Autorstwa tarlutz_tl

618K 20K 1.8K

REBEL HEART Luxury never made me happy. It's just a distraction from this solitary world, only filling... Więcej

Author's Note


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Autorstwa tarlutz_tl


Days went by and my relationship with Gab just gets better. I got to know her in a deeper level and I've opened up to her as well, especially about my family. Gab got pretty active with his Uncle's company and there were days that she'll be out of town, but she always comes home to me with her warm smile and needy hug. I can't help but giggle every time I think about it.

If you would compare the Gab now and the Gab 8 months ago, maybe you'd say that this Gabby right now is a different person. Gab is different today in a way that she thinks and acts like a grown up and a matured adult. She always thinks of the welfare of others before herself and she always makes sure that everyone is well. Sure she's still stubborn and annoying at times but that just how Gab really is.

We spent our weekends together doing anything or sometimes we'd go out of town like to the beach or camping. Some weekends we'd hang out at the farm and we'd check on Bernard. Weird how he always forgot us and we have to again introduce ourselves to him, then we'd talk about the same things over again. Poor Bernard, his dementia had taken all those sweet and precious memories away. We'll sit there watching the sun set and we'd listen to his stories, and even if we heard it a couple times before, it doesn't matter because whenever I see him reminisce about his past, his face lits up and his eyes glow. He is happy once more, and that's priceless. And I know that's the exact reason why Gab keeps on coming back.

On Sundays, we'd still have dinner but not at the mansion and without Mr. Ervy because Gab said he is too busy with his business meetings. Sometimes I just find it weird because I remembered it clearly when Mr. Ervy told Jenkins to wipe his Sunday schedule but hey, maybe there were inevitable times that work must come first. It's just sad that we always miss out Mr. Ervy. I always ask Gab about it but it seemed that Gab is just fine with it and that she is not bothered by Mr. Ervy's absence, which is quite odd. Gab is always fond of her Uncle.

Mr. Wilford finally agreed to meet up with me and talk about handing over their farm land. I learned that it was a big decision for him but it's something he has to decide on since Bastienne showed no interest with the farm. The first meeting was postponed because he got sick and Bastienne was busy taking care of his dad. I will meet him today in their farm and Gab offered to drive me all the way up but I declined because I know she's busy as well with her Uncle's company. Gab's been spending her days at the Ervy Tower in downtown Chicago, learning the basics and getting familiar with how the business works.

So I revved up my engine and started hitting the road. My team will meet me there and they'll be using the company car, I'd like to drive alone because it gives me time to think of things and just have a time for myself. It will take me almost 2 hours to get there, in time for an early lunch. Bastienne told me that his dad wanted him to prepare something for me and he couldn't say no to his dad so yeah, his dad and my visit got him cooking.

I was relieved to know that the package Bastienne was talking about was an envelope containing papers of their land that might be of help for Ervy Realtors once we got hold of it. Daphne was so excited about the flowers and teddy which Gab sent that she forgot about the other package that came in together with Gab's. I have to ask Bastienne again about the package he was talking about. Thankfully Bastienne looked at me nothing more than a friend for this will be too awkward, but then again Gab thinks the other way so she had second thoughts of letting me drive up to Bastienne's. I assured her that this is all work and that she shouldn't think of anything else. She was a bit hesitant but somehow she agreed with me.

I hit the gas and drive smoothly to the Wilford's. It is a bright and sunny morning but the wind is chilly enough to make my cheeks fluster. I turned on the radio and started looking for a good music. Then I found a song which made me a bit excited, the radio station was playing Melt with you and I couldn't help but smile. My thoughts lingered on John and Marias's Anniversary where Gab pulled me into the dance floor and sang and danced with me. I swear I was blushing the entire time and I felt my jaw got a bit strained for constantly smiling. I admire her spontaneity and I think that makes me fall for her even more. Gab never ever ceased to make me smile and at the same time happy.


When I got there, I was welcomed by Bastienne, standing on the open field with a huge grin on his face. He's wearing a blue flannel shirt, a pair of faded denims and dark brown boots. A man in a wheel chair was sitting at the house's front porch and I assume that he's Bastienne's dad or Mr. Gregory Wilford. There was a black Labrador sitting lazily over the rug beside the wheelchair and it looks like they are waiting for my arrival, which weirdly got me nervous in an instant.

I pulled over beside a huge oak tree and climbed off of my car. Bastienne walked towards me and welcomed me to their farm.

"Good Morning Lexi, how was the drive?"

"Hey Bastienne, it's fun"

"Not tiring?"

"Not at all" I smiled.

My team texted me that they'll catch up since they have to pick Marcus first and I just texted them that it's okay. Maybe I can stroll a bit or talk with Bastienne before going down to business. We walked towards the house and even from a distance I can already see Mr. Greg Wilford.

"Good Morning Sir, Mr. Wilford. I am Lexi Edward"

Mr. Wilford attempted to stand on his wheelchair but Bastienne quickly went to his side and told him not to tire himself. I moved closer to him and offered my hand. It took him a while to take it like he was studying my face and a smile crept slowly on his face. But I saw something in his eyes that made me feel strange. It's as if they were filled with so much joy and sadness all at the same time. Maybe he was sad to give his land away. Yeah maybe that was it.

"Ah, Good day young lady, so you are Lexi Edward. It's nice to finally meet you"

He took my hand and lingered longer as I smiled sweetly at him. His hands were warm and it strangely offered me comfort. Mr. Wilford sure had lots of women swooning over him in his younger days because up until now, he still looks handsome.

He had same azure blue eyes with Bastienne and the same dark blond hair. He had a very define jaw line and a pointed nose. His hair was kept on a slick look and was dressed well. I felt weird standing in a room with two people who has the same exact hue of blue, with mine.

Mr. Wilford was holding my hand a little longer that Bastienne cleared his throat and shot his father a look. Mr. Wilford slowly let go of my hand and spoke.

"Oh you must be hungry dear, come on let's eat first before getting down to business"

I simply nodded and looked at Bastienne who smiled nervously at me.

We rounded the dining table and I couldn't help but wander my eyes around the place. It was a typical farm house with a huge and cozy couch over at the living room. There was a neat fire place and pictures of some sort, maybe their family portrait. I also noticed boxes on the corner which meant that they must have started to pack. I instantly felt relieved thinking that our talk today will go perfectly smooth.

Bastienne was busy going back and forth to the kitchen while Mr. Wilford and I waited patiently for him.

"I'm sorry Lexi, our hired help didn't show up today so I was a bit wired up"

"Nah it's okay Bastienne, take your time"

When I shifted my gaze at Mr. Wilford, he was already looking at me with his eyes almost glistening.

"How old were you again dear?"

"Um, I am 28 Mr. Wilford"

"Oh, call me Greg"

I nodded and smiled sweetly at him.

"You are so beautiful Lexi"

"Thank you"

My cheeks instantly flustered as I took as I sip of water from my glass.

Then he hit me up with another question.

"Are you married already or a boyfriend perhaps?"

The question was not addressed in a nosy way but nevertheless I was taken aback like I wasn't expecting it. I found myself smiling as I remembered Gab. I opened my mouth to speak but Bastienne came in with a roasted chicken and some baked potatoes.


Mr. Wilford raised his hands mid air as if saying okay, "I'll steer clear". Then I found myself saying that it's okay.

"Actually, I have someone but not a boyfriend.."

I trailed off and watch the two men stopped at whatever it is they're doing and watched me intently.

"I have a girlfriend"

Mr. Wiford's eyes lit in surprise and his mouth formed "O". Bastienne looked like he was delighted and a smile crept his face.

"Wow. Really?" Bastienne snapped.


"Well that is lovely dear" Mr. Wilford offered before taking his spoon and fork.

"Thank you"

I find it amazing how these people did not looked shocked or anything like it, upon hearing me say that I have a girlfriend. In fact they find it lovely. I know I shouldn't be out here telling some personal stuff about my life because in the first place, this is work and my personal life has nothing to do with it. But I just feel like sharing it to them and I know they wouldn't judge me. I honestly felt like I know Bastienne and his dad for a long time, like I had some sense of connection between them and it feels strange.

The lunch was soon over with Marcus and the guys and gals from Ervy Realty arriving. The hired help came in and Bastienne told her to set the table up for my team. They were very delighted to have lunch in a cozy farm house.

Bastienne, Greg and I settled at the back of the farm house. We stayed at the gazebo and Bastienne fixed us some tea. I started pulling out the folder which contained the proposal and hand it over to Mr. Wilford. I would have used a laptop to explain it clearly but Bastienne said his dad was left in the old era and would appreciate it in a folder. He started to scan the papers and started humming every time he flicked the pages. I waited patiently for him as I studied the look on his face and honestly he didn't look that interested or more like he was bored with the proposal I made. Then he shifted on his seat and closed the folder and hand it to Bastienne.

"Well you see, paper works bore me and sorry about that dear. But anyway your proposal looks promising and of course the price is so much more than I expected. Sullivan really knows how to do business"

I sat there quite shocked hearing Greg call Mr. Evry by his first name like he knows him too well. I mean almost half of people in Chicago knows who Sullivan Ervy is but there's just something different in the manner he said it. It's like he'd known him before and something sparkled in his eyes like a memory flashed across his mind and it made his lips quiver. I would like to ask him if he personally knew Mr. Ervy but I felt like I'd be very nosy and maybe it didn't mean anything. I took a deep breath and threw in the million dollar question.

"Thank you Greg. So are you saying that the deal is on?"

A smile crept on his face and as if he remembered something.

"Right. I like it that you are straight forward just like you're mot-..'

"Uhmm Dad"

Greg was about to say something but Bastienne cut him off and said that his dad needs to take some pills. It's weird of Bastienne to do that because we were still talking and Mr. Wilford can take his meds here in front of me and I wouldn't mind. But instead Bastienne stood up, went over to his dad and if I was right, he glared at him. The old man's brows furrowed and slumped on his chair. Ugh! Bastienne why would you do that?

"Uhm Lexi, can you excuse me for a sec. I just need to call Cora"

Cora was the hired help Bastienne was talking about. He scurried to the main house and my gaze followed him on. Greg cleared his throat and when I look at him, he's looking at me again.

"Lexi dear, you have a wonderful name"

"Oh thanks Mr. Wilford"

"I told you call me Greg"

"Oh, Greg it is"

He shifted in his seat once more and turned to look at me gazing intently to my blue.

"Lexi, I will sell the land to Ervy Realtors, but on one condition"

I was relieved to hear that finally Mr. Wilford agreed to sell his land and any week from now, the construction will be on its full swing. I'm sure Mr. Ervy will be delighted to hear this. But wait Lexi, don't get too excited, the man said he has conditions. But I'm sure I can do any of those. I moved closer and looked straight into his eyes. Weird cause I felt like looking at my own.

"What is it Greg?"

"Come and celebrate with me on my 66th birthday and maybe you can take your girlfriend along, I would like to meet her"

I was taken aback by his invitation. Not only he looks delighted to hear that I have a girlfriend instead of a husband or a boyfriend, but he even wants to meet Gab. I felt strange but somehow it felt nice I mean Gab and I haven't go out or has never been introduced to someone as the girlfriend of one another, and this was a first. I actually thought of Mr. Ervy not knowing about the relationship Gab and I had. I mean I've asked her a few times if her uncle knew and she'd just shrugged and would tell me that he's really busy right now. Though she told me that she had told his uncle about it and that he was just okay with it but I can't help but feel a bit skeptical about it. I mean growing up, I've known Mr. Ervy and news like this isn't something that he can say he's just okay with it. He'd be talking to us and asking us of the news were true and who knows what he'll say or do. But then again, maybe Gab is right maybe he's just too busy.

I snapped out of my reverie when I heard Greg cleared his throat.

"Um. Yeah. That's it?"

"Well I couldn't thought of anything to ask you..yet"


I shot him a look and he smiled right away.

"Nah I'm just kidding, that's all I ask"

He shrugged and I continued watching him from across my chair.

"I just want to spend it with people I care about"

I find it strange that Greg regarded me as someone he cares about because I just met him and this is plainly because of business. Greg is a warm person, who will make your heart melt with his azure eyes and wonderful smile. If I'd known him longer, maybe I'd grew fond of him. But I just met him today, sure Bastienne might have said something about me to his dad but still, it doesn't make sense for him to say it. I just pushed the thought at the back of my mind and I'll deal with it later. I smiled at him and said yes.

"It's a deal then. I'll have Bastienne send you the invites"

"Okay. I'll look forward to that"

Then like a cue, Bastienne stepped in the gazebo with Cora moving towards Greg and adjusting his wheel chair. He waved to us and before Cora started pushing his wheel chair. He raised his hand which was a cue for Cora to stop and then tried to stand up. Bastienne went to his side quickly but he raised a hand causing Bastienne to stop.

"I can manage"

His legs weren't shaking nor look weary and tired. He stood up and I was surprised to find that he was a tall man and maybe in his younger years he was an athlete. His eyes fixed on me and he smiled.

"Come over child"

His arms were open wide and it looked inviting, like he was telling me to come home. It's weird how Mr. Wilford and Bastienne makes me feel, like they are family. I looked at Bastienne and he just gave me a weak smile. I moved closer to him and hugged him.

"It was nice meeting you Greg"

Greg's hug was warm and I felt something that I've never felt before, like a longing for something. I shook my head just to clear my thoughts. Then he pulled away and held me at arm's length. His eyes were soft and were somewhat glistening.

"I am very delighted to meet you Lexi"

Then he let me go and Cora helped him in his chair, disappearing inside the house afterwards. Bastienne walked alongside with me as we reached inside the house where my team and I is waiting.

"Looks like you wouldn't be needing much of their help Lexi"

"Right. I didn't expect it'd be that fast though"

Bastienne shrugged and stopped in his tracks facing me.

"Well Dad just needed to see you I guess. And what can I say, he can't say no to his.."

He trailed off and my brows furrowed as I let my gaze fix on him. We heard Marcus got up from the table and telling the guys to hurry.

"To his what Bastienne?"

Bastienne suddenly went pale and looked like he said something he shouldn't have. He stuttered when he started to form a sentence.

"T-To his beautiful buyer. I-I meant the buyer of our land. W-Well as I-I told you, dad just wanted to meet the buyer or something like that. H-He just wants to know his land will be in good hands. Yeah"

I wasn't convinced with this because I've explained this to Bastienne before that Ervy Realtors are the real buyer and I'm just an employee working for them and with that, just doing my job. I decided not to pry on it and just let it slip.

"Okay. We'll he invited me on his birthday"

"Really? He did?"

"Yeah and I said yes. He even told me to bring Gab along"

Bastienne's eyes narrowed and he gave me a teasing look.

"Oh, Gab's my girlfriend"

His mouthed formed an "O" then a smile crept on his face.

"I see. Well, I'll send you the invites. Can't wait to meet your girlfriend either"

I shot him a look and he raised his hands midair.

"Oh, not what you're thinking Lexi"

He looked at me and just like that, he already knew what I was thinking. Weird right?

I nodded at him and we joined my team afterwards.


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