The Fire Angel (ATLA Fanfic)

By Darkninja7

297K 9.8K 2.6K

Water.... Earth... Fire... Air A long time ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. The skies were fi... More

Book 1 - The Beginning
Training 101
Following Orders
Grandpa Ping
Visited By Royalty
The Prince and Angel
Goodbye or See you Later?
You've still got a friend in me!
General for the Crew?
Shadow Snake
Packing up!
The Open Ocean
Beneath the Scars
Time, friend or foe?
Lillian AN
Shattered Glass
Sibling Salute!
The Avatar
The Harbor
Island of Kyoshi
Blast from the Past.
The Necklace
Winter Solstice Part 1
The Winter Solstice Part 2
The Scroll
Crystal Nightmare Part 1
Crystal Nightmare Part 2
The Storm
The Blue Spirit
Why Me?
Lillian Alone
The Siege of the North
Book 2
The Path of three flames
Royal Pain
Iroh & Lilly's Journey
The Chase
Bitter Work
The Desert
New Beginning
The Freedom Fighter's
Walls, Walls and Tea!
The tales of Lillian in Ba sing Sai
Authors Note
Lake Laogai Part 1
Lake Laogai Part 2
The Earth King
The Jasmine Dragon
Author Note
The Crossroads of Destiny
Book 3 - Operation "Extinguish Fire"
The Awakening
Arty stuff
The Headband
The Beach Part 1
The Beach - Part 2
I Got Tagged
Lillian's healing.
Rise again
Nightmares & Daydreams
Day of Black sun: Part 1: The Invasion Part 1
Day of black sun: Part 1 The Invasion Part 2
The day of black sun Part 2: The eclipse.
A Crazy Escape
The Western Air Temple
The Firebending Master's Part 1
The Firebending Master's Part 2
The Boiling Rock: Part 1
The Boiling Rock: Part 2
Manly Arts... (Special chapter)
The Southern Raiders
Why didn't We Listen?
The Sky Temple Part 1: You're Dead!
The Sky Temple: Part 2 What you didn't know
Hidden in Plain Sight
The Ember Island Players
Sozin's comet Part 1
Sozins comet Part 2
Sozin's comet Part 3
The Prophecy (Teaser for Part 4)
Sozin's Comet Part 4
Dying in Agony
A Time for Peace
The Sequel is OUT

The Thorn in my side

3.6K 167 68
By Darkninja7

Lillian laid on her bed smiling at the ceiling, she found her brother's and made peace with them and was able to fight at their side. Things were looking up for her, now all she had to do was keep Zuko off any Tenshi's trail and help him regain his honor. Lillian felt almost as if she could take on the world. There was a knock on her bedroom door, she groaned as she stood to open the door, 'Can't General Iroh just give me 1 hour?'She thought to herself but was surprised to open the door and find Zuko standing there in his training clothes. Lillian raised a brow, "May I come in? I need to show you something..."Zuko said as he showed her the scroll that he held in his hand. Lillian stepped aside allowing Zuko to walk into her room. "You need to read this..."Zuko whispered as he handed her the scroll. Lillian noticed the Royal ribbon that was tied around it, her eyes remained on the bright red ribbon. "What is it?"Lillian asked her eyes not leaving the scroll, "It's from your father..." Zuko said. Lillian kept the scroll shut, "Why would he..."Zuko shrugged his shoulders as he sat down on Lillian's bed. Lillian opened the scroll and started reading it, Zuko sat at the edge of her bed, waiting for her to say something, he never did read it. "I don't believe this!!! Th-that man! How could he send this???"Lillian threw her hands in the air storming around her room. "What does it say?"Zuko asked as he tried to keep calm himself, "Let me read it to you!"


You are ordered to return home immediately. You are dishonoring the family name by traveling with the banished prince. The fire lord has decided to show mercy towards you on my behalf. I will collect you once we cross course.

General Thorn

Lillian finished reading, she looked up at Zuko whose eyes were filled with shock, Lillian growled and then burnt the scroll, blue flames erupted from her hands, "He will have to kill me first before I go anywhere with him!" Lillian stormed out of her room but Zuko remained with his head in his hands. 'Dishonoring the family name...'

Lillian burst out onto the deck, She breathed fire from her mouth like a dragon. Her shoulders were on fire, she was so angry at this man! How dare he think that he could control her like a puppet, he sent her away! Grandpa Ping and Kan were more like a father to her, this man was nothing..."Let him come..."She swayed her arms in a motion, "And I will show him who I am.." Lightning began to form around her body, "He will never control me!"She screamed as she shot the lightning into the sky. Lillian then fell to her knees, "He can't control me, he has no right..."She whispered under her breath. Lillian felt someone's hand on her shoulder, "Come with me my dear, you need to have some tea."Iroh said, he helped Lillian up to her feet. She stumbled towards the meditation room, she couldn't see through her tears and she felt every muscle contract from the anger she felt. Once inside, Iroh shut the door behind them and began the tea. Lillian's body shook, "You might want to begin that song of yours my dear."Lillian gazed at Iroh shocked, "Why would I sing at a time like this???"Iroh gave her a sad smile, "You don't want to waste any tears now do you?"Lillian couldn't believe what she was hearing, "How did yo-", "My dear, I'm not just a chubby old man, I am a wise chubby old man."Iroh said as he handed her the tea cup, "Oh..."Iroh smirked, "Also, Ping told me, and I saw you the night with the ocean spirit, remember?" Lillian looked down at her cup embarrassed, how could she be so careless? "Now, about your Fathe-" "General Thorn"Lillian spat, Iroh sighed, "General Thorn had that letter sent 3 days ago." Lillian's eyes grew wide, "so that means..."Iroh nodded, "Cross course is soon..." Lillian's head fell into her hands, "What am I going to do...?" Iroh walked to the door, "This is a decision you must make on your own, but know that we are right behind you." He left shutting the door behind him. Lillian fell apart, she didn't sing her lullaby, she allowed the tears to run down her cheeks staining them with her heartache. Iroh stood outside by the door, he heard Lillian's chokes and decided to go and find Zuko.

Iroh found the young Prince on the deck training with 3 of the guards. Iroh saw every time how emotions affected the children's bending and performance. "Prince Zuko, a word please?"Zuko seized at his training but there was still a battle taking place inside his heart. "You must speak with Lillian befo-"Suddenly a large war ship slowed down and lowered it's anchors down besides Zuko's ship. Iroh's face fell it was too late, General Thorn was here. Below deck Lillian felt the ship come to a stop, she knew... He was here and he wasn't leaving until he got what he wanted.

General Thorn walked down the walkway. He stood tall with his arms behind his back and his face forward. He was greeted by General Iroh and our banished Prince. Iroh bowed in respect, "General Thorn, So nice to see you again."Zuko stood on the side of the ship watching and waiting for Lillian to appear, General Thorn bowed back to Iroh, "Greetings General Iroh. I am afraid I am just here for business. Prince Zuko."Thorn nodded in his direction. Zuko stared at the man who was about to take Lillian away from him, "General."Zuko said stiffly. "Where is Lillian? I believe she received my letter?"Thorn said as he took his attention back to Iroh. "I hope that she is packed and ready to leave, she has no need to stay on this ship any minute longer."Iroh looked at the door then back to Thorn, "She is below deck, she only received the news today." Thorn nodded his head, "How about some ginger tea General Iroh? I believe it's your favorite."Iroh smiled, "Any tea is my favorite" Thorn nodded and then his eyes fell on Zuko who was starring at the watch tower. "If you will excuse me, I would like to see my daughter for a moment."Thorn made his way to the door but Zuko stood in front of him, "I will fetch her." Thorn's eyes gazed at Zuko's scar, "It's healed up nicely boy, how about another?"Zuko gritted his teeth, "What is that suppose to mean?"Thorn smirked at Zuko, "That I would love the Honor of giving you another one to match.."Zuko's fists became engulfed with flames until a certain young woman's voice broke through the air, "Enough Zuko..." Lillian stood in the door way with her arms crossed over her chest. Thorn's eyes widened at the sight of his daughter, he hasn't seen her in over 9 years and yet she is the spitting image of his wife, except for the hair and eyes of course. Zuko stood back allowing Thorn to have full view of her. Lillian's crimson eyes pierced right through her father's, she walked towards him and bowed once she was a few steps in front of him, "Hello General Thorn."Lillian's voice was dry and had no emotion. Thorn's eyes were fixed on Lillian, he couldn't believe how beautiful his daughter was...'General...Why not Father?'Thorn thought to himself. "I trust you received my message and that you will be ready to depart soon?"Zuko watched as Lillian clenched her fists and small sparks of fire escaping her knuckles. "Unfortunately General, I will have to decline your order as I am quiet happy right where I am."Lillian said as she stared him dead in the eye. Thorn's eyes widened in anger and shock,

 "Excuse me? Your were given an ORDER not a choice!" 

"I will always have a choice, Because it is my life and I chose my own path!"

"You are a fool! Get your things! We. Are. Leaving!" 

"No... I'm not going anywhere with you..."Lillian whispered.

Zuko and Iroh watched as Lillian's body took a defensive stance.

" I am your Father and you will do as I Sa-" Thorn was cut off,

"NO! You are not!

"E-excuse me? H-How dare you? I will teach you some respect!" Thorn grabbed Lillian by her collar and lifted his flaming fist. Zuko lunged forward to protect Lillian but was held back back Iroh. Before Thorn could even touch Lillian she stepped forward into his fist allowing the flames to lick her skin, Thorn pulled his fist back in shock, 

"Go Ahead!Teach me! What respect do you offer to teach me that my Grandfather hasn't already??My grandfather that kissed all my injuries and picked me up every time I fell down! My grandfather who trained me to become the strong bender that I am today! My grandfather that was there in the middle of the night when I was missing my mother and my father! You! I missed you! My father! Who had just thrown me away after both my brother's disappeared! My father! Who left me alone after my mother had died! I have learned everything from him. And you? You just taught me that it's easy to throw your own blood away! You have shown me that your position is all you ever cared about! You never Loved any of us! You never loved me..."Lillian choked as she stepped back towards Zuko and Iroh, "Now... Get of this ship..."Lillian said she brushed past the guards and headed below deck.

General Thorn stood there with a hurtful expression, he couldn't believe what Lillian had just said to him, it felt as if his heart had been ripped out. Thorn made his way to follow Lillian but stopped. The image of his wife's face played in his mind, 'What have I done...' He closed his eyes and turned back to his ship, only Iroh saw the tear that slipped from his eye. Zuko went to find Lillian,  Iroh stayed to see General Thron off. Thorn looked back once more, "She will need you Thorn, this wound will heal but a scar will remain to remind her of all that had happen."Thorn nodded his head at Iroh as he returned to his ship, "Take care of my princess..."Thorn said in a whisper, Iroh nodded and then... The boat was gone.


Hellloooo everybody.

Here is one chapter to keep your suspension a bit low. Haha. Car pun...

Remeber to comment and vote and ask me questions. I will try to update on Friday or Sunday day.

Have an awesome week!!!


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