened. "On the other hand running away like that, was very irresponsible. We have killer on the loss" he said the last part giving me a look.

"Sirius Black you mean, but whats he got to do with me?" Harry asked looking at us.

"Nothing dear boy you're safe and that is all that matters" Fudge said clapping Harry on the shoulder. Cornelius then got Tom to take Harry to his room for the rest of the summer. But asked me to stay so he could talk to me in private.

"Rose I know Sirius is your brother, but I need your help to find him" he told me.

"No, I will not help you find Sirius. I still don't believe he turned on my sister and his best friend. Besides Dumbledore needs me at Hogwarts to ensure my brother does not get near Harry. Now I will be staying here with Harry until school starts again" I told him before leaving.

For Harry's birthday I gave him a book for his defense class this year. I went with him to buy his school supplies and got a cat. So did Hermione when she arrived at the Leaky Cauldron with the Weasley's. On September first they all took ministry cars to the station, while I apperated to Hogsmeade. I knew Remus would be on the train and look after Harry.

When they arrived at school Harry and Hermione came to McGonagall's office. Madame Pomfrey checked Harry's health after being near a Dementor. Then he left and McGonagall gave Hermione her time turner and asked me to help her with all her classes. I agreed too.

It was time for Hagrid's first lesson and he asked me to help him. I watched the hippogriffs while he collected his class. He arrived with Harry and the rest of his third year class. Once he told them how to open the monster book. I brought the hippogriffs forward and gave him Buckbeak's lead. I then tied the others to the fence while Hagrid asked who'd like to say hello first.

Harry was the one to greet Buckbeak first and bowed to him. But Buckbeak wasn't happy so he backed off a little. Then Buckbeak bowed and Hagrid gave him a dead ferret. He then got Harry to pat Buckbeak and gave me a look. I nodded and went to change into a Pegasus. When I saw Buckbeak take off with Harry on his back I followed. Once they landed I changed back and walked back into view. Then Draco did a stupid thing by walking towards Buckbeak and insulting him at the same time. So he got hurt and Hagrid took him to the hospital wing, whilst I finished the class for him.

It was now time for Harry's first class with Remus, so I was in the teachers lounge to watch. "Nice to see you Remus" I said as he entered the room with his class and Snape left. He looked at me and smiled then gave me a brotherly hug.

"Rose you have grown a lot in 12 years, I am sorry about Sirius" he whispered in my ear. I nodded then sat back to watch him teach the class. I laughed when I saw Snape in a dress with a purse and vulture hat. When it was Harry's turn Remus stood in front of him and the boggart to the shape of the full moon. He then dismissed the class once the boggart was back in its closet.

It was Halloween night and I was enjoying the feast with the school. After the feast we found out Sirius had tried to break into Gryffindor tower. Dumbledore made all the students sleep in the great hall. While us staff members and the ghost searched for my brother. I found someone else to take over the 'fat lady's' duties until her portrait was mended.

The full moon was last night and now Snape was taking Remus's class for the day. I tended to Remus's wounds and my own. As I had helped him last night like I used to with the rest of our group of friends. When I found out Snape had made the class do an essay on werewolves. I was mad and wanted to hex him, but Remus said he wasn't worth it. I was looking forward to the weekend and the first quidditch match of the season.


Gif of Buckbeak above and picture of boggart Snape in chapter

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