A Model And A Fan - Larry Sty...

By Whatsuphello1

3.3M 103K 194K

Louis is shy and quiet . Harry is popular and known . ~ A few nights before his birthday , Louis decided he's... More

Quick Note
Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 12
Ch. 13
Ch. 14
Ch. 15
Ch. 16
Ch. 17
Ch. 18
Ch. 19
Ch. 20
Ch. 21
Ch. 22
Ch. 23
Ch. 24
Ch. 25
Ch. 26
Ch. 27
Ch. 28
Character Asks
Ch. 29
Character Answers
Ch. 30
Ch. 31
Ch. 32
Ch. 33
Ch. 34
Ch. 35
Ch. 36
Ch. 37
13 Facts
Ch. 38
Ch. 39
Ch. 40
Ch. 41
Ch. 42
Ch. 43
Ch. 44
Ch. 45
Ch. 46
Ch. 47
Ch. 48
Ch. 49
Ch. 50
Ch. 51
Ch. 52
Ch. 53
Ch. 54
Ch. 55
Ch. 56
Character Asks 2
Ch. 57
Character Answers 2
Ch. 58
Ch. 59
Ch. 60
Ch. 61
Ch. 62
Ch. 63
Ch. 64
Ch. 65
Ch. 67
Ch. 68
Ch. 69
Ch. 70
Ch. 71
Ch. 72
Ch. 73
Ch. 74
Ch. 75
Ch. 76
Ch. 77
Ch. 78
Ch. 79
Ch. 80
A List of My Favourite Books
Ch. 81
Ch. 82
Ch. 83
Ch. 84
Ch. 85
Ch. 86
Ch. 87
Character Asks 3
Ch. 88
Ch. 89
Ch. 90
Character Answers 3
Ch. 91
Ch. 92
Ch. 93
Ch. 94
Ch. 95
Ch. 96
Ch. 97
Ch. 98
Ch. 99
Ch. 100
Last Character Asks
Last Characters Answers
1 Million

Ch. 66

25.4K 727 1K
By Whatsuphello1

I don't even know where this story goes anymore , but if you still like it then I'll keep it going some more .

Enjoy the chapter x


"Good morning , love ." Harry smiled and pecked Louis' cheek , Louis smiled with his eyes still closed , "Morning . Wake me up for breakfast ."

"Breakfast is ready , tiny bug ." Harry chuckled and booped his nose , Louis giggled sleepily and held his arms out , "Carry me ?"

Harry pushed the covers off his body and scooped the small boy into his arms , carrying him to the table . He sat on a chair with Louis on his lap , he kissed his forehead , "Look up baby ."

Louis opened his eyes and rubbed them , Harry pecked his nose , "Eat up , love . We have an eventful day ."

Louis turned a little to face the table , he grabbed a fork and took a bite , "When are we going to go to the picnic ? We need to talk to everyone . And the video -"

"Lou , I already talked to everyone ; I invited Liam , Zayn , Niall , Tyler , Troye , Joey , Daniel , Alfie , Zoe and Bethany . Shane , Dan and Phil couldn't come ." Harry cut him off and rubbed his back , his other hand pressed to his stomach over the wound .

"Oh wow , okay ." Louis took another bite . "And the video ?"

"I'll let you get dressed and all , when you'll be ready we'll film it ." Harry kissed his shoulder , "I haven't seen the comments on my tweet yet , so we'll read them together ."

"Alright ." Louis leaned back against Harry's chest , Harry pressed a warm kiss to his neck and sighed , "Sorry about being all hyper last night , couldn't really help it ."

Louis giggled , "You were really cute . Silly as ever , but cute ."

Harry laughed , "Troye just sent me a video from last night , I was screaming things like 'I can run faster than a cheetah' , 'I can stand taller than a girrafe' -"

"That one is true though ." Louis giggled , making Harry laugh .

"And then I screamed 'I can lift a hippooooo' and attempted to lift one of the bodyguards , the look on his face was priceless ."

Louis threw his head back laughing , "You didn't !"

"I unfortunately did ." Harry grinned fondly at Louis , "Luckily Liam pulled me away before that guard could punch me ."

"You're such a dork ." Louis reached up to pinch his cheek , "But you're my dork ."

"Yours , always yours ." Harry nuzzled his neck and pressed a kiss there , Louis smiled and continued eating his breakfast .


"You ready love ?" Harry asked as he started recording , sitting on the couch in front of the camera .

"Yeah , just a second !" Louis called from the bedroom , Harry brought Milo onto his lap and pet the small puppy .

Louis walked into the living room , "Is it recording ?"

"Yeah , come here ." Harry held his arm out for Louis , Louis sat next to him and let Harry wrap his arm around his waist , bringing him closer .

"Hello everyone , Harry here , joined once again with my lovely boyfriend Louis ." Harry smiled at the camera and turned to peck Louis' cheek , making him blush softly and smile at the camera .

"So for today's video we'll do a Q&A , as you know from my Twitter ." Harry handed Louis his phone , "Also I'm sorry for not posting a video last week , things have been quite - quite overwhelming and hectic ."

Louis handed Harry his phone back with the tweets , Harry thanked him and took the phone with one hand , the other placed on his thigh .

"First question ; how are Bear and Milo doing ?" Harry read out loud , "Well these two are doing fine , being their usual beast selves ." Harry picked Bear up , despite him being large , Bear licked Harry's cheek and wiggled out of his grip . 

Louis picked Milo up , "Say hi buddy ." Milo barked in response , making Louis giggle . Harry cooed at Milo and took his small head in his giant hands , pressing a kiss to his head . Louis kept Milo on his lap , letting the puppy play with his fingers a little .

"Next question ; is Louis doing okay ? We heard something happened ." Harry read and turned to Louis , "As you guys can see , "My baby os definitely doing okay , recovering well and fast ." Harry brought Louis into his side and kissed the top of his head , "Do you mind telling them what happened ?"

"No ." Louis shook his head and turned his head to the camera , "Well , as you probably remember , we're not on good terms with - with Nick Grimshaw . -"

"Dick Grimshit ." Harry corrected him , making him giggle .

"I was at the record store , where I work , and he just walked in and uh - stabbed me . Then he ran away . But I'm okay now , surgery went well and I'm all healthy and better ." Louis said , trying not to sound weak and vulnerable . This subject always made him uncomfortable .

Harry rubbed his back and kissed his forehead , "Fucking glad you're okay ."

"Don't swear ." Louis swatted his chest , Harry smiled and nosed his hair , "You're cute ."

Louis picked the phone up , "Can I read a question ?"

"Of course , go ahead ." Harry nodded , leaning his chin on Louis' shoulder as he looked for a question .

"Uhm , next question is - what do you guys usually on lazy nights ?"

"We eat and watch a movie . Recently we even built a fort and had a pillow-tickle fight . We cuddle alot lot lot , and kiss , and annoy each other ." Harry grinned at the camera , Louis blushed and smiled aswell as Harry nosed his neck .

"For example , he's being cuddly and annoying right now ." Louis giggled at the camera , Harry chuckled and blew a raspberry on his neck , making him squeak and giggle more . He pushed him away , "Get away from me ."

Harry wrapped both arms around his waist carefully and brought him closer , pressing kisses all over his cheek and neck . Louis giggled and turned his head away , "Haz , come on , the video ."

Harry laughed and pressed one last peck to Louis' cheek before pulling away a little , still keeping Louis close .

"Next question ; could you please prank call one of the guys ?" Harry read , chuckling a little and turning his head to Louis , "Who do you want to call ?"

"Niall maybe ? Or Joey ?" Louis asked , Harry made a thinking face , "Let's get Joey and Daniel , yeah ?"

Louis nodded excitedly , "What should we say ?"

"I have an idea ." Harry smiled mischievously , "I'm going to call Daniel and start yelling at him for telling you we made out at Niall's party last night , but first you will text Joey you have some not so nice news for him ."

"Oh god ." Louis shook his head with a giggle , "Is it going to work ?"

"Well , I hope my acting skills are good ." Harry pecked Louis' cheek , Louis reached for his phone and texted Joey .

Hey Joey , I have some news for you . They're not good so please sit down 

He showed it to the camera and turned to Harry , watching him calling Daniel and putting him on speaker .

"Hello Styles ."

"Don't 'hello Styles' me , put me on speaker ." Harry said sternly , already feeling bad .

"You're on speaker , why are you so harsh ?"

"You know damn well why !"

"Dannie , I just got a text from Louis that he has news for me ."

"I can't believe you told Louis we made out at the party ! He wasn't supposed to know !"

"Uh , Harry ?"

"Now he broke up with me , god damn it ! And now I want Joey to know aswell that we made out , back at your face bastard !"

Louis covered his mouth with both hands , giggling into them as quietly as he could .

"Harry , we never made out ."

"Yes we did , Daniel !"

"Harry , Dannie and I were together throughout the whole party ."

Harry silenced for a second , before Louis couldn't hold his laughter back anymore .

"What the -"

"I'm sorry !! I'm so sorry , I tried prank calling you !" Harry called , laughing aswell .

"You're so lame , and I thought your jokes are the worst ."

"My jokes aren't that bad ."

"Yes they are ." Joey laughed , "And if you try telling some today at the picnic I'll shut you up with your own hair ."

"No promises ." Harry laughed , "Well anyways , sorry for being lame , it was a horrible prank , we'll see you in a few hours at the picnic ."

"See you later , lame boy ."

They hung up , Louis was still giggling without control . Harry chuckled and leaned to kiss his cheek , "Calm down , baby ."

"It was hilarious ." Louis said through small giggles , he held his stomach , "My tummy hurts from laughing so much ."

"I'll kiss it better ." Harry grinned cheekily , Louis slapped his arm , "Go away , pervert ."

Harry kissed his cheek once more before turning back to the camera , "Sorry this prank call went  wrong , I tried ."


"Hey guys ." Harry smiled at Zayn , Liam , Alfie , Zoe and Bethany , who were already at the meadow with the giant blanket spread on the grass , Zayn got up to hug Louis .

"How are you feeling ?" He asked and rubbed his back .

"I'm great , you ?" Louis asked with a smile .

"I'm good . Was Harry okay last night ?"

"Yeah , he was really hyper ." Louis giggled lightly , "I promise he didn't do anything ."

"Good ." Zayn patted his shoulder and went to greet Harry , while the other four were greeting Louis .

They sat on the blanket , Harry brought Louis to sit between his legs and lean back on his chest . Alfie sat next to him , copying his position with Zoe . Liam and Zayn soon followed , Bethany pouted , "I can't believe I'm third wheeling three couples at the same time ."

"Come here ." Zayn patted his stomach , Bethany leaned back on his chest , "Still feeling like a third wheel ."

"The queen is here ." They heard a call , turning their heads to see Niall walking towards them with Troye , Tyler , Joey and Daniel right behind him .

Daniel playfully ruffled Harry's hair all over , "This is for being an idiot ."

Harry laughed , "Come on , atleast I tried ."

Joey flicked his ear , Harry hissed a little and swatted his hand away . Louis giggled , Joey pinched his cheek , "Sorry you had to get dragged into the mess Harry created ."

"Oh it's okay , it was hilarious watching his face when he realized he messed up ." Louis giggled again . Harry wrapped his arms around Louis and leaned down to peck his cheek , Louis smiled up at him and poked his dimple .

The five who just arrived sat on the blanket aswell , Zoe and Bethany started handing out sandwitches they made .

"Who needs YouTube parties , we're all here ." Aflie took a bite of his sandwitch , Zoe slapped his leg , "I need YouTube parties , I can't meet up with YouTubers just like that ."

Harry looked down to Louis , "Is your wound hurting ?"

"No , why ?" Louis shook his head .

"Just asking ." Harry kissed the top of his head and took a bite of his sandwitch . Louis smiled and rubbed his knee , "Stop worrying too much , if it hurts you'll be the first to know ."

"We heard what happened , Louis . Are you doing better ?" Tyler asked and scooted closer , Louis nodded with a smile , "Yeah , I'm okay . I mean , it still feels weird and all , but I'm okay now ."

"I can't believe someone would do such thing ." Troye shook his head in disbelief .

"C-can we not discuss it please ?" Louis asked , everyone nodded and Niall was quick to change the subject , "Who wants to race ?"

Everyone looked at him confused .

"Let's make a race , winner gets to slap the losers ." Niall stood up , Alfie stood up with Troye , Liam and Harry right after .

"I'll win for you ." Harry pecked Louis' cheek and went to stand next to the four . Louis scooted on the blanket until he was sat near a flowers pile .

"Ready , go !" Zoe called , all four boys took off running to the other side of the meadow with everyone laughing , filming them for their vlog\snapchats .

Louis started making a flowercrown , when he heard a winning call .

He turned his head to see Harry with his arms in the air , bringing Niall into a headlock . He giggled and watched as Harry slapped Niall , Alfie and and Troye before the four went back to the blanket .

Louis placed the flowercrown on his head when Bethany sat next to him , "Make me one too ! Yours is so pretty ."

"Thank you ." Louis smiled at her and started making one for her aswell .

Joey sat next to them , "Ooh , I want one too !" He turned his camera towards Louis , "Make me one ?"

"Sure , I'll just finish with this one for Beth ." Louis nodded , when he felt two arms wrap around him from behind , they were too thin to be Harry's . He turned his head to see Troye , "Hi ."

"Hey , make me a flowercrown too ." Troye leaned his head on Louis' shoulder .

"I have to finish Beth's and then Joey's , but I promise I'll make you one ." Louis said with a smile .

"You're such a nice person ." Bethany smiled at him , "Like , no matter who it is you're always nice .

"Thank you ." Louis smiled with blush on his cheeks , "I'm just - I grew up to be nice , because I didn't want to become like my parents ." He looked down to the flowercrown with a sad smile .

"I didn't mean to make you sad ." Bethany put her hand on his shoulder . Louis shook his head , "I know , I just -I'm not on good terms with my parents ."

"I remember , since you said on Harry's video that - you know ." She smiled at him gently , "But they don't matter , you have us and you have Harry ."

"I know , and I'm thankful ." Louis smiled wider .

He finished Bethany's flowercrown and placed it on her head , she grinned and thanked him . 

Troye felt someone tapping his shoulder , he turned his head to see Harry . "Hello , can I help you ?" Troye asked .

"I want my baby back ." Harry crossed his arms over his chest .

"Fight for him ." Troye said in a low voice , Louis giggled , "Yeah , fight for me ."

Harry growled playfully , he reached out and grabbed Troye's arms and tried unlacing them from around Louis without hurting Louis' wound . Troye fought the pulling , Louis just giggled and shook his head fondly .

When Harry successfully pulled Troye off Louis , they stumbled backwards from the force , both laughing .

"Are you okay ?" Harry asked , Troye nodded and smacked the back of his head .

Harry got up and crawled on his knees to sit behind Louis with his arms around his waist , "Got you back ."

Louis giggled , "Like I can escape the possessive frog ." He finished Joey's flowercrown and placed it on his head , Joey filmed himself with a smile as Louis moved his hair a little so the flowercrown will sit better on his head .

"Thanks Lou ." Joey smiled , "Ooh , gorgeous . This flowercrown is everything ." Joey examined the flowercrown through the small camera screen .

Louis started making Troye one aswell , almost running out of flowers . 

"Make me one too ?" Harry asked and hooked his chin on his shoulder , Louis nodded , "Sure , I'll finish with Troye's crown and make you one too ."

Harry nodded and pressed a kiss to his cheek , watching his small , dainty hands joining the flowers together .

Daniel sat next to Joey , "I want a flowercrown too ."

"There's a line , please stand by ." Harry turned his head , "He's making me one now ."

"I'll finish with Harry's crown and make you one ." Louis told Daniel , he smiled and nodded , "Okay , thank you ."

"Stop !!" They heard Zayn screaming , they all turned their heads to see Liam tickling Zayn , "Take that back !"

"No , Li !" Zayn called through his laughter , pushing at Liam's hands .

"Take it back or I'm not stopping !"

"A-ah ! Okay o-okay , I'm your greek god ! I am I am just stop !!" Zayn called and laughed , Liam pulled his hands back and leaned down to kiss his lips , "Hell yes you are ."

"You're so cute ." Zoe cooed , Liam smiled and helped Zayn sit up , leaning him against his chest .

Soon Lousi finished with Harry's flowercrown , Harry sat next to him and let him place it on his head , moving his hair around a little . "There you go ." He smiled , Harry kissed his lips , "Thanks ."

Louis moved to a new flowers pile to make Daniel a crown , Zoe sat next to him and started a conversation , Zayn joined them .

Soon enough the whole group had flowercrowns on their heads , Louis' arms were tired and Harry insisted on rubbing them to make him feel better .

"Guys , smile ." Bethany held her phone up , everyone gathered in and smiled .

A few pictures were taken on different phones , and soon it was getting dark . They packed their stuff and said goodbye , driving back to their houses .

Harry parked in the driveway and opened Louis' door for him , chuckling when the sleepy boy accidentally ran into his chest . He wrapped his arm around him , "Come on , sleepy ."

They walked into the house , Milo was asleep on the couch and Bear was on their bed , playing with a toy by himself .

Harry sat Louis on the bed and pecked his forehead , "I'll go get you clothes to sleep in , okay ?"

"Wait , Haz ." Louis caught his hand , Harry turned back to him , "Yes ?"

"Can we maybe - uh , take a bath ? I want one before I go to sleep ." Louis said , feeling blush rising up to his cheeks . A wide smile spread on Harry's face , he nodded , "Of course , come on ."

He sat Louis on the counter and turned to fill the bath , Louis yawned again making Harry coo at him . 

He helped him out of his shoes and socks , Louis lazily lifted his arms up , Harry chuckeld and poked at his sides , making him giggle and drop his arms down .

"Not what I meant , Haz ." Louis slapped his chest , Harry grinned , "I know . Come on , arms up ."

Louis carefully lifted his arms , Harry helped him out of his shirt and tossed it into the laundry basket , before taking his own shirt and shoes off , along with his socks .

He turned to Louis , who just finished removing the pad from his wound . There was a visible scar , Harry bit his lower lip and walked closer , placing his hand under it .

Louis looked up at him , Harry shook his head , "I'm sorry I let that happen to you ."

"Don't blame yourself , you couldn't do anything ." Louis shook his head , "It's the police's fault and Nick's , I don't blame anyone else . Especially you ."

"But -"

"No , stop blaming yourself for nothing ." Louis placed his hand on Harry's cheek , Harry munched on his bottom lip and nodded , "Okay ."

Louis pecked his lips , "Can I choose a bath bomb ?"

"Sure ." Harry nodded , a smile spreading on his lips . Louis chose one and put it in the water , watching the colour melting into the water .

When the bath was filled the two undressed to their boxers and got into the tub , Harry rubbed his hands up and down his back , "Do you want me to wash your hair ?"

"No , I just want to relax ." Louis shook his head , Harry smiled and leaned to press a kiss to his shoulder before massaging him .

Bath time ended and they got out , Harry wrapped Louis in a towel and kissed his forehead , "I'll get you clothes ."

Louis was in bed , he lied on his back while Harry was walking around the house to close the windows and lock the door .

He walked into the room to see Louis on his phone , he smiled to himself and got under the covers next to him . He scooted down to Louis' stomach and lifted his shirt up , to see his wound wrapped in a pad .

"Can I ?" Harry looked up to Louis , who placed his phone down and stared down at him . Louis nodded , Harry slowly and carefully teared half of the pad off to reveal the wound . He leaned down to press a soft kiss next to the wound , Louis giggled .

"Sorry , tickles ." Louis blushed a little , Harry then leaned down to press more kisses around the wound to make Louis giggle more .

"Stop it ." Louis pushed his head away , Harry chuckled and wrapped the wound back up . Before he pulled Louis' shirt down he leaned to the other side of Louis' stomach (where it's not wounded) and blew a raspberry .

Louis squeaked and pushed him away , tugging his shirt back down in giggles . "You're so mean ."

Harry grinned fondly and scooted up , "Couldn't resist , I still need to give you some more ."

"No you don't ." Louis giggled , Harry kissed his lips , "No more for now , get some sleep baby ."

Louis turned to lie on his side , Harry spooned him and kissed his neck , "Good night , love you ."

"Night , love you too ." Louis smiled and tugged Harry's arm tighter around his waist .


This chapter is freaking long , wow . 

Hope you liked it , tell me if you didn't x


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