Life in the 21st Century [Cie...

By sappphica

150K 4.8K 7K

Long from home In time and distance No more shall he roam For he has found his princess COVER IMAGE PROPERTY... More

Just a Normal Bus Ride
The Way Home
Waking The Earl
Don't Call me Buddy -_-
Let me tell someting to ju
Then there's this asshole
Don't Call Me That!
Like. Srsly.
Bernard, Ethel, Lisa, Frank, Polly, Pocket and Aunt Gloria :3
This is Horrid
Cheerwine Baths
Thank You
Shower Time
First Day Of School!! [pt 1/3]
First Day Of School!! [pt 2/3]
First Day Of School!!! (pt 3/3)
I Ship It
Game of Thrones
Busy People
Bad Juju in the Shadow Realm.
Bad JuJu In The Shadow Realm
Comme tu veux
That (Unique Title, I know)
F bomb and Fluff
Show Time~!
*shrinks* Here is this sh!t
Much domestic. Very Married.
Daddeh's home~ :3 (Am I even trying any more, idk)
First Day On Vacay!
New People???? Maybe?? idktbh
tbhidk what to call this chap
New Beginnings and Old Cliffhangers
Aye Betcha Didn't See This Comin'!
A Stroll With Seb
Devil In Disquise
I Need Some Sleep
The Only Exception
Dating Dean?
!!Actual Plot Development!!
Is This Seat Taken?
Drink You Away
Maybe If We Try Again?
Curfuffle with Claude
Christmas Special!
This is a chapter
It's not as dramatic as you thought, I promise
The Clique (no not tøp)
The Night Before

So This Is Love?

1.4K 39 84
By sappphica

Until of course, Author had to fuck it up.

A street or two before before Dai Lane- Owf road (honestly, who named these roads?)- had, for a while now, its own little romance blossoming between neighbors.

There was Penelope; young and sweet, only 17, she loved to dance and jive at the neighborhood bbqs, you knew of her, shared a few words here and there. She was nice.

And there was Marcus. Previously Noemi, Marcus was a trans boy from Sicily who was very open about his experiences in realizing his gender.

Marcus and Penelope lived across the street from each other for most of your life, you always remember them being there, playing in the neighborhood pool or park or riding bikes around the street. Darren was around there age, so often the three of them would hang out.

They'd been in that horrid stage between platonic and romantic relations since thet were 15, and just last week, having gone unnoticed by you and your busy life, they'd finally started going out, offically boyfriend and girlfriend.

You only found this out when you saw the two of them in front of the car dancing beautifully.

Penelope's long chestnut hair was pulled up in a tight bun, a long light blue dress swaying as Marcus- who was dressed smartly in what appeared to be a white officers uniform- led her in a silent yet meaningful dance on the pavement. A waltz echoed through the neighborhood, easily reaching your ears. The visage was breathtaking, the setting sun casting glimmers of warmth through their intimate embrace as they swayed, their dark eyes locked sweetly.

You looked at them like they were idiots, and tbh, what kind of intelligent person would be dancing in the middle of the street?

Unbeknownst to you, Charles' eyes went wide when she heard a beautiful yet familiar sweep of an orchestra. Turning her head sharply to glare at Ali, she ordered him. "Headphones, her, now."

"Wha-?" Ali's confused response was only met with a quick flame of Charles' menecing magenta eyes. Frankly, it looked hella cool to you, and you would've said something, but you weren't speaking to her yet. You could feel Ali stiffen at her harsh and demanding glare, before the familiar sensation of earbuds in your ears. A very loud song you couldn't name was veing blared into your ears, and you tried to remove them, only to have Ali clamp his hands over your ears, efficiently blocking out any sound.

Now fully deaf, you couldn't hear the beautiful melody that began to pour from Penelope's lips.

"So this is love?" She sang, the sound easily reaching the ears of the uneffected demons- and Ciel, who's eyes had become transfixed on the dancing girl. "So this is love? So this is what makes life- devine? I'm all aglow- and now I know-"

You couldn't hear the words, but you assumed it was romantic by the tender way Marcus held Penelope as the measure flowed from her lips, gentle and sweet.

Breaking your eyes from the enviable visage, you glanced to your roommate to find bottom lip between his teeth as his glossed baby blues were transfixed on the radient dancers. As the baritone voicenof the transitioning male echoed out beautifully, Ciel leaned foreward, almost crawling between the elder demons to get nearer to the singers.

"The key, to all Heaven, is mine-" The couple's romantic melodious tune harmonized, leaving the stunned bluenette in rapture as he leaned farther still.

Charles held up a hand to pause the boy from continuing past her, saying something to the raven haired demon beside her. With obviously inhuman ease, he drove the car past the dancing couple, continuing down Owf Rd.

Ciel immediately dove back to the backseat and leaned as far as he could towards the still singing couple, the expression painted upon his face one of yearning and unabashed want.

You felt the vibrato of Ali talking words unheard, his long hands still firmly on your ears. It appeared that the redhead responded to him, then nodded her head casually towards you. The blonde released your head and you removed the earbuds, gently rubbing your tender cartilage.

"What the hell?" You inquired simply, handing the earbuds to Ali before gripping onto Ciel's pants and tugging him back into his seat.

"Sirens," Seb chuckled. "Quite dramatic creatures, they are. Their singing, however beautiful to humans, is quite bland to us of more... malevolent quality."

Processing this, Charles' commands to deafen you made quite a bit of sense. "So you guys aren't the only weirdos in town?"

"Apparently not," Ali sighed, leaning his head on yours. He hadn't really released you from the innocent cuddling you'd initiated prior, not that you cared. The inhuman warmth was almost unnervingly comforting. "I'm getting vibes from every house we pass."

"Oh joy," You sigh. "They're everywhere,"


Seb had decided to park in your driveway, he and Ali wanting to hang with the kool kids (thats you, you lovable nerd). Now knowing that you were surrounded by inhumans, you became far more aware of your neighbors odd tendancies.

The Parkinson's across the street, for example. You'd noticed Mr and Mrs Parkinson had quite a few kids, as well as several puppies. But you'd never seen all the children at the same time you saw all the puppies. Werewolves? You thought. Maybe?

Not to forget the Misses Greengrass who live beside the Parkinson's, they'd always been a bit cooky. Their adopted son Dean-Thomas rarely played outside- something you had usually just chalked up to him being an indoor person or a gamer kid. Now that you thought more on it, you'd never seen them outside before dusk. Actually, the only time you could recall ever seen them outside was late December a few years back. Thomas was playing in the yard with the Parkinson pups. Vampires? Probably.

There was also this illusive older brother of Charles, the only memory you have of ever seeing him was about 5 years ago, and all you can pick from that short meeting was he was tall, dark, and intimidating.

Yeah, you should've picked up on this sooner.

As you were thinking about all these things, you'd walked into the house and poured yourself a glass of cranberry juice. Gotta keep da puss smellin fresh.

"What just happened?" You heard Ciel mutter in confusion, only to see him being gently led into the kitchen by Seb. The elder explained about the sirens, and the boy nodded slowly. "They were nice," He responded with a dazed smile.

"So, Sebbeh," You call out after cringing at the crisp bitter cranberry taste. Said demon chuckled at your nickname.

"Yes (silly mispronunciation of your name)?" Seb teased, throwing a cheeky wink your way.

"About what you and Charles were talking about in the car? Something about a fall in 1814?" You inquired casually, taking another small gulp of the bitter juice. "Mind explain to this mere mortal?"

Snorting in amusement, Seb seemed to move out of habit as he began to prepare Ciel a snack to help him out of his Siren induced stupor. "Ah yes," He gave a tut. "Well, I'll spare you the details, but a couple centuries back- early fifteen-hundreds I believe- the three of us got a little stalker who had a talent for magiks." He stirred up some yellow powder from the pantry into bottled water, handing the lemonade to the atill dazed Ciel.

"We were on a job, ya know, a contract, when he found us in Strousberg. Started this sort of Dancing Plague thing, lots of death and whatnot." The demon finished making Ciel a bowl of chocolate ice crea (the bluenette nodded and took the bowl to the living room to sit with Ali)  and offered to make you one- you greatfully accepted.

He continued. "Happened a few more times, same way, just on a less grand scale. We haven't seen him since the autumn of 1814, but we know he tried getting out attention in 1840 in Madagascar, but we've been ignoring him. I'd bet four of Ciel's souls that Charles will deny its him until he's staring her in the face." Seb placed the bowl in front of you and leaned on the island, his elbows supporting him as he looked into your eyes. Bringing the a spoonful of ice cream to your lips, he crooned. "Open wide for me."

With that, you began to allow the demon to feed you- and boy did he make your lady bits quiver when he leaned over to clean some chocolate off the corner of your mouth. Whoo girl you get that demon dick.

Between bites, you managed to gain your voice- even though those... utterly sublime lips were tilted up in an amused way and the way his ruby eyes looked at you with a familiarity made you want to drop your panties right then and there. Girl, if you gon hoe, do it where we don't eat.

"You said we a lot, and the three of us, I assume that's you and Charles, but who's the third?" Innocently enough, you wrapped your lips around the spoon that was expectandly waiting in front of you and pulled the cold dessert off the metal- strangely aware of the ruby eyes that watched even your smallest movements.
"I believe you know him as Bro Bro," He chuckled, getting another spoonfull before experimentally giving the ice cream a lick. The look on his face afterward was a mix of disappointment, yet acceptance. "Charles' Sire,"

"Does he have a name or is he so old that his many names can only be spoken by the whispering winds?" You jokingly said, happily eating the last bite of the ice cream.

"Well, he's almost that old, yeah," Seb laughed, licking the rest of the ice cream off the spoon and putting the bowl in the sink- even though you'd figured by now it really didn't have a taste to him. He began washing the few dishes by hand, his back to you. "He has a name, but I think Charles likes the mystery of it all."

"You mean she's being a bitch and keeping me in the dark, right?" You sighed, coming up behind the tall demon and wrapping your arms around his lower waist and leaning on his back.

"You could put it like that, I guess." He chuckled, shaking his head.

It was silent for a few seconds, Seb finishing up the sparse dishes. He stayed with his back turned to you, allowing you the comfort, having already noticed you enjoyed his heat. It was comfortable silence, you'd say. You could hear the TV from the living room- obviously Charles had picked what they watched because you could hear the classic Loony Tunes sound effects.

"Do you miss it?" You asked, quietly, timidly, not removing your cheek from his back.

"Miss what?" Seb responded just as quiet.

You paused for a while, figuring out how to phrase it. "Being human," you summed up what you intended to ask.

He was silent for a while, his lack of heartbeat or breathing a bit unsettling. "Sometimes," Seb whispered. He turned around, but left your arms around his waist. He looked down at you. "Just a few things,"

"Like what?" Your voice was barely a whisper, your eyes unable to leave his supernaturally flawless features.

"I miss taste," Seb responded, snaking his arms around your waist, his height forcing you to look helplessly up to him.

"The taste of sweets," An amused but subdued smile perked the corner of his lip as his warm thumb swiped away at some chocolate at the corner of your mouth.

"The taste of a warm drink on a cold night," his voice drifted off as he leaned down.

"The taste of another." You could feel the heat radiating off the demons skin as he leaned closer and closer still. His lips grazed yours and you let out a small, shuddering breath before he connected your lips-

"Ahem," Thanks Charles.

However, Seb ignored the redhead, pressing your lips together gently while his hands guided your form closer to his. You willfully submitted- how often are you going to get this oportunity? Stepping on your toes, you leaned up to him, enjoying the way he skillfully managed to make your knees weak and your embarrassment diminish.

"Ahem," Charles repeated louder. You'd decided long ago you were ignoring her, why chose to stop now?

Seb's tongue expertly teased your bottom lip, a surprised smirk growing when you took his bottom lip between your teeth and gave it a little tug. He liked that, you could tell. (Thank you naughty fanfics) The demon's gentle hands on your waist pulled you closer to him.

"You've to the count of three,"

Seb's hand traveled a bit south, hands firmly cupping your bum and pulling you up towards him, his expert lips never ceasing their wonder.


You allowed his tongue to venture into your mouth, surprised at how easy he was going with you.

"Fuck it," Charles groaned. "Three."

You don't know what happened next, but within a few seconds, you were sitting in the couch with emerald duct tape on your mouth and Seb was tied to a blade on the ceiling fan, his pants on his head. "Real mature," Seb groaned, trying to untie his binds to no avail.

"You were the one making the moves on an infant," Charles repremanded.

Seb groaned. "Are you going to do this every time I try to sleep with her? Because I'm not gonna stop trying." Charles nodded, causing Seb to sigh. "Can you at least put my pants back on my ass?"

"Why?" Charles asked, sitting down beside Ciel, putting her arm around him. "You were so eager to get into (name)'s, I thought you'd like it."

"Ohhhhh! BuURN!" Ciel shouted, pointing his spoon at the tied up demon.

"Can it pint sized." Seb growled before turning to his lover who was stiffling laughs. "Ali, baby doll, can you help me down?"



After quite a bit if teasing Seb for making the moves on a child, you got back to business. (It was best decided that Seb remain on the ceiling fan, especially when you decided to turn it on- the lowest setting of course.)

"So," You began, looking at Seb.  "This dude back in 18-whatever-"

"Shut," Charles snapped. "Its not him, its just a strange coinky-dink."

Ciel butted in, wriggling around the topic to get info. The smug bastard. "Well, if thats the case then you shouldn't mind giving us a history lesson on it, yeah?" Charles seemed to be tittering on the edge of saying yes, so Ciel decided to lay it on thick. "Besides, I'm ecstatic to hear about your adventures! I'm sure will all of your expert knowledge and experience, you'd have so many intresting stories! Where better place to start?"

That sneaky bastard. Gotta love em.

Charles leaned back, a cocky smirk growing on her lips. Relaxing in the couch, wrapping an arm around Ciel, she pulled him to hee side. "Alright, bucko, you've twisted my arm," she pulled a familiar glass out of the air, once again a strong scent of alcohol hit your nose. You assumed you'd have to get use to this, she seemed to enjoy the drink. "I'll recount the story of the 1512 Dancing Plague of Strousberg, Germany, the way it really happened."

She went on to describe in agonizing detail the story of her, Brobro, and Seb gaining a strange stalker who had the hots for one of them, and would kill people to get senpai to notice him.

What better way to find true love?

"So why didn't you just go out with him?" Ciel asked when she finished, "I mean, I haven't known the 'real you' for long, but even before, you were down to fuck anything that walked." Charles made the 'i can't argue' expression and shrugged, do Ciel continued. "So I assume you're even more of a tart when you're not pretending to be human."

"You're not wrong," Seb laughed. "She'd spread em for anyone! Rasputin, Catherine the Great, Genkas Khan, Christopher Columbus-"

"Hey I got us a ride on that boat, didn't I?" Charles interjected, not really looking offended, just a bit snarky because Ali was giving her a dirty look. "Anyways, I would've! If it was me he was after," The redhead grumbled under breath angrily, apparently she didn't take regection well.

Ali looked to his lover. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but if he wasnt after Charles, then why didn't you let him pound your (succ)ulent ass into oblivion?"

Your eyes widened, a whisper of "seb's a bottom?" leaving your lips. Ciel gagged.

Seb sighed, and not the usual "ugh fml" sigh, no. It was the shakey kind of sigh you get when reading dirty fanfiction, ya know, where you fan yourself and cross your legs. That kinda sigh.

"Oh trust me, I would've." The demon bit his lip and closed his eyes, a little whine escaping his throat. "I really, really would've."  After a few (strenuously long and horrifyingly awkward) moments of Seb (and Charles) fantasising about this guy, you cleared your throat.

"Then why didn't you?" You ponder, knitting your brows as the demon was brought to reality. You didn't want to know what was going on in his sick mind, tbh. "Did he have demon herpes or something?"

Once more he sighed, the regular fml sigh. "Nay, t'was not my milkshake which brought him to the yard, I must admit."


"(name)!" Ciel reprimanded harshly, slapping your thigh. "Language!"

You looked down to your thigh and then slowly turned your head to Ciel, a rather unhappy look upon your (stunningly attractive) face. Ciel in turn, sank into Charles' warm and welcoming imbrace, using her arm as a sheild.

Exhaling briefly, you looked to Seb- still refusing to acknowledge Charles existed. "Then who the frick-frack has this oh-so-prized milkshake that brings all the naughty wizards to the yard?"


Charles' house.

An inigma shrouded in another inigma that was trapped in a box of mystery kept in the closet of puzzlement, next to the winecooler of unknowingness.

Yes, it was true. You'd never been inside your (ex) best friend's house, all the times you'd hung out, she'd climb into your house from a window or just sort of, wind up passed out in your bathtub. You'd never questioned it.

Now, standing in front of her door as she wriggled a fairly ancient looking key into the door, you'd started to wonder what horrors lay just beyond this slab of polished wood.

Yes, on the outside, it was an elegant suburban house- simple, with three stories and several windows, perfectly trimmed yard with handsome stone decorations surrounding a rather exquisite garden in the back yard you'd never actually seen anyone tend to.

But on the inside. That's the devil's den. Well, the King of Hell's den, but it doesn't have the same ring to it.

Coffins.... dungeons.... moats...

Wait thats vampires, and a Twilight reference to boot.

But all the horror that could awaight beyond the door was about to be unveiled as the dreaded redhead opened the door to reveal-

"Wow..." You muttered, stepping in.

Ciel followed closely behind, looking appriciatively around the room. "Now this is more my style."

You had to admit, this was Ciel's element.

Walking in, you were sure this wasnt the same house you'd seen outside, the room made you feel small and a bit underdressed in your tank and shorts. However, everyone else seemed right at home- and rightly so.

Elegance. Welcoming. Noble. These were a few words to describe what you saw. Double staircases of beautiful polished wood greeted you, the long carpet draped down each a brilliant, pearly white. The handrails seemed regularly shined, and the floor was smooth and clear of any trace of stain or mess- quite the opposite of how you knew Charles to be.

The roof seemed to be miles away as you looked up, the modern-esque chandelier dangling overhead doing little to add to the natural light seeping in from several windows behind you. The staircases lead to a single ledge, bridging the north-east and north-west wings together.

To the left, you saw beautiful art work hanging on prestine walls, a small room that seemed to be dedicated to only art housed these masterpieces- the thought given due to the artists easel and boom-box perched on the windowsill.

On your right appeared to be an entertainment room; a table and chairs sat facing the open window, a medium sized flat screen hanging on the wall, various board games (both adult and child-friendly) sat neatly organized on a bookshelf.

Directly ahead stood what appeared to be a living room, but concidering the distance, you couldn't make out much.

"Lovely home, Charles," Ciel complimented, slipping off his shoes and placing them in the closet the redhead had opened. You followed suit.

The demonesse chuckled. "Thanks, bucko, but this is only the foyer."

"Damn," You muttered, following the loving couple (and Charles) up the left staircase and down a spaceous hallway.

As if reading your mind- which you were growing increasingly sure that she could do- Charles mentioned casually. "Downstairs is where we entertain guests," she waved to the livingroom set in passing. "Ya know, acquaintances, neighbors, visiting dignitaries from Purgatory and Shangri-La, ya know, normal guests."

Ciel have a nasel exhale of amusement (dont act like you dont do that too), looking around as he followed the demons down the hall. "I assume we're going to the real livingroom then?"

"Nah," Ali chuckled, turning left. You knew you'd need to be escourted out of here, it was too damn big (and rarely does that apply). "The man we're looking for will be upstairs, probably in his dance studio in the west wing."

"You have a dance studio?" You demanded in full, unabashed awe. Damn, if this is how demons lived, sign you the fuCK UP. "The outside certainly isn't big enough for that!"

"It's bigger on the inside," Charles referenced, "Just a little magiks, nothing much."

"There's a movie theatre in the attic" Seb mentioned causally, as though just about everyone had their own fucking theatre upstairs. You maybe had half a pb&j and a nickle in your attic. "And in the basement, there's a bowling ally/skating rink,"

And you never invited me over? You mentally growl, whilst glaring at the oblivious redhead who was chatting decorations and design choices with Ciel. You motherfucking, selfish bitch.

Ok most of this anger may or may not ve coming from the fact she ate your brother, but it was warrented.

Ali opened a door and looked in, closing it with a huff. "Okay then," he puffed out his cheeks cutely. "He ain't dancin'."


After what felt like 2 hours searching for this illusive brother who started to seem more and more like a figment of that seLFISH WHORE'S GODFORSAKEN IMAGINATION.

Yeah, you needed to chill. It was nappy time for you.

Having resorted to forcing Ciel to piggy back you, you were able to sight see the whores (read: Charles') home. It was actually quite lovely, you had to admit. Neverending, however, and that was annoying.

So far, you'd seen the attic theatre, the basement bowling/skating rink, the kitchen ice skating arena, all seven dancing studios, the bathroom pool, the rooftop pool, the backyard pool, the pool table in a differenr bathroom, and several rooms dedicated to different types of alcohol (Charles had a problem, apparently).

And still no brobro.


The sound of Led Zepplin echoed from down your current hall, and all three demons looked at each other and facepalmed.

"His bedroom," Charles groaned.

"Why the fuck," Seb whined.

"Didn't we check there first?" Ali finished.
Ciel's heart-rate increased with anger, you could feel the erratic thumping from your place on his back. "I'm gonna hurt them," He whispered to you, forgetting they could hear him anyways.

Charles rapped smartly on the door a few times, Ciel moving to get a look of the new demon from behind the redhead- mostly at your polite request in his ear (that, and it kinda made him frisky when you whispered in his ear- the naughty boy).

It took precious few moments for the door to open, and what walked out made your heart rate increase- but not in the bad way. 

Okay guys, took forever but its up.Cliffhanger again! Are y'all getting used to them at this point, bc they're like  every chapter. Whatever, I enjoy them. Makes it easier to start the next chapter.
I tried using the picture of the foyer and the house in the story- I'm on mobile so I don't know how well that'll work out.

Anyhooter, I hope you enjoyed and maybe you've ideas about who this Brobro guy is? I mean, its v v obvi.

I stayed up intil midnight on a school night for you guys, and in the first month of school no less! I hope you all realize how much I love y'all to torture myself like this (i wake up at 4 am- fuckin public school).

Night nerds, love ya!

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