Journey Through Alola!(AmourS...

By Red_Hyoudou

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We found our heroes going back to Kanto after winning the Kalos League and won the Champions League Making it... More

Hey Guys!
Chapter 1: The Champion League's Finale
Chapter 2: Going to Kanto
Chapter 4: Alola Region!
Chapter 5: Meeting the Starters!
Chapter 6: Ash and Gary's Battle!
Chapter 7: Dad vs. Son! (Part 1)
Chapter 8: Dad vs. Son! (Part 2)
Chapter 9: Z-Moves, Mega-Evolution and Bond Phenomenon!
Chapter 10: Rain Rain, Go Away. . .
Chapter 11: Christmas Special!
Chapter 12: New Year, New Me!
Chapter 13: Ash's Aura Training
Chapter 14: Jealousy?
Chapter 15: The Rescue
Chapter 16: The Door To Hell.
Chapter 17: The Devil Within
Chapter 18: Chosen 4
Chapter 19: Saving a Friend
Chapter 20: Talk
Random Updates:
What? Oh no Serena....
Chapter 21: Great

Chapter 3: Memories and Surprises

3.9K 45 100
By Red_Hyoudou

Third Person View

"Attention people. Were landing at Viridian City International Airport within 5 minutes. Please be ready to take off your seatbelts"The pilot said.

Serena and Ash slowly open their eyes as they heard the pilot's speach.
Prof.Oak and Delia removed their seatbelts as Ash and Serena did the same too. Serena look outside the window as she can see Pidgeys, Butterfrees and other flying pokemon around them as water pokemons swims at the water.

"This is beautiful! Kanto looks more amazing after I leave"Serena said in awe

"It does. I cant wait seeing all my other pokemons here"Ash said

"They are in good shape before I leave plus, Tracey is looking at them"Prof. Oak said

"Who is Tracey by the way?"Serena ask

"He travel with me when we bump into him in Orange Island. He started travelling with us and went we come back here in Pallet Town, he said he wants to be Prof. Oak assistance as Prof. Oak hire him. Prof. said that he works great around pokemons and how easily tame them and hes a great scetcher to"Ash said

"Ohh"Serena said as the pilot speak again

"Attention everyone, were now landing at Viridian City International Airport"He said

The Airplane started releasing its wheels as they landed on the surface. Ash got out first when the door opens as he was followed by Gary and Serena.

"Im back Kanto!"Ash shouted making Serena, Delia and Prof. Oak sweatdropped as Gary give a speach

"Kanto Im back! The one and only Pokemon Master!"Gary shouted making Serena, Delia, and Prof. Oak sweatdropped again

"Are they all like this?"Serena ask

"Yes dear. You should be probably practiced to this since you travel with Ash"Delia said

"And Im going to travel with them for awhile"Serena sigh

They walked inside the airport where a Pokecenter is inside as Ash quickly go there to heal his pokemon. Gary decided to heal his pokemon to so he follow Ash.

"Welcome to the Viridian City International Airport's PokeCenter! How may I help you?"Nurse Joy said

"I want my pokemon to be healed please"Ash said as Gary stood next to him.

"Wait! I want my pokemons to be checked to Nurse Joy"Gary said handing his pokeballs.

"Ok. Ill be back as soon I'm finish"Nurse Joy said walking inside the room.

"So Gary what will you do ones we get in Pallet Town?"Ash ask

"Well I will help Grumps with his research for a bit then I will train my Pokemons"Gary said"And You,what will you do ones we get there?"Gary added

"Well I promise Serena to take her around Pallet then go to Pewter City"Ash said

"What time is it?"Ash ask

"Its 12:05. Why?"Gary said

"Well if we got there by 1.. Me and Serena can spend more time and we can get back home in time after we go in Pewter City"Ash said

"Yeah you have a point.... Are you going to tell Serena how you feel about her later tonight?"Gary ask

"Well.. Maybe"Ash said

"Your Pokemon are completely fine! Good Luck on your Journeys!"Nurse Joy said handing them their Pokeball's along with Pikachu.

"Hey feeling great buddy?"Ash ask his partner

"Pika!"Pikachu said

"Lets get back and meet others so we can go home early"Gary said as walk back where Serena and the others are

"Lets get going then" I hear my Mom said pointing at us

Serena's POV

"Well Im going to heal my Pokemon"Ash said before walking towards Nurse Joy

"Well I want to get my Pokemon a check-up to"Gary said following Ash

"So Serena. You and Ash will have a .... Date?"Delia ask

"Well yeah.. Kinda"I said blushing

"Will you admit your feelings towards him?"She ask

"Well I was going to think about it. What if Ash doesnt like me back?"I said

"I know that Ash likes you Serena. Sometimes, I see him blush when his with you"Delia said

"Well why dont we get going. I mean if you to will have a Date.. We should get their before 1:00 so you two can spend each time together"Prof said

"Lets get going then"Delia said pointing to Ash and Gary.

"Ok then"I said

When we got outside we remember something.. I sweatdropped as I ask

"Are we going to walk?"I sweatdropped

"Nope! Im your service"Someone said

"Leaf?!"Ash and Gary said before they walk to the girl I mean Leaf

Wait... I remember that name. They talk for awhile and I see Ash laughing as he high five with Leaf. You can say that Im pretty jealous.*sigh*

"So your already here Leaf. Lets get going then"Prof. Oak said

"Yep! Oh, who is she?"Leaf ask.

"Im Serena"I said

"Wait.. Serena... Oh my Arceus! Serena is that really you?!"Leaf said hugging me

It makes sense now shes Leaf from Summer Camp! Shes my bestfriend way back then!

"Yes Leaf. I thought you wont remember her"Ash said

"Of course I dont! Shes my childhoooooood bestfriend!!! Right Serena?"Leaf said

"Of course!"I said as we high five
"Uhm sorry to interupt your reunion. But we should get going now"Delia said

"Yeah right"We sweatdropped

I see many Pokemons that I never seen before. I took my national PokeDex that Prof. Sycamore gave to me and Ash. As I see many pokemon flying, walking, running and even swimming across the river and lakes, I took my pokedex out and scan them so I can know them better.

"Were here!"Leaf said parking outside a house and I read the sign

"Prof. Oak's Lab" It said

"This is the Lab?"I ask

"Of course"Prof. Oak said as he open the front door

"This lab is simple not like other labs that I saw in our journey. I honestly like the design Prof. Oak. Amazing"I said as I wonder around

"Well I didnt design this. Actually Ash, Gary and Leaf design this when they are little. Of course their drawing is a little bit,"Oak said

"Ugly? You we know"Ash sweatdropped

"So the designers make some touch on the design to make it perfect"Delia finished

"Serena want to see my other Pokemons?"Ash ask

"Ok"I said following Ash to the back door. We enter a big field and I saw only one pokemon and a young man

"Tracey nice to see you again"Ash said before the grass pokemon tackle him

"Of course I miss you to Bulbasaur"Ash said

"Pika!"Pikachu greeted Balbasaur

"Bulba!"Balbasaur said

"Good to see you again Ash"Tracey said

"And you are?"He said

"Im Serena"I shake his hand

"So your Serena. Ash talk many things about you"He said making me blush

"Uh right"I see Ash blush

"I should go see Prof. Oak. See you later Ash and Serena"Tracey said as he enter the lab

"Balbasaur can you call all my Pokemons for me?"Ash ask

"Bulba"Bulbasaur launch something like fireworks with different color coding with them

"Why is there different color?"I ask

"Each pokemon came from different region. So each region have different color"Tracet explain

"Amazing" As the fireworks like pop in a beautiful explotion with its different color

"Ash you can enter Balbasaur for Pokemon Performance" I said as the colors slowly faded

"Maybe"He said

Third Person

After a minute the two heard rumble as the ground shake

"Whats happening Ash?"Serena said confused

"My Pokemon are coming to greet me with my 50 Tauros"Ash sweatdropped.

"50 what?!"Serena said

They heard alot of Pokemon running and others are flying as they shout happily to see their trainer again. That when they notice around 50 Tauros came towards Ash faster than the other Pokemon.

"Oh no not again"Ash sweatdropped as the Tauros came towards him crushing him on the ground.

"Ash!"Serena shout as Pikachu and Balbasaur sweatdropped

"Bulba"They sweatdropped

The smoke cleared and Ash lay on the grlund with swirly eyes

"1 fletchling, 2 flethclings , 3 fletchlings. Oh boy"Ash stand up as he see that other of his pokemon gather around him.

They greet their trainer as a Charizard launch a Flamethrower at Ash

"Oh no Ash!"Serena said again worried

"Im okay Serena. That just how my Charizard greet me"Ash said patting his Charizard

"Groauu"Charizard said

"Osha-Oshawott!"Oshawott hug him

"Nice to see you again Oshawott"

The pokemon cheer

"Wanna see my new friends?"Ash ask

They all nodded as Ash take his 5 Pokeballs and enlarge them

"Guys, come on out!"He said throwing them

"Noivern!" They all shout as the other Pokemon greeted them

"Ash I have a surprise for you"Prof. Oak said walking towards them

"Whats that Profersor?"Ash ask

"Here take them. They are Mega stones. Give them to your Charizard. This is for your Charizard.Sorry for your other Pokemons that can Mega Evolve but those are the only one that I found when I ment indside Mt. Moon"Prof said

"Its okay. Prof Oak what Pokemon is other stone for?"Ash ask

"Its for Riolu that we found badly hurt in a jungle while doing a research"Prof. Oak said

"So wheres Riolu?"Serena ask

"Hes inside the lab. Hes to scared to go outside and play with other humans or Pokemon"Oak said

"Can we see him?"Ash ask

"Ok. This way follow me"Oak said

They walk inside the lab and went inside a room and-
(A/N Im making a chapter for this part sorry)

(A/N Joke 😂😂)

"Riolu someones here"Oak said

"Riu?"The pokemon ask

Thats when Ash suddenly felt something. Riolu felt it too as the both of their eyes glow blue

"Ash?!"Serena said as she saw his eyes

"Riolu..."Ash said

Inside their mind

"Riolu whats this all about?"Ash ask as he see Riolu standing in front of him

"Ash.. Youre an Aura User slash Guardian right?"Riolu said

"Wait..." Thats when he realized he is an aura user. He remember trying to help Lucario on the Tree of Life on Hoenn and when he help to find a Riolu in Sinnoh.

"Yes.."He said

"Ash there something I want to tell you"

"What is it?"

"I want to Master my Aura and Im going to do that with you. I want to travel with you se we can both practice our power" Riolu said

"You want me to train you?"

"Yes. Master"It said they came back to reality

Ash saw Riolu walking towards him

"Master. I want to come woth you"Ash can undertand Riolu but the other only hear growl. And of course his Pikachu understand him to cause his a Pokemon

"Ok Riolu you can come with me"Ash touch his head with a pokeball as he caught him. He release his new Pokemon Riolu.

"Wow Riolu like Ash"Serena said as Prof. Oak stand there in disblief

"So Master, when will we start training?"Riolu said

"Well today you can go out with me and Serena and Pikachu as we wonder around"Ash said

"Thats great!"Riolu said as he jump to Ash's another shoulder

"Ash you understand him?"Serena ask

"Yes. Through our aura connection"Ash said

"Aura what?"Serena ask

"Right you dont know. Here let me show you"Ash said as he said something to Serena through their mind

"Thank you Ash"Serena said

"Thank you? Why?"Prof. Oak said

Ash said something to Prof. Oak through their mind again as Prof. Oak stood their again, shock in what just happend

"Wow"Prof. Oak said

"Well lets get going now and meet the others" Ash said as they walk out of the room

"Hey Prof. Oak! Ash, Serena, Pikachu and- RIOLU?!"Tracey said

"Why?"Ash ask

"How do you get Riolu trust you?Not even Prof. Oak, Me, Gary or Leaf can tame him"Tracey said

"Well its a long story but this might help"Ash said as he form a blue ball on his hand

"I-is that an.. Aura Sphere?"Gary ask

"Yes"Ash said as he throw the ball on metal door as it break through

"Wow. Such power... Son your growing up to fast"They heard behind them

"Dad?"Ash ask

"Red?"Delia ask

"Yep Im back from my journey"Red said as Ash hug him and Delia move towards them as a small tear run down across her face

"He is great as you Red"Delia said hugging him

"Dad. Why you leave when Im 8?"Ash said

"Sorry Ash. But now Im back and I will follow you to teach you and Riu to master you powers"Red said

"Really?"Ash said

"Yes"Red said as he go out

"Where are you going?"Ash ask

"Going home"Red said as he disappear into thin air

"Wow he teleport"Serena said

"Well lets get going now Serena"Ash said as they wonder

They go in a forest where they first met as they remember what happen

"Pika?"Wondered why they are inside a forest

"Pikachu, this forest is where me and Serena met"Ash said

"Pika"Pikachu said in amazement

"Wow. Where we first met and when I first started to have a cr-"Serena stop as she realized on what she is going to say.

"Started what?"Ash said

"Nevermind"She said as they got out of the forest

"Wanna go to Pewter City now?"Ash ask

"Yes but it will took time for us to get there"Serena said

"Dont worry"He said as he release his Charizard

"We will fly to get there?"She ask

"Yes why not? And we can see the beauty of Pallet and Pewter above"

"Right"She said as they get on Charizard's back

Charizard set off as the two trainers look down to see trees, pokemons, lakes and rivers below them.

"Youre right Ash. This is amazing"She said

30 minutes have passed as they get in Pewter City

"Were here!"Ash shouted as he and Serena got of Charizard and call his Charizard back to his Pokeball.

"Lets head of to Pokecenter first"Ash said

"Welcome to Pewter City's PokeCenter"Nurse Joy said

"Can you please take a look at my Pokemon and thanks"Ash said as he give her his pokeballs along with Pikachu and Riolu as they seat next to the counter.

"So who did you bring with you?"Serena ask

"Pikachu, Riolu, Charizard, and Greninja"Ash said

"So that will leave you two slots for other pokemon"Serena said as Ash nods

They talk for awhile as Ash get his pokeballs back as Pikachu and Riolu get back on his shoulders

"Lets go and meet my friend"Ash said as they walk towards the Gym

"Welcome to Pewter City Gym."One of the guard said

"How may we help you?"The other one ask

"I want to meet Brock the Gym Leader"Ash said

"Brock? Sorry but his retired. His Brother took his place as a Gym Leader because Brock is now a Pokemon Breeder slash Doctor"The guard said

"If you want to see him, head inside and follow me to his house"The other one said as he lead Ash and Serena to their house

"This way and Im sure you can find him"The guard said before he leave

"So he finally became a Breeder slash Doctor "Ash said as they saw a man a little taller than them

"Hello how may I help yo- Ash is that you?!"The man said

"Yes Brock! You became a Doctor now just as you want in your dreams"Ash said as Brock nods

"And who is this lovely young lady?Youf girlfriend Ash?"Brock said

"Huh?! No!"They both said as they got red as a tomato

"Shes Serena my friend"Ash said

"So your Serena. Ash talk alot abo-"He started before Ash cut him of

"Yea yeah. So Brock how you doin'?"Ash said

"So you got a Riolu Ash. Oh yeah, and Im doing Great!How about you?"Brock said

"Great! Im the new Champion of Kalos!"Ash said as Pikachu cheer with Riolu

"So your the one who beat Diantha?! Impressive Ash. Sorry if I didnt recognize that youre the one who beat her"Brock sweatdropped

"No its okay Brock"Ash said

"So Ash I need to get going now bye!"Brock said as he ran of

"Well lets get our.. Date Serena"Ash said as he took her hanx and ran of to the restaurant

Serena giggled as she blush. She just ran along with Ash

"Finally! Time to eat!"Ash said

"So Ash what do you want"Serena ask as they sat down

"Well lets see"Ash look at the menu

"Oh I want this! T-Bone steak and a Banana Split!"Ash said

"Well I want uhmm. Ahah! Carbonara and salad"Serena said

"What drinks?"Ash said

"Iced Tea?"Serena ask

"Then Iced-Tea it is. Excuse me Sir, we will take our order now"Ash said as the waiter walk to them

"Whats your order lovely couple"The waiter said making Ash and Serena blush

"Uhm were friends. Hehe"Ash said scratching his head

"Well sorry. So whats your order?"The waiter said as he brought uot his list

"Well I want T-Bone steak and a Banana Split and She wants a Carbonara and Salad. And the drinks are Iced Tea"Ash said as the man wrote their order

"Wait for minute as your food is being prepared" the man said before walking to the kitchen

The two finished their dinner as they wonder around for awhile

"Its getting late we should head back to Pal-"Serena said

"No whe should stay the night at the Pokecenter. Some ghost type pokemon will be out when it gets 6 and its 5:50"Ash said and they went inside the center

"Welcome back. Staying here for tonight?"Nurse Joy said

"Yes. Two room please"Ash said

"Oh Im sorry but there are only one room left"Nurse Joy said

"Ok we'll get that. Its better than sleeping outside"Ash said as they both slightly blush

They enter their room and notice something. Their are only one bed.

"Oh no"Ash said in his mind

"So right or left?"Serena ask

"Ill take the right side. I like sleeping next to a wall"Ash said as he get his clothes of and his pants off. Leaving him only in his Shorts

Serena blush a little as she saw his 6 pack. She get her hat off and she went inside the bathroom and change to her panjamas

"So Serena, Do have fun?"Ash ask her as she layed beside him

"Yes" she said as she yawned a little

"So what do you think about Alola Serena?"Ash ask

"Well after I see the map of Alola. It looks awesome and and beautiful"Serena said

"So who will you choose as starter pokemon?"Ash ask

"Well I was thinking about Popplio. Who will you choose?"Serena said

"Well I was actually thinking to choose Litten."Ash said

"Serena?"Ash ask only to find her sleeping

"She looks beautiful, cute"Ash blush a little when he said that.A little smile form in his face before he sleep.

Thats it guys! Sorry for not bieng actice lately.
Ughh. School......... *sigh*
Well now because Im done in this chapter
So I will start on my anotherbook

Stay awesome and peace out!


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